单词 | 半夜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 半夜 —midnightless common: in the middle of the night 半夜 noun, plural —occupying forces pl夜半 —midnightExamples:半夜三更—late at night • in the depth of night 三更半夜—in the depth of the night • very late at night 三更半夜 n—midnight n See also:半 n—half n 半 adj—semi- adj 半—incomplete • (after a number) and a half 夜 n—night n
關於主體質詢的第(二 [...] )部分,我也覺得打擊非法賽車是非常重要 的,因為在半夜一旦 出現非法賽車,整個區域也會變得很嘈吵。 legco.gov.hk | On part (b) of the main question, I also think that it is very important to combat [...] illegal road racing activities because such activities in [...] the middle of the night will cause noise [...]nuisance to the whole area. legco.gov.hk |
究竟是什么让这些猫儿在深更半夜聚 集 到伊斯坦布尔中心的公园呢? shanghaibiennale.org | What is the secret that holds them together in [...] the midst of the night, in the midst of [...]Istanbul in this park? shanghaibiennale.org |
然而,蟾蜍谁目睹Cornelius和拇指姑娘听到拇指姑娘的歌声绑架她 在 半夜。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, a toad who witnessed Cornelius and Thumbelina and heard Thumbelina’s singing voice kidnaps her [...] in the middle of the night. seekcartoon.com |
若三更半夜,突然想吃東西的話,這個價錢是合理的。 4tern.com | If you feel hungry in [...] the middle of the night, this is a reasonable [...]price to pay for. 4tern.com |
只要您在事件過後感覺良好,則不需要立刻赴 醫診療,就算是在半夜,只 要平安度過這類事 件,您也可以等到第二天早上再就醫諮詢。 biotronik.com | Even if you experience an [...] episode during the night but still feel [...]well afterwards, it is sufficient to let your physician know the next day. biotronik.com |
哈鲁纳仍会半夜惊醒,大叫并哭泣。 unicef.org | Harouna still wakes up at night – he shouts and cries. unicef.org |
这还包括以暴力强行 进入住宅、在半夜三更围捕平民以及关押包括老人和 病人在内的 100 [...] 多名妇女,占领军把她们强制关进审 讯营并进行 DNA 检测。 daccess-ods.un.org | This has included the violent forced entry of homes, round-ups of [...] civilians in the dead of night, and the detention [...]of more than 100 women, including the [...]elderly and infirm, who were forced into a camp for interrogation and DNA testing by the occupying forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
該等酒吧的客人時常在半夜酒醉 後當 街喧嘩及鬧事,因而嚴重滋擾附近居民。 legco.gov.hk | Their customers often [...] get drunk late at night, yelling noisily [...]and causing trouble in the streets, hence posing serious [...]nuisances to residents nearby. legco.gov.hk |
以鬧鐘或找一個可靠的人在半夜和清早時叫醒自 己 – 延慢性低血糖可在酒後的廿四小時內隨時出 現。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | Set an alarm or have a responsible person wake [...] you up through the night and early morning [...]– a delayed low blood sugar can occur [...]anytime up to 24 hours after drinking alcohol. centraleastlhin.on.ca |
此外,委员会获悉,以色列安全部队和定居者新近采取的做法是封 锁从巴勒斯坦平民那里没收的土地, 在 半夜 建 造定居点,包括“非法定居点”, 以防媒体报道或社会抗议,引起人们对此类活动的关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Committee was informed of the developing practice of Israeli security forces and settlers cordoning off land that had been confiscated from Palestinian civilians and establishing [...] settlements, including “outposts”, during [...] the middle of the night, with a view to avoiding [...]media coverage or social protests [...]that drew attention to such activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
这 一问题如果在旅行期间或半夜遇到 会更加复杂。 daccess-ods.un.org | This problem would have been even more complicated had it been encountered during a [...] journey or in the middle of the night. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如Moïse Bessongo的证词;他定居经商多年, 半夜 回 家时被盘查,住所被劫,护照、居留 [...] 证、喀麦隆身份证及文凭被警察撕毁。 daccess-ods.un.org | He was stopped at midnight while on the way [...] home. His place of residence was ransacked, and his passport, residence permit, [...]Cameroonian identity card and diplomas were torn up by the police. daccess-ods.un.org |
沒有人願意在半夜裡因一個並不屬於自己的問題,或原本無需上報的問題而被叫醒。 tipschina.gov.cn | Nobody likes being woken up in [...] the middle of the night for a problem that's [...]not theirs, or finding out that a problem that [...]should have been escalated never got the attention it needed. tipschina.gov.cn |
一位成員提議在車輛流量小的時候(例 如 半夜 ) 豁 免 停車熄匙的 規定。 forum.gov.hk | A member suggested lifting the ban when the traffic [...] flow is smaller, e.g. at midnight. forum.gov.hk |
这些订单每天半夜从呼 叫中心下载下来,合并到仓库管理系统,然后发送到仓库拣货和打包。 printronix.cn | The orders are [...] downloaded everyday at midnight from the call centers, [...]merged to the warehouse management system, and then [...]sent for picking and packing where workers package the customers' orders and bundle them. printronix.com |
从半夜到中 午12点钟,称为a.m.,从正午12点钟 到 半夜 1 2 点 钟 称为p.m.即下午 (post meridiem太阳过了子午线最高点之后的缩写)。 oris.ch | The time from midnight to 12 o'clock noon is described as a.m., the time from 12 o'clock midday until 12 o'clock midnight as p.m. (post [...] meridiem). oris.ch |
