

单词 余留无符号数

See also:


fractional part (after the decimal point)


unsigned (i.e. the absolute value, regardless of plus or minus sign)

符号 n

symbolic n
sign n
notation n
mark n


number in a sequence
ordinal number
serial number

余留 adj

residual adj

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,留系统目前记录的余不是以符合《 公共部门会计准则》的方式记录的,因为这些系统的设计使无 法按 照《公共部门会计准则》的要求捕捉与资产项目相关的所有费用,因此,需 要调整记录的结余,以体现将采用的《公共部门会计准则》的会计政策,例如折 旧率和折旧法。
However, the balances currently maintained in legacy systems are not held in an IPSAS-compliant manner, as those systems were not designed to capture all costs [...]
related to an asset,
as required by IPSAS, and the balances held need to be adjusted to reflect the accounting policies, such as the depreciation rates and methods, that are being adopted for IPSAS.
决定根据大会 1955 年 12 月 15 日第 973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第 14 和 15 段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内 余留 机制 2012 年核 定工作人员薪金税收入估数 1 223 300 美元中各自应分的数额。
that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraphs 14 and 15 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of the estimated staff assessment income of 1,223,300 dollars approved for the Mechanism for 2012.
其它功能包括JPEG无损压缩,JPIP和有 号 及 无符号 图 像 数 据 处 理。
Other features include lossless JPEG compression, JPIP, and signed and unsigned image data processing.
新车型保留了 Miura 原车独具一格的线条特征:设计师主要对原车的轮廓进行了精简,并消除了 余 的 细 节,目的是使新车型的线条更加简洁、干净,并且忠实地 留 了 无数 跑 车 爱好者推崇备至的完美的平衡比例。
The new car retains the extraordinary purity of line characteristic of the original Miura: the designer's intervention has
been defined by
[...] refining the contours and eliminating any superfluous detail in order to enhance the clean, simple lines and perfectly-balanced proportions [...]
of the original
that so impassioned enthusiasts.
国家同意执行本协定附录 2-A(“目标和供资”)第 1.2 行以及附录 1-A提到的 《蒙特利尔议定书》中所有物质削减时间表所列各种物质的年度消费量限额。国家接 受,在接受本协定以及执行委员会履行第 3 款所述供资义务的情况下,如果物质的任 何消费量超过附录 2-A第 1.2 行规定的数量(附件C第一类物质的最高允许消费总 量),这是本协定针对附录 1-A规定的所有物质的最后削减步骤,或者任何一种物质 的消费量超过第 4.1.3 行所规定数量(剩余的符合资 助资格的消费量),该国将没有 资格就这些物质申请或接受多边基金的进一步供资。
The Country agrees to meet the annual consumption limits of the Substances as set out in row 1.2 of Appendix 2-A (“The Targets and Funding”) in this Agreement as well as in the Montreal Protocol reduction schedule for all Substances mentioned in Appendix 1-A. The Country accepts that, by its acceptance of this Agreement and performance by the Executive Committee of its funding obligations described in paragraph 3, it is precluded from applying for or receiving further funding from the Multilateral Fund in respect to any consumption of the Substances which exceeds the level defined in row 1.2 of Appendix 2-A (maximum allowable total consumption of Annex C, Group I substances) as the final reduction step under this agreement for all of the Substances specified in Appendix 1-A, and in respect to any consumption of each of the Substances which exceeds the level defined in row 4.1.3 (remaining eligible consumption).
安理会要求这两个法庭采取一切可能 措施,在 2014 年 12 月 31 日之前尽快完成其所有剩 余工作,并决定该机制将继续执符 合第 1966(2010) 号决议以及余留机制 规约》和决议附件中必要的过 渡安排规定的管辖权、权利、义务和基本职能。
The Council requested the two Tribunals to take all possible measures to expeditiously complete all their remaining work no later than 31 December 2014, and decided that the Mechanism would continue their jurisdiction, rights, obligations and essential functions subject to the provisions of resolution 1966 (2010), the statute of the Mechanism, and the necessary transitional arrangements, as annexed to the resolution.
