单词 | 捞 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 捞—fish updredge up捞verb—scavengevExamples:捕捞adj—fishingadj 过度捕捞n—overfishingn 捕捞—catch fish for (aquatic animals and plants)
(b) 经营所有或任何作为船东、船舶代理、船舶经纪、证券经纪、船舶管理人 及船运财产、货运承包商、水陸营运商、驳船所有者、驳船夫、码头工人、 船舶修理工、造船商、拆船商、船舶供应商、打捞及拖 船承包商、其各領 域的工程师、货运代理、制冷商、仓库管理人及码头、仓库管理人的业务 及进行公路运输及驳运所有類别业务。 wheelockcompany.com | (b) To carry on all or any of the businesses of shipowners, ships agents, ship brokers, insurance brokers, managers of ships and shipping property, freight contractors, carriers by land and sea, barge owners, lightermen, stevedores, ship repairers, ship builders, ship breakers, ship suppliers, salvage and towage contractors, engineers in all its branches, forwarding agents, refrigerating storekeepers, warehousemen and wharves and godowns and to conduct road haulage and lighterage business of all kinds. wheelockcompany.com |
6.5 为支持减少混获和丢弃问题之管理措施,国家及 RFMO/As 应当酌情绘制海床栖地 图、作为混获所捕捞物种分布及范围,尤其是稀有、濒危、受威胁和受保护物种, 以确定此類作为混获物种和渔获努力量可能重叠之处。 ofdc.org.tw | 6.5 In support of management measures to mitigate bycatch and discard problems, States and RFMO/As should, where appropriate, map seabed habitats, distributions and ranges of species taken as bycatch, in particular rare, endangered, threatened or protected species, to ascertain where species taken as bycatch might overlap with fishing effort. ofdc.org.tw |
一般而言,任何足以减少水质影响的措施(包括设置隔泥幕、限制挖泥 速度等),以及构成良好施工方法的措施(包括控制船只速度、装设气 泡套罩/围幕),都有助於保护捕捞渔业和生态资源免受间接影响。 logisticshk.gov.hk | In general, any measures which are required to reduce impacts to water quality (including provision of silt curtains, controlling dredging rates etc) and which contribute to good construction practices (including control vessel speeds, provision of bubble jacket/curtain) will also serve to protect against indirect impacts to capture fisheriesand ecological resources. logisticshk.gov.hk |
但是,“进化实验室”,是由於大规模的城市化,过度捕捞和进口剥夺了他们的天然资源的原生种动物受到威胁。 zh.horloger-paris.com | But the "laboratory of evolution" is under threat due to massive urbanization, overfishing and the importation of animals depriving native species of their natural resources. en.horloger-paris.com |
2.4.3 在渔具选择性差和大部分捕捞鱼种 可被利用之多鱼种/多种渔具渔业中,除其 他外,混获系指渔获中不应被捕捞之部 分,因对生态和/或经济有不利的後果。 ofdc.org.tw | 2.4.3 In multispecies/multigear fisheries where there is poor gear selectivity and where most species caught are used, bycatch refers to that part of the catch that should not have been caught, inter alia, because of detrimental ecological and/or economic consequences. ofdc.org.tw |
太古海洋开发公司及其附属公司亦配备设施应付有关地震、打捞及环 境应对方面的服务需要,以及提供风力发电站装设及支援服务。 swirepacific.com | SPO and its subsidiaries are also equipped to cater to seismic, salvage and environmental response requirements, as well as windfarm installation and support. swirepacific.com |
1.7 本「指导方针」也可诠释及应用於 IPOA-Seabirds 及其相关最佳实践之技术指导方 针、IPOA-Sharks 和降低捕捞活动 之海龜死亡率指导方针,以补充渠等之混获措施。 ofdc.org.tw | 1.7 These Guidelines are also to be interpreted and applied to complement bycatch measures addressed in the IPOA-Seabirds and its related Best Practices Technical Guidelines, the IPOASharks and Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations. ofdc.org.tw |
依第 13 点(a)项对其所属捕捞船、定置网或养殖场签核 BCDs [...] 之每一 CPC 应 告知 ICCAT 秘书处其负责签核及核实 BCDs 或 BFTRCs 之政府单位或其他 经授权之个人或机构(组织名称与地址全衔,及视适当,经个别授权签核之 [...]官员姓名与职称、文件样本、印章或钢印图记样本及视适当标签样本),并 指出此签核资格之生效日期。 ofdc.org.tw | Each CPC that validates BCDs in respect [...] of itsflag catching vessels, traps [...]or farms in accordance with paragraph 13(a), [...]shall notify the ICCAT Secretariat of the government authorities, or other authorized individuals or institutions (name and full address of the organization(s) and, where appropriate, name and title of the validating officials who are individually empowered, sample form of document, sample impression of stamp or seal, and as appropriate tag samples) responsible for validating and verifying BCDs or BFTRCs. ofdc.org.tw |
6.6 需额外资源发展或执行混获研究之国家、RFMO/As 和捕捞业可建立夥伴关系,或 与负责捕捞业发展之机构、适当研究提供者和出资单位(包括私部门基金会)共 同合作。 ofdc.org.tw | 6.6 States, [...] RFMO/As, andthe fishing sectors that require additional resources to develop or implement research on bycatch may establish partnerships or collaboration with institutions responsible for the development of the fishing sector, appropriate [...]research providers [...]and funding bodies, including private foundations. ofdc.org.tw |
d) 倘黑鲔之捕捞及卸 岸數量低於 1 公吨或 3 尾鱼,可在出口前 7 天内等候 签核 BCD 期间,使用渔获日志或销售单据作为臨时的 BCD。 ofdc.org.tw | d) Where the bluefin tuna quantities caught and landed are less than 1 metric ton or three fish, the logbook or the sales note may be used as a temporary BCD, pending the validation of the BCD within seven days and prior to export. ofdc.org.tw |