单词 | 膺 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:膺选—be elected 服膺—bear in mind 义愤填膺—righteous indignation fills one's breast (idiom); feel indignant at injustice
(2) 本公司之董事毋须於每次股东周年大会上膺选,惟须(任何执行主席 或任何董事总经理除外)按照本公司章程细则所规定之方式及频率輪 [...] 值退任。 sisinternational.com.hk | (2) The directors of the Company shall not [...] be requiredto be elected at each [...]annual general meeting, but shall (save for [...]any executive chairman and any managing director) be subject to retirement by rotation in such manner and at such frequency as the bye-laws of the Company may provide. sisinternational.com.hk |
根据本公司组织章程细则,所有独立非执行董事及非执行董事均以三年之固定任期委任,并於本公司 股东周年大会上告退、轮值及膺选连任。 asiasat.com | All INEDs and NEDs are appointed for a specific term [...] of three years and are subject to retirement, [...] rotationand re-election at the [...]Company’s AGM in accordance with the Company’s Bye-laws. asiasat.com |
根据细则第 88(1) [...] 条,余文耀先生及锺琯因先生须在股东周年大会上轮席退任,惟符合 资格膺选连任。 cflg.com.hk | Pursuant to Article 88(1) of the Articles, Mr. Yue Man Yiu, [...] Matthew and Mr. Chung Koon Yan will retire by rotation and, being eligible, offered [...] themselves for re-electionat the AGM. cflg.com.hk |
拟於 股东周年大会上膺选连任的退任董事的详情载於本通函附录二。 cre8ir.com | Details of the retiring Directors who are proposed to be reelected at the AGM are set out in Appendix II to this circular. cre8ir.com |
根据组织章程细则第84(1)条,杨敏女士、潘国成先生、郑学志先生及王平先生将於股东 周年大会上退任董事,并於股东周年大会上愿意膺选连任为董事。 cre8ir.com | In accordance with article 84(1) of the Articles of Association, Ms. Yang Min, Mr. Pan Guocheng, Mr. Zheng Xuezhi and Mr. Wang Ping shall retire by rotation, and being eligible, have offered themselves for reelection as Directors at the Annual General Meeting. cre8ir.com |
本公司之细则偏离守则条文A.4.2条,该细则规定於股东周年大会上,当时在任之三分一(或若董事总数并非 三或三之倍数,则为最接近三分一之数)之董事(主席及董事总经理除外)应退任,并可符合资格於会上膺选连任,而任何於年内获董事会委任之董事须於接受委任後之下届股东周年大会上退任,并可符合资格於会上膺选连任。 equitynet.com.hk | The Company’s bye-laws deviate from Code Provision A.4.2 as it provides that one-third of the directors for the time being (save for the Chairman or Managing Director), or if their number is not three nor three nor a multiple of three, then the number nearest to one-third, shall retire from office and [...] being eligible, offer [...] themselves for re-election at the annual general meetings and that any new director appointed by the Board during the year shall hold office until the next following annual general meeting after appointment, and he/ she shall beeligible for re-election. equitynet.com.hk |
於应届股东周年大会上被提名膺选连任之董事概无与本集团订有任何本集团如无作出赔偿(法定赔偿除外)则不能 [...] 於一年内终止之服务合约。 golikmetal.com | None of the [...] directors proposed for re-electionat the [...]forthcoming annual general meeting has a service contract which is [...]not determinable by the Group within one year without payment of compensation (other than statutory compensation). golikmetal.com |
600 系列采用 Bowers & Wilkins 技术,以实在价格提供荣膺大奖的出色性能和卓尔不凡的设计。 bowers-wilkins.cn | The 600 Series offers Bowers & Wilkins technologies, award-winning performance and outstanding design at an inconspicuous price. bowers-wilkins.eu |
任何就此获委任之董事之任期乃直至本公司下届股东周年大会为止,届 时合资格膺选連任,但在决定於会上輪值告退之董事时不予考虑在内。 comnet-telecom.hk | Any Director so appointed shall hold office only until the next following annual [...] general meeting of the Company and shall then [...] be eligibleforre-election, but [...]shall not be taken into account in determining [...]the Directors who are to retire by rotation at such meeting. comnet-telecom.hk |
