

单词 香港足球总会

See also:

香港 n

Hong Kong n
Mainland n
fact n

足球 n

football n
a football n


soccer ball

External sources (not reviewed)

他促請政府當局加強對足總的支援,並 善香港足球隊在 東亞運所取得的成功,於發展本地足球方面尋 [...]
He urged the Administration to enhance its
support to HKFA, and capitalize on the
[...] success of the Hong Kong Football Team in the [...]
EAG to seek a breakthrough in football development.
now TV在香港提供 180多个频道的本地、亚洲和国际节目,包括西班牙甲级联赛、英格 足总 杯 、NBA、法国 球 公 开 赛、美国网球公开赛、ATP世界巡回赛、国际羽联超级系列赛、世界斯诺克冠军赛、F1和国际高尔夫职业巡回赛等。
now TV serves Hong Kong with more than 180 channels of local, Asian and international programming, including premium content such as Spanish La Liga, English FA Cup, NBA, French [...]
Open, US Open, ATP
World Tour, BWF Super Series, World Snooker Tour, F1 and PGA Tour.
[...] [...] (2002年、2004年及2008年)、「金利来集团特约从国宝文物看西安特辑」、「全球华人黄帝陵大祭祖活动」、「樟木头第3届香港人旅游节」、「家燕家你皆大欢喜演唱会」、「祟福皮革之夜明星演唱会」、「哈尔滨成龙好朋友慈善演唱会」、「2006同心同根太阳计划走进西安演 会 」 、 「 香港 明 星 足球 队 多 伦多慈善之旅2007」、「2009国际欢乐嘉年华」、「All for Ken 2011枫再起时蔡枫华广州演唱会」、「哈尔滨.
Planned and produced "Wong Kit Concert in Guang Dong", "Miss Chinese International" (2002, 2004 & 2008), "Goldlion - Xian Special", "Memorial Ceremony of the King in Xian", "The 3rd Hong Kong People Tour Festival", "Nancy Sit Concert", a sponsored concert in Zhang Mu Tou, "Jackie CHAN and Friends Concert", "The Sun Project: Xian Concert",
a contect organised
[...] by All Star Sports Association, a mobile game event in Harbin, concert "All for Ken 2011", "Style Hong Kong Show in Harbin", and "Harbin-Hong Kong Economic [...]
and Trade Cooperation
Meeting and Signing Ceremony".
為確保主要的措施推行順 利,我們計劃成立由政府香港足總 及 其他持份者代表組成的 球專 責 小組,負責監督有關計劃及活動的落實情況。
To ensure that we make good progress with the
key initiatives, we plan
[...] to form a Football Taskforce with representatives from the Government, the HKFA and [...]
other stakeholders to
oversee implementation of the relevant plans and programmes.
学术委会成员 有北京大学国家发展研究院院长周其仁,北京大学国际关系学院院长王缉思,台湾国立政治大学教授金观涛,复旦大学新经济政治学研究中心主任史正富,中欧工商管理学院教授许小年,瑞银 球 新 兴 市场研究部主管乔纳森••安德森(Jonathan Anderson),北京航空航天大学法学院教授高全喜,德意志银行大中华区首席经济学家马骏,香港科技大学教授丁学良, 港 金 融 管理局助 总 裁 、 香港 金 融 研究中心主任何东。
Academy Committee:Zhou
[...] Qiren (Director of National School of Development, Peking University), Wang Jisi (Dean of School of International Studies, Peking University), Jin Guantao (Professor of the National Chengchi University), Shi Zhengfu (Director of New Politics and Economics Institution, Fudan University), Xu Xiaonian (Professor of China Europe International Business School), Jonathan Anderson (Managing Director Global Emerging Market Economist, UBS), Gao Quanxi (Professor of School of Law, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Ma Jun (Chief Economist, Greater China, Head of China/Hong Kong Macro Strategy, Deutsche Bank Hong Kong), Ding Xueliang (Professor of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), He Dong (Executive Director of [...]
Hong Kong Monetary Authority).
[...] 虽然价格低或开放源码的软件与所有权软件相比按理可能具有费用和其它方面的优势,但 除软件许可费以外的许多因素会影响 IT 系统总成本,如为足客户的特殊需要而定 制系统,以及为该系统所提供的服务和维护。
For instance, whilst low cost or open source software may a priori offer cost and other advantages over proprietary
software, many factors
[...] besides software license fees affect the total cost of an IT system such as customising [...]
the system to the
user’s specific needs, as well as servicing, and maintaining the system.
北京的 瑞典大使馆、在中国的瑞典贸易委 会 、 上海 和 香港 的 瑞 典总 领事 馆、瑞典国家发展政策分析署和投资促进署组成了瑞典在 中国的官方代表。
The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing, the Swedish Trade Council
in China, the Swedish
[...] Consulate-Generals in Shanghai and Hong Kong, Growth Analysis and Invest [...]
Sweden constitute the official
representatives of Sweden in China.
面向独立音乐行业的数字发行、推广和技术解决方案的 球 领 先 企业IODA今日宣布, 总 部 设 在 香港 的 独 立唱片公司Love Da Records建立合作关系。
