

单词 半夜三更


in the depth of the night
very late at night



See also:


in the middle of the night


occupying forcespl




third of the five night watch periods 23:00-01:00 (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

这还包括以暴力强行 进入住宅、半夜三更平民以及关押包括老人和 病人在内的 100 多名妇女,占领军把她们强制关进审 讯营并进行 [...]
DNA 检测。
This has included the violent forced entry
of homes, round-ups of
[...] civilians in the dead of night, and the detention of morethan100 women, [...]
including the elderly and
infirm, who were forced into a camp for interrogation and DNA testing by the occupying forces.
三更半夜 然想吃东西的话,这个价钱是合理的。
If you feel hungry in
[...] the middle ofthenight,this isareasonable [...]
price to pay for.
这 一问题如果在旅行期间半夜杂。
This problem would
[...] have beeneven more complicated had it been encountered during a journey or in the middle of the night.
究竟是什么让这些猫儿在更半夜 到伊斯坦布尔中心的公园呢?
What is the secret that holds them together in
[...] the midst of thenight,inthe midst of [...]
Istanbul in this park?
世纪 比伦学生寻求与特殊频率的巴勒斯坦学校,而许多学生约哈难在同一时期到巴比伦去,并在第四世纪的焦急天许多巴勒斯坦学者寻求的地区避难沿幼发拉底河。
In thesecond half of thethird century Babylonian students sought the Palestinian schools with especial frequency, while many pupils of Johanan went during the same period to Babylon; and in the troublous days of the fourth century many Palestinian scholars sought refuge inthemore quiet regions [...]
along the Euphrates.
至於对互联网上涉及淫亵及不雅物品的规管工作方面,四分三的被访者希望政府的规管会「比现时严厉」(75%),当中 要「比现时严厉很多」(47%);一 现时的规管工作「适中」(13%),而只有少於一成表示希望规管会「比现时宽松」(8%)。
With regard to the regulation of obscene and
indecent articles on the
[...] Internet, three quarters of the respondents wished that the government regulation wouldbe "stricter thanit is [...]
now" (75%), of which
almost half of them opted for "much stricter" (47%).
根据《关于教科文组织与各基金会及其他类似机构之关系的指示》(第 IV.2
[...] 条)与教 科文组织保持关系的组织以及与教科文组织没有正式关系的组织参加大会的问题按《大会议 事规则》第 7 条行事,该条规定,“经执行局推荐及出席并参加表决之会员 二多数 通过,大会可接纳非政府国际组织代表作为观察员列席大会或大会所属专门委员会 之特定届会”。
The participation of organizations maintaining relations with UNESCO under the “Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions” (Article IV.2), and of organizations not having official relations with UNESCO, is governed by Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference which stipulates that “the General Conference, on the recommendation of
the Executive Board
[...] and by a two-thirdsmajority of Members present and voting, may admit as observers at specified sessions of the Conferenceor of itscommissions [...]
of international non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations”.
在精彩不停演的邮轮上,剧场演出、歌舞表演、音乐盛会、竞技比赛、K歌 项目期待着您的尝试和发现。
Theatre productions, cabaret shows, musical
performances, sports tournaments,
[...] karaokenights and so much more await you, for a cruise marked by fun-filled days and thrilling nights.
在2009年11月22至26日,院长和职业治疗师出席了在新加坡举行的第十九届亚洲启智研讨会,并发表文章,向业界分享「The Cheers」乐队的发展心得和经验,会议结束後於当地汇合十二位学员和舍友,展开四 三夜新加坡文化交流暨智障服务探访团」,而「The Cheers」乐地表演,渡过一个愉快和难忘的旅程。
The Superintendent and Occupational Therapist of MGCH attended the 19th Asian Federation on Intellectual Disabilities Conference in Singapore from 22 to 26 November 2009 and presented a paper on the development of the music band “Cheers” in Hong Kong.
机前嘴时或者检查或维修系统的 任何部分时,都必须先释放压力。
Always relieve
[...] pressure before overnight shutdown, when [...]
changing spray tips, or when checking or servicing any part of system.
[...] 刑,与外界没有任何联系,遭到的虐待包括拳打脚踢,脱光衣服,背 部遭到木棒重击,长三夜强制体位。
He also stated that he was tortured for a month without any contact with the external world, and that the ill-treatment included punching, beating,
kicking, stripping, being hit in the back with wooden sticks, and stress
[...] positions for up tothree days andthreenights.
此外,委员会获悉,以色列安全部队和定居者新近采取的做法是封 锁从巴勒斯坦平民那里没收的土地, 半夜定居点,包括“非法定居点”, 以防媒体报道或社会抗议,引起人们对此类活动的关注。
In addition, the Committee was informed of the developing practice of Israeli security forces and settlers cordoning off land that had been confiscated from Palestinian civilians and establishing
settlements, including “outposts”, during
[...] the middle of the night, witha viewto avoiding [...]
media coverage or social protests
that drew attention to such activities.
将特别把重点放在全民教育的第三个目标和第 六个目标上,地涉及加强年轻人的生活能力,第六个目标涉及教育 [...]
Particular emphasis will be
[...] placed on the third EFAgoal dealing specifically [...]
with strengthening the life skills of young
people and the sixth EFA goal concerning the quality and relevance of education.
2006 年 5 月 17 日,根据秘书长报告 (S/2006/248),安全理事会通过了第 [...]
1680(2006)号决议,再次吁请充分执行第 1559(2004)号决议各项规定,大力鼓励阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府对黎巴嫩政府按 照黎巴嫩全国对话达成的协议所提出的请求做出积极反应,划定两国之间的共同
边界,特别是在边界不明确或有争议的地区加以划定,并建立正式的外交关系和 派驻代表,指出这些措施在维护黎巴嫩的主权、领土完整和政治独立以及改善两 国关系方面,将是向前迈出的重大一步,从而为该区域的稳定作出积极贡献,并 敦促双方进一步进行双边对话,为此目的作出努力。
On 17 May 2006, in
[...] responseto the third semi-annual reportof the [...]
Secretary-General (S/2006/248), the Security Council
