

单词 半岛和东方航海

External sources (not reviewed)

俄罗斯联邦 在发展交通运输系统方面取得了若干重大成就,包 括:(a) 赤塔-哈巴罗夫斯克公路竣工,从而使 东 部 和 西 部 边界之间实 现交通运输无缝连接;(b) 在执行修复半岛纵贯铁路项方面 取得 进展;(c) 在 2015 年前把西伯利亚铁路的跨越时间减少至 7 天(7 日 横跨西伯利);以及(d) 以及通过全球轨道航卫星 系统(全球航 卫星系统)和全球航卫星 系统/全球定位系统利用卫星追踪系统。
The Russian Federation had made a number of major achievements in the development of its transport system, including: (a) completion of the construction of Chita-Khabarovsk road, which provided
a seamless
[...] transport connection between the eastern and western borders; (b) progress in the implementation of the project for the rehabilitation of the trans-Korean railway; (c) reduction of transit time on the Trans-Siberian Railway to seven days (Transib 7 days) by 2015; and (d) the use of satellite tracking systems with the Global Orbital Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) [...]
with the Global Positioning System (GPS).
将优先关注特别易受影响的发展中国家,特别是低洼 沿 海 、 干 旱 和半 干旱 区域、最不发达国家、岛屿发展中国家和非洲、内陆国家,以及洪涝、干旱 和荒漠化多发地区、生态系统脆弱以及与气候变化相关的极端和灾难性事件和 趋势发生次数增多的发展中国家缔 方。
Priority will be given to particularly vulnerable developing countries, especially low-lying coastal, arid and semi-arid areas, LDC’s, SIDS and Africa, land-locked countries, and developing country parties with areas prone to floods, drought and desertification, with fragile ecosystems, and facing [...]
increased frequency
of extreme and catastrophic events and trends linked to climate change.
在中国已建成的有南宁和深圳的会议展览中心、上海 东 展 览 馆、佛山世纪莲体育场中心、重庆大剧院、 岛 大 剧 院、中 航海 博 物 馆 和 中 国 国家博物馆改扩建工程,另外还有一系列项目正在建设和设计中,其中包括天津大剧院、中国移动 方 基 地 等。
Amongst others in China, the exhibition and congress centers in Nanning and Shenzhen, the Shanghai-Pudong museum and the Zhongguancun Cultural Center in Beijing as well as the Foshan Sports Park have been built.
我关于“加强调解及其支助活动”的报告(S/2009/189)发布以来,争 和冲 突各方已经 利用了联合国牵头或支持在下列国 和 地 区开展的调解、促 和 斡旋 努力:阿富汗、孟加拉国、科特迪瓦、塞浦路斯、厄瓜多尔、赤道几内亚、加蓬、 斐济、格鲁吉亚、大湖区、几内亚、圭亚那、委内瑞拉、伊拉克、洪都拉斯、肯 尼亚、朝半岛、吉 尔吉斯斯坦、黎巴嫩、利比亚、马达加斯加、马拉维、马尔 代夫、东(以色列-巴勒斯坦)、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴拿马、秘鲁、所罗门群岛、 斯里兰卡、苏丹(达尔富尔)、苏丹-南苏丹、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、突尼 斯、西撒哈拉和也门。
Since my report on enhancing mediation and its support activities (S/2009/189), parties to
[...] disputes and conflicts have utilized United Nations-led or supported mediation, facilitation and good offices efforts in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Côte d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea-Gabon, Fiji, Georgia, the Great Lakes region, Guinea, Guyana-Venezuela, Iraq, Honduras, Kenya, the Korean Peninsula, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, the Middle East (Israel-Palestine), Myanmar, Nepal, Panama, Peru, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Sudan (Darfur), [...]
Sudan-South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Tunisia, Western Sahara and Yemen.
海半岛酒店的玫瑰厅,约200名与会者聆听了一系列探讨中国液化天然气市场各 方 面 和 挪 威 与中国在液化天然气行业双边合作机会的介绍发言。
In the Rose Ballroom at the Peninsula Hotel in Shanghai, about 200 participants were led through a variety of presentations discussing [...]
the different aspects of the LNG market in China,
as well as the opportunities for bilateral cooperation between Norway and China in the LNG-sector.
