

单词 巧匠



patient work makes a skilled craftsman

See also:

as it happens


coincidentally adv

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] Coole)被其新古典主义的杰作所惊叹到,其内部装饰则是十八世纪一流能 巧匠 的 作 品。
Take a tour of the National Trust-owned Castle Coole and be
amazed at this neo-classical masterpiece, with an interior created by some
[...] of the leading craftsmen of the 18th century.
獨有的巧工匠商標 ,代表著優質及出眾的品質。
Our distinctive ‘craftsman’ trademark symbolizes [...]
for the superior quality and outstanding craftsmanship.
山东威达锯业聚集了国内优秀的制锯专业技术人员和具有三十年锯业制造生产、使用和服务经验的能 巧匠 和 管 理人员;引进了世界上最先进的全套德国“GERLING ” “ VOLLMER ” 全自动数控焊齿、磨齿生产线和加工技术,以及完备的配套检验检测设备装置,执行公司优化整合的制造工艺流程,对各品种规格圆盘锯片进行制作生产,从而保证了成品锯片基体的尺寸精度及其旋动惯量的平衡,达到高水准的切削效果。
gathered the most professional saw-making engineers and managers who have worked on sawblade manufacture ,owning usage & service experience ,and high technique & plenty knowledge for nearly 30 years; adopt the top-ranking equipment in the world such as "GERLING" "VOLLMER " CNC controlled soldering and grinding machines of German; digital protection heat-treatment equipment and self-contained inspection and measure equipment, whichi administer the optimize combined process art flow and manufacture all kinds of variety specification saw blade ,which can quarantee the precision of the size of finishing saw blade and saw blade body and the balance of the movement of the saww blade body , achieve to high level cutting effect.
牆·天井·柱·推拉門的腰部通體使用23金的金箔15、000枚、經能 巧匠 之 手精心貼合、同時使用了26.10kg的24金、可謂華麗至極。
Using 15,000 sheets of K23 gold leaf, whole room, form walls, ceiling, pillars to the lower part of a shoji (paper sliding-door), are covered with a total of 26.10 kg of K24 gold by hand of skilled craftsmen.
江诗丹顿不断致力发展至臻完美的制表工艺,特别注重技师的手艺 巧匠 的 经 验以及如制表师、设计师、工程师、雕刻师、珐琅釉彩师等等的专业技艺。
Vacheron Constantin nurtures this unaltered hand-crafted approach on a daily basis, emphasising the essential role of the craftsman’s touch, the experience of an “expert hand” and the expertise and wisdom of man, whether he be a watchmaker, designer, engineer, engraver or enameller.
通过协办2012 年欧洲「Métiers
[...] d’Art」传统工艺日,江诗丹顿帮助超凡卓越的传统工艺焕发 了生机:这些传统工艺出自妙巧匠 之 手 ,并历经岁月的洗练,方能造就出如此绚美至极的艺 [...]
Supporting an institution like the 2012 European Métiers d’Art
Days serves to keep an exceptional heritage
[...] alive: one that gives rise to the most [...]
beautiful works of art, precisely because
it is born of the human hand and nurtured by time.
口味從王后最喜愛的杏仁牛奶,到橙樹花、杏仁巧克力糖漿、咖啡及雲呢拿等日漸增多,而Debauve亦正式成 巧 克 力 工 匠。
Its flavour ranges from almond milk (the queen’s favourite), orange tree flowers, almond oil, bitter coffee, Bourbon Island vanilla and many more.
裝備在各種顏色緞手鐲,這些可愛的動畫部分由石英機芯奉獻作為創造最 巧 克 力 工 匠 盧 塞 恩,延長的樂趣...
Worn on bracelets in assorted colors satin, these adorable
animated parts by quartz movements are dedication as a
[...] creation of Max Chocolatier artisan Lucerne, to prolong [...]
the pleasure ...
只有珠匠和制表师巧的双 手,专业而敏锐的洞察力,才能保证完成这件艺术珍品需必须的细致与高超工艺。
Only the dextrous hands of the jewelry and gemsetters, only the most experienced eye, can guarantee the meticulous care devoted to such a work of art.
您所佩戴的Piaget品牌腕表, 其机械机芯完全是在Piaget 制造厂内设计与制造所得,由钟匠们 的一 双 巧 手 将 每一个精细零件完美组装到一起,并对每一个零件进行精心的检查。
The mechanical movement housed by your Piaget watch was entirely developed and crafted within the Manufacture Piaget.
多數的天然圖畫瑪瑙鼻煙壺是琢磨薄薄的一片斑紋以雕出圖形的,因為浮雕特別淺,圖形好像本來就在石頭裏具備,但都是 匠巧 妙 地磨掉或留存天然的斑紋而形成的。
They are silhouettes with a thin plane of colour cut through, but at so shallow a depth, as to appear to be largely natural (see discussion under Treasury 2, no. 274).
(m) 於全球任何地方經營進出口商、一般貿易商、佣金代理、訂貨代理、運 輸代理、寶石商人、珠寶商、金匠 、 銀 器 匠 、 鐘 錶製造商、電鍍商、 禮物袋製造商、運輸商、旅行社及承辦商、倉庫管理人、煙草商及雪茄 [...]