adopted resolution 1680 (2006), in which it reiterated its call for the full implementation of the provisions of resolution 1559 (2004), strongly encouraged the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to respond positively to the request made by the Government of Lebanon, in line with the agreements of the Lebanese national dialogue, to delineate their common border, especially in those areas where the border was uncertain or disputed, and to establish full diplomatic relations and representation, noting that such measures would constitute a significant step towards asserting Lebanon’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence and improving the relations between the two countries, thus contributing positively to stability in the region, and urged both parties to make efforts through further bilateral dialogue to that end.
减少 的主要原因是下列方面的所需费用减少:(a) 公务旅行(15 400 美元);(b) 陆运 (947 800 美元),这是因为延长使用现有车辆,从而降低了 Sisu 装甲运兵车的维 修和养护费用,部件所需费用减少,其中一部分因燃料费用增加而被抵销;(c) 通 讯(436 200
美元),这是因为延长使用现有设备,以及部件所需费用降低;(d) 信 息技术(211 100 美元),由于延长使用现有信息技术设备,通过区域信息技术举
[...] 措合并利用资产,从而减少了部件所需费用;以及(e) 特种装备(120 900 美元), 这是因为在 2011/12 年度完远镜备。
The decreases are mainly due to reductions in the requirements for (a) official travel ($15,400); (b) ground transportation ($947,800), owing to the extended utilization of the existing fleet, lower costs for the repair and maintenance of the Sisu armoured personnel carriers and reduced spare parts requirements, offset in part by higher per-litre cost of fuel; (c ) communications ($436,200), owing to the extended utilization of existing equipment and lower spare parts requirements; (d) information technology ($211,100), due to the extended utilization of existing equipment and the reduced requirement for spare parts achieved by pooling of assets through the regional information technology initiative; and (e) special
equipment ($120,900), due to the
[...] completion of the replacement of thebinocularsand night vision devicesin the [...]
2011/12 period.
奉我国政府之命,谨随函转递表达阿拉伯叙利亚共和国对秘书长关于安全理 事会第
[...] 1559(2004)号决议执行情况的第报告(S/2011/258)的立场 的信(见附件)。
Upon instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit herewith a letter which represents
the position of the Syrian Arab
[...] Republic onthe thirteenthsemi-annual report of the [...]
Secretary-General on the implementation
of Security Council resolution 1559 (2004) (S/2011/258) (see annex).
[...] 和加勒比地区所有总部外办事处的代表都参加了为突后和灾后专题讨论会,研 讨如何有效参与联合国的协调活动和筹资机制,以及如何加强知识共享网络等问题。
Representatives from all field offices
of the Asia-Pacific and LAC regions
[...] participated in three-and-a-half dayPCPDworkshops [...]
on effective engagement within United
Nations coordination, fundraising mechanisms and on strengthening networks for knowledgesharing.
(c) 方投力来确定和讨论各种治理问题,以满足西撒哈拉 人民的需要,并应认识到可在不涉及领土最终地位的性质的情况下讨论这些问题 的许多方面,例如,如何构建其行政、立法和司法部门的结构、如何组织和进行 [...]
(c) Third, that theparties devote additional energy to identifying and discussing a wide rangeof governance [...]
issues with a
view to meeting the needs of the people of Western Sahara and with the understanding that many aspects of these issues can be discussed without reference to the nature of the final status of the Territory, for example, how to structure its executive, legislative and judicial branches, how to organize and conduct elections and how to design primary and secondary education.
如果一项提案以二多数获得通过或遭到否决,除非 会议以出席并参加表决的成员的三分之二多数决定重新审议,否则不得重新审议 该提案。
When a proposal has been adopted or rejected by a majority or two-thirds vote, it may not be reconsidered unless the Conference, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, so decides.
十.27 咨询委员会注意到,将公共部门会计准则项目的预算增加 564 500 美元 (或 42.4%)是因为下述费用增加:聘用的 1 名一般事务人员为专任业级别职位(1 个 P-5,2 个 P-4)的标准费用增加,共达 254 000 美元;以及 新编列 316 [...]
500 美元,用于公共制度内部无法获得专门知识的特定领域的咨询服
务(A/66/6(Sect.32),第 32.43 段)。
X.27 The Advisory Committee notes that the increase of $564,500 (or 42.4 per cent) for the IPSAS project budget reflects an increase in the engagement
of a General Service
[...] staff memberfrom a half-time toa full-time basis, as wellas increases in the standard costs of three Professional-level [...]
positions (1
P-5, 2 P-4), amounting to $254,000; and increased funds of $316,500 under consultancy services in specific areas where expertise is not available from within the common system (A/66/6 (Sect. 32), para. 32.43).
调查亦显示,当被访者择时,(50 %)相信西九龙文娱艺术区的计划和发展最好由「有公众代表参与的独立监管机构」负责,另外40%被访者认为由「政府负责文娱康体的部门」担任较佳。
Results also
[...] showed thatwhen given threeoptions,half of therespondents [...]
(50%) believed the WKCD planning and development
should be best handled by "an independent cultural authority (quasi-government with good representations from public)" while another 40% opted for the "government agencies such as the sports, cultural and leisure departments".




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