(d) 应当对第 33 段加以修订,因无视在标点符号、 特 别字体或大小写方 面各种区别的索引编制和查询逻辑不仅适用于为法人的设保人,而且也适用于 [...]
(d) Paragraph 33 should be revised as the indexing and search
[...] logic to ignore all punctuations, special characters and case differences [...]
applied not only to
grantors that were legal persons but also to grantors that were natural persons.
政府注意到宗教或信仰自由问题特别报告员所指出的:“保留文本没有明 确说明,保留是仅限于权利的表现形式方面,还是意在适用于按照自己的选择享 有或改变宗教或信念的自由”,因此提及人权委员会第 22 号一般 性意见,委员会 在第 8 条规定,缔约国不能在思想、良心和宗教自由权利上提出 留 , 或 剥夺数民族信奉自己宗教的权利。
The Government notes that the Special Rapporteur on the Freedom of Religion or Belief noted that “the text of the reservation does not clearly specify whether the reservation is limited to the manifestation aspects of the right, or whether it is also intended to apply to the freedom to have or adopt a religion or belief of one’s choice” and
therefore referred to the
[...] General Comment No. 22 of the Human Rights Committee, which provides in paragraph 8 that States parties may not reserve the right to deny freedom of thought, conscience and religion or to deny minorities the right to [...]
profess their own religion.
它还可以向值添加前缀字符串和 单位字符串,处理有号值或无符号 值。
It can also add a prefix string and a units string to the value, and handle signed or unsigned values.
与之相比,Transpector 2 提高了氢气灵敏度,使下限达 ppm 量级的污染均可一无余,低电平 号 下 的 扫描速度快达四倍,动态扫描范围更为宽泛,可在更低的可检分压强下提供更纯净 数 据。
In the Transpector 2, increased hydrogen sensitivity makes
contaminants visible
[...] at sub-ppm levels, and four times faster scanning over low level signals with an expanded dynamic range provides cleaner data at lower detectable partial pressures.
安全理事会第 1966(2010)号决议规定余留机制 必须能够迅速扩大其工作人数量, 以支持属于其管辖范围的任何审判或其他司法活动。
In its resolution 1966 (2010), the Security Council established that the Mechanism must be capable of rapidly scaling up its staffing levels to support any trials or other judicial activities which fall under its jurisdiction.
(h) 确保法律禁止留无人陪 伴的儿童;只有在确定 留符 合 儿 童最大利 益的情况下,才能采取这种作为最后手段的措施;必须尽可能地缩短拘留期限和 提供适当的条件,以便确保实现《儿童权利公约》所规定的权利。
(h) Ensuring that legislation does not
[...] allow for the detention of unaccompanied children and that detention of children [...]
is permitted only as
a measure of last resort and only when it has been determined to be in the best interest of the child, for the shortest appropriate period of time and in conditions that ensure the realization of the rights enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
国家接受, 在接受本协定以及执行委员会履行第 3 款所述供资义务的情况下,如果物质的任何消费量 超过附件 2-A 第 1.2 行规定的数量(“附件 C 第一类物质的最高允许消费总量”),这是 本协定针对附件 1-A 规定的所有物质的最后削减步骤,或者任何一种物质的消费量超过 第 4.1.3、4.2.3、4.3.3、第 4.4.3 和第 4.5.3 行所规定数量(剩余的符合资 助资格的消费 量),该国将没有资格就这些物质申请或接受多边基金的进一步供资。
The Country accepts that, by its acceptance of this Agreement and performance by the Executive Committee of its funding obligations described in paragraph 3, it is precluded from applying for or receiving further funding from the Multilateral Fund in respect to any consumption of the Substances which exceeds the level defined in row 1.2 of Appendix 2-A (maximum allowable total consumption of Annex C, Group I substances) as the final reduction step under this agreement for all of the Substances specified in Appendix 1-A, and in respect to any consumption of each of the Substances which exceeds the level defined in rows 4.1.3, 4.2.3, 4.3.3, 4.4.3 and 4.5.3 (remaining eligible consumption).
