

单词 强攻

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一个人被谋杀强攻和传 说中的雪拉...
A man is murdered in the storm and the legend about the snow la...
然而,要保证您在网上透露的信息绝对安全、完整并非易事,因为如果未经授权的第三方发 强 力 攻 击 , 就可能危及您的数据。
However, it is not possible to guaranty the security or integrity of
information you disclose online since
[...] a sufficiently powerful attack from an unauthorized [...]
third party could compromise your data.
尽管在他强烈攻击教 皇尼古拉斯V带他到罗马。
Despite his vehement attacks on the papacy, [...]
Nicholas V brought him to Rome.
当罗杰在1137年第二,把块的那不勒斯公国,卡普里岛也有其与围困 强攻 的 小 城堡,当时称为“巴巴罗萨”,对斜坡的Monte Solaro栖息战争的插曲。
When Roger II in 1137, put the block to the Duchy of Naples, Capri also had its episode of war with the siege and the storming of the little castle, then called "Barbarossa", perched on the slopes of Monte Solaro.
正如以下各节所讨论的,可以说“可靠”安全部队的短缺已导致前总统的行 政当局谋求通过各种手段强进攻和 防 御能力,包括雇佣外籍雇佣军和试图购置 或修复军事航空资产。
As discussed in the following sections, the shortage of “reliable” security forces has arguably led the former
President’s administration to
[...] seek to bolster offensive and defensive capabilities [...]
through a number of means, including hiring
foreign mercenary forces and the attempted acquisition or rehabilitation of military air assets.
维持和平行动部已采取若干措施, 强 对 频频 遭攻击的 联合国维和人员的安全保护。
Singapore was pleased that the Department of Peacekeeping Operations had taken several
[...] steps to improve the security of United Nations peacekeepers amid rising attacks on them.
[...] 行为,但视管辖权方而定,其中一些确实涉及犯罪行为指控,例如与未成年人性交 强 奸 、嫖 娼和攻击。
While not all cases of sexual exploitation and abuse will amount to criminal conduct, a number of cases did involve allegations of criminal
conduct, depending upon the jurisdiction, such as sexual intercourse with
[...] a minor, rape, prostitution and sexual assault.
除其他外,禁止实施下列行为:残酷待人、侮辱他人 强 奸 ; 性 攻 击 ; 以金 钱、工作机会、物品或服务换取性行为;贩运人口;与 [...]
18 岁以下的儿童发生性 行为;盗窃;走私;诈骗;非法、腐败或不当行为;酗酒;滥用或贩运毒品;任 何形式的歧视或性骚扰。
The following acts, among others, are
prohibited: cruel, humiliating or
[...] degrading treatment; rape; sexual assault; exchange of [...]
money, employment, goods or services
for sex; trafficking in persons; sexual activity with children under 18; theft; smuggling; fraud; any illegal, corrupt or improper practices; abuse of alcohol; abuse of or trafficking in drugs; and any form of discrimination or sexual harassment.
Karemera 和 Ngirumpatse 被判
[...] 定犯有灭绝种族罪和直接公开煽动实施灭绝种族罪、灭绝罪 强 奸 及 性 攻 击 罪 等 危害人类罪,和造成暴力侵害生命、健康或身心福祉的谋杀罪,构成严重违反《日 [...]
内瓦四公约》及其《第二号附加议定书》共同第 3 条。
Karemera and Ngirumpatse were convicted of genocide, direct and public
incitement to commit genocide,
[...] extermination and rapes and sexual assaults as crimes against [...]
humanity, and murder as causing
violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being as serious violations of article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II.
报告没有清楚指出这些袭击是恐 怖主义分攻击,尽管秘书长在其文件 S/2009/585强烈谴责这攻击是“毫无意义的滥杀行为”,安全理 事会新闻稿 SC/9775 用强烈的言词谴责这攻击,并 且说它们是一系列的恐怖主义攻击。
The report does not clearly mention that these were terrorist attacks, despite the fact that the Secretary-General
[...] strongly condemned the attacks in his report contained in document S/2009/585 as “senseless and indiscriminate” and that Security Council press release SC/9775 condemned these attacks in the strongest terms and described [...]
them as a series of terrorist attacks.
有报告称安全部队实施杀人、任攻 击 、 强 迫 流 离失所、酷刑和其他残忍,不人 道和有辱人格的待遇以及威胁和任意限制人员和货物的自由流通。
There are reports of
[...] killings, indiscriminate attacks, forced displacement, [...]
looting, torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading
treatment, threats and arbitrary restrictions to freedom of movement of persons and goods.
[...] 如债役、非法用工行为、非法监禁、剥夺护照 强 奸 和人 身 攻 击 (见 A/48/18,第 359 段至第 381 段)。
On several occasions, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has expressed its concern over the treatment experienced by migrant domestic workers, such as debt bondage, illegal
employment practices, illegal confinement, passport
[...] deprivation, rape and physical assault (see A/48/18, [...]
paras. 359-381).
