

单词 百折不挠

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重要的是,应当从我们今天在安全理事会进行的 集体讨论中向英勇顽强百折不挠的 海 地人民发出同 样的支持信息。
It will be important that a similar message of support be communicated to the brave and resilient people of Haiti from our collective deliberations in the Security Council today.
我们对他们的悲痛感同身受,我们希望,他们将 怀百折不挠的精神和力量,战胜这个非常不幸的时 刻。
We feel their pain and sorrow and express our hopes that with resilience and strength they will be able to overcome this exceptionally tragic moment.
人民非凡的勇气、冷静和团结,他百折不挠的诉求,特别是其行动的和平性质,是对全 人类的一种鼓舞。
The people’s extraordinary courage, their calmness, their solidarity, the persistence of their demands and their peaceful nature, in particular, were a source of inspiration for all humankind.
巴基斯坦的历史上不乏充满巨大挑战的时期,但 是,巴基斯坦人民从来都是勇敢地面对这些艰难境 遇,而且带着尊严百折不挠。
The history of Pakistan is replete with periods of intense challenges, but the Pakistani people have always faced those difficult situations with boldness and have rebounded with dignity.
他们在如此艰巨挑战面前表 现出的勇敢态度百折不挠的精 神是可嘉的。
Their bravery and resilience in the face of such overwhelming challenges are to be commended.
请允许我代表西欧和其他国家集团表示,我们对 波兰人民百折不挠精神 和他们的合法机构有充分 信心。
Allow me to express, on behalf of the Group of Western European and Other Sates, our full confidence in the resilience of the Polish people and the legitimacy of their institutions.
要想有效对付阿富汗所面临的各种挑战,要想实 现该地区的和平与安全,就必须坚持不懈 百折不挠。
Perseverance and tenacity are critical to effectively confronting the challenges facing Afghanistan and to ushering peace and security into the region.
所有这些支持都重申,国际社会致力于我们的正 义事业,也滋养我百折不挠的精神。
All such support reaffirms the international commitment to our just cause and nourishes our resilience.
全球各地对巴勒斯坦人民自决权的原则支持,无 论是双边还是多边支持,多年来一直是巴勒斯坦人百折不挠精神的基本支柱。
The principled support for the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination that has come from all corners of the globe, both bilateral and multilateral, has been an essential pillar of Palestinian resilience over the decades.
香 港 面 對 着 各種的 機遇與 挑 戰 , 我 深 信 , 憑  香 港 人的共 同 努 力,以 及 我百 折 不 撓 的 精神,香港 的 經濟將 會 更 上 一 層 樓 。
In the face of these opportunities and challenges, I firmly believe that, with the concerted efforts and perseverance of the people of Hong Kong, our economy can break new ground.
魯迅先生繼續寫下去:“我目睹中國女子的辦事,是始於去年的, 雖然是少數,但看那干練堅決 百折不 回 的 氣概,曾經屢次為之感歎。
Though they are few, I have often been impressed by their ability, determination and indomitable spirit.
这一行动证明 我国对勇敢的巴勒斯坦民族事业作出更加积极的承 诺,他们不折不挠和勇气为世界各族人民树立了典 范,也是激发他们行使自决权的源泉。
That action testifies to a more active commitment to the cause of that brave people, whose resilience and courage serve as an example to all peoples of the world and a source of inspiration for the exercise of the right to self-determination.
無可置疑,香港經濟去年表現驕人,再一次展示了香港那百 折不撓的精神。
The performance of other economies has also helped. This remarkable achievement has once again demonstrated Hong Kong's tenacity and resilience.
我要促请广受尊敬的安 理会今不要发 出任何其他呼吁,而应发出一个我认 为将会而且也应当非常有帮助的呼声,那就是呼吁贝 尔格莱德停止仅仅因为科索沃塞族人希望与我们合 作,希望参与世界上这个最年轻国家正在取得的进步 而实施干预百般阻挠,对 他们进行操控。
And to the honourable Council I say that instead of making any other calls today, there is a single call that, I believe, would be and should be very helpful — that is to call on Belgrade to stop interfering, to stop obstructively manipulating the Kosovo Serbs just because they wish to work with us, just because they wish to be part of the progress that the youngest State in the world is making.
