

单词 三叠纪

See also:

pile up
fold over in layers


age n
discipline n
record n
era n


External sources (not reviewed)

一百多年以来,作三叠纪海洋 化石的丰富藏地之一,圣乔治山一直吸引着众多来自苏黎世和米兰的研究学者。
As the richest source of Triassic marine fossils, [...]
researchers from the Universities of Zurich and Milan have flocked here
for more than one hundred years.
发生在大约2.52亿年至2.47亿年前 三叠纪 的 某 些物种的灭绝可能是由热得致命的温度直接引起的。
Some of the extinctions that occurred during
[...] the Early Triassic period, about 252-247 million years ago, may [...]
have been caused directly by lethally hot temperatures.
这两个公园相邻,坐落在阿根廷中部彭巴山 (the Sierra Pampeanas) 西麓的沙漠地区,绵延275 300公顷,保存三叠纪(2.45亿至2.08亿年前)最为完整的大陆化石。
This National Park was nominated as a World Heritage Site by
UNESCO and forms part of
[...] the so called Triassic Basin of Ischigualasto, a vast desert region that has at least 250 million years of prehistory.
作为公三世纪和四 世纪的 多层阿克苏姆建筑物的生动代表,复杂精细的雕刻都理想化地体体现了富人和有权势的人的 住所。
Intricately carved as visual representations of multi-storey Axumite
[...] buildings from the third and fourth centuries AD, they were [...]
an idealized representation of
the dwellings of the rich and powerful.
虽然预计这两个项目之 间会有一些叠,拖延三年结 束第一个项目是毫无理由的。
Although some overlap between the two projects was expected, a three-year delay in [...]
closing the first project is unreasonable.
(g) 同反恐委员会执行局和
[...] 1540 委员会专家组密切合作和交流信息,以确 定相同和叠的领域,协三个委 员会进行具体协调,包括在提交报告方面
(g) To work closely and share information with the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate and the Group of Experts established pursuant to resolution
1540 (2004) to identify areas of
[...] convergence and overlap and to help facilitate concrete coordination, [...]
including in the area
of reporting, among the three Committees
本章剩下的部分讨三个(相 互叠)的 方面:政策、环境设计和游戏提供。
The remainder of this chapter discusses
[...] ways to address three (overlapping) aspects: policy, [...]
environmental design and play provision.
一个代表团建议秘书处可通三个重 点优先事项:(a) 以最佳方式利用 资源,以避免工作叠;(b ) 注意有特殊需要的国家,尤其是太平洋岛屿国 家;(c) 促进易受灾害袭击国家在防灾、备灾和灾后重建方面开展可持续合 作。
One delegation suggested three priorities that the secretariat could adopt: (a) optimizing resource utilization to avoid duplication; (b) paying attention [...]
to countries with
special needs, especially the Pacific island countries; and (c) promoting substantial cooperation among disaster-prone countries in prevention, preparedness and post-disaster reconstruction.
由于沿着侵入于泥盆纪石灰岩的晚 叠纪 次 火成侵入体附近发现了矽卡岩,因此13602X许可证区域南部矽卡岩型矿床的成矿潜力较高。
The southern region of license 13602X has potential for skarn related mineralization, as suggested by the identification of skarns along the contact of a late Permian sub-volcanic intrusion with Devonian limestone.
为了避免与粮农组织、农发基金和粮食计划署会议(大多数常驻代表感兴趣的非 领导机构会议)时间叠,驻罗马三 机 构最近发起了网络 “共同会议时间表”,使会 议组办方可以在线协商会议时间安排。
In an effort to avoid overlapping of
[...] meetings other than Governing Body meetings, but which are of interest to the majority of Permanent Representatives, the three Rome-based Agencies [...]
have recently launched
a Web-based "common calendar" which meeting conveners may consult on-line when scheduling meetings.
第 54/33 号决议第
[...] 3(a)段所列各方以及联合国环境与发展会议通过的《21 世纪议程》第三节所列主要群体的代表可参加全体会议和讨论小组。
The plenary sessions and discussion panel will be open to participation by all those listed in paragraph 3 (a) of General Assembly resolution 54/33 and by
representatives of major groups, as
[...] identified in section III of Agenda 21 adopted [...]
by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.
[...] 汉朝(公元前206年–公元225年)古代中国陶器上可见到稻 田养鱼的设计,三世纪泰国 国王的题字,以及例如越南 的“稻和鱼就象母亲和孩子”的传统歌曲,这些均实际证明 [...]
Designs of rice fields with fish on ancient Chinese pottery from tombs of
