

单词 华氏度

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新的强硬相机防水(16英尺的TG – 610和-
[...] 310为10英尺的TG),防震(5英尺)和抗冻 ( 1 4 华氏度 ) , 可提供惊人的图像,即使你带他们到极端。
The new Tough cameras are Waterproof (to 16 feet for the TG-610 and 10 feet for
the TG-310), Shockproof (to 5 feet) and
[...] Freezeproof (to 14 degrees Fahrenheit) to deliver [...]
amazing images even when you take them to extremes.
一月份的平均温度为-1°C(30 华氏度)至-5°C(23华氏度),但是在山谷地 区可以降到-20°C(-4华氏度)。
January temperatures average -1°C (30°F) to -5°C (23°F), but in the mountain valleys they may drop as low as -20°C (-4°F).
照较多而且没有那么潮湿。七八月份温度从 16.5°C(62华氏度)至19°C(66华氏度),但是 在其中部分时间温度很容易达到35°C(9 5华 氏度)。
July and August average temperatures range from 16.5°C (62°F) to 19°C (65°F), though some days the temperature can easily [...]
reach even 35°C (95°F).
下一篇文章我们也可以增加一个液晶显示屏以 华氏度 和 摄氏度之间的转换。
In this next article we can also add an LCD display and add
[...] conversion between Farenheit and Celsius.
由于麦地那的气温高达45摄氏度/113 华氏度 甚 至更高,当地使用一把把巨型伞来保护朝圣者,防止他们受到烈日和高温的伤害。
With temperatures at Medina reaching 45°C/ 113°F and above, giant umbrellas are used to protect pilgrims from the ill effects of sun and heat.
他们在拍摄当天经历了超过100华氏度 的 高 温。
They experienced
[...] temperatures exceeding 100 degrees on the shoot day.
例如,若上一份订单后加工温度上升了 100 华氏度,再订购的爆破片材料可能会不合适,需按照当前要求订购。
For example, if the process temperature was
[...] increased 100 degrees Fahrenheit since [...]
the last order, the rupture disc materials
you are reordering may be inappropriate and should be ordered to current requirements.
因此, 易于塌陷的木材应或者首先进行风干
[...] 以允许含水率的逐步下降,或在大约 12 0 华 氏 度 的 较 低 干 球 温 度 下 用 [...]
窑 干 炉 烘 干 , 达 到 纤 维 饱 和 点 , 然 后 在 普 通 温 度 下 用 窑 干 炉 烘
干 (Guer nsey 1951;Mackay和Oliveira 1989)。
Collapse-prone lumber should therefore either be air-dried first to allow a
[...] gradual drop in moisture content, or kiln-dried [...]
at a low dry bulb temperature of
about 120°F, to fibre saturation point, and then kiln-dried at normal temperatures (Guernsey 1951; Mackay and Oliveira 1989).
无论你是在雪地行驶公路阿拉斯加冰或建筑物仍然执行了一个雪人在你的后院,新的TG – 610和TG – 310可以当摄氏度)的温度骤降远低于冰点 华氏 14 度; -10
Whether you’re cruising the Alaskan ice highway in a snowmobile or building a snowman in your backyard, the new TG-610
and TG-310 can still perform when the temperature dips well below
[...] freezing (14 degrees Fahrenheit; -10 degrees Celsius).
这些工人面临着不同程度的危险,从极寒(零下 58 华氏度)到 特大火情, 更不用说潮湿环境下引起滑倒和跌倒的危险。
These workers face hazards that range
from extreme cold (-58 degrees F) to huge flames, not to mention
[...] the danger from moisture that can cause [...]
slips and falls.
NANMAC率先在工业应用领域研究塑料、金属或玻璃注塑模腔内的部件真实温度,高达 4 2 0 0 华氏度 的 熔 炉温度,以便将使用时间延长一年以上,移动线缆、纤维或细线的温度,纸杯上塑料涂层的温度,以及汽车和火车圆盘制动器的表面温度----这只是其中的几个例子。
NANMAC has pioneered in the industrial applications of true part temperature in injection mold cavities
for plastic, metal or glass; furnace
[...] temperatures to 4200 degrees F for prolonged [...]
periods of a year and more, temperatures
of a moving wire, fiber, or thread, plastic coating temperature on a paper cup, and surface temperatures of automobile and locomotive disk brakes --just to name a few.
这些可进行多种测量的分析仪能同时以 GPM 和 LPM 的形式测量流量、以 PSIG 和 Bar 的形式测量压力并华氏温度和摄 氏温度的形式测量温度。
These multi-measurement analyzers simultaneously measure flow in GPM and LPM, pressure in PSIG and Bar, and temperature in degrees F and C.