除非经於大会退任的董事推荐,退任董事之外的任何人士概无资格於任何股 东大会上膺选董事,除非经有资格出席大会并於会上投票的股东(非提名人士) 签署表明其推荐有关人士参选意愿的通知以及经提名人士签署表明其参选意向 的通知已提交予总办事处或注册办事处,惟有关通知至少须於七(7)日前发出, 及有关通知递交期限须於寄发有关选举所召开股东大会通告翌日开始并至少於 有关股东大会日期前七(7)日结束。 wuling.com.hk | No person other than a Director retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible for election as a Director at any general meeting unless a Notice signed by a Member (other than the person to be proposed) duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which such notice is given of his intention to propose such person for election and also a Notice signed by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected shall have been lodged at the head office or at the Registration Office provided that the minimum length of the period, during which such Notice(s) are given, shall be at least seven (7) days and that the period for lodgment of such Notice(s) shall commence no earlier than the day after the despatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election and end no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of such general meeting. wuling.com.hk |
本公司之公司细则规定,任何因填补临时空缺而获委任之董事或任何新增之董事会成员可任职至下届股东周年大会为 止,届时彼可膺选连任,且三分之一或数目接近三分之一之董事须於每届股东周年大会上轮席退任(主席或董事总经理 除外)。 wingtaiproperties.com | The Company’s Bye-laws provide that any director appointed by the Board either to fill a casual vacancy or as an addition to the Board shall hold office only until the next following annual general meeting of the Company and shall then be eligible for election at the meeting, and that one third or the number nearest to one third of directors shall retire from office by rotation (save for Chairman or managing director) at each general meeting. wingtaiproperties.com |
建议於应届股东周年大会膺选连任之董事概无与本公司或其任何附属公司订立任何不可由雇主於一年内终止 [...] 而毋须作出赔偿(法 定赔偿除外)之服务合约。 equitynet.com.hk | No director proposed for re-election at the [...] forthcoming annual general meeting has a service contract with the Company or [...]any of its subsidiaries not determinable by the employer within one year without payment of compensation, other than statutory compensation. equitynet.com.hk |
任何如此获选的人士仅应留任至本公司举行下届股东周年大会 为止,届时将有资格在会上膺选连任。 minmetalsland.com | Any Director so appointed shall [...] hold office only until the next following annual general meeting of the Company and shall then [...] be eligible for re-election. minmetalsland.com |
除 於 大 会 上 卸 任 之 董 事 外 , 除 非 任 何 人 士 获 得 董 事 提 名 参 选 , 否 则 概 无 人 士 符 合 资 格 於 任 何 股 东 大会膺选为董 事 , 惟 以 下 情 况 除 外 : 经 获 正 式 合 资 格 出 席 及 於 会 上 投 票 之 股 东 ( 获 建 议 参 选 人 士 除 外 ) 签 署 的 通 知 , 表 明 有 意 提 名 该 名 人 士 参 选 , 而 获 提 名 之 人 士 亦 签 署 通 知 表 明 其 参 选 意 愿 , 提 交 至 办 事 处 或 总 办 事 处 , 且 在 该 通 知 提 交 後 已 给 予 本 公 司 最 少 七 (7) 天 之 最 短 通 知 期 ,( 倘 通 告 於 有 关 该 选 举 董 事 之 股 东 大 会 通 知 寄 发 後 提 交 ) 提 交 该 ( 等 ) 通 知 之 期 限 应 由 不 早 於 寄 发 该 选 举 董 事 之 股 东 大 会 通 知 翌 日 起 至 不 迟 於 该 股 东 大 会 指 定 举 行 日 期 前 七 (7) 天 止 。 golikmetal.com | 88. No person other than a Director retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible for election as a Director at any general meeting unless a Notice signed by a Member (other than the person proposed) duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which such Notice is give of his intention to propose such person for election and also a Notice signed by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected shall be lodged at the Office or at the head office provided that the minimum length of the period, during which such Notice(s) are given, shall be at least seven (7) days and that (if the Notice(s) are submitted after the dispatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election) the period for lodgement of such Notice(s) shall commence on the day after the dispatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election and end no less than seven (7) days prior to the date of such general meeting. golikmetal.com |
