

单词 达噜噶齐

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External sources (not reviewed)

代表们注意到门上刻着《指环王》电影三部曲中 噜 的 名 字‘ the Gollum’ 和画像。
On the door the delegates noticed the inscription ‘the Gollum’, and a picture of the said character from the film trilogy ‘The Lord of the Rings’.
教科文组织 在整体上将其《中期战略》(31 C/4)以及双年度计划和预算(31 C/5 和 32 C/5)完全向达喀 尔行动纲领达喀尔目标齐。
UNESCO as a whole aligned both its Medium-Term Strategy (31 C/4) as well as its biennial programmes and budgets (31 C/5 and 32 C/5) fully with the Dakar Framework for Action and the Dakar goals.
如果五分钟无人照看幼仔,它将会进入睡眠模式,在睡眠模式期间,幼仔会安静地发出 噜 声 或 打鼾,再过五分钟就会中断电源,以节省电池用电。
If a cub is left unattended for five
minutes he will enter Sleep Mode, during which
[...] he will purr or snore peacefully for [...]
an additional five minutes before powering down to conserve batteries.
此外,由于刚果(金)武装部队 第 105 团在齐解散,与“玛伊-玛伊”民兵 Yakutumba 派合作的民解力量士兵 重新控制了噶尼喀湖 Ubwari 半岛及以南资源丰富的战略地区。
Furthermore, as a
[...] result of the dissolving of the FARDC 105th regiment in Fizi, FNL soldiers working with Mai Mai Yakutumba have regained control of strategic and resource-rich areas on and south of the Ubwari peninsula on Lake Tanganyika.
由谢赫 Salim Abdulrahim Barahiyan
[...] 领导的安萨尔穆斯林青年中心 设在噶,利 用遍及坦桑尼亚全国的广泛的清真寺网络。
Headed by Sheikh Salim Abdulrahim Barahiyan, Ansar Muslim Youth Centre
[...] is based in Tanga and draws upon [...]
an extensive network of mosques across Tanzania.
通过将录音中的噜声和 口哨声与已知的鱼类声音对比,南佛罗 达 大 学的研究人员发现,红石斑鱼(如图所示Epinephelus morio)和蟾鱼 (Opsanus spp.) 的声音出现的最为频繁。
By comparing the grunts and whistles on their recordings to known fish calls, University of South Florida researchers found red grouper (shown, Epinephelus morio) and toadfishes (Opsanus spp.) were the most frequent fish sounds recorded, the team reports this month in Marine Ecology Progress Series.
由于被刚果(金)武装部队军事行动削弱和被赶出矿区和 噶 尼 喀 湖沿岸的 战略要地,Amuri“将军”于 2012 年初与政府进行了谈判。
Weakened and driven out of strategic positions in mining zones and along the shores of Lake Tanganyika by FARDC military operations, “Gen.
目前, 主办天基信息平台各区域支助办事处的有八个国家机构(阿尔及利亚空间局、 哥伦比亚奥古斯丁 ·达齐地理 研究所、匈牙利卡罗伊 · 罗伯特大学、伊朗空间 局、尼日利亚国家空间研究和发展局、巴基斯坦空间和高层大气研究委员会、 罗马尼亚空间局和乌克兰国家空间局)和四个区域组织(位于日本神户的亚洲 减灾中心、位于内罗毕的资源测绘促进发展区域中心、位于特立尼达和多巴哥 圣奥古斯丁的西印度群岛大学和位于巴拿马城的拉丁美洲和加勒比潮湿热带地 区水中心)。
Currently, UN-SPIDER regional support offices are being hosted by eight national organizations: Algerian Space Agency, Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute of Colombia, Károly Róbert University of Hungary, Iranian Space Agency, Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency, Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission, Romanian Space Agency and National Space Agency of Ukraine; and by four regional organizations: ADRC, based in Kobe, Japan; Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), based in Nairobi; University of the West Indies, based in Saint Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago; and Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC) based in Panama City.
然而,安萨尔 穆斯林青年中心与噶犯罪 网络密切勾结,其中包括一个臭名昭著的贩毒团伙, [...]