气候: 7 月最高气温 75 华氏度 (24 度) , 每年平 均有 15 天气温在 32 华氏度(0 摄氏度) 以下经济: 主要行业包括航空航天,信息和通信技术, 清洁技术,医疗保健,生命科学,物流和国际贸 易,国防和旅游业。
Population (Metro Area): 3,707,400 Climate: High of 75 F (24 C) in July, below 32 F (0 C) for an average of 15 days per year Economy: Major sectors include aerospace, information and communications technology, clean technology, healthcare, life sciences, logistics & international trade, defense and tourism.
[...] [...] 的停影液冲走,再送到漂白液,漂白液将金属氧化成卤化银;定影就是把卤化银变成可溶 解的硫代硫酸盐,再经定影液及之后的水洗过程冲走;再通过水洗将胶片残留的冲洗药液 洗净,防止影响影像之长期储存的稳定性,然后到最后水洗,最后水洗液内有一种表面活 性剂可防止胶片干燥时留下水痕;冲洗完之胶片便送往烘箱 华氏 90 度)及用过滤空气 吹干。
The fixer converts the silver-halide compounds to soluble silver thiosulfate complex salts that are removed from the film in this fixer and subsequent wash.
均有 15 天气温在 32 华氏度(0 摄氏度) 以下经济: 主要行业包括航空航天,信息和通信技术, 清洁技术,医疗保健,生命科学,物流和国际贸 易,国防和旅游业。
Population (Metro Area): 3,707,400 Climate: High of 75 F (24 C) in July, below 32 F (0 C) for an average of15 days per year Economy: Major sectors include aerospace, information and communications technology, clean technology, healthcare, life sciences, logistics & international trade, defense and tourism.
从Cellwatch记录下来的数据中不难看出,充电电流上升至13安培,在周末的两天时间里,其中一个电池单体的浮充电压已接近16伏,电池柜中的温度也上升至 1 4 0 华氏度 ( 60 度 )。
A quick look at the Cellwatch data showed the charge current rose to almost 13 amps, one of the jar float voltages rose to almost 16
volts over the weekend, and the temperature in the battery cabinet
[...] rose to 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius).
麦芽与黑麦一起蒸煮,创造富含糖分的环境并在其中繁殖酵母,以促进淀粉到糖分再到酒精的转换过程;在将玉米和黑麦纳入蒸煮过程之前,会添加“调和”麦芽(即预施麦),以降低浆体粘度和成团机率;此外,也是最后一点,在添加玉米和黑麦并在 212 华氏度条件 下蒸煮,以溶解这些谷物中的淀粉之后,才可再添加剩余的麦芽。
Malt is cooked with rye to create a sugar rich environment in which yeast is propagated in order to convert  sugar to alcohol ; before introducing corn and rye into the cooking process a malt “slicker” or pre-malt is added to reduce the viscosity of the slurry and reduce the chance for doughballs; and, finally, after the corn and rye have been added and cooked at 212°F to liquefy the starch in those grains the remaining malt is added.
在我为“探险课堂”制作教育项目时,经历过零下 1 0 0 华氏度 的 30 ,000英里极地徒步旅行、穿过 1 2 6 华氏度 的 夏 季戈壁沙漠以及非常潮湿的亚马逊雨林,CORDURA ®面料从未令我失望。
In my quest to create educational programs for Adventure Classroom, CORDURA® fabric has never failed me in over 30,000 miles of trekking the
Polar Regions at
[...] wind-chills of minus 100 degrees F, summertime Gobi Desert temperatures of 126 degrees F and the [...]
constantly wet and humid Amazon Rain Forest.
近15年后,当初那条CPVC管线依然正常运作,提供必要的抗腐蚀性,以及有效处理在压力最高80 psi、温度最华氏180度的条 件下泵送的刺激性化学品必须的机械强度,并且无任何泄露。
Nearly 15 years later, that CPVC line is still fully operational, providing the necessary corrosion resistance and mechanical strength necessary to effectively handle the harsh chemicals being pumped under pressures up to 80 psi at temperatures up to 180¢ªF without leaks.
重要提示:当从冰箱里取出胶片,并打开包装,在打开片盒前,必须让其在室温为摄氏 21 度(+/-3 度),也就华氏 70 度(+/-5 度)的 环境里回温,这样可以在处理胶片时, 防止因受冷引起胶片可能的变松,这样也是为了防止潮湿使胶片粘在一起。
This will prevent telescoping of the roll during handling because of possible cold-induced looseness between the layers; it will also prevent moisture condensation and spotting of the film.
