单词 | 半壁江山 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 半壁江山—half of countrySee also:半山n—mid-leveln 江山n—countryn 江山—landscape rivers and mountains
他们仍然控制着国家的半壁江山,而且似乎不愿放下 武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | They continue to control halfof the country and [...] they seem unwilling to lay down their arms. daccess-ods.un.org |
内蒙古也是中国的七大“风电基地”之一,预计风电总产量达150亿瓦,约占中国陆地风力发电潜能的半壁江山。 australiachina.com.au | Nei Mengu is one of China’s seven ‘wind bases’ and its estimated wind power [...] totals 150gW–almost half of China’s onshore [...]wind power potential. australiachina.com.au |
1. 中国电影市场票房收入由好莱坞电影和几部国产电影支撑 进口电影的票房收入占据着中国电影市场票房收入的半壁江山。 uschina.org | Prior to 2003, box office revenues from imported movies accounted for 60% of total box office revenues. uschina.org |
澳大利亚企业还要考虑的另一个新产生的因素是区域内贸易的不断加强,目前这几乎占据了亚洲国际贸易的半壁江山,而两年前仅为40%。 australiachina.com.au | The other emerging story that Australian businesses should factor in is the [...] intensification of intra-regional trade, which now [...] accountsfor almost halfof Asia’s international [...]trade, up from 40 per cent just two years ago. australiachina.com.au |
尽管汽车给人们的出行带来了福音,但它造成的环境影响目前正遭受严厉指责:在欧洲,交通工具的排放量占二氧化碳排放总量的四分之一,而汽车在其中又占据了半壁江山。 wacker.com | Although the automobile has generally been a boon for personal mobility, its environmental impact is now under severe scrutiny: in [...] Europe, vehicles account for one-fourth of total carbon [...] dioxide emissions, and halfofthat amount is [...]produced by cars. wacker.com |
厂商们的代表是德国SolarWorld公司的美国分公司,它们向美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)递交正式请愿书,以申请针对中国的惩罚性关税,因为中国政府为了扶植新能源,提供低价土地和贴息贷款等优惠政策,创造了控制全球市场半壁江山的太阳能产能。 youngchinabiz.com | The group, led by the US arm of Germany’s SolarWorld (Frankfurt: SWV) has officially petitioned the US International Trade Commission (ITC) to level the punitive tariffs after Chinese solar makers have prospered under years of support from Beijing, which has provided a wide range of incentives [...] like cheap costs for land and low interest loans, to create an industry that now [...] controls more thanhalf theglobal market. youngchinabiz.com |
深圳市LED产业联合会会员代表大会在深圳市民中心礼堂召开,记者从会上获悉,2012年深圳市LED产值进一步扩大,占据广东省半壁江山,企业总数达1700多家,从业人数超过30万人。 jxlcd.com | Shenzhen LED industry association member of congress was held in shenzhen citizen center auditorium, the reporter learned from the meeting, shenzhen LED [...] output in 2012 to [...] further expand, occupyhalf of guangdong province, a total of more than 1700 enterprises, [...]employs more than 300000 people. jxlcd.com |
项目位于中国最美乡村——婺源山区 的一个半岛上,江水环绕,自然资源优渥。 chinese-architects.com | This site [...] is located on apeninsula in Wuyuan – one of the most scenic countrysides ofChina. chinese-architects.com |
在山上,俯瞰着城市延伸到距离宽敞的海湾阿穆尔河和乌苏里江, 像一个半月形海湾金角湾(Golden Horn),关闭它在南部的俄罗斯岛。 zh-cn.import40.ru | On thehills overlooking the city are seen stretching into the distance spacious bays Amur and Ussuri, likeahalf-moon bay Golden Horn, [...] closing it in the south Russian island. en.import40.ru |
在地中海盆地和在南部非洲、澳大利亚和南北美洲的半干旱 地区,江河径流和含 水层回灌预计将严重减少,从而影响到已遭受压力区域的供水。 daccess-ods.un.org | Severe reductions inriver runoff and aquifer recharge are expected in the Mediterranean basinand inthe semi-aridareas of Southern [...] Africa, Australia [...]and the Americas, affecting water availability in already stressed regions. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们是一对马尔凯,从Senigallia的天鹅绒海滩几分钟,轻轻的,和平的山丘在一个美妙的位置小的结构,赋予缬氨酸米萨和美丽的“城市的科林斯,”该地区着名的珠江美 景其墙壁以及一个非凡的中世纪军事建筑的范例,被授予橙旗,绿旗,成员和最美丽的村庄在意大利的俱乐部和着名的欧洲卓越的EDEN目的地“。 zh.touristyes.com | We are a small structure on the gentle and [...] peacefulhills ofthe Marche, a few minutes from the Velvet Beach in Senigallia, in a wonderful position to give stunning views of Val Misa and the beautiful "City of Corinth," pearl of thearea famous for its wallsas well as [...]an extraordinary example [...]of medieval military architecture, was awarded the Orange Flag, Green Flag, membership and the exclusive club of the most beautiful villages in Italy and the prestigious EDEN European Destinations of Excellence ". en.touristyes.com |
下面列出了对退火卡套管进行弯曲时的弯曲半径和壁厚限制。 swagelok.com.cn | The bendradius and wall thickness limits [...] for making a bend in annealed tubing are listed below. swagelok.com.cn |
壁挂架半整合於後机箱中,以免增加电视机的体积。 bang-olufsen.com | The wallbracketissemi-integrated into the [...] rear cabinet, with the goal of adding miniscule millimetres to the television as it lifts from the wall. bang-olufsen.com |
说实话,我必须承认,我也怀念辛辣的木薯叶、 美丽的海滩和在“避暑山庄”打网球,山庄隔壁有一所小学,可听到孩子们的欢笑。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would not be truthful if I did not admit that I also miss the spicy cassava [...] leaves, the beautiful beaches and a good [...] game of tennis atHill Station, where there [...]was a primary school next door with [...]children’s laughter floating in the background. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据嵌套进化枝系地理分析(NCPA)推测,与越南毗邻的防城河周边地区可能是美丽小条鳅的扩散中心,该物种可由此区域通过两条途径扩散:1)沿西江水系向广西沿海独立水系至广东漠阳江和潭江水系扩散;2)向海南岛诸水系再至雷州半岛的鉴江水系 扩散。 actazool.org | Nested-clade phylogeographic analysis indicates that the fish may have originated from the border area of Guangxi and Vietnam, where the Dongzhong River, Beilun River and Fangcheng River are located, and dispersed to other drainages in two ways: 1) through the Xijiang River to the coastal drainages in Guangxi and those of the Moyangjiang and Tanjiang Rivers in Guangdong Province; 2) through the ancient river systems between Hainan Island and Vietnam to Hainan [...] Island, then back to the mainland expanding northward [...] to the Jianjiang River of the LeizhouPeninsula in Guangdong Province. actazool.org |
这是一个建筑面积5000平米的高尔夫俱乐部会所,位于华南道教名山——江 苏茅山。 chinese-architects.com | The is a 5,000 sqm golf clubhouse located on the foot of Maoshan, a [...] famous Taoist templemountain in Southern China. chinese-architects.com |
柏雅思过去多年为超过十一个国家的学员提供培训服务,於香港设有六个培训中心,总面积逾一万一千平方尺,包括设在中 半山的行政总部。 smartinfo.com.hk | People Impact provides training services in more than eleven countries and more than ten thousand children in Hong Kong have been participated in or are currently interacting with the training programs. smartinfo.com.hk |