

单词 捕鸟蛛

See also:



seize v


birds pl
hummingbird n

External sources (not reviewed)

当乌尔里希和的Aelita到达Lyoko,他们所面对的威廉和三 捕鸟蛛。
When Ulrich and Aelita arrive to Lyoko, they are confronted by
[...] William and three Tarantulas.
南 部金枪鱼养护委通过了一项内容广泛的建议,以减 捕 捞 南 部蓝鳍金枪鱼对生态 相关物种的影响,包括建议实施保护 鸟 和 鲨鱼的国际行动计划和《粮农组织关 于捕鱼作 业中减少海龟死亡率的准则》,收集和报告数据,并遵守印度洋金枪 鱼委和中西太平洋渔委具有约束力的和建议的保护措施。
CCSBT had adopted a wide-ranging
recommendation to mitigate the
[...] impact of fishing for southern bluefin tuna on ecologically related species, including recommendations to implement the international plans of action for seabirds and sharks and the FAO Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations, [...]
collect and report data,
and comply with the IOTC and WCPFC binding and recommended conservation measures.
the red back spider – its bite is [...]
extremely painful and it can be deadly.
[...] 食同为捕食者的鱼类,如鳟鱼和鲑鱼,而小型的食鱼野生动物(如 鸟 ) 则 倾向 捕 食 较小的饵料鱼, 一项研究已经发现这些饵料鱼中汞的组织水平更高(US [...]
The larger wildlife species (such as eagles, seals) prey on fish that are also predators, such as
trout and salmon, whereas smaller fish-eating
[...] wildlife (such as kingfishers) tend to feed on the [...]
smaller forage fish, which have been found in a study
to have higher tissue levels of mercury (US EPA, 1997).
Web爬虫(也叫作机器人或蛛)是可 以自动浏览与处理Web页面的程序。
Web crawler (also
[...] called robots or spiders ) can automatically [...]
browse Web pages and processing procedures .
所有悬挂澳大利亚国 旗的船只必须持有公海许可证才能进行捕捞活动,并应遵守一系列措施,包括强
[...] 制性观察员覆盖、离开规定、对捕捞方法和渔具类型的限制、旨在减少延 捕捞 误捕海鸟的措 施、避免影响鲸目动物和其他保护物种的要求、禁止某些物种的渔 [...]
All Australian flagged vessels were required to hold a high seas permit before undertaking any fishing activity and were subject to a number of measures, including mandatory observer
coverage, move-on provisions,
[...] restrictions on fishing methods and gear types, seabird by-catch reduction [...]
measures in line fisheries,
requirements to avoid interactions with cetaceans and other protected species, species catch prohibitions and vessel monitoring systems and reporting requirements.
最近几年刺捕捞海鸟、海 龟和海洋哺乳动物受到的关注增 加,要求在开发进一步减缓措施方面开展更多工作。
Although the capture of seabirds, sea turtles [...]
and marine mammals by gillnets has received increased attention in recent
years, more development work is required to develop mitigation measures further.
然而,從這個重要問題的談判種蛛絲馬 跡來看,說好的是勞而無功,說壞的是陷入僵局,所以我認為在這時候,當 局應向本局和港㆟披露更多確切的資料,因為他們自己都有良好的判斷力,可以想出 挽救這項計劃的辦法來。
However, now that negotiations on this important issue appear to be at best idling and at worst near deadlock, I think it is time for a great deal more hard information to be made available to this Council and to the people of Hong Kong who are very capable of judging for themselves what might be done to rescue the project.
所以,大家不 要以為有了普選時間表便一切也得到解決,因為事實上,從很 蛛 絲 馬 跡和 按我所得到的印象,我擔心 2017 年和 2020 年實行的也並非真正的普選。
Therefore, we must not think that with a timetable for the introduction of universal suffrage, all issues will be resolved because in fact, judging from a lot of tell-tale signs and the impressions that I have got, I am worried that the universal suffrage in 2017 and 2020 may not be genuine.
还有若干其他能减少捕海鸟68 和海龟69 的措施,例如新的“圆型 钩”和“弱钩”。
There are several other mitigation measures
capable of reducing the likelihood of
[...] incidental bycatch of seabirds68 and sea turtles,69 [...]
such as the new “circle hook” and “weak hook”.
该计划呼吁执行 1995 年 粮农组织《负责任渔业行为守则》及其管理捕捞能力、 养护和管理鲨鱼、在延绳钓捕鱼中减少附 捕 获 海 鸟以 及防止、阻止和消除非法、未报告和无管制的捕捞活动 的相关四项国际行动计划。
