

单词 腌猪肉



streaky bacon

See also:

cure (meat)


porcine n


External sources (not reviewed)

腌 渍 后 的 猪 肉 、 家 禽 或 肠 制 品 必 须 弄 干 , 使 制 成 品 的 水 分 降 至 25% 或 更 低 水 平 。
The meat, poultry, or sausages, after well soaked in the curing ingredients have [...]
to be dried such that the moisture content
of finished products comes down to 25% or even lower.
专门肉类、禽类、 鱼类及其它食品腌 制而设计的 GEA 设备,能够实现精确 控制与低成本运行,确 保满足客户的严格要求。
Built for effective processing of meat,poultry, fish and other food products, [...]
our equipment ensures that you maintain quality and satisfy your customers.
水产养殖未来仍将是增长最快的动物性食物生产部门之一,而在下一 个十年,捕捞渔业和水产养殖业的总产量将超过 肉 、 猪肉 或 禽 肉产量。
Aquaculture is set to remain one of the fastest-growing animal food-producing
sectors and, in the next decade, total production from both capture and aquaculture
[...] will exceed that of beef, pork or poultry.
中国代表团支持欧共体的立场,指出中国是最大 猪肉 生 产 和消费大国,建议进 行进一步研究以全面评估莱克多巴胺的安全性。
The Delegation of China, supporting the position of the European Community, stated that
China was the largest producer and
[...] consumer country of pig meat and recommended further [...]
research to fully evaluate the safety of ractopamine.
硝酸盐可作食物添加剂使用,主要用于乳酪制品 腌 制 肉 类 (例 如腊肠、火腿)的防腐剂。
It can also be used as a food additive, mainly as preservative in
[...] cheese products and cured meat (e.g. Chinese preserved [...]
sausage and ham).
该代表团指 出,中国和欧洲共同体是世界上最大 猪肉 生 产 国和消费国,在中国和亚洲其他国家, 消费者通常喜爱食用包括肺和肝脏在内的动物内脏。
The Delegation pointed out that China and the European
Community were the largest producers
[...] and consumers of pig meat in the world and that, [...]
in China and other Asian countries,
animal internal organs, including lungs and liver, were also regularly consumed.
减少食用加肉类,像腌肉、香 肠和热狗,它们的饱和脂肪和钠含量都很高。
Cut back on processed meats that are high in saturated [...]
fat and sodium such as bacon, sausage, and hot dogs
至于猪肉重量 和脂肪含量不足而不符合同的问题,法院认为,按照《销售公 约》第 35.1 条,以及所进行的专家测试,货物在买方收到后经过了几个月的干 燥腌制过 程,此后才发现某一部分不能销售。
As for the non-conformity with
[...] regard to the inadequate weight and fat content of the pork, the Court held, in view of article 35.1 of CISG and the expert tests carried out, that, after they had been received by the buyer, the goods had gone through the drying and curing process for several [...]
months and it was
only later that a certain proportion had been considered unmarketable.
人类主要通过进食蔬菜摄入硝酸盐,而较少从水或其他食 物 ( 腌 制 肉 类 )摄 入硝酸盐。
Human exposure to nitrate is mainly through the consumption of vegetables, and to a lesser extent water
[...] and other foods (such as cured meat).
芬兰新派菜令人刮目相看,如上菜前才点火的火 猪排 (Aquavit-flambéed pork chops) 伴烤茴香和芥菜泥、烤伏特腌制 牛脊 里 肉 配 干 胡椒和新鲜百里香,都叫人垂涎三尺。
New Finnish Cuisine includes delectable
[...] dishes such as Aquavit-flambéed pork chops with baked fennel and mashed rutabaga, and vodka-marinated sirloin roast with peppercorns [...]
and fresh thyme.
鱼通常以活体、新鲜、冷藏、冻冻、热处理、发酵、干制、 熏制、腌、腌渍、 蒸煮、油炸、冷干、 肉 、 肉 粉 或 罐制,或二个或更多类型 组合的方式销售。
It is generally distributed as live, fresh, chilled, frozen,
heat-treated, fermented, dried, smoked,
[...] salted, pickled, boiled, fried, freeze-dried, minced, powdered or canned, or as a combination [...] [...]
