

单词 以失败而告终

See also:

失败 v

defeat v
lose v

失败 adj

unsuccessful adj
abortive adj


be defeated
fail (e.g. experiments)

External sources (not reviewed)

正因为如此,奥巴马政府执政以来达成的第一份朝鲜民主主义人民共和国美 国协定如同过去两国之间的其他协定一以失败而告终。
That is the reason why the first agreement reached between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the United States since the Obama
administration took
[...] office ended up in failure, as have previous Democratic People’s Republic of Korea-United [...]
States agreements.
为此,实验中心 的客户受益良多,即使有些实验结果以失败而告终,包括对部件进行充分的 化学分析。
Alongside technological and structural examinations, the
[...] performance spectrum logically includes well-founded chemical [...]
analyses of components.
在此前两天,卡塔尔和土耳其发起了新的调解努力,以解决这一危 机,但于 1 月 20 日以失败而告终。
Two days earlier, Qatar and Turkey had launched a new mediation effort to solve the crisis; that effort reached a dead end on 20 January.
207 尽管这些提议证明中国政府已经意识到部门协调问 题,而,由 于相关部门不愿意将手中的权力让于 其他机构,大部分方以失败告终。
Overall, the repeated and failed attempts to
establish a centralised
[...] mechanism on maritime management show a lack of political will in the central leadership to address the coordination issue.
中国与菲律宾和越南 曾一度达成协议,但因菲律宾民众的强烈反 而以 失败告终。
In the one case where agreement was reached with the Philippines and Vietnam, the proposal ultimately failed due to public hostility against it in the Philippines.324 Other claimants have never accepted this condition but China has failed to come up with any viable alternatives.325 Most South East Asian claimants do not see the grounds for joint development at
all.326 In their views, the
[...] Spratly Islands are their territory and there is no need to share it with any other countries.
3.8 关于国内补救办法是否已用尽的问题,提交人强调说,提交人及其家人所采 取的一切行动以失败告终。
3.8 As to the exhaustion of domestic remedies, the author stresses that all her efforts and those of her family have been to no avail.
令我们感到不安的是,每次我们为建立互 而提 出新的概念和机制,以失败告终。
What is troubling for us is that each time we come up with concepts and
[...] mechanisms to build confidence among ourselves, we continue to fail ourselves.
他们曾试图提升该定居点的居住条件,或将罗姆人迁到有组织的定居点,但由于 他们所在地区或拟迁往地区的希腊居民反对,最终 以失败告终。
All attempts to either ameliorate the community’s living conditions or to relocate the Roma to an organized settlement failed due to reactions by Greek residents of the area where they live or where they were to be relocated to.
委员会重申,如不切实改善巴勒斯坦被占领土局势,谈判将注 以失败告终, 因为两者明确相而且相 辅相成;委员会提醒占领国以色列其根据国际法承担的 义务。
The Committee reiterates that, without real improvement in the situation in the
Occupied Palestinian
[...] Territory, the negotiations will be doomed to failure, since the two are clearly linked [...]
and mutually reinforcing,
and reminds Israel, the occupying Power, of its obligations under international law.
为此,我国与巴勒斯坦权力机构签 没有延长关于定居点修建工程的暂停期, 而 导致 美国发起的近距离间接会 以失败告终。
collapse of the proximity talks sponsored
[...] by the United States, following its failure to extend the moratorium on settlement [...]
某些还不错的解决方案以失败告终 , 因 为其 3D 模型通常由 CAD 文件或理论模型结而得到
Failing some better solution, the 3D model usually comes from a CAD file or a theoretical model construction.
该协议的这些条 款反映了国际技术转让行动守则草案的一些条款,在 20 世纪 80 年代,发达国家和发展中 国家曾就此展开过一些谈判,但 以失败告终。
These provisions in TRIPS reflect some of the provisions in the draft International Code of Conduct on Technology Transfer, on which negotiations between developed and developing countries failed in the 1980s.57 Since then, the global economy has changed.
以光盘形式向联合国 各会员国分发这些文件非常有用,因为这项研究有 助于表明,如果不是因以色列 的占领,巴勒斯坦 将不会是一失败国家,而是一 个充满活力的经济 体,巴勒斯坦应当获得独立并成为联合国正式成员。
It would be useful to distribute those papers in CD-Rom form to United Nations Member States, as that
research helped to
[...] illustrate that, were it not for the Israeli occupation, Palestine would not be a failed State but a vibrant [...]
economy which
deserved to gain independence and become a full member of the United Nations.
马尔泰利总统就职 4 个月来,两次提请议会批准 候任总理的努力以失败告终,因而 海 地 仍无政府首 脑。
Four months after President Martelly took office, and after two failed attempts to have Parliament ratify a Prime Minister-designate, Haiti is still without a Head of Government.
大会第六十四届会议请秘书长在现有资源范围内促进伙伴关系影响评估机 制,以便进行有效管理,确保问以 及 推动有效汲取成功 失败 两 方 面的经验教 训;并向大会第六十六届会议告决 议的执行情况(第 64/223 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to promote, within existing resources, impact-assessment mechanisms of partnerships in order to enable effective management,
ensure accountability
[...] and facilitate effective learning from both successes and failures; and to report to it at its sixtysixth session on the implementation of [...]
the resolution (resolution 64/223).
在前任董事长王建宙的带领下,中移动曾多次尝试购买全球资产,除了进入无关紧要的巴基斯坦市场外,其余 以失败告终。
