

单词 立宪

立宪 ()

set up a constitution



constitutional monarchy


rule a country according to the constitution

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

立宪法法院需 要至少两名最高法院法官。
To form the Constitutional Court, two [...]
or more Judges of the Supreme Court must sit together.
新《宪法》规定明确分权,加强司法独立性,建立一个最高法院,设立作 为立宪法机构的司法事务委员会。
The new Constitution provides for a clear separation of powers, enhanced judicial independence, the
establishment of a Supreme Court and the setting up of the Judicial Services
[...] Commission as a constitutional independent body.
2010 年在肯尼亚和平进行立宪全民 投票期间,地方和平委员会以及预 防暴力的 Uwiano 平台阻止了潜在暴力事件的爆发。
Local peace
[...] committees, and the Uwiano Platform for violence prevention, prevented potentially violent incidents during the peaceful constitutional referendum in Kenya [...]
in 2010.
对 于新设立的境外法庭或某个法庭的新境外分庭,过渡联邦政府和过渡联邦议会可 在为其立宪法和立法依据时对这些问题做出规定。
In the case of a newly established extraterritorial court, or a newly established extraterritorial section of a court, such questions could be determined by the
Transitional Federal Government and the Transitional Federal
[...] Parliament when establishing its constitutional and legislative basis.
安理会第 1814(2008)号决议呼吁联索政治处加强努力,使 过渡联邦机构能够落实《过渡联邦宪章》的主要规定,即制定宪法、举立宪公民 投票和在 2009 年举行自由、公正的选举,这一选举现定于 2011 年进行(同上,第 65 至 70 段)。
In its resolution 1814 (2008), the Security Council called upon UNPOS to enhance its efforts to enable the transitional federal institutions to implement the key requirements of the Transitional Federal Charter, namely, to develop a constitution, hold a constitutional referendum and hold free and fair elections in 2009, which are now scheduled to take place in 2011 (ibid., paras. 65–70).
二) 在构成联邦,但按照联立宪制无须采取立法手段的各个州、县以及省或行政区的法 律管辖下实施本公约的各项条款时,联邦政府应当将这些条款连同其关于通过这些条 款的建议一并通知各个州、县以及省或行政区的主管当局。
(b) with regard to the provisions of this Convention, the implementation of which comes under the jurisdiction of individual constituent States, counties, provinces or cantons which are not obliged by the constitutional system of the federation to take legislative measures, the federal government shall inform the competent authorities of such States, counties, provinces or cantons of the said provisions, with its recommendation for their adoption.
a) 在联邦或中央立法机构的法律管辖下实施本公约各项条款的国家的联邦或中央政 府的义务与非联邦国家的缔约国的义务相同; b) 在构成联邦,但无须按照联立宪制 采取立法手段的各个国家、地区、省或州的 法律管辖下实施本公约的各项条款时,联邦政府应将这些条款连同其关于通过这 [...]
(b) with regard to the provisions of this Convention, the implementation of which comes under the jurisdiction of individual constituent States, countries, provinces or
cantons that are not
[...] obliged by the constitutional system of the federation to take legislative measures, [...]
the federal government
shall inform the competent authorities of such States, countries, provinces or cantons of the said provisions, with its recommendation for their adoption.
2009 年 1 月 21 日的土库曼斯坦总统令批准了《独立和永久中立土库曼斯坦 的军事理论》,《军事理论》第 8
[...] 部分指出,根据《土库曼斯坦宪法》和《土库曼 斯坦永久立宪法》 ,土库曼斯坦承认公认国际法准则和原则、联合国和联合国 [...]
决定的至高无上地位,并在其外交政策中遵守永久积极中立、尊重他国主权、领 土完整和不侵犯其边界、不干涉他国内政、不使用武力、不参与军事集团和联盟 以及与区域内和世界各国发展和平、友好和互利关系的原则。
In accordance with part 8 of the Military Doctrine for an Independent and Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan, ratified by decree of the President of Turkmenistan on 21 January 2009, under the Constitution of Turkmenistan
and the Constitutional
[...] Act on the Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan [...]
shall recognize the primacy of the universally recognized standards and principles of international law, of the United
