

单词 责任法



legal responsibility

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

在国际组织责任法方面 ,这些规则无需审查。
These rules need not be examined in the
[...] context of the law of responsibility of international [...]
因此委员会在 2002 年决定开展国责任法的编 纂和逐渐发展工作,着手处理国家责任条款第 57 条不曾影响的两个遗留问题。
Thus the Commission decided in 2002 to pursue its work for the
codification and the progressive
[...] development of the law of international responsibility by taking up [...]
the two questions that had been
left without prejudice in article 57 on State responsibility.
有关外国人的特别控制法》(1991:572)载有关于以国家安全理由和根据 《恐怖罪行刑责任法》(2 003:148)所述预计犯罪活动的情况驱逐外国人的规 定。
The Act concerning Special Controls in Respect of Aliens (1991:572) contains provisions on expulsion on grounds of national security and
on account of anticipated criminal activity under the
[...] Act on Criminal Responsibility for Terrorist Offences [...]
各位部长就美国政府对阿拉伯叙利亚共和国实施单方面制裁深表关切,他 们重申所谓的《叙利责任法》违 背了国际法,也违反了《联合国宪章》的宗 旨和原则。
The Ministers expressed deep concern over the imposition of unilateral sanctions against the Syrian Arab Republic by the Government of the United States,
and reaffirmed that the
[...] so-called “Syria Accountability Act” is contrary [...]
to international law and a violation of the purposes
and principles of the UN Charter.
d) 在对《律师业务法》、《律师业务保障和律师的社会保护法》,以及 《刑事诉讼法》、《行责任法典》 进行修订和补充的基础上对律师业务体系进 行改革,这有助于保证在刑事诉讼中起诉和辩护诉讼权的平等,采用《米兰达规 [...]
(d) Through amendments and supplements to the Legal Counsel Act, the Legal Practice and Lawyers’ Defence (Safeguards) Act, the Code
of Criminal Procedure and the Code
[...] of Administrative Responsibility, the legal profession [...]
has been reformed to better balance
the procedural rights of the prosecution and the defence, introduce the democratic institution of Miranda rights and make it an offence to obstruct the work of lawyers.
C. Eagleton, “国际组织责任法”, 《……讲义》,第 76 卷(1950I),第 323 [...]
页起,载于第 395 页,认为,当地补救办法规则不适用于对联合国提出赔偿要求, 但这只是因为“联合国没有由国家经常予以维护的司法系统或其他手段的‘当地补救办法’”。
C. Eagleton, “International
[...] Organizations and the Law of Responsibility”, Recueil des [...]
Cours …, vol. 76 (1950-I), p. 323
at p. 395 considered that the local remedies rule would not be applicable to a claim against the United Nations, but only because “the United Nations does not have a judicial system or other means of ‘local redress’ such as are regularly maintained by states”.
委员会欢迎发布题为“权利责任: 建设宪法框架”的绿皮书,并欢迎随 后就《权利责任法案》 进行的公共协商。
The Committee welcomes the launching of the Green
[...] Paper “Rights and responsibilities: developing our constitutional framework” and the ensuing public consultation on a bill of rights and responsibilities.
经过美国天主教主教会议的游说,兰托斯和海德关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病全球 领责任法取消了一些切实和能够挽救生命的方案。
The Lantos/Hyde HIV/AIDS
[...] Global Leadership Act was gutted of several practical, life-saving programs as a result of lobbying by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
一个人据称为属于哈马斯及其各委员会的不同组织收集资 金,根据瑞典《涉及某些案件的关于资助特别严重罪行的刑 责任法 》 (2 002: 444)此人被控资助恐怖主义,或被控违反瑞典的《特定国际制裁法》(1996:95)。
A person who had allegedly collected funds for different organizations that were part of Hamas and its committees had been charged with the financing of
terrorism in accordance with
[...] the Swedish Act (2002:444) on Criminal Responsibility for the Financing [...]
of Particularly Serious
Crimes in Certain Cases, etc., or, alternatively, with crimes against the Swedish Act (1996:95) on Certain International Sanctions.
根据 2007 年 6 月 25 日第 91
[...] 号《关于对吉尔吉斯共和国〈刑法典〉、〈刑 事诉讼法〉、〈行责任法〉、 〈刑事程序法〉进行补充和修改的法律》,《最 [...]
高法院和地方法院法》、《检察院法》、《被怀疑和指控犯罪之人的监禁程序和 条件法》、《大赦和赦免的普通原则法》、《刑法典的启动实施法》中的死刑由 终身监禁取代。
Capital punishment was replaced by the sentence of life imprisonment pursuant to Act No. 91 of 25 June 2007, which introduced amendments to the Criminal Code, the
Code of Criminal Procedure, the Code
[...] of Administrative Responsibility, the Criminal Enforcement [...]
Code, the Supreme Court and
Local Courts Act, the Procurator’s Office Act, the Act on regulations and conditions for the detention of persons suspected and accused of the commission of crimes, the Act on the general principles of amnesty and pardon and the Act on the entry into force of the Criminal Code.
