

单词 智力测验

See also:

测验 n

test n

External sources (not reviewed)

若怀 疑儿童的健康或成长发展有异常情况,母婴健康院会转介儿童到医管局专科诊所 或卫生署儿童体智力测验服务作进一步诊治及跟进。
Children with significant health and development problems are referred to specialist clinics of HA or the CAS of DH, where appropriate, for diagnosis and early intervention.
卫生署辖下的“儿童体智力测验服 务 ”亦会继续就各残疾类别及其治理,制作及出版刋物,包括资料单张,以供前 线的医务人员参考。
Furthermore, the Child Assessment Service (CAS) of DH has continued to produce publications on disability categories and their management specifically for reference by front-line medical personnel.
[...] 际社会的持续支援具有特别重要的意义,并且提出了几个扩展项目,比如“智力 教育在线”、“地球公民运动”和 智力测验 在 线 ”。
Continued support of the international community was recognized as particularly important. Several outreach projects were
presented, including global initiatives such as Brain Education Online, the Earth
[...] Citizen Movement and brain tests online.
不同的资料单张及刊物除已上载至儿童体 智力测验 服 务 的 网站外,亦在临床会议中派发给相关的专业人员。
Relevant fact sheets have been uploaded onto CAS’s website as well as distributed to professionals at clinical meetings and conferences.
8,600 次儿童发展评估,约4,000名儿 童需转介儿童体智力测验服务 作详细评估及服务安排。
About 8,600 developmental assessments were performed by doctors in MCHCs and about 4,000 children with developmental problems were referred to CASs for detailed assessment and rehabilitation plan.
此外,儿童体智力测验服务 亦透过中心访问及专业讲学向医疗和专职医疗人员提供职前及在职培训,并分享 临床资料和提供相关服务的经验。
CAS also provides professional support for visits to its centres and gives lectures to medical and allied health staff both in preservice and in-service training, where sharing of clinical information and related service pathways in HKSAR is made.
儿童体智力测验服务亦透过其网站向公众提供有关儿童发展和障碍的临床知 识、诊所运作、公共卫生教育和诊所活动的资讯,从而提高公众的认识及服务的 水平,为有发展困难的儿童谋取福祉。
CAS has established an official website to introduce clinical knowledge in relation to child development and disabilities, public health education, clinic operations and activities to the public, with a view to improving public awareness and practice standards for the benefit of children with developmental challenges.
举例来说,对于未能操流利中文的非华 语学生,我们会使用非语言 智力测验 , 专 业人员在诠释测验结果时,也会考虑 这些学生的学习历程、在社交行为方面的适应表现,以及文化和经验背景。
For instance,
[...] non-verbal tests of intelligence may be used for NCS students who are not proficient in Chinese.
其主要功能是确保人类的繁衍、年轻一代所需要 智力 、 道 德、精神和身体的形 成和发展、传递成年人的验和维持已获得的财富。
Its main
[...] functions are to ensure the human continuity, formation and development of the intellectual, moral, spiritual and [...]
physical acquirements
of the young generation, carry over the experience of the adults and maintenance of the obtained wealth.
测验是国 外标准化的,用来检验孩子们 的力、技 能、以及在人文科学和自然科学 方面的知识。
This exam is external and standardised
[...] and is designed to check the child’s abilities, skills, and knowledge in the field [...]
of humanities and science.
我们服务的宗旨非常直接:提供最高质量的服务,分配合适的 力 去 工 作并持续地使用我们 智 慧 和 经 验 为 客 户带来真实的、可见的价值。
Our service philosophy is straightforward:
provide the highest quality
[...] service, assign the right people to do the job and constantly use our insights and [...]
experience to bring
our clients real, tangible value.
根据玩具安全认证计划(R)实施认证的公司必须:对玩具产品设计进行危害和风险评估并形成文档;聘请ISO 17021认可的独立审计机构对工厂工艺控制进行评估;确保由ISO 17025认可实验室实施生产样测试, 以 验 证 工 厂有 力 生 产 满足美国安全标准的玩具。
Toy companies that apply for TSCP(R) certification must: conduct and document a hazard and risk assessment for toy product design; have factory process controls assessed by an independent audit body accredited to ISO
17021; and ensure that
[...] production sample testing is performed by an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory to validate that the factory is capable of producing toys [...]
that meet U.S. safety standards.
Zack and Cody are