of two or more of these forms.
请注意, 我们不会向您子女体含猪肉或坚 果的食品。
Please know that
[...] foods containing pork or nuts will never [...]
be offered to your child.
饮食中的胆固醇广泛存在于动物性产品,比如鸡蛋、乳制品、 肉 、 猪肉 、 羊 肉 、 禽 肉和鱼肉。
Dietary cholesterol is found exclusively in animal products such as eggs, dairy, beef, pork, lamb, poultry and fish.
肉和猪肉为去 皮;家禽和鱼为去毛和去内脏。
Beef and pork on a dressed-weight [...]
basis; poultry and fish on an eviscerated basis.
为了更准确反映立法原意,并与《食物业规例》(第132X章)附表6有关预先包装冷冻牛肉、 肉 或 猪肉 的 标 签采用的中文译本“此日期或之前食用”日期一致,《2008年成文法(杂项规定)条例》对《食物及药物(成分组合及标签)规例》(第132W章)内有关“此日期前食用”的字句作出修订。
In order to better reflect the legislative intent and to tie in with the Chinese translation of “use by” date in Schedule 6 to the Food Business
Regulation, Cap. 132X on the labelling
[...] of prepackaged chilled beef, mutton or pork, amendment [...]
to the Chinese rendition of “use
by” date in the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations, Cap. 132W had been included in the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance 2008.
关于美国的干猪肉产品,委员会在收到进一步资料之前无法在其临时 报告中做出评估。
With regard to United
[...] States dry-cure pork, the Committee [...]
had been unable to make an assessment in its interim report pending
the receipt of further information.
例如在欧洲,对货架期和运输时间很重要的熏制腌制产 品,在中欧和东欧加工,特别是波兰和波罗的海国家。
For example, in Europe,
[...] smoked and marinated products, [...]
for which shelf-life and transportation time are important, are being
processed in Central and Eastern Europe, in particular in Poland and in the Baltic States.
腌料或烧烤酱曾浸制过肉,在 将其用于 肉 类 制 品前应当先煮沸来杀死细菌。
If the marinade or barbeque sauce was in contact with raw meat, boil it to kill bacteria before applying it to cooked meat.
六个月或以下的婴儿应避免进食硝酸盐含量偏高的蔬菜(例如菠菜、甜菜)及使用硝酸盐作为食物添加剂的加工处理食物(例如乳酪 腌 制 肉 类 )。
Babies below 6 months of age are recommended to avoid vegetables of high
nitrate content (e.g. spinach, beets) and processed food with nitrates added as food
[...] additives (e.g. cheese, cured meats).
大屠夫和马经销商的声音儿子,带来了在动物中,学习的照顾带来的EM,肉店的气氛中沐浴ICT大刀巧妙地增强使用的钢材,引发尽快切割和客户接触的艺术,哔叽Belime承诺在肉类行业在拉罗什河畔Foron研究生课程,然后Taninges东部凡专门英 腌肉。
Grand son of butcher and horse dealer's son, brought up among animals, learning the care brought to them, bathed in the atmosphere of the butcher shop with its big knives deftly sharpen using the steel, initiated soon to the art of cutting and customer contact, Serge Belime
undertook graduate studies in the meat industry in La  Roche sur-Foron, then Taninges
[...] where he specializes in cured meats.
关于牲 畜制品,预计实际平肉价(除猪肉外 )将 在下一个十年超过 1997-2006 年的平均 值,这主要由于供给量偏低,饲料价格上涨,以及需求量增多。
For livestock
[...] products, average meat prices in real terms, other than for pig meat, are expected [...]
to surpass the 1997-2006
average in the coming decade, initially owing to lower supplies, higher feed costs and rising demand.
为 防 止 发 生 亚 硝 酸 盐 引 致 食 用 者 中 毒 , 并
[...] 尽 量 减 低 硝 胺 在 腊 味腌 制 肉 类 内 形 成 的 机 会 , 制 造 [...]
商 须 确 保 腊 味 的 硝 酸 钠 和 ∕ 或 亚 硝 酸 盐 含 量
, 不 会 超 过 法 例 准 许 的 水 平 , 以 减 少 亚 硝 酸 钠 残 留 在 食 物 中 的 含 量 。
To prevent nitrite-induced intoxication and to
