

单词 半履带

See also:


half n


shoe n

tread on

External sources (not reviewed)

德国空军为增强防空火力, 提议生产一种新型的 8 吨 半履带 装 甲车, 其上安装了FLAK 38型4联装20毫米火炮, 并于1939年希特勒的生日期间制造了一辆样车。
Directly after the demonstration of the experimental Geraet 400 for Hitler on 24 October, on 21 November 1939 the Luftwaffe ordered 100 to be mounted on 8-ton Zugkraftwagen chassis.
30年代初期,美国陆军购买了研 半履带 车 的许可证,并且 半履带 装 置 装车试验。
Early 30s,The U.S. Army purchased a
[...] license to develop half-tracks and experimented with half-track adapters.
美国最著名半履带车汽 车是M系列车族,由阿德莫尔汽车公司、戴蒙德T、国际和怀特四家公司按照标准化设计生产制造,M系 半履带 车 的 前半部分和怀特公司的M3A1侦察车类似,但是更换了功率更大的引擎:阿德莫尔汽车公司、戴蒙德T、怀特生产的车辆采用147马力6.3升的怀特AX型引擎,国际公司生产的车辆则安装143马力的1HC型引擎,均采用四段变速的变速箱和双速传动器来驱动前轮和履带。
The best known American half-tracks were the M series made as a standardized design by Autocar, Diamond T, International and White. The M series had a similar front end to the White M3A1 [...]
Scout Car but used more
powerful engines: a 147bhp 6.3-liter White AX in the Autocar, Diamond T, and White, and a 143bhp 1HC in the International.
Sdkfz.9是二战中德国使用的最大 半履带 车 , 由FAMO公司于1936年开始研制,1939年推出正式生产型F3型,F3型车安装Maybach公司生产的250马力HL108TUKRM型发动机。
Sdkfz.9 is largest half a creeper truck [...]
which Germany used in World War II, begun to develop in 1936 by FAMO Company, put
out the productive F3 type formally in 1939, 250 horsepowers of Model HL108TUKRM engine which the car installation Maybach Company of the Model F3 produced.
集成止轮楔半径能够 90 旋转,以防榫舌与牵引机的轮胎/履带 接 触
An integrated stop block allows a 90
[...] degree turning radius while preventing contact between the tongue and the pulling machine tires/tracks.
因此 在中间作半径域 以上的作业性能将同等或超过 SCX6500(650T 的履带式起重机)的作业性 能。
Further, middle range of lifting capacities of the specification is more than equal to ones of SCX6500 (650 ton).
黑桑树是在半球温带地区 常见的一个品种。
Morus nigra is common in the
[...] temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.
出现未用余额的主要原因是:(a) 一些特遣队的实际轮调费用减少、为部署 和轮调特遣队人员使用了合并飞机包租服务、一个派遣国没有部署特遣队人员和 只记录了三个特遣队两次轮调中的一次轮调的支出(另一次轮调费用记入上一财 政期),以及在收到根据协助通知书安排进行的轮调费用报销方面的延迟;(b) 偿 还部队派遣国政府主要设备的费用减少,因 履带 式 装 甲运兵车和迫击炮已运 回、一些设备无法使用,部署主要设备方面也出现延误;(c) 货运和部署特遣队 所属设备所需经费减少,因为一些设备的部署是通过海运而不是按照起初设想通 过空运进行的。
The unspent balance resulted primarily from: (a) lower actual rotation costs for some contingents, the utilization of combined air charter services for the deployment and rotation of one contingent personnel, the non-deployment of contingent personnel from one contributing country and the recording of expenditures for only one of two rotations for three contingents (as the other rotation was charged against the previous financial period), and delays in the receipt of claims for rotations conducted under letter-of-assist arrangements; (b) reduced requirements for reimbursements to troopcontributing Governments for major equipment, owing to the repatriation of tracked armoured personnel carriers and mortars, the unserviceability of some equipment, and delays in the deployment of major equipment; and (c) reduced requirements for the freight and deployment of contingent-owned equipment, due to the deployment for some equipment by sea rather than by air as originally envisaged.
拉丁美洲和加勒比地区干旱半干旱 地 带的 水 资源中心已在智利拉塞雷纳成立,并在当地组织和教科文组织佛兰德科学信托基金资源的 [...]
The Water
[...] Centre for Arid and Semi-arid Zones of Latin [...]
America and the Caribbean being established in La Serena, Chile,