the Han Dynasty (206 BC–225 AD),
[...] inscriptions from a thirteenth century king of Thailand, [...]
and traditional sayings, such as
one from Viet Nam – “rice and fish are like mother and children”, are all testament that the combination of rice and fish has traditionally been regarded as an indicator of wealth and stability.
提案人表示纪念 《宣言》发三十周年将有助于提醒会员国它们在通过和平手段解决争端方面承 担的义务,让人们认识到《宣言》对国际法发展所作的贡献。
The sponsor
[...] stated that the commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary would [...]
serve to remind Member States of their obligation
to settle disputes by peaceful means and of the contribution made by the Declaration to the development of international law.
中超联赛10周年、中国足球职业化20周年和贝克汉姆的全球影响 三 者 叠 加 , 将确保每一个中国青年对足球运动产生兴趣。
The combination of the 10-year anniversary of the CSL, the 20th anniversary of professional football in China and the global appeal of David Beckham practically ensures that every young person in the country will have a new found interest in the game.
取水皮一份擀成长圆形薄饼,将1/12量的油皮均匀抹在擀开的水皮上(图9),从下往 叠三 褶 ( 图10)。
Roll out each portion into an oval about 10 cm long, and smooth on 1/12 of oil paste (Picture 9).
我们得到的通俗语言编辑的例子作为教皇哥尼流信,用Mercati在这里和那里,为 三 个 世 纪 , 或在圣本笃在沃尔夫林的或DOM蒙娜丽莎的版本为第六届,规则。
We get examples of the vulgar tongue here and there in the
letters of Pope Cornelius as edited by
[...] Mercati, for the third century, or in the Rule [...]
of St. Benedict in Wölfflin's or Dom
Mona's editions, for the sixth.
这批组件产品使用三结叠层薄 膜硅电池片是由迅力光能在美国托莱多的25MW(兆瓦)卷对卷薄膜太阳能电池生产线上制造。
These modules were assembled in Xunlight's Kunshan, China
[...] facility using triple-junction thin film [...]
solar cells manufactured in the United
States in its 25 MW roll-to-roll solar cell production line located in Toledo, Ohio.
兰斯·阿姆斯特是癌症患者,自行车赛冠军,也是以他的名字命名的基金会的创始人和主席,他将以职业运动员的身份参加今年举办的几项铁人三项和铁人三项70.3(R)赛事,包括巴拿马铁 三 项 70 .3赛、德克萨斯赫尔 纪 念 医 院铁 三 项 70 .3赛、佛罗里达铁人三项70.3赛、夏威夷铁人三项70.3赛和法国铁人三项赛。
Lance Armstrong, cancer survivor, champion cyclist and the Foundation's founder and chairman, will compete as a professional athlete in several Ironman and
Ironman 70.3(R) races
[...] this year including Ironman 70.3 Panama, Memorial Hermann Ironman 70.3 Texas, Ironman 70.3 [...]
Florida, Ironman 70.3 Hawaii and Ironman France.
1894-1895年中日战争和二十纪三十 年代日本侵华在政治上非常有用,因为它与帝国主义迫害中国的宏观主题相切合。
Memories of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and Japanese aggression in the 1930’s are politically useful and fit within a larger theme of Chinese victimization by imperialist forces.
11 月 6 日,摩洛哥国王穆罕默 德六世在“绿三月”三十四周年纪 念 日 发表讲话,提出实现“区域化”的五点 计划,该计划在初期将侧重于摩洛哥所控制的西撒哈拉部分。
King Mohammed VI of Morocco made
[...] a speech on the occasion of the thirty-fourth anniversary [...]
of the “Green March”, on 6 November,
in which he proposed a fivepoint plan towards “regionalization”, to be focused initially on the part of Western Sahara controlled by Morocco.
咨询委员会获悉,以设计——建造方式执行 项目,有利于:(a) 减少项目所有者的风险,因为设计和建造工作是发
[...] 包给同一个实体;(b) 将建设项目分割成易于管理的组成部分,各个组 成部分的设计和建造阶段叠,能减少项目执行时间。
The Advisory Committee was informed that the design-build approach to project delivery allows (a ) limiting the risks to the project owner since design and construction work is contracted to the same entity; and (b ) reducing project execution time by breaking up
the construction project into
[...] manageable components and overlapping the design and construction [...]
phases of the various components.
具体问题涉及到 2 类机构是否与其他联合国附属机构与中心相互 叠 ; 需 要请 2 类机构和中心的主任参与总干 事关于 C/4 和 C/5 的磋商;落日条款的执行方式;教科文组织对于表现较差或失去财务支持 的 2 类中心是否会有财务和法律责任;与这些中心的关系的费用和财务影响;专项拨款的理 [...]
由 (国际农村教育研究与培训中心);建议的摸底调查和可行性研究所投入的费用和人力;建
