

单词 坐定

See also:

take a seat
bear fruit
take (a bus, airplane etc)
surname Zuo

External sources (not reviewed)

我們認為已經坐定粒六 ”,一定不會發生甚麼意外的了。
We thought the matter was cork-sure. There would not be any mishaps, so we thought.
此工具能够提供给制造商去理解一个DSTV文件是如何创建和组成,显示所有的命名区域,例如合同,画图,装配标记,图纸号码,但更为重要的是所有的 坐 标 定 义 一 个型材。
This tool gives the possibility to the fabricator to understand how a DSTV file is created and composed showing all the nomenclature fields such as
contract, drawings, assembly marks, drawing numbers but more importantly all
[...] the point co-ordinates that define a profile.
(m) 工作人员或其合格家庭成员旅行时如 坐 比 核 定 的 标准低廉的舱位,联 合国只按旅行人员所付数额给付实际乘坐舱位的费用。
economical standard than the one approved, the United Nations shall pay only for the standard actually used at the rate paid by the traveller.
Advanced Axis Positioning Options-Axes can be docked [...]
to the gauge sides (or rim) or arbitrary positioned in the gauge model space.
鼓勵有呼吸道感染徵狀的人坐在指 定 等 候 區域,與其他 人保持距離。
Encourage persons with respiratory symptoms to sit away
[...] from others in designated waiting area.
In addition, it should be noted that the scope of application of the
abovementioned Treaty is geographically
[...] limited to the area defined by the set of coordinates listed [...]
in annex I to the Treaty and represented
on the reference map contained in annex II.
无法防止粒子炮射击,杜克选择重新编程的目 坐 标 ,导 致 定 向 能 武器开火自己的位置。
Unable to prevent the firing of the
particle cannon, Duke elects to
[...] reprogram the targeting coordinates, causing the directed-energy [...]
weapon to fire on its own location.
[...] 具体的实例,说明建设和平委员会如何能够让所有有 关的国际和国家行为坐在一起确定 长 期 的建设和 平战略。
Sierra Leone is a concrete example of how the
PBC can bring all relevant international and
[...] national actors together to settle upon a long-term [...]
peacebuilding strategy.
在评估坐标机测量需要如何精确时,通常的做法是采用至少1:5(1:10是理想的比率,但过于昂贵,在许多场合不可行) 坐 标 机不 确 定 度 和 特征公差比。
When assessing how accurate a CMM measurement needs to be, it is common practice to use a ratio of CMM
uncertainty to feature tolerance of at least 1:5 (1:10 is ideal, but can prove to be
[...] too expensive to be practical in many cases).
回想一下,發明了航海天文鐘,由約翰·哈里森(1735年至1759年),已在海上 坐 標 計 算了 定 性 的 一步,迄今幾乎是不可能的,在確定經度。
Recall that the marine chronometer invented by John Harrison (1735-1759), has taken a
decisive step in the
[...] calculation of coordinates at sea, hitherto virtually impossible in the determination of longitude.
(c) 土地事务、建筑、大地测量和制图管理局于 2011 年成功启动确定沿国 界的蒙古市级单位的地名并定边界 坐 标 的 工作。
(c) The Administration successfully began work in
2011 to identify the geographical
[...] names and determine the border coordinates of Mongolian [...]
municipal units along the borders of the country.
學生上車後應直接到定的位置上坐 下 , 以保持校 車內通道和出口處的暢通。
Students will go directly to assigned seat when entering the bus, and keep the aisles and exits clear.
但斯芬多尼号乘客定坐在甲板上,通过消极抵抗延缓控制驾驶台的 任何企图。
On the Sfendoni, passengers intended to sit on the decks and slow down any attempt to take control of the bridge through passive resistance.
[...] 引用伊拉克-科威特的边界标界进程作为先例;论及确保程序准确的现代技术进 步及其在其他领域的各种应用,以强调“ 坐 标 作为 确 定 国 际界限的方式是可行 和可接受的”。
The Commission invoked the Iraqi-Kuwait border demarcation process as a precedent; modern technological advances that ensured the accuracy of the procedure; as well as its various applications in other areas to
