单词 | 白唇鹿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 白唇鹿—Cervus albirostris (white-lipped deer)See also:唇n—lipn lipsn footn 鹿n—deern
这浓缩的天气丹重生面霜含有丰富的成分有美白的功效,如鹿茸及粉状金树提取物,有效地滋润不均均衡的肤色。 aster.com.hk | This highly enriched premium cream [...] contains rich ingredients [...] of functional whitening properties, such as powdered deerantlers, powdered [...]gold and tree extract [...]effectively refresh and hydrate the uneven skin tone. aster.com.hk |
商家已经被上涨的营运成本,如运输费和租金压得脸青唇白,当然不可能漠视这一波新涨幅。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Already blistering from a host of other cost increases like transportation and rentals, business entities can no longer shrug off inflation with this latest development. english.sccci.org.sg |
如果已卸下,要装上新的 U 形杯,让其唇缘朝向喷枪手柄 (17)。 graco.com | If removed, install [...] the new one with itslips facinginto the gun [...]handle (17). graco.com |
毕业熊仔最受欢迎的包括Guilliver白色浅咖啡色米色公仔穿上毕业袍毕业帽和证书,德国Nici各款毕业公仔有绵羊毕业公仔猩猩猴子长颈鹿斑马公仔Nici白马树熊狮子老虎兔子小狗花猫毕业公仔,我们也有独家Nici与法拉利联合推出的法拉利黑马公仔,可以穿上毕业袍十分适合送给男性。 givegift.com.hk | Popular graduation bear includes Guilliver white teddy dressed in graduation gown, hat and certificate. There is German Nici graduation teddy [...] bear series, sheep plush [...] gorrillasmonkey giraffezebra Nici teddydollswhite horse koalalion tiger [...]rabbit doggie kitten [...]graduation dolls, we also carry the exclusive Nici Ferrari black horse doll, a perfect graduation bear for guys. givegift.com.hk |
建立了基于在线二维弱阴离子交换色谱-反相液相色谱(2D-WAX-RPLC)的蛋白质分离系统,并用于不同生长时期鹿茸的比较蛋白质组分析。 chrom-china.com | A method of on-line two-dimensional weak anion exchange chromatography-reversed-phase liquid chromatography (2D [...] WAX-RPLC) was established, and applied for the [...] comparative proteomestudy ofantlers with four different [...]growing stages. chrom-china.com |
稍微乳浊玻璃套透明蓝宝石蓝色料,玻璃胎弥漫於气泡和小白片若霏雪;平唇、以图案局部形成的突出足;雕通体单层梅花图案,底雕成大梅花一朵 e-yaji.com | Transparent sapphire-blue and slightly milky glass, [...] heavily suffused with air [...] bubblesand small whiteflakes; witha flat lip andprotruding foot [...]made up of element of the [...]design; carved as a single overlay with a continuous design of two blossoming prunus trees, the foot carved as a large prunus flower e-yaji.com |
通体乳白色半透明玻璃 ,套饰宝蓝、白色透明料;平唇、敛凸底、平底圈足;二层料雕二条四爪龙,一条踩云纹而行,一条由浪涛纹升 e-yaji.com | Translucent [...] milky white, transparent sapphire-blue, and translucentwhite glass;with aflat lipand recessedconvex [...]foot surrounded by a [...]protruding flat footrim; carved as a double overlay with a continuous design of two four-clawed dragons, one amidst formalized clouds, the other rising from formalized waves e-yaji.com |
花冠略带紫色的或白色,在上唇上锈色具腺的疏生; 筒部0.9-1.9厘米,×毫米,基部疏生微柔毛在里面; 下唇长圆形,约5毫米; 花丝无齿。 flora.ac.cn | Corolla purplish or white, sparselyrust colored glandular onupperlip;tube 0.9-1.9cm, × [...] 1 mm, basally sparsely puberulent [...]inside; lower lip oblong, ca. 5 mm; filaments edentate. flora.ac.cn |
你可以自由选择要追寻的猎物:白尾鹿、北美黑尾鹿、麋鹿、水牛、加拿大马鹿、灰熊、驼鹿、北美野山羊、美洲狮、棕熊。 hunting-unlimit...cn.uptodown.com | Track the [...] quarry of your choice- White-tailed Deer, Mule [...]Deer, Pronghorn, Buffalo, Elk, Grizzly, Moose, Mountain Goat, Mountain Lion and Wild Bear. hunting-unlimit...en.uptodown.com |
红魔可以很轻易地打败白鹿巷,在他们今年的第一次交锋中就以3-1大胜。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | White Hart Lane canbe easily breached [...] by the Red Devils who managed a 3-1 win in their first meeting this year. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
亚马尔土地使用变化 的问题可以分为几个方面,即(a) 由于自然资源的产业开发发生的土地使用变 化;(b) [...] 牧民在一年的迁移周期中所使用土地的不同法律地位;(c) 驯鹿牧民的 组织状态所附带的土地权利的差异。 daccess-ods.un.org | The problem of land use change in Yamal might be divided into several dimensions, namely (a) land use change owing to industrial development of natural resources; (b) different legal status of lands used by herders in the one-year cycle of [...] their migration; and (c) the discrepancies in the rights to land attached to the [...] organizational status ofreindeer herders. daccess-ods.un.org |
花萼钟状,1.7-2.4厘米; 齿三角状披针形,8-11毫米,具柔软顶端刺毫米花冠2.2-2.5厘米; 筒部包括,在里面具长柔毛有环;白色的上唇,浓密白色长柔毛在内和在边缘上,狭镰刀形,倍于下唇; 黄的下唇,倒心形的中部裂片,具牙齿的先端; 侧面裂片短,宽卵形。 flora.ac.cn | Corolla 2.2-2.5 cm; tube included, villous annulate [...] inside; upper lip white, denselywhite villous inside and on margin, narrowly falcate, as long as lower lip; lower lip yellow, middle [...]lobe obcordate, [...]apex dentate; lateral lobes shorter, broadly ovate. flora.ac.cn |
