单词 | 达尔文学徒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 达尔文学徒—DarwinianSee also:达尔文n—Darwinn
希望各 位 立法 会 同 事 [...] 及 政 府 决 策 层 能体会到达 尔 文的名言 是 很具现实意 义 的 。 legco.gov.hk | I hope my colleagues in this Council and [...] the decision-making echelons of the Government can all realize the real-life [...] relevanceof CharlesDARWIN's famous quote. legco.gov.hk |
根据香港大学在2005 年的数字, 病态赌徒人数达30万。 legco.gov.hk | According to the [...] figures providedby the HKU in 2005, pathologicalgamblers numbered at about [...]300 000. legco.gov.hk |
很多餐饮业的学生一边完成学徒工作,一边攻读证书课程,从三级证书到高级文凭,应有尽有。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Manystudents complete apprenticeshipsin hospitality while studying for qualifications that range from a certificate III to an advanceddiploma. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
我们不应过於分散力量,以免 欲速不达,徒劳无功。 legco.gov.hk | We must not spread these efforts so thin that we may end up with no noticeable improvements on the entire front. legco.gov.hk |
1.2 备忘录的条文是根据㆘述原则而制定:职训局在运用其经费 及资源方面应享有自主权及灵活性,惟必须符合《职业训练 局条例》(㆘称「职训局条例」)的规定,同时配合当其执 行干事是由行政长官根据《学徒制度条例》(㆘称《学徒条例》)委任为学徒事务专员而履行《学徒条例》所订职能的 需要。 legco.gov.hk | 1.2The provisionsof theMAA are founded on the principle that the VTC should have autonomy and flexibility in utilising its funds and resources insofar as it is compatible with the provisions of the Vocational Training Council Ordinance (“VTCO”), and as necessary for the Director of Apprenticeship to carryout his functions under the Apprenticeship Ordinance (“AO”), as long as the Executive Director, VTC is appointed by the Chief Executive as the Director of Apprenticeship under theAO. legco.gov.hk |
非营利组织,致力於查尔斯·达尔文基金会(CDF),拥有员工超过百人,这教科文组织世界遗产保护的“红名单”。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Non-profit [...] organization, the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) [...]is dedicated, with over one hundred employees, preservation [...]of this world heritage UNESCO listed on the "Red List". en.horloger-paris.com |
直到每个人都在学校,事情不能得到任何疯狂 - 尤其是达尔文-认为THA ... zh-tw.seekcartoon.com | Things couldn't get any crazier until everyonein school--especially Darwin--thinkstha... mt.seekcartoon.com |
(a) 策划、推广及支持艺术(包括文学艺术、表演艺术、视觉艺术及 电影艺术)的广泛发展,并培养及提高在艺术方面的参与、教育、 知识、技艺、欣赏能力、接触机会及明达的评论,以期改善整体 社会的生活素质;”。 legco.gov.hk | (a) to plan, promote and support the broad development of the arts, including theliterary, performing, visual and film arts, and to develop and improve the participation and education in and the knowledge, practice, appreciation, accessibility and informed criticism of the arts, with a view to improving the quality of life of the whole community;”. legco.gov.hk |
华卓拿刚上任为纽约华尔街圣三一教堂史上首位音乐及艺术总监,於任内同时作为圣三一合唱团、圣三一巴罗克乐团及以当代音乐为主的NOVUS NY 乐团首席指挥,并统筹圣三一教堂在曼克顿和布鲁克林下区举办一连串丰富而多元化的音乐会节目、博物馆展览、舞蹈及戏剧表演、诗歌及文学朗诵,教育及外展项目等等。 hkphil.org | In his new position as the inaugural Director of Music and the Arts at [...] New York’s historic Trinity Wall Street, Wachner serves as Principal Conductor of the Trinity Choir, the Trinity Baroque Orchestra and NOVUS NY, in addition to overseeing Trinity’s numerous and varied concert offerings, museum expositions, dance and theatre performances, poetry and literary readings, and educational and outreach initiatives in lower Manhattan and Brooklyn. hkphil.org |
在大喜的日子,七学徒到达“水晶宫”。 zh-tw.seekcartoon.com | On the big day, thesevenapprentices arriveat theCrystal Palace. seekcartoon.com |
主席先生,作为㆒种自然资源,土㆞的开拓与使用,基本㆖是为了满足㆟类生存的需要, 在这个基础㆖,㆟与土㆞的关系是和谐与互相依赖的,这种关系在诺贝尔文学奖得主赛 珍珠(Pearl S BUCK)笔㆘,藉《大㆞》(The Good Earth)㆒书所描绘㆗国农民与土㆞的关 系,清楚表达出来。 legco.gov.hk | This relationship, in the case of Chinese farmers and the earth, is well described in The Good Earth, a book by Pearl S BUCK, Nobel laureateforliterature. legco.gov.hk |