務,並買賣、進出口、製造、運用、利用及為市場籌備,以及處置各類 貨品、物品、材料供應、農產品、商品、日用品、物質、物件及動產(批 發及零售),以及進行各類代理業務及從事製造商代表業務。
(m) To carry on in any part of the world all or any of the businesses of importers, exporters, general traders, commission agents, indent agents,
forwarding agents, gem merchants,
[...] jewellers, goldsmiths, silversmiths, watch and clock [...]
makers, electro-platers, dressing-bag
makers, carriers, tourist agents and contractors, warehousemen, tobacco and cigar merchants, agents for theatrical and opera box office, advertising contractors and agents, and holders of exhibition, and to buy, sell, import, export, manufacture, manipulate, turn to account and prepare for market, and deal in goods, wares, materials provisions, produce, merchandise, commodities, substances, articles and chattels of all kinds, both wholesale and retail, and to transact every kind of agency business and to undertake the business of manufacturers’ representatives.
在紐約市,消防部規定,必須由專業工程師提交核准防火系統 的申請;屋宇部現定,施工許可證及佔用證書( 或完工通知書) 的申 請,可由註冊建築師或專業工程師提交;至於環境保護部,則規定水
[...] 龍頭許可證、污水渠接駁許可證和水錶許可證的申請,必須由註冊水匠提交
In New York City, the application for approval of the fire protection system submitted to FD must be filed by a professional engineer (PE); the applications for the Work Permit and the Certificate of Occupancy (or Sign-Off Letter) submitted to DOB can be filed by either a registered architect (RA) or PE; and the applications for the Water
Tap Permit, the Sewer Connection Permit and the Water Meter Permit submitted to DEP must be
[...] filed by a licensed plumber.
咨询委员会收到以下说明:尽管报告的提交在时间上 巧 合 ,但秘 书长设立应急准备和支助股的提议并非具体针对海地最近发生自然灾害 的有关需要,而是要作出安排,以应对因自然灾害、针对联合国的恶意 行为或其他紧急情况而已经发生或可能发生的危机。
The Advisory Committee received the following clarification: in spite of the timing of its presentation, the proposal of the Secretary-General to establish an Emergency Preparedness and Support Unit was intended not to respond specifically to requirements related to the recent natural disaster in Haiti, but rather to put in place arrangements to deal with any crisis that has occurred or that may occur as the result of natural disasters, malicious acts directed at the United Nations or other emergencies.
Established the Charl Sign Enterprise [...]
LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production,
handed over to the domestic each well-known trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we understood the water heater left the plant distributes by way of each sales pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect was extremely important, therefore this company take the quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to achieve, enhanced punctually with this company intercourse customer to this company product trust, the delivery, excellent in quality, each other all could the long-term cooperation be happy.
721 200 美元的经费用于支付培训活动方面的差旅费,尤其是:驻地审计 工作人员和总部审计员参加在恩德培举行的年度内部审计大会的差旅费(321 200 美元);咨询人在年度内部审计大会期间前往恩德培举行各种培训所需差旅费 (32 800 美元);首席驻地审计员到纽约参加年度规划会议的差旅费(90 400 美元); 来自内罗毕、纽约和维也纳以及维持和平行动的 12 名调查员参加的面试巧基 本 和高级外部课程的差旅费(89 600 美元)以及所有调查员前往纽约参加务虚会, 接受培训的差旅费,以期改善对可能不当行为进行的调查(167 500 美元);检查 与评价司工作人员参与关于维持和平行动方案评价的高级培训课程(19 700 美 元)。