Jim Gifford:在偏远地区、业务接入受限地区、山顶基站,甚至在阿拉斯加冬 华氏 零 下 6 0 度 的 极 寒天气下,中兴通讯的CDMA设备在可靠性和电源方面的表现超出了我们的期望。
Jim Gifford: In the remote areas and restricted access of our service area, mountain
top cell sites, and extreme Alaska
[...] temperatures reaching -60 Fahrenheit during the [...]
winters, the ZTE CDMA network has exceeded
our expectations on reliability and capacity power usage.
七个附加温度,单位为摄氏度 (c)、华氏温度 (f) 或开氏温度 (k) 。
Seven additional temperatures in degrees Centigrade [...]
(c), Fahrenheit (f) or Kelvin (k).
宇宙中到处都可以发华氏零下460度 的 低 温。
The temperature of the
[...] Universe found is minus 460 degrees Fahrenheit.
明亮的大尺寸 LCD 显示屏上显示华氏或摄氏度表的 温度。
Temperatures are displayed in either Fahrenheit or Celsius on a large, bright LCD display.
iTX 监测器将显示当前的时间和日期,以及 华氏 或 摄 氏度 为 单位的当前的温度 (iTX 监测器内部温度)。
The iTX will display the current time and date along with the current temperature
[...] (inside the iTX) in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius.
[...] 法,把我们的经济增长模式改为低碳模式,以使全球 气温的平均上升幅度不会超过工业革命前平均水平 2 摄氏度。
All countries should therefore find ways of changing our growth patterns to low-carbon models that will
make it possible for average global temperature increases
[...] not to exceed 2 degrees centigrade over [...]
pre-industrial levels.
为 1.A. 或 19.A 所述系统设计或改进,并为军事用途特殊设计、在度 125 摄氏度以上操作的电子套件或组件。
A.3.b.3. do not control equipment designed for commercial, civil or 'Safety of Life' (e.g. data integrity, flight safety) GNSS services.
在与伊拉克各利益攸关方进一步协商后,工发组织代表说,原则上,伊拉克不反对 使用碳氢化合物为替代制冷剂,但条件是应确保:该技术在技术上是可行的,即可以得到 这些产品所需要的构件和原材料;最后产品价格与使用 HFC-134a
的产品价格相当;该项 目制造和维修方面的安全因素得到解决;使用碳氢化合物的产品性能与使用 HFC-134a 的
[...] 产品性能相似,必须铭记,巴格达夏季气温可轻易达到氏 50 度;提 供关于多边基金资助 的商用制冷转换碳氢化合物技术项目类似经验的信息。
Following further consultations with stakeholders in Iraq, the representative of UNIDO said that in principle, Iraq did not object to using hydrocarbon as the replacing refrigerant, subject to ensuring that: the technology was technically feasible in terms of the availability of components and raw materials for such products; the final product price was comparable to HFC-134a products; safety considerations were fulfilled within the project, covering both manufacturing and servicing aspects; the performance of hydrocarbon-based products was similar to that of HFC-134a products, keeping in mind
that the temperature in Baghdad could
[...] easily reach 50 degrees Celsius in the summertime; [...]
and information was provided on
similar experience with projects funded by the Multilateral Fund for shifting commercial refrigeration to hydrocarbon technology.
参与此次交易的另外21家银行包括:Rabobank International、苏格兰皇家银行与苏格兰皇家银行(德国)有限公司、海湾第一银行新加坡分行、 度 海 外银行新加坡分行、卡塔尔国家银行新加坡分行、 华 银 行 有限公司、澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司、三菱东京UFJ银行株式会社新加坡分行、英国阿拉伯商业银行、中国信托商业银行有限公司新加坡分行、瑞弗森国际银行集团有限公司新加坡分行、东亚银行有限公司新加坡分行、天顶银行(英国)有限公司、巴西银行、台湾银行新加坡分行、恒生银行有限公司、泰京银行(大众)有限公司新加坡分行、兆丰国际商业银行股份有限公司新加坡分行、印尼国家银行新加坡分行以及阿拉伯法国联合银行。
The 21 participating banks joining the Bookrunning Mandated Lead Arrangers in the transaction include: Rabobank International, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and RBS (Deutschland) AG, First Gulf Bank PJSC, Singapore Branch, Indian Overseas Bank, Singapore Branch, Qatar National Bank SAQ, Singapore Branch, United Overseas Bank Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Limited, Singapore Branch, British Arab Commercial Bank plc, Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co.
考虑到科学分析显示,根据哥本哈根协议所作的承诺仍将导致 温度上升氏 3.9 度,迫 切需要施加压力,让附件一缔约方和发展中国家的主要排 [...]
In considering the scientific analysis showing that the commitments pledged under the Copenhagen
Accord would still lead to a
[...] temperature rise of 3.9 degrees Celsius, there is an [...]
urgent need to pressure Annex I parties
and major emitting developing countries to scale up their emission reduction commitments and not make them contingent on what others are willing to commit.




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