started activities with the support of local organizations and resources from the UNESCO-Flanders Trust Fund for the Sciences.
[...] 1700-2400(-4000)米黑龙江,吉林,青海,四川,西藏,云南 [在整个北方和南方半球的温带的区域 ].
Along streams, wet grassland at edge of forests, sometimes floating; 1700-2400(-4000) m.
Heilongjiang, Jilin, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [throughout temperate
[...] zones of northern and southern hemispheres].
因此,在智利建立一个专门研究干旱 半 干 旱 地 带 问 题 的地区中心,符合教科文组织 在下一双年度及中期规划内在淡水问题方面确定的目标和预期计划。
The creation of a regional centre
[...] focusing on arid and semi-arid zones in Chile [...]
thus complies with the objectives set and
with the foreseen programmes of UNESCO in fresh water for the coming biennium and the medium term.
由制造商指定的功率/时间关系,必须要遵守,以防止给电源双 半 导 体 带 来 损 坏。
A manufacturer specified power/time relationship that must be observed to prevent
[...] damage to power bipolar semiconductors.
2008 年半年,加沙带立法 委员会中亲哈马斯的变革和改革阵营成员发 布了 2008 年关于军队中的刑事诉讼程序的法律,目前,该法由加沙地带的军事 [...]
In the second half of 2008, members of the pro-Hamas [...]
Change and Reform Bloc in the Legislative Council of the Gaza Strip
issued the Law of 2008 concerning criminal procedure in the army, which is currently enforced by military courts in the Gaza Strip.
制造商将看到他们最具创新的汽车完成在道路上的技术测试:电动客车、混合动力货车 履带 式 汽 车… 一些汽车已经投入市场,而Audi e-Tron等其他汽车还处于概念阶段。
Manufacturers saw their most innovative vehicles put through their paces with technical tests on the road: electric passenger cars, hybrid vans, caterpillar buses… Some vehicles are already on the market; others, such as the Audi e-Tron, are still at the concept phase.
该类机型履带行走 ,采用先导控制、电—液传动,液压系统采用开式回路设计,美国“伊顿”技术“H”型接头管路连接,液压油冷却方式为强制式风冷,系统油温低,能有效保证液压元件的工作稳定性,整机可靠性高。
This machine is crawler travelling, adopts [...]
pilot control, Electro-hydraulic Transmission, the hydraulic system adopt open
loop design, American Eaton technology, H shape pipeline connecting, The cooling style of hydraulic oil is forced-air cooling, the system oil temperature is low, which can efficiently guarantee the hydraulic parts to work stably, it is very durable machine.
ZWY-L系列煤矿履带式挖 掘装载机采用模块化设计,下井拆装方便,并可加装内燃机使整机形成双动力系统。
ZWY-L series coal mine muck loader adopts modularizing design; it is easy disassembly and assembly for going inside the well, and you can select to install the internal-combustion engine and let the whole machine to be double power structure.
其他车辆包括有人和无人驾驶的Ripsaw坦克(时速超过60英里)、全世界最小的全地形装甲车PAV 1(用于执法行动)、以及面向消费者群体的Mi ni R i p 履带 式 越野车(最高时速超过40英里)。
Other vehicles include the manned and unmanned Ripsaw tanks that travel over 60 mph, the PAV 1 which is the world's smallest armored all terrain vehicle designed for law enforcement, and the MiniRip, a tracked off-road vehicle designed for the consumer with a top speed of over 40 mph.
我国工程企业已经打破了国外对于300 0t 级 履带 起 重机的垄断,开始走到了世界起重机械的最前端。
Engineering firms in China have broken the foreign
[...] monopoly for 3000t crawler crane began to [...]
come to the forefront of the world of lifting.
津巴布韦并不否认单方面经济制裁使其在经济 上所遭遇的困难,以及目前在政治上所遇到的与大 多数第三委员会成员国相同的问题,但它强烈抗议 秘书处为达到某些政治目的而在 A/63/321 号报告中 所指出半真相和带有偏见的内容。
While she did not deny the economic difficulties that Zimbabwe was experiencing as a result of the unilateral economic sanctions, nor the country’s current political problems, of which most members of the Third Committee
were aware, she strongly