The provision of $721,200 would cover travel requirements in connection with training activities, specifically: travel of resident audit staff and Headquarters-based auditors to participate in the annual internal audit conference in Entebbe ($321,200); travel of consultants to conduct various training courses during the annual internal audit conference in Entebbe ($32,800); and travel of the chief resident auditors to New York for the annual work-planning conference ($90,400); the travel of 12 investigators from Nairobi, New York, Vienna and peacekeeping operations to participate in external courses on basic and advanced interview techniques ($89,600), as well as travel for a retreat in New York to train all investigators with a view to improving the conduct of investigations of possible misconduct ($167,500); and participation of Inspection and Evaluation Division staff in advanced training courses on programme evaluation of peacekeeping operations ($19,700).
针对这些窗口开展了部门间活动,其中涉及社会科学及人文科学、教育和 传播与信息,并且重视青年在下述领域的发展,包括正规和非正规教育机会,利用媒体与信
[...] 息和通信技术方面的培训(包括利用信息和通信技术在线培训学习第二语言),以及有关青 年领导力和解决冲突巧方面的培训。
Activities for these windows are intersectoral, involving SHS, ED and CI, and concentrate on youth development in the areas of formal and non-formal educational opportunities, training in the use of media and ICTs (including using ICTs for
online training in learning a second language), and training of youth in leadership and
[...] conflict resolution techniques.
[...] 大出口,包括使用电话短信来发送市场数据给生产者,为东非城市 匠 和 欧洲时 装商店牵线搭桥,以及确认西非棉花销往亚洲,事实证明这很有效。
ITC devised new and creative approaches for expanding exports, including the use of telephone
messaging for sending market data to
[...] producers, linking urban artisans in East Africa to [...]
European fashion houses, and confirming
cotton sales from West Africa to Asia, which proved to be effective.
雖 然 財政司司長在去年 11 月 底宣布 繼續凍 結水費 , 而部分直接影響民 生 及 營 商的收 費 , 包括水匠牌照、重新接駁 水 管、水 費、水 質 樣 本 檢 驗 費 及 水 塘釣魚 牌照等 , 都 未有包括在今 次 的 調 整 收 費 建 議 中 , 但 在 建 議的 4 項 大 收 費 中,有 關 測 試 水 錶 這 項 目,民 建 聯 認 為 是 與民生 有直接關 係 的。
While the Financial Secretary announced in late November last year that water charges would continue to be frozen, and some of the fees having a direct impact on the people's livelihood and business operation, including licences for plumbers, reconnection of water pipes, water charges, fees for testing water samples, licences for fishing at reservoirs, and so on, are not included in the current fee revisions proposals, the DAB considers that the fees for testing water meters, which are among the four major categories of fees proposed to be increased, have a direct impact on the people's livelihood.
30.25 编列 61 777 100 美元,包括:(a) 26 495 200 美元,用于提供方案管理司 103 个员额(1 个 D-2、3 个 D-1、9 个 P-5、16 个 P-4、26 个 P-3、7 个 P-2、9 个一般事务(特等)、31 个事务(其 他职等)和 1 个匠)的经 费,方案管理司在司长办公室的直接领导下,指导资源管理处、知识 管理处、基础设施管理处和外地应用程序科的工作;(b) 35 281 900 美元非员额所需经费(净增 3 343 800 美元),除其他外,用于支付其他工作人员费用,包括一般临时人员协助提供与基础 设施、资源和知识管理有关的各种信通技术服务所需经费;工作人员差旅;订约承办事务,包括 数据处理服务和专利软件费用以维持现有许可证;一般业务经费;用品和材料;家具和设备。
30.25 The amount of $61,777,100 comprises: (a) $26,495,200 for the funding of 103 posts (1 D-2, 3 D-1, 9 P-5, 16 P-4, 26 P-3, 7 P-2, 9 General Service (Principal level), 31 General Service (Other level), 1 Trades and Crafts) in the Programme Management Division, under the direct supervision of the Office of the Director, which oversees the Resource Management Service, the Knowledge Management Service, the Infrastructure Management Service, and the Field Application Section; and (b) $35,281,900 for non-post requirements, reflecting a net increase of $3,343,800, for, inter alia, other staff costs, including requirements for general temporary assistance to assist in carrying out a variety of ICT services related to infrastructure, resource and knowledge management; travel of staff; contractual services, including data-processing services and proprietary software costs to maintain existing licenses; general operational requirements; supplies and materials; and furniture and equipment.




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