根据嵌套进化枝系地理分析(NCPA)推测,与越南毗邻的防城河周边地区可能是美丽小条鳅的扩散中心,该物种可由此区域通过两条途径扩散:1)沿西江水系向广西沿海独立水系至 广 东 漠 阳 江 和 潭 江水系扩散;2) 海 南 岛 诸 水 系再至雷 半 岛 的鉴江水系扩散。
Nested-clade phylogeographic analysis indicates that the fish may have originated from the border area of Guangxi and Vietnam, where the Dongzhong River, Beilun River and Fangcheng River are located, and dispersed to other drainages in two ways: 1) through the Xijiang River to the coastal drainages in Guangxi and those of the Moyangjiang and Tanjiang Rivers in Guangdong Province; 2) through the
ancient river systems
[...] between Hainan Island and Vietnam to Hainan Island, then back to the mainland expanding northward to the Jianjiang River of the Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong Province.
国务卿 克林顿在 2010 年 7 月 23 日在河内举行东盟地 区论坛 上的讲话中集中谈到,美国有意维护地 航海和 贸 易 自 由,并希望南海主权声索遵从海洋法并通过合 方 式解 决争端。
In her statement at the ASEAN regional forum in Hanoi on 23 July 2010, Secretary Clinton focused on the U.S. interest in maintaining freedom of navigation and commerce in the region, as well as the desire that claims in the South China Sea be valid under [...]
the Law of the Sea and
be solved through a collaborative process.
国际会议 和大方面, 贸发会议参与了贸易和可持续发展国际中心主办的一次活动,主题 为气候变化、贸易和发展问题,重点是 航和海 运。
International meetings and
[...] conferences included participation in an event by the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development on Climate Change, Trade and Development, focusing on aviation and shipping.
据此推断我国境内的P因子是由朝 半岛和 日 本分两路侵入:一路从日本、朝 半岛 经 海 路 传 递到沿海的烟台和大连地区,再由此 东 北 和 南部地区入侵和扩散;另一路由朝鲜半岛侵入中朝边境的长白和延吉地区后,再向东北地区及内地入侵。
From these facts, it was concluded that there are two routes for
the P elements initially invading China from
[...] Korea and Japan: one was from Korea and Japan to Dalian, Yantai by the sea, then spread to the northeast and south, and the other was from Korea to Changbai, Yanji, [...]
then to the northeastern areas and the extensive inland of China.
在已完成的清查登记工作(非洲中部、西非、印度洋和拉丁加勒比地区等)的基础上, 项目将启动世界其它地区(非东部 和 南 部 地区、斯堪的纳维 半岛 国 家、拉丁美洲等)的 清查登记工作。
On the basis of inventories already compiled (in Central Africa, West Africa, the Indian Ocean and the Latin Caribbean), the project will
help to launch
[...] inventories in other parts of the world (Eastern and Southern Africa, the Scandinavian [...]
countries and Latin America).
上海机场德高动量广告有限公司是由上海机场广告有限公司、德高贝登户外广告有限公司(后改为梅迪派勒广告有限公司)以及上海动量广告传媒有限公司(后改为动量传媒国际有限公司)于2005年共同创建的合作公司,与上海机场集团签署了15年独家广告经营管理合约,拥有对 海 浦 东 国 际机 场 和 上 海 虹 桥 国际机场所有户内外媒体的独家发展经营权,并于日前将其媒体经营网络拓展至北京首都机场T3, 成都双流国际机场2号航站楼岛流亭国际机场。
Ltd is a joint venture established in 2005 by Shanghai International Airport (SIA), JCDecaux Pearl & Dean Ltd, (after renamed MPI Advertising) and Shanghai Momentum Media & Advertising Co.
