

单词 余怒未息

See also:


residual anger


calm down
quell one's anger

External sources (not reviewed)

我希余若薇議員息怒,政 府官員只是貫徹 愛因斯坦的教導:想像比知識更為重要。
I hope Ms Audrey EU can be pacified. The government [...]
officials are only practising the teachings of Albert EINSTEIN: Imagination
is more important than knowledge.
在此期间,工发组织将继续向执 行委员会提供有关何时归未承付余 额 的 信 息。
In the interim, UNIDO would continue
[...] to provide information to the Committee on when unobligated balances would be returned.
执行委员会重申了第 31/2 号决定第(a)(一)和(二)段,并请工发组织提供关于已完成 项目的余未承付余额何 时全部归还的最新 息。
The Executive Committee reiterated decision 31/2 (a)(i) and (ii)
and asked UNIDO to provide
[...] an update on when the remaining unobligated balances from completed [...]
projects would be returned in full.
Kabine 先生的一封来信证实,提交人的丈 余怒未 消,威胁说再见到提交人还要打她。
A letter from the author’s uncle, Mr. Kabine, confirmed that her
[...] husband was still angry and threatened to [...]
harm her if he saw her again.
梁司長當 天到有 線
[...] 電視接受訪問 , 一名中產 市 民 十 分怒, 說未 至於要拿 “ 缽 頭 ” , 到 財政司司長跟 [...]
前 要求施 捨 一些米 。
When the Financial Secretary was interviewed by the Cable
TV on that day, a person from the
[...] middle class said very angrily that his situation had [...]
not gone so bad that he had to hold
a "begging bowl" and beg the Financial Secretary to give him alms of some rice yet.
关闭特别账户时,应根据细则 105.9 和 105.10 处理特别账户中的任未支配余额或 应计 息。
Upon closure of a
[...] special account, any uncommitted balance or accrued [...]
interest on such special accounts shall be dealt with
in accordance with Rules 105.9 and 105.10.
[...] 副主席霍英東先生臨終前亦曾透露,他在內地投資南沙項目時,曾遭地方 官吏留難剝削,致使怒罵說︰“我 未 見 過這樣離譜的事。
Mr FOK Ying-tung, former Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, revealed before he passed away that regional officials had made things difficult for
him when he invested in a project
[...] in Nansha and he was so angry that he said, "I have never [...]
seen anything so ridiculous.
據我理解,苦主現時已不單要求賠償,還希望追究人為責任,甚至 有人認為,最好有官員“人頭落地”,這樣才可以 息 他 們的 憤 怒。
According to my understanding, the victims are not only asking for compensations, they also wish to affix the responsibilities of individuals.
面對㆗方不斷插未來特 區內部事務的情況㆘,我們今日若為求 龍息怒、百 般遷就,甚至自我閹割,主動提出將九五年的議員任期限制在九七年六月㆔ 十日時,無疑是將㆒國兩制、特區高度自治的權利,拱手相送。
In the face of the Chinese Government’s incessant interference with the internal affairs of the future SAR government, if we readily yield to its demands or even volunteer to castrate ourselves by spontaneously proposing to limit the tenure of the Members elected in 1995 to 30 June 1997, we will be virtually giving up our own rights to having the SAR administered according to the principles of “one country, two systems” and “a high degree of autonomy”.
我記得有一件事令周梁淑怡議員也感到 怒 的 ,便 是 未 能 解 決廁所的問 題。
I recall an incident which Mrs Selina
[...] CHOW was also angry about, that is, the unsolved problem of [...]
有時候,街上的市民向我提出這次的問題,我會拍拍他們的肩膊,請他息怒,因 為我會在辯論時要求政府聽取大家的意見並作出改善。
Occasionally, when I met people on the street, they would talk about this
incident. I would give them a pat on the
[...] shoulder to drain their anger by telling them that [...]
I would request the Government to listen
to the views of the public and make improvement in this debate.
多边基金的现金流来自:接受商定的认捐款、所收到的期票在认捐当年的变现、支 付 2009-2011 三年期结转额中拖欠的捐款、财务主任和执行机构账 余 额 利 息 、 固 定汇率 机制导致的汇兑损益、未向多 边基金捐款的国家所缴付的捐款,以及被取消和已完成项 目余额的返还。
Cash flow into the Multilateral Fund emanates from: receipt of agreed pledged contributions, the encashment of promissory notes received in the year that they are pledged; payment of contributions in arrears included in the carry-over from the
2009-2011 triennium;
[...] interest from balances held in the accounts of the Treasurer and the implementing agencies; gains/losses due to the fixed exchange rate mechanism (FERM); payment of contributions from countries that have never made contributions [...]
to the Multilateral Fund;
and, return of balances from cancelled and completed projects.