2010 年 12 月 1 日,《关于涉及恐怖主义罪行和其他特别严重罪行的公开煽 动、招募和训练活动的刑责任法案 》 (2010:299)生效,该法案包含执行《欧洲 委员会防止恐怖主义公约》和 2008 年 11 月 28 日欧洲联盟理事会关于打击恐怖 主义的 2008/919/JHA 号框架决定(修订 2002/475/JHA 号框架决定)的各项规定。
On 1 December 2010, the Act on Criminal Responsibility for Public Provocation, Recruitment and Training concerning Terrorist Offences and Other Particularly Serious Crimes (2010:299), containing provisions implementing the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism and European Union Council Framework Decision 2008/919/JHA of 28 November 2008 amending Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA on combating terrorism, entered into force.
[...] 现有关于有害环境活动所致损害之责任、应对行动和赔偿的国内法编制准则, 这一准则作为非约束性的条例普遍受到欢迎,可以大有助于制定国家一级的环责任法。
Germany pointed to the existing United Nations Environment Programme guidelines for the development of domestic legislation on liability, response action and compensation for damage caused by activities dangerous to the environment, which were generally welcomed as
non-binding regulations and which could make an important contribution to
[...] environmental liability law at the national level.
为《警察权力责任法》(第2559号法) 的执行工作引入监督体 系,防止警察的任意利用
(b) Introduce a monitoring system on the
[...] implementation of Law on Powers and Duties of the Police (Law No. 2559) [...]
and to prevent its arbitrary use by police
2008 年至 2009
[...] 年间对《吉尔吉斯共和国选举法》和《吉尔吉斯共和国行责任法》进 行了修改和补充,为完善选举程序,进行全民公投以及落实吉尔吉斯 [...]
In 2008 and 2009, a number of amendments were made to the Kyrgyz
Electoral Code and the Kyrgyz Code of
[...] Administrative Responsibility in order to improve [...]
procedures for elections and referendums
and implement the electoral rights of Kyrgyz citizens.
宪法》带来的重大变革包括:一项可以执行的《权利、自由 责任法 典 》 ;建 立总理办公室和副总督办公室;以及将民选成员人数从 15 个增加到 [...]
18 个。
The significant changes brought about by the
Constitution include an
[...] enforceable Bill of Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities, the establishment [...]
of the offices of Premier
and Deputy Governor and an increase in the number of elected members from 15 to 18.
该框架还包括具体立法,如《公务员法》;《劳工法典》;《证人保护 法》;《法人刑事犯责任法》; 《关于通过刑事犯罪和轻罪行为所获牟利没 [...]
收程序的法律》;《公共采购法》;《预防腐败和有组织犯罪办公室法》; 《反洗钱和恐怖主义资助法》;《刑事事项司法协助法》;和《数据保密 法》。
It further contains specific legislation such as the Law on Civil Servants; the Labour Code; the
Witness Protection Act;
[...] the Act on the Responsibility of Legal Persons [...]
for Criminal Offences; the Act on the Confiscation Procedure
for Pecuniary Gain Acquired by Criminal Offences and Acts of Misdemeanour; the Public Procurement Act; the Law on the Office for the Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime (USKOK); the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act; the Act on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters; and the Act on Confidentiality of Data.
法人刑事犯责任法》预 见了 法人被判负有刑事责任时的两类制裁:罚金和终止法人资格构成的处罚;包括 [...]
The Act on the Responsibility of Legal Persons for [...]
Criminal Offences foresees two types of sanctions where the legal person
is found criminally liable: penalties consisting of fines and termination of the legal person; and security measures, including professional bans, confiscation and publication of the verdict.
委员会建议缔约国在从关于拟议《权利 责任法 案 》 的协商中得出结论 时,对载明可执行的经济、社会和文化权利给予足够重视。
The Committee recommends that the State party place sufficient emphasis on the inclusion of enforceable economic, social and cultural rights when drawing conclusions from the consultations on a possible Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.
此外,即使损害不是要求一国承担责任的必要条 件,456
[...] 它为后者的执行,特别是赔偿,设置了条件,457 不允许的保留若要责 任法方面 有具体后果,依靠它的国家必须能够援引损害,但这是极不可能的。
Furthermore, even if injury is not a requirement for engaging the responsibility of a State,456 it influences how that responsibility is realized, particularly with regard to reparation;457 hence, for an impermissible reservation
to have concrete consequences in
[...] the sphere of the law of responsibility, a State relying [...]
on it would have to be able to invoke
an injury – which is highly unlikely.