The Plan called for the implementation of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, together with its related four international plans of
action for the
[...] management of fishing capacity, the conservation and management of sharks, the reduction of incidental catch of seabirds in longline [...]
fisheries, and the
prevention, deterrence and elimination of IUU fishing.
延绳钓、拖网和刺网渔业中减缓鸟 兼 捕 的 最 佳操作– 效率和可操作适用性。
Best practices to mitigate seabird bycatch in longline, [...]
trawl and gillnet fisheries – efficiency and practical applicability.
这些措施涉及鲨鱼,涉及减少附捕 获 海 鸟 , 管理脆弱的深水生境和生 态系统,设定螃蟹和洋枪鱼的捕捞限额,规定受禁的渔业和底层捕捞活动的恢复 [...]
Those measures related to sharks, reducing
[...] incidental by-catch of seabirds, management of [...]
vulnerable deep-water habitats and ecosystems,
fixing catch limits for crabs and toothfish, conditions for the resumption of closed fisheries and bottom fishing activities.
根据伊拉克安全部 队的报告,2010 年初伊拉克部队展开的密集安全行动 铲除了基地组织大部分的力量,消灭了大多数据点, 并逮捕了其领导,其中包括捕了“ 天堂 鸟 ” 的成 员和领导。
According to reports from Iraqi security forces, the intensive security campaigns carried out by Iraqi forces at the beginning of 2010 resulted in the elimination of most of the forces of AlQaida, the
dismantling of the majority of
[...] cells and the arrest of its leaders, including members and leaders of the Birds of Paradise.
在季节1发作,人类只是在外围出现(例如,静音侵入车辆的驱动程序)和大农场动物的各种昆虫, 蛛 和 软 体动物活动的主要不愿证人。
In Season 1 episodes, humans appeared only peripherally (e.g., as mute drivers of intrusive
vehicles) and large farm animals were the main reluctant witnesses to the
[...] variety of insect, spider and mollusc activities.
是一個另類及有效的選擇,治療期間或靜脈沒有凸出下,它可以遮蓋靜脈曲張及 蛛 靜 脈(在皮膚表面形成的靜脈群)。
Camouflage cosmetic can be an alternate and effective
option. It can cover
[...] varicose veins & spider veins (cluster of veins that form tiny spider patterns just [...]
beneath the skin).
赫爾的義肢收藏與多數人買鞋邏輯相同,一雙用於步行、另一雙較長用於慢跑,還有好幾雙攀岩義肢,例如能夠讓他增高至七呎,或是內建鋁製勾爪,能夠像 蛛 人 般緊抓表面,赫爾在TED演說最後表示,「拜義肢之賜,我能提高攀岩能力,在我眼中這是機會,是種能恣意揮灑的調色板」,還以一段精彩愛爾蘭舞蹈收尾。
He has one set of prosthetics for walking, a longer set for jogging and multiple pairs of climbing legs, including one that stretches him to over seven feet tall and another with built-in aluminum claws for Spiderman-like gripping.
[...] 選購的延長軟管*上,以便夠得著吊扇葉片、簷板和 蛛 網。
TIP: Attach the dusting brush to the optional extended hose* to reach ceiling fan blades,
[...] cornice boards and cobwebs.
[...] 告和无管制的捕捞活动国际行动计划》、《减少延 捕 捞 误 捕 海 鸟 国 际行动计划》、 《养护和管理鲨鱼国际行动计划》以及《管理捕捞能力国际行动计划》。
The Code of Conduct is complemented by four international plans of action: the International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing; the
International Plan of Action for reducing
[...] Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries; [...]
the International Plan of Action for
the Conservation and Management of Sharks; and the International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity.
漏斗网蛛——世界上最致命的一种 蛛 , 体 型巨大,身体呈黑色,头部和胸部闪亮。
the funnel-web spider – these are one of the world’s deadliest spiders.
请各国及区域渔业管理组织和安排酌情紧急执行联合国粮食及农业组 织 2004 年《关于在捕捞作业中减少海龟死亡的准则》19 和《减少延捕捞误捕 海鸟国际 行动计划》7 建议采取的措施,通过尽可能减少副渔获物,增加释放后 的存活率,防止海龟和鸟种群在捕 捞 过 程中减少,包括为此研究和开发替代渔 具和鱼饵,提倡使用现有的减少副渔获物的技术,并制订和加强数据收集方案, 获取标准化信息,以便对这些物种的副渔获量做出可靠的估计
Requests States and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements to urgently implement, as appropriate, the measures recommended in the 2004 Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations19and the International Plan of