年度应计息的金 额不使用贸易业务,即自由保证金,您的交易账户权益(当 余 额 减 去 未 平 仓 合约的浮动利润/亏损)减去占用保证金。
Annual interest is only accrued on the amount not used in trading operations, i.e. Free Margin, accounted as your trading account's Equity (current balance minus floating profit/loss of open positions) minus Used Margin.
紧靠伦敦的皇家园艺学会花园——卫斯理花园100多年来一直是一个真正的园艺技能展示窗口:春季,高山草场满是五颜六色的鲜花,夏天,玫瑰园中 4 0 0 0 余 株 玫 瑰 怒 放 ,而到秋天,果树园会奉上丰富(而甜蜜)的收获。
Just outside of London, the RHS Garden Wisley in Surrey has been a true showcase of gardening expertise for over 100 years: in spring, the Alpine Meadow is completely carpeted with colourful flora, in summer over 4,000 roses bloom in the rose garden, while in autumn, the fruit fields yield an enormous (and delicious) harvest.
持续的连串袭击来自于我国境外的恐怖分子避 风港和庇护所,在阿富汗社会各界激起了前 未 有的 愤怒和挫败感。
The continued spate of attacks, which originate from terrorist sanctuaries and safe
havens beyond our borders, has
[...] generated an unprecedented level of anger and frustration among [...]
a wide spectrum of Afghan society.
这一结余已被留作投资,以优化这些准备金 余 的 利 息收 入
This balance has been set aside in investments to
[...] optimise interest earnings on these reserve balances.
每一笔交易之后,这些家庭在手机上收到一条更 新余额的短信息。
After each transaction, families receive an updated
[...] balance by text message on their mobile [...]
尤其是,这些系统可以 允许主体与具有单一身份的不同依赖方进行互动,从而能避免输入和分享余 的识别信息,并 能简化和加快服务认证程序。
In particular, they could allow subjects to interact with different relying parties with a single
identity, thus avoiding
[...] inputting and sharing redundant identifying information, and simplifying [...]
and expediting authentication
procedures for access to services.
他们再次呼吁和平解决索马里冲突,这是 取得持久和平和真正和解的唯一办法,吁请所有 未 加 入 该政治进程的各方加 入进程,并敦促索马里利益攸关方迅速采取行动,并显示在完成过渡期 余任 务 方面取得的进展,包括起草和批准《宪法》以及扩大国家权力、促进和解进 程,并通过提供必要的服务提高人民的生活水平。
They reiterated their call for the peaceful resolution of the Somali conflict as the only way to a durable peace and genuine reconciliation and
called upon all
[...] parties that had not yet joined the political process to do so, and urged the Somali stakeholders to take expeditious action and show progress in the accomplishment of the remaining tasks of the transitional [...]
period including
the drafting and approval of the Constitution as well as expanding the authority of the state, promoting the reconciliation process and improving the livelihood of the population by providing essential services.
员额资源方面产未用余额的原因是:征聘延误导致维持和平行动部与管理 事务部的空缺率高于预算水平(维和部专业及以上职类的空缺率为 [...]
22%,一般事务 职类为 12.2%;管理部专业及以上职类的空缺率为 13.6%,一般事务职类为 10.2%);由于将对监督厅的调查职能进行审查并拟议对调查司进行改组,在大会
审议秘书长关于加强调查工作的报告(A/62/582 和 Add.1)之前,监督厅将暂停征 聘驻地调查员。
The unspent balance in respect of post [...]
resources was attributable to recruitment delays and the resulting higher-than-budgeted
vacancy rates in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (22 per cent for the Professional and above category and 12.2 per cent for the General Service category) and in the Department of Management (13.6 per cent for the Professional and above category and 10.2 per cent for the General Service category), as well as to the suspension of recruitment of resident investigators in OIOS owing to the review of the investigations function by the Office and the proposed restructuring of the Investigations Division, pending consideration by the General Assembly of the report of the Secretary-General on strengthening investigations (A/62/582 and Add.1).
可惜現時的政策往往只是回應了成年㆟的 怒 ,而 忽略了兒童,甚至名義㆖是幫助他們,而實際㆖卻加深對他們的傷害。
Unfortunately, the existing policy has too often
[...] reflected only the anger of the adults and [...]
neglected the children, and it has even
aggravated their plight in the name of helping them.
考虑到 2008/09 年度执行情况报告中报告未支 配余额和 高空缺率,以及 2010/11 年度建议的资源增 长(这主要是由于 2009/10 年度核准的 63 个新员额的 标准工资费用和全部费用增加),行预咨委会就 2010/11 年度支助账户的建议是,考虑到有必要优化 使用管理能力,改善应对多重任务的业务流程,发挥 最大的效率,确保总部与外地行动之间密切协调。