如果数 中不包含余的符号位,则这个浮 数 是 标 准化 的,也就是所有的比特都是有意义的。
A floating-point number is
[...] normalized if it contains no redundant sign bits in the mantissa; that is, all bits are [...]
字体包含大小写的希腊符、数字、 符号 以 及 多种金融字符,包括美元符号、欧元符号、英磅符号以及日元符号等。
The fonts include both upper and lower case alpha characters, as well as numbers, symbols and multiple currency characters including the Dollar, Euro, Pound and Yen.
在使用国家方案的增订中报告以及向臭氧秘书处报告的最新 (2002 年)消数字, 作为逐步停止消费 CTC 的时间表的基础的同时,朝鲜经过正式计算 的基准消费量将得到留,并构成计 符 合 资 助条件的 余 未 获 资助的消费量的基础。
While using the latest (2002) consumption figure
reported in the
[...] country programme update as well as to the Ozone Secretariat as the basis for determining the CTC consumption phase-out schedule, D.P.R. Korea’s officially calculated baseline consumption would be maintained and form the basis for calculating the eligible remaining unfunded consumption.
余留事项特别法庭的任务是审判仍然在逃的唯一被告强尼·保罗·科罗马, 除非这一案件须移交本国管辖,余留事项特别法庭将维护和保管档案,向证人和 受害者提供保护,对国家起诉机关提出的举证请求给予答复,监督刑罚的执行工 作,审查定罪量刑无罪释 放情况,提起藐视法庭诉讼程序,为 余留 事 项 特别 法庭进行诉讼提供辩护律师和法律援助,对国家当局提出的赔偿要求给予答复, 并防止一罪二审。
The Residual Special Court will be mandated to try the only remaining indictee at large, Johnny Paul Koroma, if the case is not transferred to national jurisdiction, preserve and manage the archives, provide protection and support to witnesses and victims, respond to requests for access to evidence by national prosecution authorities, supervise enforcement of sentences,
review convictions and
[...] acquittals; conduct contempt-of-court proceedings, provide defence counsels and legal aid for the conduct of proceedings before the Residual Special Court, [...]
respond to requests from
national authorities with respect to claims for compensation, and prevent double jeopardy.
关于留无证件 移民,以前的人权事务委员会在1997 年已根据第1997/50 号决议 ,确定和扩大了工作组的职权,其中包括了对寻求庇护者和移民的行政拘 留问题。
With regard to the detention of migrants in an irregular situation, in 1997 the former Commission on Human Rights clarified and extended the mandate of the Working Group in resolution 1997/50 by [...]
including the question
of the administrative custody of asylum seekers and migrants.
数字签 名详细信息:签名字段(姓名),符号/无符号 , 签 名者姓名,签名理由和日期。
Digital signature details: name of signature field(s), signed/unsigned, name of signer, [...]
date and reason of signature
鉴于法庭即 将关闭,并像安全理事会第 1966(2010)号决议要求的那样,在 2012 年 7 月余 留事项 机制的一个分支所替代,因此检察官办公室一直在围绕新的现实规划和执 [...]
行其工作,处理以下诸因素:向余留事项机制的具体过渡安排和与前南斯拉夫问 题国际法庭的检察官办公室协商;财务问题、工作人员资源和档案安全事项;在
2013 年底之前结束审判和上诉的提交;以及在完成工作战略框架范围内管理规则 第 11 条之二和第 71 条之二的程序。
In view of the forthcoming closure of the Tribunal
and its replacement
[...] by a branch of the Residual Mechanism by July 2012, as required by the Security Council [...]
in resolution 1966 (2010),
the Office of the Prosecutor has been planning and executing its work around the new reality by dealing with such factors as: specific transitional arrangements to the Residual Mechanism and consultations with the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; financial issues, staff resources and archive security matters; conclusion of trials and submission of appeals by the end of 2013; and management of Rule 11 bis and Rule 71 bis proceedings within the time frame of the completion strategy.