张文光议员与司徒华议员认为,容许资助学校在转为直资学校时解散其法团校董会,并不符合在学校 实施校本管理的政策目标。 legco.gov.hk | MrCHEUNG Man-kwong and Mr SZETOWah considered that allowing an aided [...] school to dissolve its IMC on becoming a DSS School [...]was not in line with the policy objective of implementing school-based management in schools. legco.gov.hk |
布政司、律政司、财政司、李柱铭议员、司徒华议员、张文光议员、冯智活议员、冯 检基议员、何敏嘉议员、黄震遐议员、刘千石议员、李永达议员、李华明议员、文世 昌议员、狄志远议员、涂谨申议员、杨森议员及黄伟贤议员投弃权票。 legco.gov.hk | The Chief Secretary, the Attorney General, the [...] Financial Secretary, [...] Mr Martin LEE, Mr SZETOWah,Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong, Rev FUNG Chi-wood, Mr Frederick FUNG, Mr Michael HO, Dr HUANG Chen-ya, Mr LAU Chin-shek, Mr LEE Wing-tat, Mr Fred LI, [...]Mr MAN Sai-cheong, Mr [...]TIK Chi-yuen, Mr James TO, Dr YEUNG Sum and Mr WONG Waiyin abstained. legco.gov.hk |
我公开呼吁, [...] 也十分希望,香港有创意的文学家能把如此丑陋的嘴脸写入小说中,并希望 这些小说能有机会获得诺贝尔文学奖,因为在这样的时代才能暴露社会的矛 盾面,在这样的时代才能暴露这种丑陋的嘴脸。 legco.gov.hk | I wish to openly make an appeal here: I very much wish that creative writers in Hong Kong can write about these ugly faces in their novels, [...] and I hope that these novels can win [...] the Nobelprize in literature, because itis only [...]at a time like this that conflicts [...]in society can be exposed, and it is only at a time like this that these ugly faces be exhibited. legco.gov.hk |
於1959年成立的达尔文基金会(CDF)目前正进行一项活动,以维护岛上敏感的生态系统。 iwc.com | TheCharlesDarwin Foundation(CDF), [...] established in 1959, is conducting a brave campaign to keep the sensitive ecosystem alive. iwc.com |
精致的多次事件恰逢达尔文2009年之际,为保护环境和海洋IWC万国表,加拉帕戈斯群岛达尔文基金会已与新的夥伴关系, 。 zh.horloger-paris.com | And refined repeatedly event coincides with a new partnership for the [...] protection of the environment and [...] seas IWC has contracted with the Charles Darwin Foundation, Galapagos Islands, on the occasion of the Year ofDarwin 2009 . en.horloger-paris.com |
她是一个新的IWC万国表合作关系,这是总部设在加拉帕戈斯群岛的达尔文基金会的大使。 zh.horloger-paris.com | She is the ambassador of a new cooperation between IWC [...] and the Charles DarwinFoundation, which [...]is headquartered in the Galapagos Islands. en.horloger-paris.com |
物竞天择 3D」节目将带领观众回到1831年的英国,与年青的达尔文一同登上小猎犬号出航,见证善於观察的达尔文如何从中悟出生存环境对生物物种演化的影响,继而利用细心收集的资料数据,整理出「物竞天择,适者生存」之《物种起源》论。 msc.org.mo | The show first takes us back to the England in [...] 1831 to sail on board the HMS Beagle withyoung Darwin, to witness how his careful observations led to [...]the realisation of [...]the evolution of lives on Earth caused by the Nature and the publication of “On the Origins of Species” introducing the theory of Natural Selection with the systematically collected information over the following years. msc.org.mo |
建造业议会正与香港机电工程商联会、电梯业协会及职业训练局(职训局)积极 [...] 商讨,为建造业机电工种(包括升降机及自动梯行业)提供更多培训,各方已原 则上同意为机电工种推行「承建商合作培训计划」,并为有志於完成职训局的机 电基本工艺课程後,投身成为机电学徒的学员提供资助,以提升机电工种的人力 资源。 legco.gov.hk | To increase the manpower for the trade, they have agreed in principle to introduce the Contractor Cooperative Training Scheme for the electrical and mechanical [...] trade and provide [...] subsidy to thosetrainees who intend to join as electrical and mechanical apprenticesafter completing [...]VTC's basic craft courses [...]in electrical and mechanical engineering. legco.gov.hk |
口香糖和达尔文都渴望的,鲁宾逊先生的房子做大量的家务,直到他们意外地毁了他的车。 zh-tw.seekcartoon.com | Gumball and Darwinareeagerenough [...] to do numerous chores at Mr. Robinson's house, until they accidentally destroy his car. mt.seekcartoon.com |
杨森议员批 评 政 府 的教学语文政策,但 却 只 字 不 提司徒华议员和 张文光 议员长期 主张的母语教 学 , 这 又 是 否 民主党 的 回 避态度呢? legco.gov.hk | Despite Dr YEUNG Sum's criticism of the medium of instruction policy adopted by the Government, not a single word has been mentioned about the mother-tongue teaching policy advocated by Mr SZETO Wah and Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong. legco.gov.hk |