In view of the unencumbered balance and high average vacancy rates reported in the performance report for 2008/09, and the increase in resources proposed for 2010/11, largely as a result of the increase in standard salary costs and the full costing of 63 new posts approved for 2009/10, the Advisory Committee, in making its recommendations for the support account for 2010/11, had taken into account the need to optimize the use of managerial capacity and improve business processes to handle multiple tasks and functions with greater efficiency and ensure better coordination between Headquarters and field operations.
该集团满意地注意到,基 本建设总计划基金有很多现余额和 利 息 收 入 ;然 而,考虑到基本建设总计划 2009 年和以往各年摊款 有 8 840 万美元未缴付 ,该集团敦促会员国全额和 及时缴付未缴摊款。
The Group noted with satisfaction
[...] the high cash balance of the capital master plan fund and the interest income earned; however, bearing in mind that assessments of $88.4 million for the capital master plan were still unpaid for 2009 and [...]
previous years, the
Group urged Member States to pay their outstanding assessments in full and on time.
大会在 34 C/85
[...] 号决议中,作为一项特别措施,授权总干事使用 2004--2005 双年度预未支出结余款( 总额 3,735,000 美元),用于支付教科文组织总部翻修计划以及长期维护和 [...]
In 34 C/Resolution 85, the General Conference authorized the
Director-General, as an exceptional
[...] measure, to use the unspent balance from the [...]
2004-2005 biennium (amounting to $3,735,000)
to finance the additional costs of the plan for the renovation and long-term maintenance and conservation of UNESCO Headquarters.
由于河Doube流,它通过波美莱先生和夏夏龙在那里的美丽的村庄 息 在 高跷 其 余 的 侧 畔古朴的木结构房屋。
As the River Doube flows, it passes through the pretty villages
of Baume-les-Messieurs and Chateau Chalon where
[...] quaint timbered houses perched on stilts rest on the [...]
side of the River.
编入收入第 2 款(一般收入)项下的现余额的利息 收入 抵消这些费用绰绰有余。
Such costs are more than offset by interest income earned on cash balances, which are budgeted under income section 2, General income.
合成鑽石的生產成本尚未降至具有吸引力的水準,已屆訂婚年齡的男士不願冒險選擇合成鑽石戒指,以免 怒未 來 的未婚妻!此外,正如繪畫與其他藝術,市面上充斥著畢卡索、馬諦斯與梵谷等大師的偽作,然而當真正的傑作在市場上現身時,藝術鑑賞家仍願意高價收購真跡。
Also, like paintings and other fine art, there are plenty of fake Picassos, Matisses and van Goghs, but when the real masterpieces come on the market, art connoisseurs are still willing to pay high prices for the real thing.
1.如果在本协议第1页的期限内宣布被担保物为全损,放弃的金额是 (a) 根据「分期支付销售合约」的仍然需要支付的余额和 (b) 被担保物的 「实际现金价值」 之间的差额,然后在该差额中减去(c)
[...] 担保押金、可以从保险、服务合同、延期担保等获得的收益、和收账费、提前终止费、「分期支付销售合约」 签订后可能未偿余额之上加的任 何收费未到期利息/未到期 租赁付款、在损失时评定超过1000美元的任何主要保险免赔额 (阿肯色州除外, 在該州仍然是購買者的責任), 前提是符合下列所有条件
If the covered collateral is declared a total loss within the term as listed on page 1 of this Agreement, the amount waived shall be the difference between (a) the balance which remains payable with respect to the involved Installment Sale Contract and (b) the Actual Cash Value of the covered collateral, with such difference then reduced by (c) the sum of any delinquent payments, all past due charges, late payment charges, loan extensions, disposition fees, sales tax, use or rental tax, security deposits, any proceeds that may be recovered by insurance coverages, service
contracts, extended
[...] warranties or similar items, any collection fees, early termination fees, any charges that may have been added to the outstanding balance after [...]
the inception of the
Installment Sale Contract, unearned interest/unearned rental payments and any primary insurance deductible(s) assessed over $1000 at the time of such loss
若申请涵盖了“相当大量的行政文件”,且在 60
[...] 天期间提供所有信息可能会使公共机构的工作 “大大受到阻碍“,公共机构的负责人可在时间期限内披露“合理数量”的信息,并在“一段合理 的时间内”提供余部分信息。
Where the request covers a “considerably large amount of Administrative Documents” and there is a risk that the performance of the public body will be “considerably hindered” by trying to provide all of the information within the 60-day period, the head of the public body may
simply disclose a “reasonable portion”
[...] within that time period, providing the rest within a “reasonable period of time.




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