minimize the extent of exogenous
[...] nitrosamines formation in cured meats such as Lap-mei, [...]
manufacturers are liable to assure their
products contain no more than the permitted levels of sodium nitrate and /or nitrite in order to reduce the residual nitrites in food.
食用鸡肉代替红肉(如肉、猪肉和 羊 肉)。
Eat chicken instead of red meat like beef, pork, and mutton.
公司拥有优质战略意义的肉、有机 猪肉 、 耕作和活畜资产组合,同时也在商业化开发自身内在的庞大的碳和生物燃料潜能。
The company has a high quality portfolio
[...] of strategic beef, organic poultry, farming and [...]
livestock assets while commercialising
its significant inherent carbon and biofuel potential.
李纯恩先生亦赞道:「Pork Belly配上由新鲜苹果打成的酱,清香味道化解 猪肉 的 肥 腻。
This dish gets the thumb-up from
[...] Mr. Banny Li, "Pork belly is complemented [...]
by a sauce made from fresh apples.
在农业食品领域,如果没有美国封锁的阻碍,古巴与美国就可以组建联合企 业,开展菜豆、大豆、肉、猪肉等 农 业食品的生产、收购、屠宰、加工和配送 [...]
等业务,从而可以部分取代从美国进口此类产品,使古巴食品行业获得复苏,并 创造新的就业机会,等等。
In the agri-food sector, without the embargo restrictions it would be possible for the two countries to establish joint ventures in
order to expand the production of beans,
[...] soybeans, beef and pork, among other food [...]
items, as well as activities related to
warehousing logistics, processing, post-harvest processing and distribution, which in turn would replace current imports from the United States, revive the food industry and generate new sources of employment, among other benefits.
避免食用内脏(如脑、肝、肾)、红肉(如 肉 、 猪肉 、 羊 肉 ) 和 海鲜,尤其是富含脂肪的鱼肉和贝类(如金枪鱼、牡蛎、虾、龙虾、扇贝)。
Avoid organ meats (e.g., brain, liver, kidney), red meats (e.g., beef, pork, lamb) and seafood, especially fatty fish and shellfish (e.g., tuna, oyster, shrimp, lobster, scallops).
[...] 农业支助方案为以下领域提供了支持:灌溉、土地 耕种、土豆种子、生产基础设施、香蕉和咖啡生产 猪肉 和 家禽生产以及牧场。
With regard to farming, the 2010-2011 Agricultural Support Programme provided support in the following areas: irrigation, land
cultivation, seed potato, production infrastructure, banana and
[...] coffee production, pig and poultry production [...]
and pasture.
在 腌 制 腊 味 ( 中 国 传 统腌 制 肉 类 ) 方 面 , 硝 酸 盐 ∕ 亚 硝 酸 盐 是 不 可 或 缺 的 防 腐 剂 , 不 仅 使 食 物 具 备 [...]
独 特 的 色 香 味 , 更 具 有 抗 微 生 物 的 作
用 , 能 抑 制 细 菌 生 长 及 孢 子 形 成 , 尤 其 是 肉 毒 杆 菌 。
In curing of Lap-mei, referring to traditional Chinese preserved meat products, nitrate/nitrite [...]
is essential not only its
provision of unique characteristic in colour and taste, but more important, is its anti-microbial properties against bacteria growth and spore formation especially Clostridium botulinum.
的前戏佩德罗·塔瓦雷斯 - ESTANCIA Gaucha的 -
[...] 南里奥格兰德州 - 奶酪,葡萄酒,色拉米香肠和香肠,以及果汁和葡萄酒,全部生产由手的塞拉Gaucha的南方传统与所有的处理和切割的 肉 和 猪肉 , 加 上葡萄塞拉Gaucha的,已知的和果汁,糖果的形式消耗和全国各地的葡萄酒。
Gilmar Pedro Tavares - Estancia Gaucha - Rio Grande do Sul -cheeses, wines, salamis and sausages, as well as juices and
wines, all produced by
[...] hand in the Serra Gaucha Southern tradition with all the handling and cutting of beef and pork, plus Grape Serra [...]
Gaucha, known and
consumed in the form of juices, sweets and wines throughout the country.




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