underscore “the feasibility and acceptability
[...] of the use of coordinates as a means of identifying [...]
international borders”.
迄今为止,已定了 77 个坐标点;安装了 57 个标记;10 个正在兴建;并预 定与各方实地测量 10 个点的坐标。
To date, 77 coordinates have been agreed; 57 markers have been installed; 10 are under construction; and the coordinates of 10 points [...]
are set to be measured
on the ground with the parties.
将一个图片放要页面上一个绝对位置的代码见示例代码0606,我们在不同的坐标处添加了两幅图片,这里使用 定 的 坐 标 将图片放在了左下角,通过将图片的宽度和高度作为X和Y坐标将设置第一个图片,坐标的2倍设置第二个图片。
will put a picture to an absolute position on the page code, see sample code of 0606, we added
different coordinates of the two images,
[...] here given the coordinates of the picture [...]
on the lower left-hand corner, through
the pictures width and height as the X and Y coordinates will be set up on the first picture, the coordinates of the second set 2 times the picture.
如预算文件所示,所需资源减少主 要是由于:(a) 乘坐商业航班的情形减少,因为非索特派团支助办将日益依靠自己 的航空资产或第三方后勤合同满足其差旅需求(另见下文第 39 至第 41 段);(b) 由 于预期将增加部署的定人员 人数,从其他维持和平特派团和总部临时借调人员 的需求降低;(c) 2010/11 年度总部规划小组工作人员的供资来源拟改为维持和 平行动支助账户。
As noted in the budget document, the reduced requirements
are attributable
[...] primarily to: (a) a reduction in commercial flights, as UNSOA will increasingly rely on its air assets or its third-party logistics contract to support travel requirements (see also paras. 39-41 below); (b) lower requirements for staff members on temporary [...]
assignment from other
peacekeeping missions and Headquarters due to an expected higher level of deployment of authorized personnel; and (c) the proposed funding change-over of the headquarters planning team staff to the support account for peacekeeping operations for 2010/11.
我 期待肯尼亚当局切实执行其定,与 我们一 坐 下来 进一步讨论这个问题。
I look forward to the Kenyan authorities really
[...] implementing their decision to sit with us to discuss [...]
it further.
和部控制边境危机并支持非洲联盟边境方案,有必要编制一份手册,为下列工作 确定准则:制定标界要求与规划、开展准备工作、分析标界有关文件(公约、边
[...] 界协定、地图)、根据高清卫星图像绘制地图供决策使用并划定边界线、开展边 界线调查、利用现代全球卫定位设 备获 坐 标 、 开展实地标界工作。
Given the demands with respect to border crisis on the Security Council and DPKO and support for the African Union Border Programme, it is necessary to develop a handbook that would cover guidelines on boundary demarcation requirements and planning, preparatory works, analysis of documents (treaties, boundary agreements, maps) related to boundary demarcation, preparation of maps for decision-making purposes and delineation of boundary lines based on high-resolution
satellite imagery, survey of boundary
[...] lines and obtaining coordinates using contemporary [...]
global position satellite equipment,
and physical demarcation of the boundary on the ground.
(vii) 對於有人群聚集但預期不致出現過度擠迫的地方( 例 如設有定坐位的劇院),訂明這類地方的防護欄障的 水平外加荷載。
(vii) to specify the horizontal imposed load of protective barriers for areas where people may congregate but overcrowding is not expected (e.g. a theatre with fixed seating).
(i) 2010 年 7 月 9 日,黎巴嫩向联合国交存了一张地图,上面标明了黎巴嫩 与被占领的巴勒斯坦的南部海上边界以及黎巴嫩的专属经济区,并标明了根据国 际标准定的边界地坐标。
(i) On 9 July 2010, Lebanon deposited with the United Nations a map on which the southern maritime border with occupied Palestine is clearly marked, together with the exclusive economic zone of Lebanon.
这个功能。 它允许用定义多种坐标变换 和设置NC程序的全局参数和优先级,无 需重新编辑原有程序。
It allows you to define various coordinate [...]