Action for Reducing
[...] Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations7 in order to prevent the decline of sea turtles and seabird populations by minimizing [...]
by-catch and
increasing post-release survival in their fisheries, including through research and development of gear and bait alternatives, promoting the use of available by-catch mitigation technology, and establishing and strengthening data-collection programmes to obtain standardized information to develop reliable estimates of the by-catch of these species
捕猎美洲豹和其它猫科动物主要是为皮毛 捕 猎 鸟 类 则 是为了羽毛。
Other animals were hunted chiefly for their skins, such as the jaguar and other felines, or for their feathers.
這項普查清點於2007年開始,預計2017年完成,將會有非常矚目的收獲:鑒定數千個物種,有昆虫、軟體動物、 蛛 、 地 衣和苔蘚植物等,其中數十個為新物種。
The census, which began in 2007 and is planned to continue until 2017, is producing some spectacular
results and identifying thousands of species,
[...] insects, molluscs, arachnids, lichens and [...]
mosses, dozens of them new to science.
大多蛛状静 脉患者都可以接受治疗,孕妇、哺乳期妇女以及有禁忌症的人士除外,此处所指的禁忌症包括:深静脉血栓、皮肤感染、未受控制的糖尿病,以及患者正在服用抗凝血剂等情况。
Most anyone suffering from spider veins can receive [...]
treatment, with the exception of pregnant or nursing women, individuals
with contraindications such as a history of deep vein thrombosis, skin infections, uncontrolled diabetes, or patients taking anticoagulants.
关切据报因捕捞作业,特别是延绳捕捞作业和其他活动过程中的 捕 , 海 鸟, 特 别是信天翁和海燕,以及包括鲨鱼、有鳍鱼类和海龟在内的其他海洋物种,继 续在死亡,同时确认各国各自和通过各区域渔业管理组织和安排,为减少延绳捕 捞的副渔获物作出重大努力
Expressing concern over reports of
[...] continued losses of seabirds, particularly albatrosses and petrels, as well as other marine species, including sharks, fin-fish species and marine [...]
turtles, as a result
of incidental mortality in fishing operations, particularly longline fishing, and other activities, while recognizing considerable efforts by States and through various regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements to reduce by-catch in longline fishing
建议采取的措施,通过 尽可能减少副渔获物,增加释放后的存活率,防止 海龟和鸟种群在捕捞过程中减少,包括为此研究 和开发替代渔具和鱼饵,提倡使用现有的减少副渔 获物的技术,并制订和加强数据收集方案,获取标 准化信息,以便对这些物种的副渔获量做出可靠的 估计
Requests States and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements to urgently implement, as appropriate, the measures recommended in the 2004
Guidelines to Reduce Sea
[...] Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations170and the International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries [...]
of the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations158 in order to prevent the decline of sea turtles and seabird populations by minimizing bycatch and increasing post-release survival in their fisheries, including through research and development of gear and bait alternatives, promoting the use of available by-catch mitigation technology, and establishing and strengthening data-collection programmes to obtain standardized information to develop reliable estimates of the by-catch of these species
[...] 二十八届会议决定,联合国粮食及农业组织应出版执 行《减少延捕捞误捕海鸟国际行动计划》最佳做法 技术准则;156 86.
Welcomes the decision of the Committee on Fisheries at its twenty-eighth session that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations should publish the best practices technical guidelines for the
implementation of the International Plan of Action for Reducing
[...] Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries;156 86.




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