縱使這種精神包括了一些我們認為值得 讚許的德行,例百折不撓、 不怕失敗、堅守誠信,接受競爭等 ― 據我 所知,梁劉柔芬議員也曾在其他場合談過這些方面 ― 但最終來說,在整 個表述當中,企業精神便是指在資本主義市場經濟之中競賽的成功,而這個 成功的指標,便是以經濟效益作為標準。
Although this spirit includes creditable virtues such as perseverance, resilience, standing fast to integrity and credibility, competitiveness, and so on ― as far as I know, Mrs Sophie LEUNG has also expounded on this aspect on some other occasions ― in the end, in her entire interpretation, entrepreneurship is defined as the success attained in the competition of a capitalistic market economy and the yardstick of such success is economic gains.
增幅 190.2
[...] 百萬美元主要由於產量及銷量增加、額外折舊及攤銷 91.7 百萬美元、計入 Kinsevere 之銷售成本 41.9 百 萬美元(不包括折舊) 、及與本集團採礦、選礦及支持活動有關之價格上漲,包括與僱員、承包商、電力、燃料及 [...]
The US$190.2 million increase is mainly due to higher production and sales volumes, additional depreciation and amortisation (US$91.7 million), the inclusion of Kinsevere
cost of sales (US$41.9 million,
[...] excluding depreciation) and higher prices associated with the Group’s [...]
mining, processing and
support activities including costs relating to employees, contractors, electricity, fuel and consumables.
与前次报告所述期间相比,药折扣 百 分比 已变。
The percentages of discounts of medicines have [...]
changed as compared to the previous reporting period.
在报告第 1969(c)和(e)段,调查团进一步建议: “安全理事会收到委员会报 告之后即审议这一局势,”如果以色列国有关当局或者加沙有关当局没有分别“根 据第四十条的规定,在安理会决议通过六个月之内已经或正在依照国际标准独立 进行真诚调查”,“则再次根据《联合国宪章》第七章行事,根据(国际刑事法院) 《罗马规约》第 13(b)条将加沙局势提交国际刑事法院检察官处理”;在报告第 1969(f)段,调查团进一步建议:“安全理事会将以色列政府或加沙当 不 配 合委 员会工作的行为视为挠委员 会的工作”。
In paragraphs 1969 (c) and (e) of its report, the Mission further recommended that “upon receipt of the committee’s report, the Security Council should consider the situation and, in the absence of good-faith investigations that are independent and in conformity with international standards having been undertaken or being under way within six months of the date of its resolution under Article 40” by the appropriate authorities of the State of Israel or the relevant authorities in Gaza, respectively, “acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, refer the situation in Gaza to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court pursuant to article 13 (b) of the Rome Statute” of the International Criminal Court.
不断适 应各种文化和迎合不同上司的习惯做法把 她塑造成一个高度灵活、坚忍、自信的女 性,她的积极性不屈不挠的态 度受到许 多人的赞扬。
of her numerous bosses has moulded her into a highly versatile, persevering and confident woman whose proactivity and never say die attitude is highly commendable.
該期權獲行使後,除於該期間發生的期權回購開支(包括期權溢價以及利潤分成)外,還對 1 1 4 百 萬 美 元的額 折 舊 開 支加以確認,以 反映假設相關資產先前於期權期限內並無分類為持作出售而須對計提的折舊。
Following the exercise of the option, in addition to the option repurchase expenses (including the option premium and profit entitlement)
incurred during the
[...] period, $ 114 million of additional depreciation expense was recognised to reflect the depreciation that would [...]
have been charged if
the related assets had not previously been classified as held for sale during the option period.
因此,凭着远见卓识、辛勤工作不 屈 不挠的 意志,这是有可能实现的。
So this is possible, by dint of vision, hard work and determined will.