transformations and settings with global and priority effect for the selected
NC program, without having to edit it.
这使得对齐加速度计以定坐标系 统非常轻松。
This makes it easy to align the accelerometer in order to retain the co-ordinate system.
全球定位系统基准台站可以 为用户的全球定位系统接收器定坐 标 ,其实时准确度为 2 厘米,使用储存数 据时为 5 毫米。
A GPS reference station made it possible for a user’s GPS receiver to establish coordinates with the accuracy of 2 centimetres in real time and 5 millimetres if stored data were used.
超过20种不同的图表类型,用户自定义legend,随时可用的调色板,多种 定 制 的 坐 标 轴,单个标记属性,网格线,北京图象和边框对象,Chart FX 使您可以在几分钟之内创建视觉效果上令人惊讶的图表。
With over 20 different chart types, customizable legends, ready-to-use color palettes, multiple and customizable axes, per-marker attributes, gridlines, background images and border objects, Chart FX allows you to create some of the most visually appealing charts in just minutes.
据说,妇女不在牢 房关押,而是允许她们白坐在建筑物外,晚上睡在加锁的办公室内。
Women were reportedly not kept in cells but allowed to sit outside the building during the day, and sleep in the locked offices at night.
持有此通票不但可以乘坐东北新干线E5系列的隼(Hayabusa)号(普通车厢 定 座 席 ),还可 坐 便 于 盛冈市内观光的环行巴士「蜗牛」、以及世界遗产平泉的巡回巴士「RUNRUN」。
This pass not only allows customers to ride on the Tohoku Shinkansen Series E5
“Hayabusa” (ordinary
[...] car reserved seats), it is also available for use on “Den-Den-Mushi,” which is a loop bus service convenient for [...]
sightseeing in Morioka’s
city center, and “Run-Run,” which is a bus service that takes people around the World Heritage Hiraizumi.
所有座位都配置腰肩綁三點式安全帶,邊門上落有降低台 階(或收接台階),車廂裝有定輪 椅 和 坐 輪 椅 的人的設 施,還有不易滑倒的地面和額外的扶手設備等等。
All vehicle seats have threepoint lap-and-diagonal seat belts, lowered side entrance steps (or slide out steps), securing systems for wheelchairs and their users as well as non-slip flooring, additional handrails etc.
关于非员额支出领域,委员会注意到正在采取各种措施。这些措施包括保留超出 其正常更换周期的家具和设备、减少对咨询人的需要并拟要求所有使用经常预算 培训资金进行的旅行坐经济舱。
With regard to non-post areas of expenditure, the Committee notes a range of measures being taken, including the retention of furniture and equipment beyond its normal replacement cycle, the reduction of requirements for consultants and a proposed requirement that economy class be used for all travel undertaken with regular budget training funds.
21 世纪议程呼吁所有国家:(a) 把土地使用规划和交通规划结合起来,以鼓 励减少运输需求的发展模式;(b) 酌情采用坐率高 的城市交通方案;(c) 通过 酌情在各国城市和郊区中心提供安全的自行车道和步行道,鼓励采用非机动车交 通工具;(d) 特别关注有效的交通管理、公共交通的高效运营和公共基础设施的 维护;(e) 促进不同国家和代表性地区和大城市地区交流信息;(f) 重新评估目 前的消费和生产模式,以减少能源和自然资源的使用。
In Agenda 21, all countries were called upon to (a) integrate land use and transportation planning in order to encourage development patterns that reduce transport demand; (b) adopt urban transport programmes favouring high occupancy, as appropriate; (c) encourage non-motorized modes of transport by furnishing safe cycleways and footways in urban and suburban centres in countries, as appropriate; (d) devote particular attention to effective traffic management, efficient operation of public transport and maintenance of public infrastructure; (e) promote the exchange of information among countries and representatives of local and metropolitan areas; and (f) re-evaluate current consumption and production patterns in order to reduce the use of energy and natural resources.




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