到头来,特首还 是要从政务主任当中物色政治官员,但他们一向服膺於政治中立的通才文 化,又能否形成整全的政策理念,甚至把这套理念向议会及公众成功推销 呢? legco.gov.hk | Yet given that these officers have always believed in political neutrality in a generalist culture, will they be able to formulate a comprehensive set of policy objectives and to succeed in selling this set of policy objectives to the legislature and to the public? legco.gov.hk |
拉尔夫·阿贝尔鲍姆公司 (RAA) [...] 在纽约、伦敦和北京拥有超过 160 名员工,并已荣膺设计和交 流领域的各项主要大奖。 raany.com | RAA has over 160 employees in New York, London, Beijing, Berlin, and Moscow and has won [...] every major award in the field [...]of design and communication. raany.com |
任何获 [...] 董事会委任以出任现有董事会新增职位的董事任期将於本公司下届股东 周年大会举行时届满,届时可於会上膺选连任。 sitoy.com | Any Director appointed by the Board as an addition to the existing Board shall [...] hold office only until the next following annual general meeting of the Company and shall then [...] be eligible forre-election. sitoy.com |
按上述方式委 任的董事任期将於紧随的下一届本公司股东大会 (倘为填补臨时空缺)或於紧随的下一届本公司股 [...] 东周年大会(倘为新增董事会职位)举行时届满, 届时有资格於该大会上膺选連任。 towngaschina.com | Any Director so appointed shall hold office only until the next following general meeting of the Company (in the case of filling a casual vacancy) or until the next following annual general [...] meeting of the Company (in the case of an addition to the Board) and shall then [...] be eligible forre-electionat that [...]meeting. towngaschina.com |
董事 会同意委员会的观点,并向股东推荐所有现任董事膺选连任。 glencore.com | This has been ongoing with a final decision being driven by the proposed Xstrata merger. glencore.com |
奔驰金融以卓越领先的服务品质,于2011年成为亚洲首家荣膺德国汽车工业协会(VDA6.2)认证的汽车金融公司;2012年,奔驰金融再度通过VDA6.2严格的年度检验,成功延续了这一享誉世界的认证资质,树立了全新的业界标杆。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | MBAFC is the first automotive group within Asia to receive 2011 VDA 6.2 certification from TÜV SÜD -a leading Germany-based certification agency -for its service excellence, and persistent verification under strict standard in 2012, which setting an industry benchmark to a new level. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
全球领先的医疗器械设备制造商、近日荣膺小型企业管理局2011年度亚利桑那出口商称号的Vante公司在11月2日和3日举行的美国国际医学设计及制造展示会(MD&M [...] Minneapolis)上推出了一个充满活力、注重选择的尖端产品和服务阵容。 tipschina.gov.cn | Vante, a leader in medical device equipment manufacturing and [...] recently honored as 2011 Small Business [...]Administration (SBA) Arizona Exporter [...]of the Year, is rolling out a dynamic, choice-focused line up of cutting edge products and services at MD&M Minneapolis on November 2nd and 3rd. tipschina.gov.cn |
该产品已荣膺本年度北欧最大农业展览会Agromek的最高荣誉奖项——三星“欧洲新产品奖”。 delaval.cn | Already this year, itwasawarded the highest [...] recognition, three stars, possible in the European News category by Agromek [...]– Northern Europe’s largest agricultural fair. delaval.com |
任何因此委任的董事仅可留任至下届股东特别大会(如 [...] 属填补临时空缺)或至下届股东周年大会(如属新增董事), 并有资格於大会上膺选连任,惟耽搁将於任何股东周年大会 [...]上轮值告退的董事或董事人数时则不得计算入内。 wuling.com.hk | Any person so appointed shall hold office only until the next following general meeting (in the case of filling a casual vacancy) or until the next following annual general meeting (in the case [...] of an additional Director), and shall then [...] be eligible for re-election at the [...]meeting but shall not be taken into account [...]in detaining the Directors or number of Directors who are to retire by rotation at any annual general meeting. wuling.com.hk |
