单词 | 串换 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 串换 verb —exchange vchange v串换 —swapSee also:串—string together • conspire • string (computing) • rove • bunch or cluster • mix up • move across • make a swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus) 换 v—change v 串—classifier for coherently connected objects
项目简介: Gson这个Java类库可以把Java对象转换成JSON,也可以把JSON字 符 串 转 换 成 一 个相等的Java对象。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Gson Java class library that can convert Java objects into JSON, the JSON string can be converted into an equivalent Java object . javakaiyuan.com |
返回值是一个JSON格式的字符串,是一个对象数组,使用eval('('+json+')')可以将JSON字 符 串 转 换 为 Ja vaScript对象。 rexsee.com | The return is a JSON string represented an object array, use "eval('('+json+')')" to transform the JSON string to a real JavaScript object. rexsee.com |
接收机接收到数据码信息后按每 1 比特顺序进行串/并变换,进 行 BCH(15,11,1)纠错译码,对交织部分按 11 比特顺序进行并/串变换, 组成 22 比特信息码,其生成方式见下图 5-3。 olinkstar.com | For the received NAV message by [...] receivers near ground a serial/parallel conversion by turns of 1 bit is required first, followed by an error correction decoding of BCH(15,11,1) in parallel. Then a parallel/serial conversion is carried [...]out for each 11 bits [...]block to form a 22 bits information code in sequence. olinkstar.com |
如果需要在某一文字串中替换指定的文本,请使用函数 SUBSTITUTE;如果需要在某一文字串中替 换 指 定位置处的任意文本,请使用函数 REPLACE。 oapdf.com | If you need to replace a specified text string in the text, use the function SUBSTITUTE; If you need to replace a specified text string in any position the text, use the function REPLACE. oapdf.com |
板载开关可实现无线模块使用 USB 转串口转换器或用微控制器进行通信。 digikey.cn | An on-board switch allows the wireless module to communicate with the USB-to-serial converter or with the microcontroller. digikey.be |
串行转换器提供串行网 络和其他媒体之间的转换。 advantech.com.cn | The Serial Media Converters provide conversion between serial networks and other media. advantech.be |
在 IDT 公司,我们正在创建在计时、串行交 换 和 接 口方面的领先地位,以扩展我们在通信、计算和消费应用领域的模拟混合信号内容。 cytech.com | At IDT, we are building on our leadership [...] positions in timing, serial switching and interfaces to [...]expand our mixed-signal content in [...]Communications, Computing and Consumer applications. cytech.com |
每种格式类型都会取一个数据值,然后从或向文本字 符 串进 行转换。 redlion.net | Each format type will take a data [...] value and convert it to or from a text string. redlion.net |
FTDI 广受欢迎的 USB 转串行转换器 IC 为 RS232/RS422/RS485 [...] 等旧式接口提供 USB 连接能力。 digikey.cn | FTDI’s [...] popular USB to serial converter ICs provide [...]USB connectivity to legacy interfaces such as RS232 / RS422 / RS485. digikey.ca |
高密度 (HD) 视频和摄影等应用促使向更快的串行 接口 转 换 , 例 如,从 USB 2.0 迁移到 USB 3.0,后者的性能提高了 10 倍。 arm.com | Applications such as High density (HD) video and photography are driving a transition to faster, serial interfaces such as the migration from USB 2.0 to USB 3.0 which is a 10x performance increase. arm.com |
注:如果你将例中“document.Add(new [...] Paragraph("Hello World"));”中的字符串“Hello Word”换成中文,如“这是我的第一个PDF文件”,产生的结果一定让你大失所望,因为生成的PDF文件中并没有将中文显示出来,不要担心,在第9章中要专门讲解字体问题,中文显示也就迎刃而解了,如果不能正确显示中文,也就没有必要翻译本文了。 oapdf.com | Add (new Paragraph (" Hello [...] World "));" the string "Hello Word" into Chinese, such [...]as "This is my first PDF file", the result [...]must let you disappointed, as PDF documents generated by the Chinese did not show up, do not worry, in Chapter 9 should be devoted to the issue of fonts, Chinese show will be solved, if not correctly display the Chinese, it there is no need for translation of this article. oapdf.com |
通用串行总线转换器还可提供与 PowerFlex 工程型变频器的连接。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | The Universal Serial Bus Converter also [...] provides connectivity to PowerFlex Architecture-class drives. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
也就是说,可以通过给一些值前面加上一个空字 符 串 的 方 法来 转 换 它 的 类型。 developer.mozilla.org | Adding an empty string to something is a useful way of converting it. developer.mozilla.org |
在Pattern中用第一个、第二个、以及接下来的ReplaceString参数依次 替 换 & 1 、 & 2等等 子 串 , 并 返回 替 换 结 果。 gambasdoc.org | Replaces substrings &1, &2, etc. in a pattern with the first, second, [...] and subsequent ReplaceString argument respectively, and returns the result. gambasdoc.org |
如果String为FALSE,那么代码字符串的 内 容被 替 换 为 空 白。 gambasdoc.org | If String is FALSE then the contents of the strings are replaced by spaces. gambasdoc.org |
3x增强串行外设接口(ePPI),支持高达24位的数据宽度、ITU-R BT.656模式,可直接连接至TFT LCD面板、串行转换器、 视频编码器和解码器、图像传感器,以及其他通用外设。 analog.com | 3x Enhanced Parallel Peripheral Interfaces (ePPIs) supporting up to 24-bit data widths, ITU-R BT.656 modes, and direct connection to TFT LCD panels, parallel converters, video encoders and decoders, image sensors, and other general-purpose peripherals. analog.com |
