

单词 可以...的


还可以的 adj

acceptable adj

可以应付的 adj

equal adj

See also:


able to

可的 adj

shameful adj

External sources (not reviewed)

如果您不喝酒的话,带果汁、软饮料、汽水或水都 可以的。
If you do not drink
[...] alcohol, it is acceptable to bring juice, [...]
soft drink or soda, or water.
可以的话, 我现在要以我国代表的身份作一 简要发言。
I would now like, if I may, to make a brief statement in my national capacity.
与会 者还认为,33 C/5 应当关注现的、可以达到的、可以 衡 量 的目标,以便能够实现 31 C/4 的 最后一个双年度的目标。
Participants were of the view also that document 33 C/5 should focus on realistic, achievable and measurable objectives to achieve objectives in the last biennium of document 31 C/4.
至於特首曾蔭權在施政報告內的三個主題,包括提升政府管治能力、創建和諧社會及全面發展經濟,分別有47%、36%及38%的被訪者認為曾蔭權在未來一年可以達到目標,認為 可以的 則 佔 28%、36%及33%。
With regard to the three themes mentioned by CE Donald Tsang in his Policy Address, namely pursuing excellence in the government, fostering harmony in the community and helping the economy power ahead, a respective of 47%, 36% and 38% of the respondents thought Donald Tsang could achieve these goals in the coming year, while 28%, 36% and 33% respectively said no.
从整体意识提升 和 ODS 的基础知识的获得角度来看,在设备供应之前进行培训 可以的 , 但 是海关官员 进一步的培训应该与提供制冷剂管理计划规定的检测器结合起来。
Training in terms of general awareness raising and the acquiring of a fundamental knowledge of ODS issues is justified in advance of equipment being supplied, while further customs training should be combined with the supply of detectors provided under the RMP.
在笼子的一侧有一个弹的,可以自 动 闭锁的V 形门,这以安全 的防止猫咪逃跑,即使它们弄翻了笼子也无妨。
On one side there is a flexible V-shape door that can automatically lock, which will safely prevent the cat from escaping even if the cages are knocked over.
这种歧视以是公开的,也可 以是隐含的;可以是故意的,也可以 是 无 意中发生的。
Such discrimination may be either open or hidden and could occur intentionally or unintentionally.
公司名、地址、徽 标和电话号码都是典的可以固定 在表格上的字母数字数据。
Your company's name, address, logo, or phone number are typical examples of alphanumeric data that can be fixed onto the form.
空 间对于学校而言是个大问题,而瘦客户机让我们可以在 ICT 室 中安装更多台式机,远超过我们想 的可以 安装 PC 的数量。
Space in schools is a big issue and thin clients enabled us to install more desktops in the ICT suite than we had imagined possible with traditional PCs.
带去的食可以是任 何类型 的,而不仅仅是以盘子盛装的,并且通常是做好 的 , 可以 即 食
Take the food to the party in any type of dish, not just a plate, and it is usually ready to serve.
全民教育国际合作伙伴只有 将重点集中在一些有限的战略方向上,他们的行动才能产生效果,这些方向一方面具有普遍 性,可以灵活地根据各地区、各国和当地的具体情况进行调整,另一方面应当是具 的 ,可 以把整 体性的战略落实到具体的规划和制定预算的过程中去。
EFA international partners will only be effective in doing this if they focus on a limited number of strategic directions which are, at one and the same time, general enough to allow for flexibility and adaptations at the regional, national, and local levels, while being specific enough to translate a global strategy into concrete planning and budgeting processes.
我们都期待加快执行第 1325(2000)号决议,希望 十年后,我们能够谈论全面执行,给实地带来真 的、 可以衡量的变化。
We all look forward to accelerating the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) in the hope that, 10 years from now, we can talk about full implementation with real, measurable changes on the ground.
如果第 3 节所述的罪行是在博茨瓦纳境外实 的 , 可以 在 博 茨瓦纳的任何地方起 诉、审判和惩罚行为人,如同在境内实施该罪行一样(见表 2)。
Where an offence under section 3 is committed outside Botswana, the person may be indicted, tried and punished in any place in Botswana as if the offence had been committed within the country (see table 2).
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护上诉人的情况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅而不能做此解释, 可以 说 的 是 , 正在作出努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内 部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体一起完成,而不是分卷完成(这样做 可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than suitable for a report of this size, but it can be said that efforts are under way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).
它具有插件式的体系结构 ,插入安全供给者, 支持ldif 和 i18n ,在线帮助,用户可配的 可以显示更多信息的html格式 。
It has a plug-in architecture , plug in security providers , ldif support and i18n, online help , user-configurable to display more information in html format .
中立人认为被申请人是否根据《规则》收到通知 [或任何其他通信 ]似 乎存在疑的,可以进行 其认为必要的调查或采取其认为必要的措施,以 便确信是否收到,中立人这样做时,可以对本《规则》规定的任何期限作 必要的展延。
Where it appears to the neutral that there is any doubt as to whether the respondent has received the notice [or any other communication] under the Rules, the neutral may make such inquiries or take such steps as he deems necessary to satisfy himself with regard to such receipt, and in doing so he may where necessary extend any time period provided for in the Rules.
一些发展中国家认为,放弃表态(或延缓表态)并不 是一种持续的、可以从法律角度预言的解决方案。
Some developing countries have suggested that that a waiver (or moratorium) would not amount to a sustainable and legally predictable solution.
另外,根据不同的使用的,可以采 用含量最多可达100%的再生纤维而不会出现质量下降的问题。
In addition, up to 100% secondary fibers can be used depending on application without prejudicing quality.