以便运送青年党新兵和教官往返索马里(见附件 3.2)。
However, Ansar Muslim Youth Centre
[...] collaborates closely with Tanga-based criminal [...]
networks, including a notorious drug smuggling
ring, for the movement of Al-Shabaab recruits and trainers to and from Somalia (see annex 3.2.).
我还要感谢秘 书长和雷蒙·齐班达部长的发言。
I wish to also thank the Secretary-General and Minister Raymond Tshibanda for their statements.
虽然谈判因他们的过分要求而搁置,反叛 分子利用前全国保卫人民大会的兵变,重新夺回了他们在 噶 尼 喀 湖沿岸的历来 占据的位置,包括 Ubwari 半岛、Kazima 港以及 Makama 和 Talama 矿区。
When negotiations stalled owing to their excessive demands, the rebels seized upon the ex-CNDP mutiny and recaptured their traditional positions along Lake Tanganyika, including the Ubwari peninsula, Kazima port and the mining zones of Makama and Talama.
刚果 民主共和国国际和区域合作部长雷蒙 · 齐 邦 达 发了 言。
The Minister for International and Regional Cooperation of the Democratic Republic of the
[...] Congo, Raymond Tshibanda, delivered a [...]
一气儿我们就跑出了五六公里,当时喊也喊不住他,他跑我也不敢停下,我怕把他累坏就加紧跑到他前边截住了他,刚坐到路边一棵大松树下想休息,没想到我们惊动了另一个在此休息的“人”——树上的一只飞龙,当飞龙“ 噜 ” 一 声飞走的时候,我旁边坐着的张宁也“蹭”的一下又开始了特殊的逃亡,我因心里发虚也就在喊他停住的声音中开始了尾随逃亡,这次我们又接着跑了五六公里,也就到了检查站附近,这时我们俩也就累得再也跑不动了,躺倒在路旁的草地上就是两个多小时。
We ran out of the stretch five or six children km, was unable to call also call him, he ran I could not stop, I am afraid to step up his tired to go to him stopped in front of him, just sat down street I wanted to rest under a large pine tree, did not think we alerted the other in the rest of the "people" - a dragon tree, when the dragon "Tu chatter" soon fly away, sitting next to me Zhang Ning also "rub" and click again a special flight, I was crying my heart that he made false will stop the sound in the start of the trailing flight, we went on the run five or six kilometers to the checkpoint will nearby, then we both will not run too tired, and lying on the grass by the roadside is more than two hours.
我们期齐班达部长即将对巴西进 行的访问,并希望访问将导致我们双边关系进一步发 展。
We look forward to Minister Tshibanda’s upcoming [...]
visit to Brazil and hope that it will lead to the further development of our bilateral ties.
除了IWC 万国表自制 51113
[...] 型机芯提供的非凡动力外,其所展现的精湛工艺,也与球 齐达 的 天才技巧如出一辙。
The IWC-manufactured 51113-calibre movement similarly
possesses exceptional stamina and exhibits the sophisticated technical approach that also
[...] characterized the footballer Zidane.
代表忆及在本届会议开幕时曾提到,粮农组 织新当选总干事何塞·格齐亚诺·达 席 尔 瓦先生表示在当前私营标准泛滥的情况下, [...]
The Conference also noted the need to broaden participation of FAO Members in CODEX” and recalled that, as mentioned in the opening
session, the FAO Director-General
[...] elect, Mr. José Graziano da Silva, indicated his [...]
support for Codex as the world’s leading,
science-based food standards body, in the face of the proliferation of private standards.
1874 年 11
[...] 月从印度洋上的桑给巴尔岛回来后,斯坦利继续环绕维多利亚湖航行,并探索了艾伯特湖和 噶 尼 喀 湖。
After setting out from Zanzibar
on the Indian Ocean in November 1874, Stanley circumnavigated Lake Victoria and explored
[...] Lake Albert and Lake Tanganyika.