两刑庭和法律厅在第 1966 (2010) 号决议确立的框架下均须开展重要任务,以确保约一 年后顺利过渡余留事项处理机制。
Both the Tribunals and OLA have important tasks to carry
out under the
[...] framework established by resolution 1966 (2010) in order to ensure a smooth transition to the Residual Mechanism in approximately one year.
2000 年 4 月 28 日关于外国人在越南入境、出境和 留 问 题 的第 24/1999/PLUBTVQH10 号条例 第 4 条明文规定,“进入或离开越南的外国人必须持有护照或其 他旅行证件(以下统称护照)和经授权的越南机构核发的有效签证, 无 需 签 证者 不在此列。
In Ordinance No. 24/1999/PL-UBTVQH10 dated 28 April 2000 on Entry, Exit and Residence of Foreigners in Viet Nam, article 4 makes it clear that “foreigners entering or exiting Viet Nam must hold passports or alternative travel documents (hereinafter [...]
collectively referred to as passports)
with a valid visa issued by an authorized Vietnamese agency, except for cases wherein a visa is not required”.
选举援助办公室将最终完余留的选 举后业务,如设备、人员以 及身份查验材料和选举材料的转移,就选举材料在选举以后的管理向国家有关部 门提供咨询意见,更新选数据库 ,并将之移交有关的国家部门。
The Electoral Assistance Office would finalize the remaining post-electoral operations, such as coordination of the movement of equipment, personnel and identification and election materials, provide advice to the national [...]
authorities on the management of electoral material after the elections and update the electoral database and transfer it to the national authorities.
安全理事会第 1966(2010)号决议确定余留事项处理机制的分支机构所在地 位于海牙和阿鲁沙。
[...] Council resolution 1966 (2010) identifies the seats of the branches of the Residual Mechanism as [...]
The Hague and Arusha.
兼容的指令 必须遵循严格的语法要求,命令树中不允许 余 的 字 符 , 命 令树与 数 之 间 只允许一个 空格隔开,数后不允许余的字符 等 ,否则蜂鸣器会报警,表示当前命令产生了错误。
The compatible commands must follow the syntax
strictly, for instance,
[...] unwanted characters are not allowed in command trees; command trees and parameters should be separated by a space, unwanted characters are also not allowed to follow parameters, or else [...]
the instrument will beep
to alarm for an execution error.
这座美丽的维多利亚城市有无数可 以 做的事——你可以参观曾经建造大型轮船(比如泰坦尼 号 ) 的 造船厂、惊叹于宏伟的市政厅建筑和美丽的皇后大学、或者就在顶级精品店和时髦商厦内享受贝尔法斯特绚烂的城市生活。
This beautiful Victorian city has stacks of things to do, too ­– you can check out where great ships like the Titanic were built, marvel at the architecturally impressive City Hall and Queen’s University, or immerse yourself in Belfast’s sparkling city life with hip boutiques and smart stores.
任何过去或今后关于给予某组织观察员地位的决 定,即使是以协商一致方式通过的,都不能改变第 49/426 号决定确立的法律要求;该国代表团 留 拒绝 任何符合这些要求的申请的权利。
No past or future decision on the granting of observer status to an organization, even if adopted by consensus, could change the
legal requirements established by decision 49/426
[...] and his delegation reserved the right to object to any application that did not meet those requirements.
此外,根据第 1966(2010)号决议第 16 段和余留机制 规约》第 32 条第 1 款,余留机制主席应向安全理事会和大会提交一份余留机制的年度报告。
In addition, pursuant to paragraph 16 of resolution 1966 (2010) and article 32, paragraph 1, of the statute of the mechanism, the President of the mechanism shall submit an annual report to the Security Council and to the General Assembly.
然而,留系统目前记录余额不是 以 符 合 公 共部门会计准 则的方式记录的,因为设计这些系统的目的不是按照公共部门会计准则的要求获 取与资产相关的所有费用。
However, the balances currently maintained in legacy systems are not held in an IPSAS-compliant manner, as those [...]
systems were not designed
to capture all costs related to an asset, as required by IPSAS.




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