HONG KONG--(Marketwire - May 27,
[...] 2010) - IODA, the global leader in digital distribution, marketing, and technology solutions for the independent music industry, today announced a partnership with Hong Kong-based independent [...]
label Love Da Records.
球金融危机影响香港特区 本地生 总 值在 2008 财政年度同比收缩 2.7%,随着在中国和其它新兴市场引领下的 球 经 济 逐步复苏 香港 本 地生 产总 值在 2009 财政年度同比增长 2.5%。
The GDP of Hong Kong SAR contracted 2.7 per cent year over year in fiscal year 2008 as a result of the global financial crisis, and rebounded in fiscal year 2009 with 2.5 per cent year over year growth as the global economy recovered, [...]
led by China and other emerging markets.
教科文组织非集中化战略(160 EX/6)具体指出,“多国办事处主要负责与会员国在 计划的制定与实施方面的关系问题……为了使教科文组织能更好地 足会 员 国的需要,多国 办事处在开始制定计划时就应在与会员国及其全国委员会以及与联合国系统和其它合作伙伴 的磋商中发挥前瞻性作用,以便为分地区、地区和 球 的 计 划的制定提出意见以及为募集预 算外资金和与联合国其它机构在各国的计划之间的协调提出办法”。
The UNESCO decentralization strategy (160 EX/6) specifies that the “cluster office forms the delivery platform for all programming and implementation relations at country-level with Member States … In the search for a more demand-driven UNESCO, cluster offices will play a proactive role in consulting with individual Member States and their National Commissions, as well as with United Nations system and
other partners, at the
[...] very beginning of the programming cycle, in order to provide inputs that will form the basis for subregional, regional and global programming as well as strategies to raise extrabudgetary funding and harmonization with other United Nations agency programmes [...]
at country level”.
总经理Alex Choi先生,
[...] 接受了2008年香港工商业奖生产率和质量组别的奖项,该奖是 香港 工 业 总会 发 起 的每年一度的活动。
Mr. Alex Choi, GM accepted the 2008 Hong Kong Award for Industries in the
category of Productivity & Quality, an annual event which is being
[...] sponsored by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries.
由于管理事务部承担着本组 织采购行动的最终责任,它将以下额外职能授予总部合同委 会/总 部 财产调查 委员会秘书处:培训外地(包括维持和平特派团和总部以外办事处)的地方合同委 员会成员,监督地方合同委员会的运作以确保他们具 足 够 的审查能力,以及根总部合同委会的建 议分析系统性问题和趋势等其他额外职能。
Since the final responsibility for procurement actions of the Organization is retained by the Department of Management, the secretariat has been given additional functions to conduct training of local committee on contracts members in the
field (both in peacekeeping missions and
[...] in offices away from Headquarters), monitor the functioning of the local committee on contracts to ensure that they have the adequate vetting capacity, and other such functions as analysis of systemic issues and trends based on recommendations of the Headquarters Committee on Contracts.
(h)由三个多国方案(东加勒比、太平洋岛屿和巴勒斯坦儿童和妇女地区方案) 涵盖的国家将继续获得一笔综总付 款项 , 足 以 用 于开展切实可行的有效方案; (i) 此外,应预留方案年度经常资源的 7%,供执行局灵活分配,支持国家方 案,特别是:鼓励在儿会一个 或多个工作领域和优先事项中取得优异业绩;灵 活应对正在出现的机会;避免突然改变对各个国家的经常资源分配水平。
(i) In addition, 7 per cent of the annual regular resources for programmes should be set aside for flexible allocation by the Executive Director in support of country programmes to, inter alia, encourage excellence in the quality of performance in one or more of the areas of work and priorities of UNICEF; provide flexibility to respond to emerging opportunities; and avoid sudden changes in the level of regular resources allocation to individual countries.
在 2002年 11月 26日,政府公布其規範及監香港的 足球 博彩活動的決定,以及決定發牌予香港賽馬會(下稱“馬會”),使其 成香港 足球博彩 活動的經營者,年期最初為5年。
The Government announced on 26 November 2002
its decision
[...] to authorize and regulate football betting in Hong Kong, and to license the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) as an operator of football betting in Hong Kong for [...]
an initial period of five years.
政府亦看到這個情況,因此於 2002 年,民政事務局透香港足球總會, 推行“地區化、年輕化”政策,向 [...]
18 區區議會招手,而和富大埔隊便是在 這時候成立的。
The Government has also noticed such a
situation. For this reason, in 2002,
[...] through the Hong Kong Football Association, [...]
