

单词 逃避困难的

See also:

逃避 v

escape v
escape from v
avoid v
circumvent v

逃避 n

evasion n
circumvent n
flight n

困难 n

difficulties pl
hardship n
hardships n
hassle n
rub n

External sources (not reviewed)

我感到自豪的 是,我所代表的国家过去曾帮助过那些遭 困难 、逃 避灭绝厄运的人们
I am proud to represent a nation that has in the
[...] past helped those in need and escaping extermination.
许多儿童避免强 迫征募而背井离乡,然而 逃难 中 发 现其仍然处于被征 的风 险之中,特别当他们没有证件或者没有与其家庭一起逃离时更为如此。
Many abandon home to avoid forced recruitment, only to find that being in flight still places them at risk of recruitment, [...]
especially if
they have no documentation and travel without their families.
在冲突导致平逃 亡和寻求避难的时候,我们努力与其它政府合作,为 有需要者提供保护。
Where conflict
[...] is causing civilians to flee and seek asylum, we are [...]
working actively with other Governments to provide protection to those in need.
逃离家乡的贫困、暴 力和人权践踏行为的寻求庇护人员和移徙人员在海上难的比例达到戏剧性的程度。
Deaths of asylum-seekers and migrants at sea, who were escaping poverty, violence and human rights abuses back home, have [...]
reached dramatic proportions.
自2012年4月开始,“3月23日运动”叛乱组织(M23)与刚果军队(FARDC)之间的交战迫使众多家 逃 离 家 乡,来到北基伍省首府戈马市内及周 的 临 时 避难 所 中 寻求庇护。
Since April 2012, fighting between the 23 of March Movement rebel group (M23)
and the
[...] Congolese Army (FARDC) has forced families to flee their homes and seek refuge in makeshift shelters in and [...]
around North 
Kivu’s provincial capital city of Goma.
根据适用的食典标准的有关规定,目的是把采样方法作为国际使用方法,避免或 消除可能由于在采样上采取不同法律、行政和技术措施造 的困难 , 以 及由于对 有关批次或交付食品的分析结果的不同解释而造成 困难。
The sampling methods are intended for use as international methods designed to avoid or remove difficulties which may be created by diverging legal, administrative and technical approaches to sampling and by [...]
diverging interpretation
of results of analysis in relation to lots or consignments of foods, in the light of the relevant provision(s) of the applicable Codex standard.
[...] 不尊重民主原则、人权和法治现象为标志的过去决 裂,因为这些现象导致普遍贫穷、不可承受和无逃 避的社会贫困以及 我国多数同胞不断加重的沮丧。
The Malagasy people rose up with determination to break with a past marked by poor governance and non-respect for democratic principles, human rights and the rule of
law that gave rise to
[...] widespread impoverishment, unbearable and inescapable social poverty, [...]
and the growing frustration
of the majority of my countrymen.
严重关切地注意到,缅甸严峻的人权状况致使数以千 的 人 逃 往 邻 国 避难
Noting with serious concern that the grave human rights situation in Myanmar forces thousands of
[...] people to seek refuge in neighbouring [...]
虽然从总体上讲专利对研究工具的影响可能不很重大,但与发展中国家有关的许多优先研 究项目是局限于一些较狭窄的研究领域,而在这些领域中可能会 困难 规 避 研 究 工具带的问题
While at the aggregate level the overall impact of patents on research tools may not be substantial, many research priorities relevant to developing countries are
directed in relatively narrow fields of
[...] research where circumventing a problem created by research tools may be difficult.
读者可以从他的诗作中读到孤独,作者将孤独视为灵魂重生所必需的条件以 逃 避 人类必须忍受的谬 的避难 所 ( 《隐居的生活》)。
The reader
[...] learns about solitude, considered as the need for regeneration and a refuge [...]
from the delusions that human beings
must endure (La vita solitaria).
短期内加入该《公约》困难的国家 可考虑采用该《公约》中 订立的相关标准,并探讨使用符合《公约》中所列明的其他机制的可 能性,同时努避免在可能加入的任何双边和多边协定中采用不同的 标准。
[...] that would find it difficult to accede to the Convention in the short term may consider adopting the standards contained in the Convention, as well as exploring the possibility of using other mechanisms that are consistent with that convention and avoiding the use of different [...]
standards in any
bilateral and multilateral agreements into which they may enter.
詹培忠議員:主席,我們今天討論的是中下階層市民因金融海嘯...... 可以肯的是,他們無可避免會受影響,問題是他們最終會否陷於困 境,以及如逃避這困境。
MR CHIM PUI-CHUNG (in Cantonese): President, today's discussion is about the impact of the financial tsunami on the lower and middle classes …… while it is certain that
they will inevitably