有关的十二个会员国是: 第I组:西班牙(J.R.蓬加先生、A.甘戈索先生),联合王国(C.阿特金森女士);第II 组:俄罗斯联邦(V.卡拉马诺夫先生,G.奥尔忠尼启则先生,V.索科洛夫先生),乌克兰 (O.德米亚纽克先生);第 III 组:巴西(J.I.瓦尔加斯先生,J.B.拉纳里博先生,S.W.费雷 拉女士),牙买加∗ (S.坎贝尔女士);第IV组:印度(N.D.萨巴瓦尔女士),马来西亚
(努尔·阿兹米·易卜拉欣先生,纳哈鲁丁·阿卜杜拉先生,K.西斯米尔·达斯先生);第 V(a)组:尼日利亚(M.A·奥莫勒瓦先生,Y·利亚多先生),塞内加尔(M.B.迪乌夫先
[...] 生,K.A·恩杜尔先生);第V(b)组:阿尔及利亚(K.维吉尼女士, M. H · 齐达 尼 先 生), 约旦(W.雷法伊先生,N.古苏斯女士)。
The 12 Member States were the following: Group I: Spain (Mr Jaime R. Ponga, Mr Agustín Gangoso); United Kingdom (Ms Christine Atkinson); Group II: Russian Federation (Mr Vladimir Kalamanov, Mr Grigory Ordzhonikidze, Mr Vladimir Sokolov); Ukraine (Mr Olexander Demaniuk); Group III: Brazil (Mr José Israel Vargas, Mr João Batista Lanari Bo, Ms Silvia Whitaker Ferreira), Jamaica∗ (Ms Sybil Campbell); Group IV: India (Ms Neelam D. Sabharwal); Malaysia (Mr Noor Azmi Ibrahim, Mr Naharudin Abdullah, Mr K. Sishir Das); Group V(a): Nigeria (Mr Michael Abiola Omolewa,
Mr Yemi Lijadu); Senegal (Mr Mame Birame
[...] Diouf, Mr Khaly Adama Nour); Group V(b): [...]
Algeria (Ms Kheïra Ouiguini, Mr Mohand
Hocine Zidani); Jordan (Mr Walid Al Rifai, Ms Nermine Goussous).
齐达内本 人亲自参与了这款以他命名且全球限量500枚的大型工程师腕表的配色和个性化设计。
Zidane was also personally [...]
involved in the colour scheme and individualization of the Big Ingenieur dedicated to him and
limited to a worldwide edition of 500 watches.
[...] IWC 万国表新推出一款特别版腕表,将其与球 齐达 内 的合作完美延续。
Schaffhausen, May 2010 – IWC Schaffhausen is underlining its partnership with the
[...] footballer Zinédine Zidane with a new special [...]
27”和“45”两个数字代表齐达内职 业生涯两场重要比赛中的射门得分时间。
The “27” and the “45” stand for the minutes of
[...] play in which Zidane scored arguably [...]
the two most important goals of his career.
每天,你都能注意到不同的进展——它 会在你的膝上睡觉,会向你走来索求要 食物,对着你喵喵叫,打小噜,和你 玩耍,这些都是明显的进展标志。
You can notice the progress everyday - sleeping on your lap, asking for food from you, mewing to you, purring and playing which are all signs of progress.
或被他的弟子尊稱為「格西拉」)設計了三種特殊的精神修行課程來為我們在現今世界上提供有系統地學習和練 噶 當 佛 法,分別是:普及課程( GP )、基礎課程( [...]
FP )和導師訓練課程( TTP )。
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, or 'Geshe-la' as he is affectionately called by his students, has designed three special
spiritual programs for the systematic study
[...] and practice of Kadampa Buddhism that [...]
are especially suited to the modern world:
the General Program (GP), the Foundation Program (FP), and the Teacher Training Program (TTP).
例如,我们的美国教育(EducationUSA)项目最近帮助安排了华盛 噶 劳 德 特大学(Gallaudet University)和北京联合大学之间一个促进耳聋和听力障碍者高等教育的伙伴合作项目。
For example, our EducationUSA program recently helped arrange a partnership between Gallaudet University in Washington and Beijing Union University to advance higher education for deaf and hearing-impaired students.