[...] surprised by their aptitude test scores: Zack is told [...]
he will be a CEO, while Cody is going to turn out
as a sanitation engineer (garbage man).
虽然在员额 招聘过程中似乎没有故意的偏见,但年龄更大的申请人感到,尽管他们积累智 慧、经验、对 本组织的知识和沉稳的情绪,但有时由于团队 力 、 连 续性等考虑, 他们被忽略。
While there appears to be no intended bias in the posting process, older
applicants felt that,
[...] in spite of their accrued wisdom, experience, knowledge of the Organization and emotional intelligence, they may have [...]
sometimes been overlooked
for reasons of team dynamics and continuity, among other considerations.
智能泵”使验室的工作更 加便捷,让化学家和技术人员更集中力在实际的工作中。
Intelligent pumps" make work easier in laboratories, permitting chemists and technicians to concentrate on [...]
their real work.
智能测量和分析系统进行精确机组监控,包括测量设备的预处理值的分析评估 - 例如,提供频率选择性观测结果的频率分析 - 以及后续力特性的计算。
Precise machine
[...] monitoring through intelligent measuring and analysis systems covering analytical evaluation of pre-processed values from the measurement device – as for example frequency analysis providing frequency selective observation results – and the calculation of further hydro specific characteristic values.
峰展宽计算对于多测器 GPC/SEC 得到好的测结果至关重要, OmniSEC 软件中使用的计算方法则是 20 年验智慧的结晶。
The peak broadening calculations are critical to good multi-detector GPC/SEC and the calculations used in the OmniSEC software are the result of [...]
over 20 years experience of refinement.
除了在国际上提供交流验的智力场 所 外,能 力培养的成份越来越多,尤其是因为许多最不发达国家 和转型期国家的国家体制结构不稳定和人员的流动性很 大。
Beyond providing the
[...] intellectual forums for exchanges of experience at the international level, the capacity-building element [...]
is growing in importance,
particularly given the instability of national institutional structures and the high mobility of national staff in many of the LDCs and countries in transition.
统计所 2010 - 2014 学年的培训框架包括六种不同类型的培训方案: (a) 东京都市区培训课程,包括亚太统计所 - 日本国际协力厅的培训课程以及 由亚太统计所单独或与其他机构协作举办的短期课程;(b)
[...] 程和国别课程在内的推广方案;(c) 将远程教学和东京都市区培训结合在一起 的研究培训课程;(d) 借助日本国际力厅 - Net的服务和使用日本宇宙航空 开发研究署(JAXA)2 高速通讯卫星、网际工测验及示 范卫星(谈判正在进行 之中)而进行的电子教学;(e) 为国家统计局管理人员举办的一场讲习班;以及 [...]
(f) 在统计培训方面建立伙伴联系。
The training framework of the Institute for the academic years 2010-2014 consists of six different types of training programmes: (a) TMA-based courses that include SIAP-JICA training courses and short-term courses to be conducted either by SIAP alone or in collaboration with other organizations; (b) an outreach programme that includes regional/subregional courses and country courses; (c) research-based training programme as a combination of distance learning and TMA-based training; (d) distance training through JICA-Net service and e-learning using the Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA)2
[...] high-speed communication satellite, Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite (WINDS) (negotiation under way); (e) a [...]
programme for managers
of national statistical offices; and (f) forging partnerships in statistical training.
一.77 关于竞争性考试问题,咨询委员会在其关于 2010-2011 年拟议方案预算
[...] 的第一次报告中指出,此类考试是征聘语文工作人员的唯一手段,但是人力资源 管理厅考试测验科的能力不足 以组织所需的足够考试。
I.77 On the question of competitive examinations, the Advisory Committee noted in its first report on the proposed programme budget for 2010-2011 that such examinations were the only means of recruitment for language staff
but that the capacity of the
[...] Examinations and Tests Section of the Office of Human Resources [...]
Management was insufficient to
organize the number of examinations needed.
[...] 必要建立起由学术界、全国委员会、私营部门、政策制定者和决策者、非政府组织等组成的 网络,以促进反思,确智力监测和 前瞻性思维并将想法转化为行动。
They stressed the need for the establishment of networks comprising the academic world, National Commissions, the private sector, policy- and decision-makers,