Nations and of its decisions and, in its foreign policy, shall abide by the principles of permanent positive neutrality, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other States and the inviolability of their borders, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, non-use of force and non-participation in military blocs and alliances and the furthering of peaceful, friendly and mutually beneficial relations with other countries of the region and all over the world.
分别于1991年( 纳入政治多元化)及1995年( 设立宪法法院) 颁布的(宪法) 修正案成为赤道几内亚政治及法律史上的重要里程碑。
The (constitutional) amendment of 1991 (Inclusion of Political pluralism), and of 1995 (creation of Constitutional Court) constituted important goals in the political and legal history of Equatorial Guinea.
委员会重申它在 2004 年结论性意见中向缔约国发出的尽速 立宪 法 法院 的请求。
The Committee reiterates the invitation extended to
the State Party in its previous concluding
[...] observations in 2004 to establish the Constitutional Court as soon [...]
as possible.
仅仅国家独立就能使波多黎各 人民追求发展。以后需要召立宪会 议 来确立波多 黎各的地位,而拟议的全民投票制是否有效,有赖 [...]
The way ahead lay with a constitutional assembly on status, [...]
while the effectiveness of the proposed plebiscite would depend
on freedom of expression, access to information and freedom to dissent.
立宪 法被 废除,所有的立法、行政和司法权力都集中到 吴奈温手里。
The independence constitution was abrogated [...]
and all legislative, executive and judicial power placed in Ne Win’s hands.
较为激进的这些群体,第五君立宪 制 的 男子,成为他们在OT的法律重建和一个英国政府坚持改革臭名昭著。
One of the more radical of these groups, the Fifth Monarchy Men, became infamous for their insistence on the reestablishment of OT law and a reformed government for England.
[...] 代表本着民族团结的精神共同努力,承诺尽快组建新政府,并努力解决会妨碍伊 拉克长期政治和经济稳定的悬而未决的政治 立宪 问 题 ,包括通过一个可行的收 入共享安排、一项油气法并解决领土纠纷。
I expect all elected representatives to work together in a spirit of national unity and commit themselves to forming a government
quickly, and to strive to resolve
[...] pending political and constitutional matters that could [...]
hinder Iraq’s long-term political
and economic stability, including the adoption of a viable revenue-sharing arrangement, a hydrocarbon law and the resolution of disputed territories.
其他工作领域包立宪主义、两性问题、政治和国家, 以及全球化。
Other areas of work have
[...] included constitutionalism, gender, [...]
politics and State, and globalization.
(e) 全国民主联盟和其他政党及一些少数民族的代表无法切实有效参与真 正的对话、民族和解以及向民主制过渡的进程;该国的政治进程并非透明、包容 各方、自由而公正;起草宪法的既定程序导致事实上将反对派排斥在进程之外; 以及缅甸政府决定在人道主义需求非常迫切的时刻,无视自由公正选举的国际标 准,在恫吓的气氛中进立宪公民投票
( e ) The absence of effective and genuine participation of the representatives of the National League for Democracy and other political parties and some ethnic groups in a genuine process of dialogue, national reconciliation and transition to democracy; the fact that the country’s political processes are not transparent, inclusive, free and fair, and that the procedures established for the drafting of the constitution resulted in the de facto exclusion of the opposition from the process; and the decision of the Government of Myanmar to proceed with the constitutional referendum in an atmosphere of intimidation and without regard to international standards of free and fair elections at a time of dire humanitarian need
卢森堡的政治制度是君立宪制形式 下的议会民主制。
The Luxembourg political system consists of a parliamentary democracy under
[...] the form of a constitutional monarchy.
这符合基本法立宪要求 (《基 本法》第 3 条第 2 款)、符合欧共体条约的规定(《欧共体条约》第 [...]
2 条,第 3 条 第 2 款,第 141 条第 4 款)以及德意志联邦共和国的国际司法承诺(尤其是《消除 对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第 11 条)。
This meets the constitutional requirement of the [...]
Basic Law (art. 3, para. 2, second sentence of the Basic Law), the provisions
of the EC Treaty (art. 2, art. 3, para. 2, art. 141, para. 4, of the EC Treaty), as well the Federal Republic of Germany’s international legal commitments (including art. 11 of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women).
在有关各方达成恢立宪政府 协定后,联海特派团成立,以便协助实现军队现代化和建立新的警察队伍。
Following an agreement