[...] be affected, the question remains whether they will finally be trapped in hardship and how they can escape from the predicament.
并破坏了仔细拟订的引渡程序,五角大楼 经常采用这一程序法把从伊拉克和其他战区逃跑在第三国寻 避难的 美 国逃兵送上法庭)。
(This act in fact violates US laws against army deserters as well as undermining the elaborate extradition proceedings that the Pentagon
routinely resorts to so as to
[...] bring to court US army deserters from Iraq and other war [...]
zones who seek asylum in third countries.
最后,避免合作上的困难,例如因区域内一些国家的宪法或立法可能含有 禁止引渡国民的条款而引起的合作困难,《程序和证据规则》纳入了创新机制, [...]
例如允许被告通过视频会议参与审判(规则 103 至 105),接受通过视频会议作证 (规则 124),以及由第三国司法当局为特别法庭收集证据(规则 125)。
Finally, in order to avoid any difficulties with cooperation [...]
resulting from the fact that, for instance, the constitutions
or the legislation of some States within the region may contain provisions prohibiting the extradition of nationals, innovative mechanisms are included in the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, such as allowing the accused to participate in his or her trial by videoconference (rules 103 to 105), the taking of testimony through a videoconference link (rule 124) and the collection of evidence for the Tribunal by the judicial authorities of a third State (rule 125).
行预咨委会感到失望的是,由于其认为本来通过好的规划和准备工作可避免的一些困难推迟了 Inspira 的全面推出(见 A/65/827,第 183 段),不过,承 认人力资源管理厅为解决这些困难和推动在外地的实施所作的努力。
While the Advisory Committee is disappointed that the global
roll-out of Inspira has been
[...] delayed due to difficulties that could, in its view, have been avoided with better planning [...]
and preparatory
work (see A/65/827, para. 183), it also recognizes the efforts undertaken by the Office of Human Resources Management to address those difficulties and move forward with implementation in the field.
白俄罗斯报告称,已在 145 个中心设立了重返社会和康复部门,为暴力受害人提供援助。还有 36 个危 机收容所向因家困境而需要社会援 的 妇 女 和儿童开放;2010 年,共有 103 名家庭暴力受害人到这些设避难。
Belarus reported that social reintegration and rehabilitation departments had been set up in 145 centres to provide assistance to victims of violence and 36 crisis shelters were available for women and children in
need of social
[...] assistance because of their difficult home situations; in 2010 a total of 103 victims of domestic violence had sought refuge in such facilities.
从 前南斯拉夫社会 主 义共和国联盟各共和国领逃出的 第一批难 民 抵达之 日 起 ,塞 尔维亚政府便作出了最 大 努 力,缓解在 其 领 土 上 寻避难的 难 民的困 境 。
Since the arrival of the first
[...] refugees from the territories of the former republics of the SFRY, the RS has extended maximum efforts to ease the position of refugees who have sought refuge on its territory.
卸下罩 时,入口止回阀组件 (R)应滑落到填料活塞柱 (24)上;如果滑困难,用 橡胶锤重敲罩 (19) 的顶部以松开。
Intake check valve assembly (R) should slide down priming piston rod (24) as you remove housing; if it does not slide easily, firmly tap on top of housing (19) with a rubber mallet to loosen.
负责安的单位在困难条件下避免了一切大事故的发 生。
Despite the difficult context, the security service succeeded in avoiding any major incident.
71.自80 年代初以来,越来越多的海地人违反海 的 移 民 法律,试图乘坐小船 离开国家,逃离苦难和贫困。
71. Since the early 1980s and in violation of Haiti’s emigration laws,
ever-growing numbers of Haitians
[...] have attempted to leave the country on flimsy vessels in order to escape misery and poverty.
或其他财政资源,且明知它们源自与贩毒、诈骗、非法武器贩运、贩运人口、 绑架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公职人员、恐怖主义行为、盗窃或国际贩运车辆有
[...] 关的活动,而且其目的是隐藏或掩盖其非法来源或协 逃避 此 种犯 罪 的 法律 后果的,应处以 5 至 12 年监禁和 100 [...]
至 200 天的罚款。
Anyone who receives, deposits, trades in, converts or transfers money, securities, property or other financial resources in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to drug trafficking, fraud, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, extortion, embezzlement, corruption of public servants, terrorist acts, theft or international trafficking in vehicles, as provided for under Panamanian criminal law, with the aim of