学生也须懂得以文字反应式表达化学变化,及建议合适的方法分離混合物 和合适的试验检定化学物种。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | They should also be able to use word equations to represent chemical changes, to suggest appropriate methods for the separation of mixtures, and to undertake tests for chemical species. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
根据劳工及福利局在6月回 覆我的质询时表示,在2010-2011年度的3月底,自愿注册的学徒人数达1341人,人数有上升的趋势;而且我们跟一些机构谈过,特别是 一些公用事业机构,在过去10年,有部分公用事业机构後悔过去取消 了学徒制度,以致他们的技术人员出现青黄不接的情况,所以我们看 到有些公用事业机构已开始或打算恢复学徒制度,期望能吸引一些年 青人加入它们的工作。 legco.gov.hk | According to a reply to my question in June from the Labour and Welfare Bureau, at the end of March in year 2010-2011, the number of apprentices who registered themselves on a voluntary basis had reached 1 341, indicating a rising trend. legco.gov.hk |
16 名学徒及18 名文员培训生於二零一 零年毕业,并获得澳洲认证。 mmg.com | In2010,16 apprenticesand18 trainee [...] clerks graduated with Australian certifications. mmg.com |
如果每个部门及政 [...] 策局也好像陈家强局长的政策局般,香港便真的是由富有的人拥有最 大权势,我们便是返回了社会达尔文主义的年代 弱肉强食,the survival [...]of the fittest,强大的一方会胜出,富有的人总占上风,谁有 钱便可以提出诉讼。 legco.gov.hk | If every government department and Policy Bureau [...] is like Secretary ProfK CCHAN's Policy [...]Bureau, Hong Kong will really be a place [...]where rich people own most powers, and we will return to the days of social Darwinism ― the survival of the fittest. legco.gov.hk |
这些课程都着重实用及专业职业训练,程度由学徒课程、证书及文凭课程,以至学位课程不等,而课程范围亦极为广泛。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Australian Technical and Further Education (TAFE) providers, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) [...] and a number of universities andschools provide vocational [...] courses ranged fromapprenticeship programsto Certificates, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomasandeven selected [...]degrees. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
主要的分歧时,两者合计,又分为两个组,一个礼仪包括Vendidad , Vispered和作家,或适当的阿维斯塔,其他一般,所谓的科尔达阿维斯塔(节选阿维斯塔)和未成年人组成的文本和Yashts 。 mb-soft.com | The main divisions, when taken together, again fall into two groups, the one liturgical comprising Vendidad, Vispered and Yasna, or the [...] Avesta proper, the [...] other general, called Khorda Avesta (Abridged Avesta) and comprisingthe minortexts andthe Yashts. mb-soft.com |
(左起) [...] 香港大学李嘉诚医学院内科学系风湿及临床免疫科讲座教授刘泽星教授、香港大学首席副校长钱大康教授、道荷堤教授太太、1996年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主彼得‧道荷堤教授、香港大学校长徐立之教授、香港大学李嘉诚医学院院长文洪磋家族基金教授李心平教授、香港大学李嘉诚医学院儿童及青少年科学系系主任施罗艳基基金教授(社区儿童健康)刘宇隆教授。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | (From left) Professor Lau Chak-sing, Chair Professor and Chief of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Department of Medicine, HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine; Professor Roland T. Chin, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of HKU; Mrs Doherty; Professor Peter [...] Charles Doherty, Recipient [...] of Nobel Prizein Physiology or Medicine in 1996; Professor Tsui Lap-chee, Vice-Chancellor of HKU; Professor Lee Sum-ping,Dexter HCMan Family Professor in Medical [...]Science, Dean [...]of HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine; Professor Lau Yu-lung, Doris Zimmern Professor in Community Child Health, Chair Professor and Head of Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
张文光议员及司徒华议员认为 ,应 规定在任的独 立校董成为该校的教师或 现有学生的家 长 後,须 於指明期限 内 停 任 独 立校董一职。 legco.gov.hk | Mr CHEUNGMankwong and Mr SZETOWah held the view that a serving independent manager should be required to vacate his office within a specified period after he had become a teacher or a parent of a currentpupil of the school. legco.gov.hk |