[...] to restore the constitutional government, UNMIH [...]
is created to help modernize the army and set up a new police force.
通过输入“关键词、选区、议员名、主题、议会名称、立法周期、立法年度、日期间隔”等元素,可搜索到土耳其大国民议会自1920年4月23日首次召开至今历经土耳其大国民议会、国民议会、共和国参议院 立宪 会 议、众议院、民族统一委员会、国家安全委员会和咨询议会等阶段的议会所有的会议原始记录的pdf格式文档。
From the opening of the Parliament on April 23, 1920, till today, Parliament has been composed of the Grand National Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Constituent Assembly, the Assembly of Representatives, the Committee of National Union, the National Security Council, and the Advisory Assembly.
尽管有延误,但国家过渡委员会 已公开确认,打算按立宪宣言设想的时间表举行选 举,虽然现在还没有正式发出选举通知。
Despite the delays, the NTC has publicly confirmed its intention to hold the
elections according to the
[...] timeline envisaged in the constitutional declaration, although [...]
the official call for the elections has yet to be made.
1991 年 10 月 27 日,国家最高立 法机关――共和国最高苏维埃为了实现人民的意愿通过了题为“关于土库曼斯坦 独立和国家制度基础”立宪法律 ,该法律宣布在原土库曼苏维埃社会主义共和 国境内建立独立的土库曼斯坦民主国家。
This law proclaimed an independent democratic State, Turkmenistan, within the borders of the former Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic.
为了进一步加快这一进程,我们现在设立了立 宪法委 员会、议会宪法委员会和内阁级别的部委,它 们正在积极协调和完成宪法草案,并且设法取得过渡 联邦机构和索马里公众必要的共识。
To expedite that further, we now have
[...] in place an independent constitutional commission, a parliamentary constitutional committee [...]
and a cabinet-level
ministry that are hard at work coordinating and finalizing the draft constitution and achieving the necessary consensus within the Transitional Federal Institutions and the Somali public.
尽管海德只是君立宪制的 倡导者,并非政治激进分子,不久之后这份报纸还是被禁了。
His paper was soon banned, even though Held was less a political radical than
[...] an advocate for constitutional monarchy.
保证在顺利完成政治过渡后,继续支助阿富汗政府和人民重建国家、加立宪民主 的基础和在国际社会中恢复合法地位
, after the successful completion of the political transition, to the Government and people of Afghanistan as they
rebuild their country, strengthen the
[...] foundations of a constitutional democracy and resume [...]
their rightful place in the community of nations
工作队首先建议在 2006 年
[...] 举行“联邦认可的公民投票”,以确定波多黎各人民是“愿意维持接受国会意志 的美国属地地位,还是寻求通过可行 立宪 道 路走向永久性的美国非属地地位”。
It first recommended that a “federally sanctioned plebiscite” take place in 2006 to ascertain whether the people of Puerto Rico “wish to remain a United States
territory subject to the will of
[...] Congress or to pursue a constitutionally viable path towards [...]
a permanent non-territorial status with the United States”.
2004年6月联海稳定团组建,接替多国临时部队,支持继续进行和平 立宪 进 程 ,维护海地安定局势。
MINUSTAH is established to take over from MIF in
June 2004 to support the continuation
[...] of a peaceful and constitutional political process, [...]
and the maintenance of a secure and
stable environment in the country.
伊拉克妇女显示出,她们勇于面对恐怖和暴力, 承担起家庭和职业责任,并参与选举和 立宪 法。
Iraqi women had shown how courageous they could be in the face of terrorism and violence by assuming
their family and professional responsibilities and by participating in elections and in the
[...] drafting of the Constitution.
其次,世界知识产权组织 根据它的立宪章只 关注知识产权的促进,它的目标和职责并不包括发展目标。
First, about 90% of its funding comes not from member governments (as in WTO or other UN agencies) but from the private sector by way of fees paid by patent applicants under the PCT - effectively from the community of patentees.3 Secondly WIPO is, by its founding charter, solely concerned with the promotion of IPRs.
2009 年 1 月 25 日通立宪公民 投票颁布的国家新《政治宪法》第一条规 定,玻利维亚是一个以政治、经济、法律、文化和 语言多元化为基础的,自由、独立、自主、民主、 多文化的社会主义统一多民族权利国家。
democratic, intercultural and decentralized social State governed by the rule of law and founded on political, economic, legal, cultural and linguistic pluralism.




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