NGOs, etc., in order to enhance
[...] reflection, ensure intellectual monitoring and prospective [...]
thinking, and translate ideas into actions.
当候选实验室成功通过初始评估测 试 能 力验 证 , 并满足Nemko实验室授权书的其它条款时,Nemko将颁发授权证明给该实验室。
When the
[...] candidate laboratory has successfully passed the initial assessment, the verification of testing capability and fulfills [...]
the other conditions
for Nemko’s Laboratory Authorization, an attestation of the Authorization is issued to the laboratory.
它将使学 生与研究验室和 工业部门之间建立联系;吸引青年发明家;创造新的就业岗 位;保持本国智力潜能 ;形成国民经济的科学和技术方向;还有助于中学毕 业生进行职业定位。
It will create a liaison between students and the research laboratories and industrial sector; attract young inventors; create new jobs; preserve [...]
the intellectual potential of the country; develop
scientific and technical directions of the national economy; and contribute to the professional orientation of pre-university graduates.
主讲嘉宾也将和与会者分享他们智 慧 和 经 验 , 包括:企业如何做出关键的转型决策,以及鼓舞他们重新思考现有商业策略以面对急速转变和竞争 力 的 各 种因素。
They will share their wisdom and experiences on how to make critical paradigm shifts, and what inspires them to rethink their existing business strategies in the midst of change and competitive pressures.
你知道吗,由于2004 - 工党通过法律,医务委员会现在可以采用的小时医务人员来自欧洲(普通外科手术的人在这里付出了那么多,他们不想工作周的结束,或晚上,这样的GMC获得几千东部欧洲GP的(通过机构),但他们被禁止欧盟法律,以把他们通过的英语 力测 试 ! (不用说法国人采取不通知的这疯狂的一块立法和做 验 他 们 )。
Did you know that since 2004 - when Labour passed the law, that the General Medical Council can now employ out-of-hours medics from Europe (as ordinary surgery ones here get paid so much they don't want to work week-ends or evenings, so the GMC gets several thousand Eastern European GP’s (through agencies), but they are prohibited by EU law to put them through an English competence test!
测验前后 的 结果以及学员们在以上领域对其自信程度的自我评估,统计所在 力 建 设 项目 中所取得成就已远远超出为 2008 - 2009 年所制定的各项目标。
Based on preand post-test results and the self-evaluation by participants of their confidence level in the above areas, the achievements were well above the targets set for 2008-2009 in the Institute’s capacity-building project.
与此同时,教科文组织应在各层面发挥和利用全国委员会的 验 、 特长 、 智力 资 源 、 动员能力和网络,制定和执行各项计划。
UNESCO should at the same time foster and draw upon the experience, the competences, the intellectual resources, the mobilizing capacities and the networks of the National Commissions for the definition and implementation of its programmes, at all levels.
对学生的学习情况应进行全面的评 估,要考虑他在课堂上的表现、兴趣、态 度、掌握实际技能和专业技能的力 、 相 对 的进步,适当考虑他的天赋、考试及其测 验成绩
assessed on an overall basis that considers class participation, interests and attitude, aptitude
for acquiring
[...] practical skills and competencies, and relative progress, allowance being made for aptitudes and examinations and other tests.
组成 Microsemi 的高可靠性“强化筛选”方案的 力测 试 , 其 目的就在于揭示这些缺陷,减小或消除下列曲线所示的早期失 效区域,这是从这些器件的客户的可靠性 验 得 出 的,如在 MIL-PRF-19500,附录 E,表三中所确定的。
The stress tests that constitute Microsemi’s high-reliability ‘up-screening’ program are designed to uncover these defects and reduce or eliminate the region of early life failures from [...]
the customer’s reliability experience with
these parts, as defined in MIL-PRF-19500, Appendix E, Table III.
[...] 700 美元)将用于维护 和支持现有软件及系统,包括网站 测 、 商 业 智 能 软件升级、安全数据传输升 级、获取和跟踪外地数据的应用软件、统一通信、制图应用软件、企业软件等 [...]
The amount for software licences and fees ($421,700), which are required by DPKO and DFS to maintain and support existing
software and systems, comprises fees
[...] for website monitoring, business intelligence software upgrades, [...]
secure data transfer upgrades,
the field data capture and tracking applications, unified communications, cartography applications and enterprise software.




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