[...] 黎公约的共同议定书》和修正这些公约的各项议定书,以及这些文书中的目标, 同时也注意到《核损害补充赔偿公约》打算在不妨碍其他赔偿责任制度的情况下 根据责任法的原 则建立一个全球核责任制度。
The Conference recalls the Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy, the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, the Brussels Convention supplementary to the Paris Convention, the Joint Protocol Related to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention and the protocols amending these Conventions, and the objectives thereof, and notes also the intention of the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage to
establish a worldwide
[...] nuclear liability regime based on the principles of nuclear liability law, without prejudice to [...]
other liability regimes.
公务人员出现这些错误,以及任何其他不遵守法律规定的行为,将根据“联邦公务人员行责任法”(Federal Law of Administrative [...]
Responsibilities of Public Servants)的规定受到惩处。
These wrongs, as well as any other failure to respect the
provisions of the Law, will be punished in accordance with the Federal Law of
[...] Administrative Responsibilities of Public Servants.
但最高法院还指出,“虽然对于即 使面临刑罚也要坚持或坚守自己的宗教或良心决定的人来说,似宜实行兵役替代
[...] 役制度,而不是强迫他们在军队服役,但这种立法不是政府的 法责任 , 《 兵役 法》只规定了处罚,而没有规定这种例外不违反《宪法》。
However, it also stated that “Although it is desirable to adopt a system of alternative service in place of military duty for those who firmly maintain and stick to their own religious or conscientious decision even facing the criminal penalty, rather than forcing
them to serve in the army, this legislation is
[...] not a constitutional responsibility of the government [...]
and Military Service
Act which provides only for the punishment does not provide such an exception is not an infringement of the Constitution”.
法 》 107 责任: BLI 是不可能的情况下,承担任,根 据环境法 》 第 107 附近的污染, BLI 已不在站点,操作并不拥有的网站,虽然它是在操作中,也不能以任何方式参加了铅基油漆或 [...]
CERCLA 107 Liability: BLI is not potentially liable for contamination at the site under [...]
CERCLA Section 107 due to the fact
that BLI has not operated at the site, did not own the site while it was in operation, nor in any manner participated in placement of lead-based paint or asbestos containing materials in the structure.
大赦国际呼吁迅速、公正和有效地调查所有对侵害妇女的暴力的举报,政府 应确保将负责任者绳之以法,受 害者得到赔偿,妇女在法律与实践中无保留地 享有与男子同样的平等。
Amnesty International called for prompt, impartial and effective investigation of all reports of violence against
women, that the Government
[...] ensure that those responsible were brought to justice and the victims [...]
granted reparations and that
women be granted unqualified equality with men in law and in practice.
工作组还忆及,犯罪者以及组 织、默许或容忍被强迫失踪的国家或国家当局在不妨碍当事国按照国际法原则承 担的国际责任的情况下,对被强迫失踪还负有 法责任 (第 5 条)。
The Working Group further recalls that enforced disappearances render their perpetrators and the State or State authorities which organize, acquiesce in or tolerate such
disappearances liable
[...] under civil law, without prejudice to the international responsibility of the State [...]
concerned (art. 5).
比如,如果警察与特定 的几个部门共同承担法责任,在 警察局和每个部门内指定联系人, 会改善信息沟通,找到问题的解决 [...]
For example,
[...] where police share enforcement responsibility with specialized [...]
agencies, establishing a designated liaison
within the police department and in each agency can improve the flow of information, identify solutions to problems, and help build work relationships.
为了进行更加全面的保护,鼓励各国根据国际法采取各种适当的措施与其他有关国家进行合 作,以便确立有关的法管辖 权,并对那些犯有或下令犯有上述行为(VII.个人的刑 责任 ) 并 在 该国领土被发现的个人(不论其国籍如何以及该行为在何处发生)予以有效的刑事制裁。
For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate
measures, in accordance with
[...] international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction over, and providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) and who are found [...]
present on its territory,
regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.
[...] 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际 法 行 为 的 责任 公 约 或采取 其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth
Committee, the question of a
[...] convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts [...]
or other appropriate action on
the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).




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