[...] objected to the half-truths and biased information that the Secretariat had presented in its report (A/63/321) for political purposes.
In the associated QUY650 crawler cranes settled [...]
in Tianjin, refresh the record sales tonnage Zoomlion construction crane company in Tianjin.
从台下式到揭盖式洗碗机履带输送 式,从餐厅酒店到医院学校到宴会厅面包房,只要是厨房卫生,您都可以交给温特豪德。
From undercounter to pass-through to rack conveyors, for restaurants and hotels, hospitals and schools, to caterers and bakers, when it comes to hygiene, you can count on Winterhalter to deliver.
艾默生环境优化技术亚太区市场与产品策划副总裁朱凡倪提到,“我们可以自信地说,像谷轮涡旋™飞迅压缩机这样一款创新的产品,其结构设计紧凑 半 封 结 构 带 来 的 现场可维修性,使得这款产品能更好地服务于中国市场。
We are confident that the benefits of this new, innovative product
solution – the Copeland compliant scroll
[...] design in a compact, easy to service architecture [...]
– will be a great fit for the China market.
原理很简 单:病人的血液流带有微孔的半透 膜,其中的毒素和多余的水分渗透出 去。
The idea is simple: The patient’s blood runs over a membrane with pores that are permeable to toxins and excess water in the blood.
(b) 政策和方案实施之间出现脱节,以及政策不成体系, 带 来 好坏 参 半的 后果。
(b) The disconnect between policy and programme implementation as well as policy fragmentations may lead to mixed results.
分别成功开发了 粉末用色彩分选机 PS系列,荞麦用色彩分选机 BS-01,近红履带式色彩分选机 BLD-300T5,新型异物专用分选机 RSC-550 ,并在「国际食品工业展」上展出。
Succeeded in developing powder color sorter,
PS-series, Buckwheat color
[...] sorter, BS-01, belt type color sorter with NIR, BLD-300T5 and new foreign material sorter, [...]
RSC-550, which exhibited
in International food machinery & technology exhibition "Fooma Japan".
本集團並無定期舉辦內部培訓計劃,惟本集團會因應新發展或新設施提供特定的培訓,以及贊助僱員 參加由外間機構提供與彼履行職 務有關及對事業發展有幫助的職業訓練課程。
However, the Group does provide ad hoc training on new developments or facilities and sponsors employees to attend external vocational training that is relevant to the discharge of their duties and their career progression.
该解决方案范围从固定的单机到全自动高性能系统,包 履带 式 、 悬挂式、连续通过式和机械手式系统。
The solutions range from sturdy stand-alone to fully automatic high-performance systems and include batch-, hanger-type, continuous through-feed and manipulator or combined robot-manipulator shot blast systems for foundries and forges.
带来了半个世 纪的 和平、稳定和繁荣,帮助提高了生活水平, 发行了单一的欧洲货币,并正在循序渐进地 建设一个单一的全欧洲市场,使人员、货物、 服务和资本在各成员国之间像在一个国家 内一样自由流动。
It has delivered half a century of peace, stability and prosperity, helped raise living standards, [...]
launched a single European
currency, and is progressively building a single Europe-wide market in which people, goods, services, and capital move among member States as freely as within one country.
高级环保PP打包带是市场发展的必然打包带是一种广泛被使用的消耗型包材,从生产的PP料质可分为包芯带和实芯带;从产品的品质来分可分为透明A级,透明B级,A级,AB级,B级,BC级及C级等;从使用的机器来分可分为手打带,机打带(又分为全自动机 带 和 半 自 动机 打 带 ) ; 从 使 用的范围可分为包装用打包带和工艺品带;还有分印字带和不印字带等等.
Senior PP pack is the inevitable development of market pack is a widely used in the production of material consumption, PP material qualitative can be divided into the core belt and solid core belt, From the quality of the products to points can be divided into A transparent, transparent, A grade B, AB, class B and class C and BC, etc. From the use of the machine to play with
hand, can be divided into play
[...] with (machine and half full automata dozen dozen belt); ca From [...]
the use of the pack and can
be divided into the package with handicraft, And points and not printed words printed with etc.




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