单词 | 微升 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 微升 —microliter微微 noun —curvilinear nSee also:微—micro- • miniature • one millionth part of • surname Wei • ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing • abtruse
總括而言,整體消費物價通脹雖然 微升 , 但 在第三季維持 溫和。 legco.gov.hk | Thus, on the whole, overall consumer price inflation, though up slightly, remained moderate in the third quarter. legco.gov.hk |
購買其他汽車的㆟士所付價格,可能會 輕 微 ㆖ 升 或 ㆘ 降,視乎個別分銷商 採用的價格結構而定。 legco.gov.hk | The price payable by buyers of other [...] vehicles may rise or fall marginally, depending on [...]the pricing structure adopted by individual distributors. legco.gov.hk |
這 20 微升的最後萃取物以氣 相色譜∕高分辨質譜聯用儀進行分析。 cfs.gov.hk | This 20 L final extract was then analysed by Gas Chromatography/ High-resolution Mass Spectrometry (GC/HRMS). cfs.gov.hk |
根據目前形勢,我們最理想估計2001年第四季度的組裝及測試營業額較第三季度將會維持不變甚至上升5%,並預料第四季度的晶圓廠房營業 額 微升。 ipress.com.hk | Based on current expectations, our best estimate is that assembly & test revenue for the fourth quarter of 2001 will be in a range of flat to up 5% compared with the third quarter. ipress.com.hk |
私 ㆟ 住宅按揭貸款輕 微 ㆖升,但仍然停止的 政府「居者有其屋計劃」之 住宅 按揭貸款則㆘跌百分之十㆓點九。 hangseng.com.cn | Private sector residential mortgages rose slightly but mortgages granted under the GHOS scheme, which remained suspended, fell by 12.9 per cent. hangseng.com.cn |
美國業務面對材料及運輸成本上漲的問題,但由於採購及 訂價策略有所改善,加上銷量微升, 因此基本營業業績呈 現良好的增長。 swirepacific.com | The USA operations countered the problems of higher material and transportation costs with a combination of better merchandising and pricing strategies and slightly higher sales volumes. swirepacific.com |
其他零 售物業的租金及出租率亦錄得輕微升 幅。 cre.com.hk | Other retail properties [...] also recorded slight increases in [...]rental and occupancy rates. cre.com.hk |
鑒於Glencore石油分部對 本集團收益的貢獻相對較高,收益增長主要是由於所生產石油量增加及期間相比平均石油價 格 微升 ( 如 布蘭特增長3%),部分由上文所述 期間相比金屬價格下降所抵銷所致。 glencore.com | Given the relatively high contribution of Glencore’s oil division to Group revenue, the increase in revenue was primarily due to higher oil volumes handled and a slightly higher period-on-period average oil price (e.g. Brent up 3%), partially offset by lower period-on-period metals prices as noted above. glencore.com |
然而,良好的銷售組 合加上嚴格控制營業成本,使溢利較去年同 期 微升。 swirepacific.com | However, a good sales mix, together with tight control over operating costs, led to a small increase in profit over the comparative period of last year. swirepacific.com |
經歷二零一一年挑戰後,棉花的貢獻 微升 至正 數。 glencore.com | Cotton’s contribution was a small positive following the challenges of 2011. glencore.com |
根據《民意網站》今日發佈的最新調查結果,於十二月初(十二月二至六日),市民對特首董建華的評分為48.0分,較十一月中的數 字 微升 0 . 6 分 , 升 幅 在統計上並不顯著。 hkupop.hku.hk | According to the latest figures released today, CE Tung Chee-hwa's rating registered in early December (December 2-6) was 48.0 marks, representing an increase of 0.6 mark when compared with that of mid-November, which was not statistically significant. hkupop.hku.hk |
至於飲食業,在 2010 年 9 月,有 85.3%的配對目標 僱員享有膳食福利,在 2011 年 9 月微升至 86.2%。 labour.gov.hk | In the restaurant sector, 85.3% of matched target employees enjoyed meal benefits in kind in September 2010, with the percentage slightly increased to 86.2% in September 2011. labour.gov.hk |
尽管东南亚是一个开放的次区域,其中许多经济体都 会因此而受到全球经济不景气的严重影响,但 2012 [...] 年间它作为一个 整体将会取得 6.5%的微升增长率,这是由于泰国已自 2011 [...]年洪灾后 取得了强劲复苏。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although South-East Asia is an open subregion with many economies which are impacted severely by [...] the state of the global economy, it is [...] forecast to see a slight increase in growth [...]as a whole, to 6.5 per cent, in 2012, [...]due to a strong recovery of growth in Thailand following the floods of 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
放置浸油B(0.0004实验室锡达格罗夫,新泽西州,美国)上的背面侧的直径7mm的铜盘具有500μm的钻孔通过盘 3 - 4 微升 液 滴。 jove.com | Place a 3-4 μl droplet of immersion oil B (Cargille laboratories, [...] Cedar Grove, New Jersey, USA) on the back [...] side of a 7 mm diameter copper disc having 500 μm holes [...]drilled through the disc. jove.com |
司長方面,三名司長的支持度評分都比一個月前顯著上升,支持率亦錄得 輕 微升 幅 , 而律政司司長黃仁龍仍然是民望最高的司長。 hkupop.hku.hk | For the Secretaries of Departments, compared to one month ago, all their support ratings have increased notably, while their approval rates have increased slightly. hkupop.hku.hk |