对内提供FE和GE的数据交换通道和FE、R S- 2 3 2 串 口 的板间通讯通道以及对设备风扇的 监控。 enterprise.zte.com.cn | It provides FE/GE data switching channels, the communication channel between FE and RS-232 serial port, and the function [...] to monitor the device fan. enterprise.zte.com.cn |
数字 格式会取一个浮点值或整数值,然后通过使用指定数基并选择小数点 前后所需的数字数目将其转换为字符 串。 redlion.net | Numeric format takes a floating point or integer value and converts it to a string, using a specific number base and selecting the required number of digits before and after the decimal point. redlion.net |
将保持 [...] (HOLD ) 设为 “H” 后,在切换保持 (HOLD ) 后串行时钟 (SCK) 变为 “L” 时,结束处 [...]于保持状态。 datasheet.sii-ic.com | If setting Hold ( HOLD ) to “H”, the [...] hold status ends when the serial clock goes in “L” after [...]Hold ( HOLD ) is switched. datasheet.sii-ic.com |
如果你用一个字符串加上一个数字(或其他值),那么每一个操作数都会被首先 转 换 为 字 符 串。 developer.mozilla.org | If you add a string to a number (or other value) everything is converted in to a string first. developer.mozilla.org |
对于此项目,西马格特宝有限公司第一次将两个压力 交 换 系 统 (P.E .S ) 串 联 运行,来实现井下-2400米的深度达到60MW的制冷量并且节省大量的能。 siemag-tecberg.cn | For this project, [...] SIEMAG TECBERG switched two P.E.S. systems in series for the first [...]time in order to achieve a cooling [...]capacity of 60 MW down to depths of -2,400 m while saving a high degree of energy. siemag-tecberg.com |
近来,LLC谐振转换器已得到广泛关注,因为它比传统 的 串 联 谐振 转 换 器 和 并联谐振转换器更具优势;宽负载和输入变化范围内的较窄频率变化以及开关在整个负载范围的零电压开关(ZVS)。 fairchildsemi.com.cn | Recently the, LLC resonant converter has drawn a lot of attention due to its advantages over the conventional series resonant converter and parallel resonant converter; narrow frequency variation over wide load and input variation and Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) of the switches for entire load range. fairchildsemi.com |
REPLACEB 使用其他文本串并根据所指定的字符数 替 换 某 文 本 串 中 的 部分文本。 oapdf.com | REPLACEB the use of other text [...] string and in accordance with the number of characters specified in the [...] replacement of a part of the text string in the text. oapdf.com |
此外,额外的两个远程用户还可以操作并控制诸如路由器,网络 交 换 机 或PDU 等 串 口 设 备。DX系统则为IT管理人员提供了一个安全,统一的解决方案来管理和控制所有关键服务器、所有串口设备以及所有用户账户。 minicom.com | In addition, two remote [...] users can operate serial sessions for controlling serial devices such as routers, managed network switches or PDU's. [...]The DX system provides [...]IT managers with a secure, unified solution for management and control of all mission critical servers, all serial hardware and all user profiles. minicom.com |
ORing产品包含工业以太网交换机、工业接口 转 换 器 、工 业 串 口 服务器、工业无线接入点、工业蜂窝VPN路由器、工业USB服务器、相关组件和网络管理软件。 oring-networking.com.cn | Choose from ORing's complete product line which consists of Industrial Ethernet Switches, Industrial Media Converters, Industrial Device Servers, Industrial Wireless Access Points, Industrial Cellular VPN Routers, Industrial USB-Over-IP Servers, Accessories, and Network Management Utility. oring-networking.com |
TMS320LF2407A具有的大量外设资源,分别提供了两个事件管理模块EVA、EVB;两个16bit全局计数器;8个脉冲宽度可调调制通道PWM;三个外部事件的定时采样捕获单元;同步的16通道高性能10bit ADC,转换速率为500ns;串行异 步通信接口(SCI);串行同步外设接口(SPI);CAN总线2.0接口等。 cn.stkshop.com | TMS320LF2407A with a large number of peripheral resources, respectively, two of the event management module EVA, EVB; two 16bit counter the overall situation; 8-channel pulse width modulated adjustable PWM; three external events to capture the regular sampling unit; synchronized 16-channel [...] high-performance 10bit [...] ADC, the conversion rate of 500ns; Serial asynchronous communication interface (SCI); synchronous serial peripheral [...]interface (SPI); CAN bus 2.0 interface. en.stkshop.com |
我/我們/本號〕現確認,在提交本投標表格時,除以下備註所指的豁免通訊外,〔我/我 們/本號〕並沒有將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安 排 調 整 任 何 建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本號〕或該人應否提交投標表 格作出任何安排,或以其他任何方式與任何其他人 士 串 通 ; 並承諾,在上述舖位招租後,直至 房 屋 署 通 知 競 投 者 招 租 結 果 的 任 何 時 間 , 除 以 下 備 註 所 指 的 豁 免 通 訊外,〔我/我們/本號〕不 會將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安排調整任何建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本 號 〕 或 該 人 應否競投作出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通。 housingauthority.gov.hk | I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner [...] whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting [...] of the above premises until the bidder is notified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever. housingauthority.gov.hk |
以目前的KVM切换器设置而言,如每个机柜还需增加服务器,只要购置适当的KVM切换器,上段所述的控制端至服务器的联机结构仍然不需改变,可避免因扩充机房而造成不必要的设备更换,可以直接通过接八口或十六口 切 换 器 进 行级 联 串 联 来 控管。 cresun.com.cn | If need to add servers, just purchase suitable KVM Switch, the preceding paragraph is that the on-line control of end-to-server structure remains, it can avoid the equipment replacement because of the expansion of room. cresun.com |