一名中国制衣厂工人告诉维泰团队,由于生产线的工作非常繁忙,他过去整整一个月内 没有一天休假,工人甚至加班至半夜3 、 4点 。但在维泰进行审核前,厂方透过厂内的 [...] 广播系统指导员工,要向维泰审核员的提问给予标准答案,就是从来都没有很多加班, 下班时间约在傍晚7时。 verite.org | A worker at a garment factory in China told the Verité team that he did not have a day off for the whole month because the line was extremely busy, and the section even worked [...] overtime until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. Before the Verité [...] audit, workers were told by the factory’s [...]public address system to give standard [...]answers to our auditors, saying they never work lots of overtime, and that they end work around 7:00 p.m. verite.org |
在白天可以做的事情,在夜里也都能做——而且,提醒你哦, 在 半夜 做 还有特别的好处呢。 visitfinland.com | Anything you can do during the day, you’ll [...] be able to do at night – with a special [...]edge, mind you. visitfinland.com |
到了函谷关(在现在河南省灵宝县,当时是秦国的东大门)正 是 半夜。 chinesestoryonline.com | After a few days, when they finally reached Han Gu Guan (a fort at the border of [...] Qin), it was still midnight. chinesestoryonline.com |
此时,时间已到后半夜,她 只剩下能够 将茶杯收起来放到水池里的力气了,然后就瘫倒在床上。 sallee.info | It was past midnight, and she had [...] just enough energy to gather up the teacups and put them in the sink before slumping onto her bed. sallee.info |
在从家中逮捕的案件中,典型的情况是,大量以色列士 兵 半夜 包 围 家庭住所。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the case of house arrests, large numbers of Israeli [...] soldiers typically surrounded the family home in the middle of the night. daccess-ods.un.org |
他在半夜现身 ,我们在套房里拍摄到凌晨3点,我的胶卷都用完。 ba-repsasia.com | He showed up at midnight and we shot in the [...] suite until about 3AM, which was when I completely ran out of film and couldn’t shoot another frame. ba-repsasia.com |
在他被宣布死亡 后,占领国扣留了他的尸体,不许他的家人掩埋,直到他悲痛欲绝的家人答应占 [...] 领军提出的条件,比如禁止家人在被占领的东耶路撒冷的阿克萨清真寺为他举行 葬前宗教祈祷仪式以及同意在只有少量系数在场的情况下 在 半夜 把 死 者尸体掩 埋。 daccess-ods.un.org | After he was pronounced dead, the occupying Power withheld his body from his family for a proper burial, only until his grieving family agreed to the terms placed by the occupying forces, such as forbidding them from conducting pre-burial religious prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied [...] East Jerusalem, as well as agreeing to bury [...] him in the middle of night in the presence of [...]a limited number of relatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
据联合国各机构和可靠的人权组织称,巴勒斯 坦儿童经常在半夜遭到 拘捕,被带离父母家中进行 查问,在拘留中受到虐待,并接受似乎排除无罪可 [...] 能的定罪程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to United Nations agencies and reliable human rights organizations, [...] Palestinian children were routinely arrested in [...] the middle of the night, removed from their [...]parents’ home for questioning, abused [...]in detention, and subjected to conviction procedures that appeared to preclude the possibility of innocence. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,妇女每天夜 晚要 走过一长段黑暗的公共场所返回家中,公共领域没有防范犯罪活动的保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also, women walk through dark public spaces as they return [...] home late in the day, with no protection [...]against criminal activities in the public sphere. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们演示了夜晚如何在牢房地板上躺 下;他们像罐头沙丁鱼一样挤在一起。 daccess-ods.un.org | They demonstrated how they lay down on the [...] cell floor at night; they were packed [...]together like sardines in a tin. daccess-ods.un.org |
上海东方体育中心在其各个场馆中安装了超过1000个性能卓越的摄像机,其中包括博世彩色日夜型摄像机与 日 夜半 球 摄 像机等以实现对场馆内外全方位实时监控。 life.bosch.com.cn | Over 1,000 cameras with excellent performance, including Bosch Day/Night Cameras and AutoDome Day/Night Cameras, have been installed to achieve 360-degree, real-time supervision. life.bosch.com.cn |
不得要求孕妇在高气压条件下工作,在存在风疹风险、弓形体病风险的情 [...] 况下工作,也不可要她们做接触铅及其有毒化合物的工作、地下工作 、 夜 班 和人 力移动重物。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pregnant women may not be required to work in the conditions of high air pressure, in the case of an existence of a risk of rubella, risk of toxoplasmosis, [...] nor perform work with lead and its toxic compounds, [...] underground work, work at night, and manual moving [...]of heavy objects. daccess-ods.un.org |
這些措施包括僱主在工作編排方面應注意的事 項;員工在結束夜間輪 值工作後,應營造有助睡眠的環境,盡快 在黑暗及安靜的環境中睡眠,以及僱員應避免睡眠前飲用咖啡、 茶或含酒精的飲品等。 legco.gov.hk | These include, for instance, measures to which employers should pay attention in arranging work; the advice that employees should sleep in a dark and quiet environment as soon as possible after night shift work to create a favourable environment for sleeping; and that employees should avoid drinking coffee, tea or alcoholic beverages before sleep. legco.gov.hk |