最大样品量:45微升。 malvern.com.cn | Maximum volume 45 microliters. malvern.com |
第三次調查則顯示,在營養資料標籤制度實施 [...] 後,預先包裝食品數量實際上錄得 3-6%的輕微升幅,增加至約 78 000 種。 cfs.gov.hk | After the implementation of the NL Scheme, there [...] was actually a slight increase of 3-6% [...]to around 78 000 prepackaged food products [...]as revealed by the third survey. cfs.gov.hk |
儘管香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」)整體每 [...] 日平均成交量達697億港元,較2010年 微升 1 % , 但 此增幅 主要由衍生認股權證交投增加所帶動。 htisec.com | Although the overall average daily turnover on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong [...] Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) reached [...] HK$69.7 billion, a slight increase of 1% [...]over 2010, such increase was mainly driven [...]by the trading of derivative warrants. htisec.com |
經調整季節性因素後,7月份的滙豐香港採購經理指數 (PMI®) 為50.3,較6月份的49.8微升, 是3個月來首度超越50.0 持平指標, 反映整體經營狀況改善。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | After adjusting for seasonal variation, the headline HSBC Hong Kong Purchasing Managers' Index™ (PMI®) – a composite index designed to provide timely indications of changes in prevailing business conditions in Hong Kong's private sector economy – posted above the 50.0 no-change mark in July, signalling an improvement in overall operating conditions. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
第四季滙豐新興市場指數從第三季的5 2 . 2 微升 至 52 .9,是2012年第一季以來首度上升。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | The HSBC Emerging [...] Markets Index (EMI) rose from 52.2 in Q3 [...]to 52.9 in Q4, the first upward movement since the first quarter of 2012. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
最小样品量:12微升。 malvern.com.cn | Minimum sample volume 12 microliters. malvern.com |
同期的香港「MasterIndex 消費者信心指數」微升至 8 8.5 高位,消費者對五項經濟要素(包括 就業、經濟、固定收入、股票市場及生活質素)均十分樂觀。 mastercard.com | The MasterIndex of Consumer Confidence for Hong Kong increased slightly to a record of 88.5, with outlook on all five economic indicators (including employment, economy, regular income, stock market and quality of life) being highly positive. mastercard.com |
不過,由於勞動人口的升幅更大,經季節性調整的失業 率 微升 0 . 1 個 百分點至3.5%。 censtatd.gov.hk | Nevertheless, as the labour force likewise expanded by a larger extent, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate edged up by 0.1 percentage point to 3.5%. censtatd.gov.hk |
一台紧凑型分析仪能用18微升血液 同时测量全血计数(CBC)和C反应蛋白(CRP),需时只要4分钟。 china.labmedica.com | A compact analyzer simultaneously [...] provides a complete blood count (CBC) and C-reactive protein (CRP) from just 18 μL of blood in only [...]4 minutes. labmedica.com |
來自香港電力業務的收入微升,原因是每度電的基本電 價由 2010 年 1 月 1 日起上調 2.6 港仙,以及年內售電 量增加。 clp.com.cn | The slight increase in revenue from Hong Kong electricity business was [...] due to a combination of an increase of HK¢2.6 per [...]unit in basic tariff effective 1 January 2010 and more units sold. clp.com.hk |
零零㆔年本行股東應得溢利為港幣九十五億㆔千九百萬元,較㆓ 零零㆓年㆘跌百分之㆔點八,若撇除年內 [...] 利得稅率增加及㆓零零㆓年㆒般準 備有大額撥回等影響後,股東應得溢利實 際 微升 百 分 之零點七。 hangseng.com.cn | Attributable profit for 2003, at HK$9,539 million, was 3.8 per cent lower than the previous year. Excluding the increase in the profits tax rate for the [...] year and a large release in general provisions in 2002, attributable profit [...] actually increased marginally by 0.7 per cent. hangseng.com.cn |
完整样品是从固相萃取柱中获得的小容量(小于 30 微升)液体中进行洗脱的。 bruker.com | The complete sample is eluted in a small volume (< 30 µl) of liquid from the SPE cartridge. bruker.com |
此外,它的微采样能力非常适于儿童的血液分析——CBC只 需 1 0 微升 血 液 ,CBC+CRP只 需 1 8 微升 , 还 可以使用毛细血管血液和静脉血样。 china.labmedica.com | In addition, its microsampling capabilities are ideal for pediatric blood analysis, requiring only 10µL for CBC and 18 µL for CBC+CRP, and can be used with capillary, as well as venous blood samples. labmedica.com |
慢慢地将冰川SS毛细管进入准备IBP蛋白质样品管(2.4μM的熔点 IBP-GFP在20mM的CaCl [...] 2和25mM的Tris-HCl在pH值为8,用于制备细节,见参考文献10)和拉玻璃注射器,直到玻璃毛细管含有 0 . 1 微升 的 蛋 白质溶液。 jove.com | Slowly insert the glass capillary into the prepared IBP protein sample tube (2.4 μM MpIBP-GFP in 20 mM CaCl2 and 25 mM Tris-HCl at pH 8, see reference10 [...] for the preparation details) and pull the glass syringe until the glass [...] capillary contains 0.1 μl of the protein [...]solution. jove.com |