the Home Affairs Bureau implemented the
policy of "localization and rejuvenation" by beckoning to the district councils in the 18 districts.
近年,雖香港足球總會 (“足總”)每年均會在暑假舉辦青少年足球 推廣及培訓計劃(“青訓計劃”),以鼓勵青少年在課餘的假期參與足球 [...]
運動,但青訓計劃往往會隨着暑期結束而完結,這對於長遠的人才培訓並不 是理想的做法。
In recent years,
[...] although the Hong Kong Football Association [...]
(HKFA) has organized a series of youth football development
programmes including the Youth Football Promotion Scheme during the summer vacations each year to encourage young people to take part in the sport at their leisure, these youth football development programmes would often end with the end of the summer vacations, so in the long run, this is not an ideal approach for grooming talents.
然而,近 30 年來香港足球在資 源及各方支持不足下,已被鄰近國家 及地區迎頭趕上。
But over the past 30
[...] years, owing to inadequate resource and other support, the development of Hong Kong football has already [...]
been overtaken by its
neighbouring countries and regions.
這項建議會讓本地球員有機 會定期與國內的強手競逐,也可增加市民大眾 香港足球 的 興 趣。
This would give local players an opportunity to compete
against strong opponents on the Mainland on a regular basis, and could help increase
[...] local interest in Hong Kong football.
下列成员和准成员的代表会上作 了发言:亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、孟 加拉国、文莱达鲁萨兰国、柬埔寨、中国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、斐济、 中香港、印 度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本、哈萨克斯坦、老 挝人民民主共和国、马来西亚、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、巴布亚新 几内亚、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、新加坡、所罗门群岛、 斯里兰卡、泰国、汤加、图瓦卢、瓦努阿图和越南。
Representatives of the following members and associate members made statements: Armenia;
[...] Australia; Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; Fiji; Hong Kong, China; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; Kazakhstan; Lao People’s Democratic [...]
Republic; Malaysia; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Republic of Korea; Russian Federation; Samoa; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; and Viet Nam.
梁 劉柔芬議員今天提出有關推 香港足球 的 議 案,即使我並非足球專家,也一 定要說數句話來支持這項議案,亦談談我的意見。
As Mrs Sophie LEUNG has proposed this
motion on promoting the
[...] development of local football, even though I am not a football expert, I [...]
have to say something in
support of the motion and to express my views.
缔约国应着手分析外籍妇女在总会 做 舞 者的现象,并在预防和打击贩运人口方 面加强努力,包括调查涉嫌贩运人口的案件的所有指控,并给予受害者有效补 救,向其提供合理、足的赔 偿以及尽可能完全康复的手段。
The State party should initiate an analysis on the phenomenon of foreign women working as dancers in nightclubs and strengthen its efforts to prevent and combat human trafficking, including by investigating any allegation of suspected cases of human trafficking and provide victims with an effective remedy for fair and adequate compensation, [...]
including the means
for as full rehabilitation as possible.
[...] 一,过往曾经参与多个规模庞大的建筑项目,包括香港特区政 总 部 及 香港会 议 展览中心的各阶 段兴建,也曾参与其它如领达中心(Interlink)般规模的项目。
Hip Hing was appointed for its local strength and experience as one of Hong Kong’s largest contractors with a portfolio including the various phases of the Hong Kong
Convention and Exhibition
[...] Centre, the Hong Kong SAR Government Headquarters and projects similar [...]
in complexity to Interlink.
他們促請政府當局 制訂一項10年計劃,推動足球運動的發展及提升該項運動的水
[...] 平,尤其是在培養有潛質的青少年球員方面,並 香港足球 總會 的職能、發展地區足球隊及設立足球訓練學校等事宜作出處理。
They urged the Administration to formulate a 10-year plan to promote the development and raise the standard of the sport, particularly in the grooming of young talented players, as
well as to address issues relating to
[...] the role of the Hong Kong Football Association, [...]
the development of district football
teams and the establishment of a football academy.
19.2 在提升球隊的專業水平及加強培訓青少年球員方面,張 文光議員認為政府當局應考慮指派康樂及文化事務署( 下稱" 康 文署")或就該目的而成立的特別委員會負責有關工作,並由學校 及區議會等合力提供協助,而非依 香港足球 總 會( 下稱" 足 總 "),因為足總本身也極需進行改革。