议的工作人员交流、使用教科文组织的表示以及定期审查就 2 类中心达成的协定等。
Specific queries related to possible
[...] duplication of category 2 institutes with other United Nations-affiliated institutes and centres, the need to invite [...]
the directors of
category 2 institutes and centres to participate in the Director-General’s consultations on the C/4 and the C/5 documents, the modalities for the operation of the sunset clause, the possible financial and legal liabilities of UNESCO for non-performing category 2 centres or those that lose their financial support, the cost and financial implications of engagement with such centres, the reasons for specific allocations (for INRULED), the cost and staff time involved in the proposed mapping exercises and feasibility studies, the proposed staff exchanges, the use of the UNESCO logo and the need for regular review of the agreements concluded regarding category 2 centres.
4 、查验大货疋条:每疋布必须剪头尾全幅疋条,宽度12-15CM,两边 叠 进 5CM , 叠 成 左中 右 三 层 , 写明缸号、卷号、码长等信息,头尾、左中右色差4-5级为A级;若发现左中右或头尾阴阳色低于4-5级,此卷布拒收。
4, inspection of goods Piece Goods: each piece goods cloth must be cut to the head and tail of full-size
piece goods bar width
[...] 12-15CM, on both sides of the stack into the 5CM quartet built left, right three-tier, specify the cylinder [...]
number, volume
number, the code length information , head and tail, left, right color grade 4-5 for Class A; If it is found to the left, right, or the head and tail of yin and yang color lower than 4-5, this volume of fabric rejection.
转90度擀开成长方形(图9),再从下往 叠三 褶 ( 图10),然后擀开成一薄的方形(图11),从左往右卷成圆筒(图12),再从下往上团成小球状(图13、14),保湿静置松弛10分钟。
Fold from left to right to form a slender roll (picture 12).
能力建设提供者和受益者之间交流信息、知识和经验,以及捐助者和提供 者方案的合作与协调,对有效实施举措、减少代价极高的工作 叠 现 象 以及确保 在各层面取得可持续成果十分必要。
The exchange of information, knowledge and experience among and between capacity-building providers and beneficiaries, as well as cooperation and coordination of donor and provider programmes, is necessary for the effective delivery of initiatives, the reduction of costly duplication as well as for ensuring their sustained outcomes at all levels.
[...] 同(如短效半衰期放射性核素会迅速衰减,因此,几个月后,就基本上消失殆尽; 有些同位素需要储存三个世纪的时 间;半衰期为 24 000 年的钚可通过后处理 [...]
Thus, storage is an essential step in the management of radioactive waste, although the targeted duration of storage will vary hugely (e.g., radionuclides with short half-lives will decay away rapidly, so after a few months there will be essentially none
left; a number of isotopes require
[...] storage for about three centuries; plutonium with [...]
a half-life of 24,000 years can be
removed beforehand by using reprocessing technologies).
例 如旧的著作中就提到 19 世纪末将一个三口人 的法国家庭(贝延格家庭)驱逐出瑞 士索勒尔州的案例,理由不仅是因为这个家庭长久以来需要公共援助,而且因为 [...]
父子都完全放荡,再找不到住宿地方,整个家庭没有一个人能够工作。378也是 在瑞士,1885年9月1日,巴勒乡一名公民要求联邦委员会将一名维也纳人George
Older works refer, by way of
[...] illustration, the expulsion of a three-member French family, [...]
the Bettingers, from the Canton of
Solothurn in Switzerland towards the end of the nineteenth century not only because the family had been for a long time been a public charge, but also because the father and the son had fallen into complete dissoluteness and were no longer able to find anywhere to live, and all the members of the family had in addition become unfit for work.378 Still in Switzerland, on 1 September 1885 a resident of Basel-Landschaft requested the Federal Council to expel one Georg Grüner, of Vienna, who, the author of the request alleged, “is engaging in immoral conduct and disturbing the peace of a number of families”.




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