我们主要客户包括Visa、荷兰银行、德意志银行、香港贸易发展局、联合国、曼谷医院、雅高亚太地区、香格里拉大酒店集团、澳大利亚保险集团、泰国联合广播公司、世邦魏理仕、 乐购集团、索尼、马来西亚航空公司、香港旅游发展局、泰国航空公司、松下、沃达丰电讯,新加坡电 和东方海 外 货 柜 航 运 等 大型本地和跨国公司。
Our flagship clients include major local and multinational corporations such as Visa, ABN AMRO, Deutsche Bank, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the United Nations, Samitivej Hospitals, Accor Asia Pacific, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, IAG Insurance, United Broadcasting Corporation, CB Richard Ellis, Tesco Lotus, Sony, Malaysia
Airlines, Hong Kong Tourism
[...] Board, Thai Airways, Panasonic, SmarTone-Vodafone, SingTel and Orient Overseas Container Line.
[...] 协商是解决半岛问题的唯一正确选择,我们希望各方 保持冷静克制、坚持接触对话,维系和履行朝美 229 共识,继续致力于方会谈,推进无核化进程,共同 维半岛和东北亚 地区的和平、稳定大局。
We also hope that all sides will maintain calm and show restraint, remain engaged
in dialogue, commit to the Six-Party Talks, promote the denuclearization process in the
[...] shared interest of maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula and in Northeast Asia.
维护朝半岛和东北亚 地区的和平与稳定,推进 半岛无核化进程是方共同 利益和责任所在。
Safeguarding peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the Northeast Asian region and promoting denuclearization [...]
the peninsula are the common interest and responsibility of all.
根据国际法,只有所有有关国家间做出安排,并顾及所有 方 的 权 利 和 利益 的情况下,才有可能东地中海这样 的 半 封 闭海域划定大陆架及专属经济区的界 限。
According to international law, the delineation of the continental shelf, as well as
the exclusive
[...] economic zone in semi-enclosed seas such as the Eastern Mediterranean could only be possible through arrangements [...]
to be made among all
the countries concerned and by observing the rights and interests of all the parties.
将 特别重视教科文组织的各种“之路”项目、阿拉 半岛 计 划 、欧洲-阿拉伯对 和 其 它 类似 项目以及冲突后形势下遗产修方面 的 行动。
Action will centre in particular
around UNESCO’s Routes
[...] projects, the Plan Arabia, the Euro-Arab dialogue and other similar initiatives as well as action related to rehabilitation of heritage [...]
in post-conflict situations.
有限公司“VMKT”的未来发展的铁路 海 上 运输 的 航运 容器NYM线: 进口 货 来自韩国,中国,美国,日本,和沿海 货 上 容器将假名线马加丹州,萨哈林岛,堪察 半岛和 阿 纳 德尔。
Ltd. "VMKT" works for the future
[...] development of rail and sea transport for shipping containernym lines: imports Goods from Korea, China, America, Japan, and coastal Goods on containernym lines to Magadan, Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Anadyr.
正是这段历史将散居海外的非洲人联系在一 起;无论是生活在南卡罗来纳海岛 上 的Gullah人 或Geechee人,还是非洲裔的巴西人,共同的历史 将他们捆绑在一起,正如塞拉利昂或几内亚北部海 岸的Mende族稻米种植和安哥拉的Mbangala人有 着共同的经历一样,他们戴着脚镣,沿着海岸被带 到要塞,等待船只带他们驶上跨大西洋的“中航 程” 。
It is that history that connects Africans in the diaspora; whether it is the Gullah or Geechee people in the Sea Islands of South Carolina or the Afro-Brazilian, they are all bound by their shared history, just as the Mende rice growers in Sierra Leone or from the upper Guinea coast and the Mbangala from Angola had a common experience when they were shackled and led country [...]
true to its founding principles.
与人与生物圈计划(MAB)和文化部门一起完 成了一张满足澳大利亚中央沙漠地区土著青年需要的 光盘(Yapa),正在与传和信息 部门及社会变革管 理计划(MOST)一起制作关于复兴太平 岛 屿 的航海知识的第二张光盘。
One CD (Yapa) addressing Aboriginal youth of the central Australian Desert has been completed with MAB and the Culture
Sector, while a
[...] second, concerning the revitalization of traditional navigation knowledge in the Pacific Islands is underway involving the Communication and Information [...]