分布单元组的物种组成比较和生态型分析表明:①在我国干旱地区的海拔较低地带,景观自东向西由草原、荒漠草原过渡到荒漠,地理分布单元组亦呈现相应的分布格局,喜湿的物种逐渐减少,耐旱的种类增加;②青藏高原、帕米尔高原寒漠与蒙新温性和暖温性荒漠啮齿动物物种数和组成相近,物种多样性低;③阿尔泰山地及南麓平原啮齿动物组成较为特殊,寒湿啮齿动物成份最高;④东祁连山地及其北麓以及伊犁谷地、额敏谷地、伊犁天山、 噶 尔 界山及东麓山前平原的啮齿动物成份较为复杂,物种多样性较高。
They were ①ⅠAa:forest steppe and arid steppe in piedmont of Da Hinggan Mountain, east of Inner Mongolia Plateau and the area around, ⅠAb:arid steppes in Ningxia Plateau, Helan Mountain, center of Inner Monglia Plateau, Ordus Plateau and the area around, ⅠBa:Qinghai Tibet Plateau not including Qilin Mountain, and Pamir Plateau, ⅠBb:wide temperature desert from Alxa Desert to Tarim and Jungar Basin; ②ⅡA:east of Qilin Mountains, ⅡB:north slope of Qilin Mountain and its piedmont plains; ③ⅢA:Altay Mountain and the plains of
south piedmont, ⅢBa:Emin Valley, boundary
[...] mountains of Jungar and its piedmont [...]
plains, ⅢBb:Tianshan Mountain in Ili and Ili Valley.
沙夫豪森IWC 万国表在第一齐达内腕 表上采用了法国国家队旗的颜色,而全新大型工程师腕 齐达 内 特 别限量版腕表则体现了这位球星的个人品味。
Whereas IWC Schaffhausen retained the colours of the French national team for the first Edition Zinédine Zidane, the new Big Ingenieur Edition Zinédine Zidane reflects the individual taste of the footballer.
非洲:南非荷兰语、阿库佩姆契维语、阿善提契维语、本巴语、贝蒂语、达加里语、达格班 尼语、丹比语、多洛语、迪奥拉语、埃克古西语、埃维语、芳蒂语、富尔富尔德语、加语、 贡贾语、豪萨语、伊格博语、卡比尔语、卡翁德语、卡赛伦语、基坎巴语、吉库犹语、基卢 希亚语、基隆迪语、斯瓦希里语、基图巴语、林加拉语、 齐 语 、 隆 达/齐 克 维 -隆达语、卢 瓦勒语、马达加斯加语、曼丁卡语、莫尔语、恩德贝勒语、尼昂加语/齐切瓦语、恩济马语、 混杂英语、富拉尼语、西尔里尔语、塞佩迪语、塞佩蒂语、赛索托语、休纳语、史瓦济语、 索宁克语、汤加语、聪加语、茨瓦纳语、凡达语、沃洛夫语、科萨语、约鲁巴语、祖鲁语。
Africa: Afrikaans, Akuapem Twi, Asante Twi, Bemba, Béti, Dagaare, Dagbani, Dangbe, Dhoulo, Dioula, Ekegusii, Ewe, Fante, Fulfulde, Ga, Gonja, Hausa, Igbo, Kabye, Kaonde, Kasem, Kikamba, Kikuyu, Kiluhya, Kirundi, Kiswahili, Kituba, Lingala, Lozi, Lunda/Chokwe-Lunda, Luvale, Malagasy, Mandinka, Moore, Ndebele, Nyanja/Chinyanja, Nzema, Pidgin-English, Pulaar, Seereer, Sepedi, Sesotho, Shona, Siswati, Soninke, Tonga, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Wolof, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu.
当2001年孟加拉国总理卡达·齐亚( Begum Khaleda Zia)——遇刺的军事铁腕人物齐亚将军的遗孀,用“阿拉的主权”取代了宪法中的宗教和世俗分离的世俗主义,那个改变由此开端。
Initially serving as the president of the first post-Derg government, and then as Ethiopia’s prime minister from 1995 until his death, Meles (his nom de guerre in the revolution) oversaw 7.7% annual GDP growth in recent years.




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