The company made several attempts to buy global assets under previous Chairman Wang Jianzhou, but all of those failed except for one play into the inconsequential Pakistani market.
马赛现在排名第三位,但他们联赛的最后一场客场比赛是对阵索肖 以失败告终 , 只 是上周末主场以微小的差距战胜蒙彼利埃,在最后的十分钟踢进两球,以3 -2获胜。
Marseille are flying in third place at the
[...] moment, but did lose their last away game in league when they travelled to Sochaux, and only narrowly [...]
overcame Montpellier
at home last weekend when they needed two goals in the final ten minutes to win 3-2.
但是最后,坚持到最后的行动再加上两家公司的幕后游说由于我之前提到的一些原因,都依然可 以失败告终。
But at the end of the day, this last-ditch move, together with strong behind-the-scenes lobbying by both companies, are still likely to fail for the reasons I previously mentioned.
除非巴勒斯坦难民问题最以公平 公正地解决巴勒 斯坦问而告终,否 则近东救济工程处还将继续在 这一问题上发挥重要作用,该问题超出了人道主义 的范围,影响了整个地区的稳定。
Until the Palestine refugee problem was ended by a fair and just settlement of the Palestinian question, UNRWA would continue to play an indispensable role in an issue that extended beyond the humanitarian sphere to affect the stability of the entire region.
6 社会主义经济的尝以失败告终,19 88 年上台的军 事政权结束了这种尝试,表示将向市场经济转变。
The trigger was a 1987 demonetisation of
the largest currency
[...] notes, without any warning or compensation, that rendered three quarters of the currency worthless and wiped out the savings [...]
of millions.6 The
military regime that took over in 1988 ended the failed socialist experiment and indicated that it would shift to a market economy.
关切地注意到 关切地注意到 关切地注意到 关切地注意到联合国因燃料管理电子系统外包开 失败而 引 发 的开支, 并请秘书长告从这 一外包经历中吸取的教训 以 免 今后出现类似的结果
the expenditures incurred by the United
[...] Nations in the failed development of the contracted electronic fuel management system, and requests the Secretary-General to report on the lessons [...]
learned from this outsourcing experience, with a view to avoiding similar outcomes in the future
该项目现 阶段以公布项目结果和最终评 而告终 , 这 应使教科文组织能够为第二阶段,也是最后一 阶段提出编制第一阶段确定的系列计划的提案。
The publication of the project results and the final evaluation will conclude the current phase of the project, which shall enable UNESCO to submit a proposal [...]
for the second and
last phase addressing the preparation of the set of plans identified during the first phase.
1970年,银苹果所属唱片公司KAPP Records因为具争议性的第二张专辑封面被Pan Am航空公告上法院,终败诉而破 产,乐队也不幸 告 解 散 ,一夜间几乎完全 失 在 流行音乐的历史里。
In 1970, due to Silver Apples’ controversial second album’s cover, Pan-Am launched a lawsuit against their record label KAPP Records, which bankrupted the label, and brought an end to the band as well.
我们认识到以下事实,即如果我们的努以 失败告终,那 么便有可能甚至不幸,未来气候变化的 不利影响会对维护国际和平与安全造成后果,并因此 需要安全理事会采取行动。
We are aware of the fact that if our efforts do not succeed, it is probable, and it would be unfortunate, that in the future the adverse effects of climate change will have consequences for the maintenance of international peace and security and thus require action by the Security Council.
一些红衫成员心怀怨 愤,感到遭受不公正的待遇而且认 为和平手段已失败,因 此他们认为需要自己作出抉择,并且采 用暴力手段来宣泄不满。
Driven by anger, a sense of injustice, and a feeling that peaceful options have failed, some Red Shirts have felt compelled to take matters into their own hands and resort to violence.
注意到会员国和 1970 年《公约》其它缔约国关于其为落实《公约 而 采 取 之措施的告,以 及缔约国提供的关于其为保护文化财产和监管文化财产进出口及非法转让而采 取之措施的情况, 强调向教科文组织具体说明各国为保护自己境内的文化财 而 采 取 的措施的重要性, 尤其是在实施《公约》方面取得的成功、遭遇 失败以 及 遇 到的限制,以及它们在这 方面可能提出的援助请求, 意识到这些国家报告极为有用,并且考虑到在保护文化财产方面所取得的进展, 满意地注意到 1970 年《公约》的缔约国日益增多并注意到打算成为缔约国国家的意 向,这样将扩大该国际文书的有效范围
Stressing the importance of transmitting to UNESCO precise information on the measures taken by States to protect cultural property on their territory, particularly in regard to the successes, failures and obstacles encountered in implementing the Convention, and on any requests for assistance that they might make in that respect
个体已经开始为真正的改变做好准备,有的人会跳过这个阶段直接付诸于行动,但是急于行动常常 以失败告终 , 因 为在行动前根据实际情况制定一个切实可行的目标非常重要。
Some people skip this phase and rush into action, but this can then lead to failure because they weren’t prepared to make the necessary changes.
奶及奶制品规范委员会主席表示,该委员会曾采用各种手段,以求制定一项能涵 括目前市场上各种加工奶酪的标准,但由于 以 就 其 成分达成一 而失败。
The Chairperson of the Committee on Milk and Milk Products (CCMMP) recalled that the CCMMP had employed all means to develop a standard which could encompass the
wide variety of processed cheese currently
[...] traded but had failed due to the difficulties to agree on [...]
their composition.
但是,尽管犹太人大屠杀随着第二次世界大战的 结而告终,并 且犹太人获得一个国家和领土 以色 列政府过分的摧毁运动却持续了 60 多年。
But while the Jewish Holocaust ended with the end of the Second World War and while the Jewish people were given a State and territory, the Government of Israel’s excessive campaign of destruction has continued for more than 60 years.




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