罢工者不得以任何方式挠不参加 罢工者进入工作场所劳动。
Those who refuse to go on strike shall in no way be barred from working at their work-place by strikers.
国际刑事法院的决不会成 为任何改变苏丹政 府应遵守安全理事会决议、避免挠第 1 828(2008) 号决议中提及的人道主义援助和确保平民和联合国 人员安全的义务的行为的理由。
The decision of the International Criminal Court will not justify any change in the obligation of the Government [...]
of the Sudan to comply with Security
Council resolutions, to avoid impeding humanitarian assistance, as referred to in resolution 1828 (2008), and to ensure the safety and security of civilians and United Nations personnel.
鑑 於 : (i) 股 權 轉 讓 協 議 的 主 要 條 款 乃 由 參 與 的 各 方 經 過 公 平 磋 商 後 釐 定 ; (ii) 在 釐 定 撫 順 上 馬 收 購 事 項 的 代 價 時 , 董 事 已 參 考 若 干 因 素 , 其 中 包 括 鐵 礦 石 行 業 之 前 景 、 於 評 估 日 撫 順 上 馬
淨 資 產 的 賬 面 值 及可比 較 案 例 ; 及 (iii) 撫 順 上 馬 收 購 事 項 的 代 價 人 民 幣 100 百 萬 元 較 估
[...] 值 師 編 製 的 股 權 估 值 人 民 幣 106 百 萬 元 折 讓 約 6%。
Given the fact that (i) the principal terms of the Equity Transfer Agreement are determined by the parties involved after arms-length negotiation; (ii) the Directors have made reference to several factors, among others, the prospect of the iron ore industry; the book value of net assets of Fushun Shangma as at the Valuation Date as well as comparable cases in determining the consideration of the Fushun Shangma Acquisition; and (iii) the consideration of the Fushun Shangma Acquisition at RMB100 million
represents a discount of approximately 6% when compared with the Equity
[...] Valuation prepared by the Valuer at RMB106 million.
金 融 工不 存 在 活 躍 市 場 的,本 集 團 採 用 估 值 技 術 確 定 其 公 允 價 值,估 值 技 術 包 括 參 考 熟 悉 情 況 並 自 願 交 易 的 各 方 最 近 進 行 的 市 場 交 易 中 使 用 的 價 格、參 照 實 質 上 相 同 的 其 他 金 融 工 具 的 當 前 公 允 價 值、現 金 流折 現 法 和 期 權 定 價 模 型 等。
Valuation techniques include reference to most recent market prices used by knowledgeable and willingness parties, reference to current fair value of other financial instrument with similar nature, discounted cash flow method and option valuation models.
它其實包括:一、不斷創新、創造新社會價值;二、接 受 挑 戰百 折 不 撓; 三、具 組 織和管理項目能力,最終能夠實現自己的目標; 及四、誠信唯上。
It actually denotes: (1) incessant innovativeness and creation of new social values; (2) an indefatigable spirit marked by a preparedness to take challenges; (3) an ability to organize and manage projects for the ultimate achievement of one's goals; and (4) an emphasis on integrity.
我们相信,拥有灿烂历史和文 化传统的阿富汗必不屈不挠地面 对目前的多重国 内外挑战,把本国转变为全面繁荣、安全和民主的国 家。
We are convinced that Afghanistan, with its brilliant historical and cultural heritage, will, and must, persevere in facing its multiple current domestic and foreign challenges and transform itself into a prosperous, secure and democratic country in all respects.
聘用已退休 人员和顾问,并让其担任高级管理职务,事实上这项政策使一些本可担任此类职务的工作人员遭到 排挤,从而挠了他们晋升的机会,存在的诸多问题必须认真审查。
The hiring of retirees and consultants entrusted with administrative tasks, and the fact that this policy results in the sidelining of staff members who could be assigned to these duties and blocks their promotion, are all issues that must be examined closely.




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