hiding or concealing their illicit
[...] origin or of helping to evade the legal consequences [...]
of such crimes shall be sentenced
to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days.
我們 得悉,有些僱主蓄意重整僱員的薪酬待遇,把部分薪金轉為他們所聲稱的 房屋津貼或其他房屋利益,以減低有關入息款額 逃避 就 該 部分薪金作強 制性供的責任
It has come to our attention that some employers have intentionally restructured the remuneration package of their employees by converting a portion of salary and wages to what they claim to be a housing allowance or other housing benefit so as to
reduce the
[...] amount of relevant income and to evade their responsibilities to pay mandatory [...]
contributions in respect of that portion of salary and wages.
这条法规背的基本 原理很清楚:国际司法 不可因被告有逃避司法 或因某个国家意图庇护被告或拒绝将其移交国际法庭 而受到阻挠。
The rationale behind this legal regulation is clear: international justice must not be thwarted, either by the will of the accused to evade justice or by the [...]
intent of a State to
shelter such an accused by refusing to hand him or her over to the international tribunal.
我们不能回避这个现实, 国际社会必须对此加以全面处理,帮助索马里建设必的能力,帮助它恢复经济和社会发展及安全水平, 使其能够克服当困难局面,避免成为有组织犯罪和 恐怖主义网络越来越容易袭的目标 与牺牲品。
We cannot avoid it, and the international community has to address it comprehensively by helping build the needed capacity in Somalia,
helping it to regain
[...] economic and social development and security levels that may enable it to overcome the present difficult situation and avoid becoming an increasingly easy target and prey of organized crime and terrorism networks.
几个代表团指出,私营标准在他们国家对进出口和经济有负面影响,特别是小规的生产商;实困难;没有科学基础;制定标准不公开透明;没有解决标准争议的程 [...]
Several delegations pointed out that private standards had a negative impact on export and economies in their
countries, especially on small
[...] scale producers; they were difficult to implement; they were [...]
not based on science; their development
was not open and transparent; there was no dispute settlement procedure for these standards; and claims stating that these standards were safer than public standards might mislead consumers.
尼日利 亚还指出,它面的主要困难是未 爆弹药,这一事实反映出《公约》在确保受影 响国家不仅处理地雷还要处理其他战争遗留爆炸物方面意义非凡。
Nigeria also noted that the fact that the main challenge faced by Nigeria concerned unexploded ordnance points to how valuable this Convention is in ensuring that not only landmines are dealt with by affected countries, but that all other explosive remnants of war are dealt with.
[...] 对许多国家来说,参加食典委会议具有能力建设的功效;两年期会议可能需要更长的时 间解决所的议题,将造成实困难 ; 应 认真考虑政府为准备和参加年度会议做出的巨 大努力。
Some delegations highlighted specific reasons for retaining annual sessions: in view of the lack of resources for risk assessment in many developing countries, timely availability of Codex food safety standards was very important for use at the national level; participation in the Commission had a capacity building function for some countries; biennial sessions may need to be longer in order to
address all items of work,
[...] which would create practical difficulties; and the considerable efforts [...]
made by governments to
prepare themselves and participate in annual meetings should be taken into account.
這構 成漏洞,
[...] 讓一些以商業模式經營的動物繁殖者能夠以私人寵物飼 養人的名義作為掩飾逃避發牌條 件 的 規 管 ,當中包 括畜舍設施、處所衞生及用作繁殖的母狗健康狀況的規 管。
This has created a loophole for some commercial animal
breeders to operate under
[...] the disguise of PPOs, thereby circumventing regulation through licensing [...]
conditions, including requirements
on housing facilities, hygiene of the premises and the health status of the breeding dogs.
既 然如此, 我們便 應該不逃 避 困 難 , 以積 極 和負責的態 度 尋 求 共 識 。
But in reality, patients, their family members and even medical personnel are all forced to shoulder the responsibility. That being the case, we should not try to run away from the difficulties, but should instead seek a consensus with a positive and responsible attitude.




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