使转换接头的唇缘朝左,将转换接头推到液压活塞 轴的左端。 graco.com | With the lip of the adapter facing [...] left, slide the adapter onto the left end of the hydraulic piston shaft. graco.com |
反折的唇瓣,白色斑点在冠檐和瓣爪的连接点,, 2.5-4 * 1.5-2厘米包括的约7毫米长的瓣爪,顶部2半裂超过1/2段冠檐的;有时的裂片微缺的在先端。 flora.ac.cn | Labellum reflexed, white marked atjunction [...] of limb and claw, obovate, 2.5--4 × 1.5--2 cm including ca. 7 mm long claw, [...]apically 2-cleft for more than 1/2 length of limb; lobes sometimes emarginate at apex. flora.ac.cn |
瓷胎,白色釉;微凹唇,平面敛底, 突出凸形圈足;一正面刻兰花,一正面刻月季和小蝴蝶;底刻“裕成”篆款;圈足露胎,腹内壁不施釉 e-yaji.com | Yellowish-whiteglazeon porcelain; with a slightlyconvex lip andrecessed flat foot [...] surrounded by a protruding convex [...]footrim; carved on one main side with flowering orchids and on the other with a flowering rose bush, towards which a small butterfly flies down the tapering neck; the foot engraved in seal script, Yucheng; all exterior surfaces, except the footrim, covered with enamel; the interior unglazed e-yaji.com |
全球统一制度专家小组委员会还继续与管理某些涉及化学安全具体方面的 国际公约的条约机构开展了合作,通过有关公约促进《全球统一制度》的实施, 例如《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》、《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙 特利尔议定书》、《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》、《关于在国际贸易 中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约》;《工业事故跨 界影响公约》(另见下文第 46 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System has also continued its cooperation with treaty bodies that administer certain international conventions dealing with specific aspects of chemical safety in order to facilitate the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System through such conventions (Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal; Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer; Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants; Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade; and Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents (see also para. 46 below)). daccess-ods.un.org |
此次活动提出的建议包括:(a) 迫切需要在国内和地 [...] [...] 方法律制度中执行关于土着人民权利的国际法律,确保不仅在形式上、也要在实 践中实现土着人民土地、领土和资源权利的平等;(b) 需要研究土地使用的变化 和气候变化对土着驯鹿牧民的经济和土地管理的影响;(c) 在公营或私营产业开 发的谈判中,必须增强驯鹿牧民对竞争牧场土地的开发商的谈判能力,并为他们 提供免费法律咨询;(d) 需要增加有关土地利用和资源勘探开采的决策透明度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recommendations from the side event included (a) an urgent need to implement international laws on the rights of indigenous peoples in domestic and local legal systems, and to ensure not only formal equality but also equality in practice of indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories and resources; (b) a need to undertake a study on the impacts [...] of land-use change [...] and climate change on indigenousreindeer herders’ economies and land management; (c) a need to increase reindeer herders’ capacity in negotiating [...]with developers [...]competing for their grazing land in public or private industrial development and having access to free legal advice; and (d) a need to increase the transparency in decision-making concerning land use and resource exploration and exploitation. daccess-ods.un.org |
在介绍了秘书长关于这一专题的报告(E/CN.17/2011/5)之后,以下小组成员作了 [...] 发言:联合国开发计划署(开发署)《蒙特利尔议定书》与化学品股高级化学品技 术顾问 Klaus [...] Tyrkko;《斯德哥尔摩公约》执行秘书兼《鹿特丹公约》秘书处共 同执行秘书 Donald [...]Cooper;壳牌化学品公司负责健康、安全、安保以及环境与 可持续发展问题总经理 Paul Sykes。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the introduction of the report of the Secretary-General on the theme (E/CN.17/2011/5), presentations were made by the following panellists: Klaus Tyrkko, Senior Technical Adviser on Chemicals, Montreal Protocol and Chemicals Unit, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary, Stockholm [...] Convention and co-Executive Secretary, [...] secretariatof theRotterdam Convention; and [...]Paul Sykes, General Manager for Health, [...]Safety, Security and Environment and Sustainable Development for Shell Chemicals. daccess-ods.un.org |
临 床 参 考:本 方 常 用 於 诸 热 性 病 、 口 腔 粘 膜 溃 烂 [...] 、 急 性 牙 周 病 、 鹅 口 疮 、 口 内 炎、白喉、 口唇疱疹、 头 疮 、 吐 血 、 衄 血 、 齿 龈 发 炎 [...]、 急 性 支 气 管 炎 、 肺 炎 、 胆 炎 、 急 性 盲 肠 炎 等。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | This formula is often used in treating febrile diseases, mucous membrane [...] ulceration, acute periodontal disease,thrush, [...] stomatitis, diphtheria, herpes in the mouth and lips, head sores, haematemesis, [...]epistaxis, gingivitis, [...]acute bronchitis, pneumonia, cholecystitis, acute appendicitis, etc. balancemedicalsupplies.com |