我真的感到很奇怪,工联会是属於劳方的,或说,服膺於中国共产 党党纲的人应该是为劳工服务的,何以会说未获资方同意的便不要做? legco.gov.hk | The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (FTU) should be on the employees' side, or I would say, those believing in the party platform of the Communist Party of China should serve the workers. legco.gov.hk |
任何获董事会委任以填补临时空缺的董事任期将直至其获委任後的首 届股东大会为止,并可於该大会上膺选连任,而任何获董事会委任加入现时董事会的董事任期 仅至本公司下届股东周年大会为止,届时将合资格膺选连任。 taicheongbakery.com | Any Director appointed by the Board to fill a casual vacancy shall hold office until the first general meeting of Members [...] after his appointment [...] and be subjectto re-election at such meeting and any Director appointed by the Board as an addition to the existing Board shall hold office only until the next following annual general meeting of the Company and shall then be eligibleforre-election. taicheongbakery.com |
包括独立非执行董事在内,所有非执行董事之首次任期皆 於其获委任後之首次股东周年大会上届满,根据本公司组 织章程细则可在该大会上膺选连任,其後须轮值告退,最 少每三年一次。 wingtaiproperties.com | All Non-Executive Directors, including Independent Non-Executive Directors, are appointed for an initial term expiring at the first annual general meeting of the Company after their respective appointment. wingtaiproperties.com |
经董事会如此委任的任何董事, 任期至本公司下次股东大会(如属填补临时空缺)或本公司下届股东周年大会(如属现届董事会 [...] 新增成员)为止,届时符合资格於该股东大会膺选连任,但确定哪些董事须在股东周年大会退任 [...]时,在上述情况下退任的任何董事不计算在内。 cre.com.hk | Any Director so appointed by the Board shall hold office only until the next following general meeting of the Company (in the case of filling a casual vacancy) or until the next following annual general meeting of the Company (in the case of an [...] addition to the existing Board), and shall then [...] be eligible forre-election at that [...]meeting provided that any Director who so [...]retires shall not be taken into account in determining which Directors are to retire by rotation at an annual general meeting. cre.com.hk |
令人遗憾的是,报告避而不谈一个事实,即阿族 当局继续维护用混凝土填埋贾科维察市中心两度被 毁的塞尔维亚教堂遗址这个令人义愤填膺的决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, the report passes over in silence the fact that the ethnic Albanian authorities continue to defend the outrageous decision to pave over with concrete the remains of the Serbian church in the centre of Djakovica that has been destroyed twice. daccess-ods.un.org |
概无董事只因达致某一年龄而被要求撤职,或不合资格膺选连任或续聘 为 董事,亦概无任何人士只因达致某一年龄而不合资格获任命为董事。 earnest-inv.com | (B) No Director shall be required to vacate office or be ineligible for reelection or re-appointment as a Director, and no person shall be ineligible for appointment as a Director, by reason only of his having attained any particular age. earnest-inv.com |
除退任董事外,概无人士合乎资格於任何股东大会上膺选董事职位(获董事 会推荐竞选者则除外),除非表明有意提名该人士参选董事的书面通知及该 人士表明有意竞选的书面通知於股东大会日期前至少七(7)个整日递交至总 办事处或登记处,而递交有关通知期限,最早须由寄发进行该等竞选的股东 大会通告後之日起,且最少须为七(7)个整日。 embrygroup.com | No person, other than a retiring Director, shall, unless recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible for election to the office of Director at any general meeting, unless notice in writing of the intention to propose that person for election as a Director and notice in writing by that person of his willingness to be elected shall have been lodged at the Head Office or at the Registration Office at least seven (7) clear days before the date of the general meeting and the period for lodgement of such notices shall commence no earlier than the day after the despatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election and shall be at least seven (7) clear days in length. embrygroup.com |