[...] 我维持;偿还特遣队所属装备、提供足够的 强 军 力 段 ( 攻 击 和 多用途直升机、 海上能力、作战工程装备等)以及对特派团文职部分的支助; [...]
(c) 向摩加迪沙派驻建制警察部队,以加强该市的法律和秩序。
Priority areas of support include self-sustenance of the troop-contributing countries reimbursement for contingent-owned
equipment and the provision of
[...] adequate force enablers (attack and utility helicopters, [...]
maritime capability, combat engineering
equipment, among other things), as well as support for the civilian component of the Mission
已记录在案的有基于性别的暴攻击 、 强 奸 和 强 奸未 遂,包括武装部队成员所犯的案件。
Gender-based violence assaults, rapes and attempted rapes, [...]
including by members of the armed forces, were documented.
敦促武装冲突各方履行国际法各项义务,特别是国际人道主义法和国际 人权法规定的义务,包括尊重平民,包括学生和教育工作者,尊重诸如教育机构 等民用物体,并根据国际法规定的义务不要招募儿童参加武装部队或武装团体,
[...] 和民用物体有关的义务,敦促会员国为防止和打击有罪不罚现象,在国内法中将 攻击教育建筑行为定为刑事罪,强 调 这 种 攻 击 可 构成对《日内瓦四公约》的严 重违反,而对于缔约国来说,则《国际刑事法院罗马规约》13 [...]
规定,可构成战争 罪;11.
Urges all parties to armed conflict to fulfil their obligations under international law, in particular their applicable obligations under international humanitarian law and international human rights law, including to respect civilians, including students and educational personnel, to respect civilian objects such as educational institutions and to refrain from the recruitment of children into armed forces or groups, urges Member States to fulfil their applicable obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, related to the protection of and respect for civilians and civilian objects, and urges them, in order to prevent and combat impunity, to
criminalize under their domestic law attacks on educational
[...] buildings, and stresses that such attacks may constitute [...]
grave breaches of the
Geneva Conventions12 and, for States parties, war crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court;13 11.
自 2007 年以来,犯罪司法所在反恐执行工作队的 强 保 护易 受 攻 击 目 标工 作组的框架内参与开展了公私安全政策活动。
Since 2007, UNICRI has been engaged in activities on public-private security policies within the framework of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force’s Working Group on Strengthening the Protection of Vulnerable Targets.
在尼泊尔,儿基会把保护教育系统 免攻击和加强建设和平与解决冲突作为优先事项。
In Nepal, UNICEF has prioritized the protection
[...] of education from attack and the strengthening of peacebuilding [...]
and conflict resolution.
家庭暴 力的主要表现为身体暴力、性侵犯 强 奸 、语 言攻 击、人格侮辱、私藏或偷窃钱财、禁止与家人和朋友 [...]
联系、威胁带走或者伤害孩子、偷盗身份证明和移民 文件、拒绝医疗服务、监禁在家以及威胁驱逐出境, 还可能包括受强迫婚姻和所谓的荣誉暴力。
It includes physical
[...] violence, sexual assault and rape, verbal abuse, [...]
humiliation, withholding or stealing money, not allowing
contact with your family and friends, threatening to take away or harm your children, stealing identity and immigration papers, denial of medical care, imprisonment at home and threatening deportation.
在这方面,我强调必 须制订各种监测武装冲突 期间侵犯平民行动的办法,以及必须采取措施说服全 世界所有国家和冲突各方履行承诺,不把平民当攻 击目 标和在没有双重标准的情况下保护平民的生命、 财产及合法利益,同时铭记必须完全尊重各国的主权 和不干涉它国内政的原则。
In that connection, we emphasize the need to develop methods for monitoring acts committed against civilians during armed conflicts and the need for measures to be taken to persuade all countries and parties to [...]
conflicts throughout the world
to fulfil their commitment not to target civilians and to protect their lives, property and legitimate interests without applying double standards, bearing in mind the need to fully respect the sovereignty of States and the principle of non-interference in their internal affairs.
首先,术业有攻,大企业能强某 个 软件或者硬件,却不一定能做好OA,因为它们是不同的概念 。
First of all, the operation specializing in industry, large enterprises can be a strong software or hardware, not necessarily do a good job in OA, because they are different concepts.
在过去几个月中,在整个前线对阿塞拜疆平民和民用设施 攻 击 加 强 了 。阿 塞拜疆领导人的敌对言论空前增多,对战争根源以及解决冲突进程充满了弄虚作 假和扭曲事实的歪曲,这证实了人们对亚美尼亚政策具有颠覆性影响的严重担 忧,给该地区的和平、安全和稳定构成了直接威胁。
Intensified attacks over the last months on Azerbaijani civilians and civilian objects across the front line and an unprecedented increase of hostile statements by Armenian leadership, full of historical falsifications and factual distortions as to the root causes of the war and conflict settlement process, confirm the validity of serious concern over the destabilizing effect of Armenia’s policy and represent a direct threat to peace, security and stability in the region.