会议目的是概观政府一级以及独立机构和民间社会组织 建的可以得到 和方便儿童的各种现有的咨询、投诉和报告机制模式;反思儿童及 其代表在使用这类机制方面的挑战和良好做法,包括与儿童参与、方便使用、保密、 隐私保障和受害人保护有关的挑战和良好做法;并提出相应的改进建议。
The meeting aims to provide a comprehensive overview of existing models of accessible and child-friendly counselling, complaint and reporting mechanisms, established at governmental level, and by independent institutions and civil society organizations; to reflect on challenges and good practices in the use of such mechanisms by children and their representatives, including in relation to child participation, accessibility, confidentiality, safeguard of privacy and victims’ protection; and to make recommendations for their improvement.
正如以下各节所讨的,可以说“可靠”安全部队的短缺已导致前总统的行 政当局谋求通过各种手段加强进攻和防御能力,包括雇佣外籍雇佣军和试图购置 或修复军事航空资产。
As discussed in the following sections, the shortage of “reliable” security forces has arguably led the former President’s administration to seek to bolster offensive and defensive capabilities through a number of means, including hiring foreign mercenary forces and the attempted acquisition or rehabilitation of military air assets.
这样的解释是有争的,可以很难 预测资产价格的行为,加上有数据“篡改”披露年度资产负债表和损益表(DRE)的公司分析工作的可能性,因为有几个例子在最近几年。
Such interpretations are controversial and can hardly predict the behavior of asset prices, plus there is the possibility of working with data "doctored" disclosed in the balance sheets and income statements for the year (DRE) of the companies analyzed, as have several examples in recent years.
信息和知的自由流动可以通过 促进多种语言的使用和多 样化的地方内容得到进一步加强。
The free flow of information and knowledge can be further strengthened by promoting multilingualism and diversified local content.
苏勒、萨纳格和卡因军是由多 勒巴汉特部族散居在国外者建立、资助和领 的 , 可以 认 为 它是一个投机、甚 至可以说有雇佣性质的民兵部队,成功地利用当地人合理的不满情绪和散居在 国外者的激进情绪,以谋求其自身的政治和经济利益。
Conceived, funded and led by members of the Dhulbahante clan diaspora, SSCA can be characterized as an opportunistic and arguably mercenary militia force that has successfully appropriated legitimate local grievances and exploited radical diaspora sentiment for its own political and financial gain.
法庭的判决带有约束力可以了解国 家 的 规 定 是如何解释和 适的,以 及如何保护和加强母语和多语教育。
Judgements by courts have a binding effect and provide insight into how the national [...]
normative setting is interpreted and
applied, as well as how education in mother tongue and multicultural education are protected and enforced.
例如,在毛里求斯,在汲取以前方案教训后,开发了 的可以 抵 御台风的风 能技术,还采取措施确保有充分资金维护已安装的生产能力。
In Mauritius, for instance, drawing on lessons learned from previous programmes, a new wind energy technology had been developed to be cyclone-resistant, and measures had been put in place to ensure that there were sufficient means to service the capacity installed.
在这种情况下,当市场遭受大幅下挫是绝望,然后认识的任何方法效率不高,因为有一个B计划,因为如果他们保护了操作,相信,市场是有主 的 , 可以 四 处 走动,你的愿望,一直在关注,并准备运动相反他的位置。
In those cases when the market suffers sharp falls there is despair and then recognizing the inefficiency of any method since there is a plan B, because if they had protected the operation, believing that the market is sovereign and can move around as you wish, would have been concerned and prepared for movement contrary to his position.
申请人的名称使用非拉丁字符的,填写名称时要按国际申请语言的发音方法 音译为拉丁字符;申请人是法律实 的 , 可以 用 国 际申请语言的译文代替 音译。
Where the name of the applicant is in characters other than Latin characters, the name must be indicated as a transliteration into Latin characters, following the phonetics of the language of the international application; where the applicant is a legal entity, the transliteration may be replaced by a translation into the language of the international application.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护的要求可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间 可以 超 过 其成 的 时 间 ),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
通过实施路线图可以创建 一个系统和有 的 组 织计划,以便将各国年度会 议的实质性工作联系起来,从而支持在专门用于 2011 年不限成员名额政府专家 会议和 2012 年审查会议的具体会议中开展这些讨 论 ( 可以 与 建议 1 中提的讨论 相互联系),并考虑到双年度会议将审议行动纲领的执行情况,审查会议将审查 其执行情况进展及其结构。
Through the implementation road map, a structured and effective organizational plan can be created to link the substantive work of the various annual meetings of States, supporting the idea of undertaking these discussions within specific sessions dedicated to the 2011 open-ended meeting of governmental experts and the 2012 Review Conference, respectively (which could be interlinked to discussions proposed under proposal number 1), and taking into account that the Biennial Meeting of States will consider the implementation of the programme of action and the Review Conference will review the progress made in its implementation and its structure.
但是,可以采取其他的行动 加强所实现的淘汰,例如采取有 利环境的生产做法、降低进口替代品价格的新奖励措施和正确地查明影响作物的具体害虫 或疾病。
However, other actions could also be taken to strengthen the phase-out achieved, such as the adoption of environment-friendly production practices, new incentives to reduce the price of imported alternatives and the correct identification of the specific pests or diseases affecting crops.




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