19.2 On raising the professionalism of football teams and development of young football players, Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong expressed the view that instead of counting on the Hong Kong Football Association (HKFA) which was desperately in need of a revamp, the Administration should consider tasking the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) or a special committee formed for this purpose, with collaborative efforts from schools and District Councils
(DCs), etc. Given that
[...] most young players were students, the Education Bureau (EDB) should render all possible assistance to selected young players in their studies.
(三 ) 現 時 當 局 有
[...] 何 具體措 施 支 援 和 協香港足 球 運 動 的發展,尤 其 是 由 足總主 [...]
辦 的 甲 組 足 球聯賽 及 其 參 賽 隊 伍,以 及 本地青少年足 球 培 訓 工 作 ?
(c) the specific measures now in
place to support and assist in the
[...] development of football in Hong Kong, particularly [...]
the First Division league matches organized
by the HKFA and the participating teams, as well as football training for local youths?
劉秀成議員:代理主席,我十分感謝梁劉柔芬議員提出這項議案,讓我這位 足球“發燒友”可以有機會跟大家分 香港足球 運 動 的歷史,與大家進行集 體回憶。
PROF PATRICK LAU (in Cantonese): Deputy President, I am very grateful to Mrs Sophie LEUNG for proposing this motion so that a football buff like
me would have a chance to share with Members the
[...] history of football in Hong Kong and bring back [...]
our collective memory.
为了更具体地说明议程项目 5(b)项下所涉三个问题之间的相互联系,本文探
[...] 讨了三个重要的发展中国家群体,即森林覆盖率低的国家、小岛屿发展中国家 以及森林覆盖率高和覆盖率中等的国家,许多此类国家得到国际 会 的 关 注较 少,原因是这些国家面积小,或者与 球总 数 字 相比,其森林所占比例相对较 低。
To illustrate more specifically the interlinkages among the three issues addressed under agenda item 5 (b), their interaction is examined for three important groups of developing countries — low forest cover countries, small island developing States and high and medium forest cover countries — many of whom have received less attention by the
international community owing to their smaller
[...] size or the relatively low percentage of forests they contain when compared to overall global figures.
在 2009 年加入
[...] Blackstone 之前,Skero 女士在 Merrill Lynch 工作过 29 年,从事过各种职位,包括全球财富管理部门首席财务官和 球总 监 , 她的职责包括监督公司的簿册及记录、SEC 报表会计政策和遵守薩班斯-奥克斯法 (Sarbanes-Oxley)。
Prior to joining Blackstone in 2009, Ms. Skero worked at Merrill Lynch for 29 years in a variety
of positions, including
[...] CFO of its Global Wealth Management division and Global Controller, where her responsibilities included oversight of the firm’s books [...]
and records, SEC
reporting, accounting policy, and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.
南部金枪鱼养护委同意自 2007 年起的三年里,把南部蓝鳍金枪鱼 球总 可捕 量减少 20%,同时针对未报告渔获量的调查结果,调整委 会 成 员 的国内管 理安排,拟定新的监测、控制和监督措施,减少非法捕鱼。
CCSBT agreed to reduce the global total allowable catch for southern bluefin tuna by over 20 per cent for three years from [...]
2007, accompanied by changes to domestic management arrangements by Commission members in response to findings of unreported
catches and development of new monitoring, control and surveillance measures to reduce the opportunity for illegal fishing.
在 2010 年日内瓦会上, 医务主任工作组对检查专员特别表达了对实地医 疗服务不足的关切,而相比较而言,在总部的服务 总 体 充 足 : “ 总 部 的工作人 员可享用世界级的当地医疗服务,而外勤地工作人员则常常有风险,处于医疗保 健基础设施,包括联合国的医疗保健基础设施不足的环境中,这是事实。
At its annual meeting in Geneva in 2010, UNMDWG specifically expressed their concerns to the
[...] Inspector about the inadequacy of medical services in the field, compared to the overall adequacy of services at headquarters: “It is a fact that Headquarters staff benefit from access to world-class [...] [...]
local medical services, while field staff are often at risk, in an environment where health-care infrastructure, including that of the United Nations, is inadequate.




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