第三,正如上月希拉里·克林顿国务卿在亚洲协 会上发言指出的那样,2011 年将看到三大行动升级汇
[...] 合:阿富汗和国际社会对基地组织和塔利班的联合军攻势、加强阿富 汗政府、经济和民间社会的民事运 动以及强化外交努力,结束阿富汗冲突,并为该地区 [...]
Thirdly, as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton noted in her remarks at the Asia Society last month, the year 2011 will see the confluence of three surges: a
joint Afghan and
[...] international military offensive against Al-Qaida and [...]
the Taliban; a civilian campaign to bolster the Afghan Government, economy
and civil society; and an intensified diplomatic push to bring the Afghan conflict to an end and chart a new and secure future for the region.
在所有要谋求护级的球队中,博尔顿 攻 击 力 最 强 的 球 队,22个进球展示了他们生存的能力。
Amongst all opponents of survivals, Bolton is the team with the most offense power and 22 goals saw their power to survive.
此外,消费增加、“垃圾”食物的进入 攻 势 强 劲 的 广告、得不到充 分的医疗服务及劣质婴儿喂养,一起严重加剧了人口的营养挑战。
In addition, increased consumerism, along with the introduction and aggressive advertising of “junk” foods, inadequate access to healthcare and poor infant feeding, have severely compounded the nutritional challenges of the population.
核心调查应继续侧重于“传统的”罪行,其中包 括凶杀、暴力犯罪攻击、性暴力 强 奸 和 抢劫)、财产犯罪(盗窃、汽车盗窃 和破门盗窃)、与毒品有关的犯罪(持有、使用和贩运)以及以绑架勒索赎金。
The core Survey should retain a focus on “traditional”
offences, including homicide,
[...] violent crime (assault, sexual violence, rape and robbery), [...]
property crimes (theft, motor vehicle
theft and burglary), drug-related crimes (possession, use and trafficking) and kidnapping for ransom.
阿塞拜疆的军费在过去这些年翻了很多番(2000 年以来增加了 470%,2011 年国防支出达 33 亿美元),加上阿塞拜疆领导人喋喋不休 攻 击 性 和 强 硬 言论, 这些都加剧了南高加索区域的紧张气氛,严重损害旨在和平解决现有问题、特别 是解决纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫冲突的谈判进程。
The many-fold increase of Azerbaijan’s military budget over past years (since 2000, by 470 per cent; defence spending in 2011 amounts to $3.3 billion) and the persistent aggressive and harsh rhetoric of the Azerbaijani leadership also heighten the tension in the region of the South Caucasus and seriously undermine the negotiation process aimed at the peaceful settlement of existing problems, particularly the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
这些大力促销给公司带来了损失,中国电信第一季度利润下降6.5%,对于出人意料的大幅下挫,人们大都指责 攻 势 过 强 的 3G 策略。
Those heavy promotions took a toll on the company’s bottom line, with China Telecom’s profit falling 6.5 percent in the first quarter, as the company largely blamed its aggressive 3G strategy for the unexpectedly big decline.
因此,任何人如果以另一人事实上或被认为属 于某个民族、族裔、种族或宗教群体或某些居民群体的成员 攻 击 他 ,或 强迫 或 胁迫他做、不做或者忍受某件事,可判处五年以下监禁。
Hate expressed in violence is penalized under “violence against a member of the community” Accordingly, any person who assaults another person for being part, whether in fact or under presumption, of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, or of certain groups of the population, or compels him by applying coercion or duress to do, not to do, or to endure something, is punishable by imprisonment up to five years.
[...] 可能遭到递解;在母亲的健康受到威胁时或者是在遭受 攻 击 后, 会 强 迫 进 行人 工流产或不能得到安全的生殖保健和人工流产服务;没有或没有足够的产假和福 [...]
Women migrant workers may face mandatory pregnancy
tests followed by deportation if the
[...] test is positive; coercive abortion or lack of [...]
access to safe reproductive health
and abortion services, when the health of the mother is at risk, or even following sexual assault; absence of, or inadequate, maternity leave and benefits and absence of affordable obstetric care, resulting in serious health risks.
[...] 构,尤其是人权理事会,采取坚定措施,以便制止 在被占巴勒斯坦领土针对平民的任 攻 击 ,并取消 以色列当局多年来对加沙实施的不公正的围困,这 [...]
一围困是对被占领巴勒斯坦领土居民实施的一种集 体惩罚,其方式全然不顾相称性和有区分原则并显
Moreover, we call on the Security Council and the relevant United Nations bodies, especially the Human
Rights Council, to take firm measures to put a
[...] stop to random attacks against civilians [...]
in the occupied Palestinian territories,
as well as to lift the unjust siege imposed by the Israeli authorities for many years on Gaza, which is a form of collective punishment imposed on the residents of the occupied Palestinian territories in a manner that takes no account of proportionality or differentiation and clearly violates the principles of international humanitarian law.




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