Sector and MOST.
在教科文组织的部门间方知识和土 著知识体系(LINKS)范围内,制作一张有关太 平洋传航海技术 的光盘的工作已经开始,有关开放式远程学习的知识库的可行性研 究已经完成,为在试验的基础上建立这样一个系统作好准备(见领域 5)。
A CDROM on traditional navigation techniques in the
Pacific has been
[...] initiated within the UNESCO intersectoral Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) initiative and a feasibility study on a [...]
knowledge base on
open and distance learning has been completed in preparation for the establishment of such a system on a pilot basis (see Area 5).
二零零五年半年,海外的航空飲食設施普遍表現良 好,但在越方面,由於禽流感再現導致遊客數目下 降,對業務造成不利的影響。
The overseas flight kitchens generally performed well in the first half of 2005 although the Vietnam [...]
operation was adversely affected by a fall
in tourist traffic as a result of the recurrence of avian flu.
此外,这位发 言者回顾了南美洲国家联盟关于前往群岛船只某 航 行 问 题的合作宣言,具体而 言,南美洲国家联盟成员承诺采取适当的管制措施,防止挂有非法的马尔维纳斯 群岛旗帜的船只进入本国港口,而且一旦有携带用于在阿根廷大陆架上进行非法 的油和(或)开采活动的货物的船只 海 上 装 置前往 岛 时 就知会阿根廷政府。
Furthermore, the speaker recalled the UNASUR Declaration on
cooperation with regard to certain movements of vessels travelling to the Islands, in particular the commitment of UNASUR
[...] members to adopt appropriate regulatory measures to prevent the entry into their ports of “vessels flying the illegal flag of the Malvinas Islands” and to inform the Argentine Government about any vessels or marine structures travelling to the Islands with cargo to be used for illegal hydrocarbon and/or mining activities on the Argentine continental shelf.
年少旅途中干旱的东和非洲 沙漠里天空和落日的颜色,亚洲潮湿的空气,斯堪的纳维 半岛 上 低浮半空中的厚重云朵,童年时那些汗水淋漓的夏日午后,周围一片静谧,只传来蝉的啾鸣声,还有那高远的秋日长空——所有这些往日画面层层叠叠,累积成我心底的蓝色记忆。
The colors of the skies and sunsets in the arid deserts of the Middle East and Africa, where I traveled when I was young, the humid airs [...]
of Asia, the heavy, low-hanging clouds of Scandinavia,
those sweltering summer afternoon scenes of my childhood when all was quiet save for the chirping of the cicadas, and then the soaring skies of autumn – all the images of these many reminiscences have become layered, and have remained within me as blue memory.
本组织在其学术委员会支持下,通过筹备和举办研讨会、出版文件,不仅研究经 济、行政、安全和防御方面的 全球问题,还研究欧洲联盟、 东 、 亚 洲、塞浦 路斯、巴尔半岛和高加 索等区域的问题。
The organization studies not only global issues, such as the economy, administration, security and
defence, but also
[...] regional issues, such as the European Union, the Middle East, Asia, Cyprus, the Balkans and the Caucasus, by preparing and implementing [...]
workshops and publishing
documents with the support of its Academic Council.
冲突方,主 要是政府,不 仅有责任帮助被迫背井离乡的人口,而且有责任寻求 永久解决办法,这同波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、克罗地 亚、黑和塞尔维亚为结束西巴尔 半岛 难 民 历史付 出的值得称道的努力一样。
Those parties, primarily Governments, had a responsibility not only to aid the uprooted populations but also to work towards a durable solution, as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia had done in their commendable initiative to close the refugee chapter [...]
in the Western Balkans.
国际社会依赖这支蓝盔部队保护生活在世界上一些最危险地区的弱势群体,但是他们的行动付出了高昂的代价:在联合国60多年的维和历史中,暴行、事故和疾病夺去了2 700多名在世界热点地区工作的和队 员的生命,包括从 东 到 巴尔 干 半岛 国 家 、非洲以及其他地区。
The international community counts on its Blue Helmets to protect the vulnerable in some of the world's most dangerous places, but their service comes at a high cost--throughout UN peacekeeping’s more than 60-year history, violence, accidents and disease have cost the lives of
more than 2,700 individuals working in
[...] hot spots around the world, from the Middle East to the Balkans, Africa and beyond.
虽然访问大韩民国和日本主要是为了收集与侵犯朝鲜民主主义人民共和国人 民人权的行为、朝鲜特工绑架外国国民的问题、韩朝两国离散家庭的团聚、朝鲜 民主主义人民共和国寻求庇护者的处境以及该国人道主义状况特别是食品状况等 有关的信息,但特别报告员还简要了解了 方 会 谈 的现状、日 和 韩 朝 双边会议 以及整个朝半岛的状况。
While the main focus of his visit to the Republic of Korea and to Japan was to gather information on human rights violations of the people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the issue of abduction of foreign nationals by the agents of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, family reunion of separated Korean families, the situation of asylum-seekers from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the humanitarian situation, in particular the food situation in that country, the Special Rapporteur was also
briefed on the current
[...] status of the six-party talks, bilateral Japan-Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea-Democratic People’s Republic of Korea meetings, and the situation in the Korean peninsula in general.
我一般不写关于中国航空公司的报道,因为我认为这个行业没有令人振奋的增长新闻;但是作为 海 居 民 ,我不得不评论当地 东方航 空 (HKEx: 670; Shanghai: 600115; NYSE: CEA)新的重大公告,称与澳大利亚航空公司共同设立一家低价航空合资公司。
I don’t usually write about China’s airlines as I don’t think the industry is
very exciting as a
[...] growth story; but as a Shanghai resident I just had to comment on the big new announcement by my hometown carrier China Eastern (HKEx: 670; Shanghai: [...]
600115; NYSE: CEA), which is forming a budget airline joint
venture with Australia’s Quantas (Sydney: QAN).
她曾为以下公司首次公开发售提供金融咨询服务:中石化、中国联通和中国航空工业集团公司 (AVIC II)、中国农业银行、永晖焦煤以及中信证券,并就如下并购交易提供财务咨询服务:英博集团收购中国啤酒企业雪津啤酒 和 浙 江 石梁啤酒厂(红石)、ArcelorMittal 收购中东方集团以及澳门航空注资项目,另外还担任中国电信、中国通信服务股份有限公司、中 东方航 空 、 中石化等企业多个项目的独立财务顾问。
She provided financial advisory services for the IPOs of Sinopec, China Unicom and China Aviation Industry Corp II (AVIC II), Agricultural Bank of China, Winsway and CITIC Securities as well as M&A transactions such as
InBev’s acquisition of
[...] Chinese beer companies, Xuejin Brewery and Zhejiang Shiliang Brewery (Red Rock), ArcelorMittal’s acquisition of China Oriental Group and Macau Airline’s capital injection etc, and acted on an independent financial advisor to China Telecom, China Communications Services, China Eastern Airlines and Sinopec, etc [...]
for multiple projects.
中国大洋第26航次船舶航行保方国 家 海 洋 局 北 海 分 局 介绍,这个航次预计历时380天,计划于2013年5月2日返回 岛 , 航 次 主 要任务是在印度洋、大西洋开展多金属硫化物、生物资 和 环 境 调查,同时兼顾相关科学问题的调查研究,计划停靠塞浦路斯、尼日利亚、巴西、南非和毛里求斯补给。
China Ocean26Voyage voyage introduction of
[...] protection of Beihai branch, State Oceanic Administration, the voyage is expected to last380Days, which is scheduled for2013Year5Month2Return to Qingdao, voyage main tasks are in the India Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean to carry out investigation on resources and the environment [...]
of polymetallic sulphides,
and, taking into account issues related to scientific research, plans to stop in Cyprus, Nigeria, Brazil, and South Africa and Mauritius supply.




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