

单词 工作天

See also:

工作 v

work v
go v
operate v

External sources (not reviewed)

取 而代之,為符合供公眾查閱的要求,候選人只需在發布其選舉廣 告的一工作天內, 上載其每份相關選舉廣告的文本到互聯網上 [...]
Instead, to satisfy the requirement for public inspection, candidates would only be required to post a copy
each of their EAs onto an open platform on the Internet
[...] within one working day after the publication [...]
of the concerned EAs.
[...] 和团队干预很复杂,需要待命就业争端专 工作 10 天,这 将包括主持冲突解决 过程,从达成协议到调解结论以及执行和解协定。
Based on past experience, the complexity of mediation and team interventions requires an on-call
employment dispute specialist to be
[...] available for about 10 days, which would include [...]
the conduct of the conflict resolution
process from the obtaining of agreements to mediating the conclusion and implementation of a settlement agreement.
一家在中国的工厂,工人连工作 20天,期间并无休息日,每周总工时达70至80小 时。
At one factory in China, workers worked
[...] continuously for 20 days without a day off [...]
with 70 - 80 total work hours per week.
請於一工作天前通知,你可填妥及遞交有關電子表格,或於辦公時間內致電2887 [...]
The special meter reading request can [...]
be arranged by completing the electronic form or calling us at 2887 3411 during office hours.
本公司董事局 可於授出認股權日行使絕對酌情權決定認購價,惟認購價將不能少於以下較高者:(一)於授出日載於
[...] 香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」)每日股價表的股份收市價;(二)於授出日前五 工作天 載 於聯交 所每日股價表的平均收市價;或(三)股份的面值。
The subscription price shall be such a price as the Board of Directors of the Company may in its absolute discretion determine at the time of grant but the subscription price shall not be less than whichever is the higher of (i) the closing price of the shares as stated in The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited’s (the “Stock Exchange”) daily quotation sheet on the date of grant; (ii) the
average closing price of the shares as stated in the Stock Exchange’s daily quotation sheets
[...] for the five business days immediately preceding [...]
the date of the grant;
or (iii) the nominal value of a share.
家庭傭工及健康基礎檢查計劃之驗身報告將於檢查後 5 - 7工作天內完成。
Medical report for Domestic Helper and Primary Health Check Up shall be
[...] ready in 5 to 7 working days after the examination.
(b) 如在展示、分發或使用電子選舉廣告( 例如通過 Facebook及 Twitter等互聯網社交網絡平台以互動或即 時的方式展示或發放的信息)前,向選舉主任提交選舉 廣告並非切實可行,候選人可在發放或展示電子選舉 廣告當日之後的第一工作天完結前,向選舉主任提 交聲明書和電子選舉廣告。
(b) where it is not practicable to submit the electronic EAs to RO before they are displayed, distributed or used (such as messages displayed or sent interactively and spontaneously through social networking platforms on the Internet like Facebook and Twitter), candidates can deposit with RO a declaration and the electronic EAs by the end of the first working day following the day on which the advertisements are sent or displayed.
6.1.3 顧客如在訂購貨品 7 個工作天後仍 未收到任何訂貨確認,應發 電郵至 homedelivery@dragaonir.com 通知我們。
6.1.3 Please notify us via homedelivery@dragonair.com if you fail to receive any acknowledgement for the goods ordered after 7 working days.
还要求提供有关这类人工作天数的 更多信息。
Further information
[...] on the number of days worked by this category [...]
of staff was also requested.
委员会将收到一份会议室文件,其中载有经修订的联合国灾害管理和应 工作 天基信息平台 2012-2013 两年期工作计划,供其审议,其中考虑到了会员国承诺 [...]
在 2012-2013 两年期为该方案提供的资源数额(见 A/AC.105/987,附件一,第 13 段)。
The Committee will have before it for its consideration a conference room paper containing a revised workplan of
the United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management
[...] and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) for [...]
the biennium 2012-2013
taking into consideration the level of resources committed to the programme by Member States for the biennium 2012-2013 (see A/AC.105/987, annex I, para. 13).
编列 82 000 美元,包括 34 000 美元差旅费,用于支持聘请 4
[...] 名非诉讼争 端解决领域专家,每工作 20 天,对该办公室 2008 年 1 月 1 日扩大服务以来的 [...]
运作进行一次全面审查,并对权力下放结构所提供的监察员和调停服务进行一次 中期评估。
The provision of $82,000, including $34,000 for travel, would provide support to engage four
experts from the field of alternative
[...] dispute resolution for 20 days each to undertake [...]
a comprehensive review of the operations
of the Office since the expansion of its services as of 1 January 2008 and to conduct a midterm assessment of the ombudsman and mediation services provided by the decentralized structure.
如要更改定期存款到期指示,请於存款到期日前最少一 工作天 之 截数时间前办理(星期一至星期五上 [...]
午 9 时至下午 5 时之办公时间内)。
1. To revise existing time deposit maturity
instruction, please submit the instruction at
[...] least one working day before the maturity [...]
date and before the cut-off time (Between
office hours from Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.).
9.2.14 民政事務總署轄下的牌照事務處接到轉介後,會於 21 個 工作天 內 將有關的 書面規定交給警務處牌照課,再由牌照課於兩 工作天 內 轉 交申請人。
9.2.14 The Office of Licensing Authority, Home Affairs
Department will also,
[...] within 21 working days upon receipt of such application referral, provide the Police Licensing Office with their letters for onward referral to the applicants within 2 working days.
有關上訴委員會收到正式上訴申請後,會於七 工作天 內 召 開會議。
Within seven working days of the receipt of [...]
a formal appeal, the relevant Appeals Committee meeting shall be convened.
於拍攝前最少10個工作天,由製作經理(或同等職位人員)向警察牌照課遞交申 請表,並附以下文件﹕申請人的身份證副本、商業登記副本、槍械彈藥供應商 [...]
的同意書一份、改裝槍械的數目及槍身編號和已簽署的授權書,以及每名處理 或使用改裝槍械或空彈人士,須填寫的「使用者申請表」和身份證副本。
Apply for the exemption permit from the Police Licensing
Office with standard application form
[...] at least 10 working days prior to its use. Application [...]
should be made by the production
manager (or a person holding equivalent position) and attached a copy of identity documents of the applicants, a copy of Business Registration Certificate, a confirmation letter from the Arms Dealers, a list of modified firearms to be used, their serial numbers, signed authorisations, a “User Application” from EACH user or handler of the firearms or blank ammunition and a copy of his/her identity document.
已獲取錄而未能出席者,請於每班開 課前最少三工作天通知主辦單位。
The accepted applicants, who cannot attend the course, are required to contact course organiser
[...] at least 3 working days before the event [...]
因此,他们要求在执行局第一七一届会议时得到总干事审查关于聘用顾问 和个人签约者的政策工作天数的 详细情况,其中应当谈到顾问的选择问题,以及他们的报 [...]
They therefore requested, for the 171st session of the Executive Board, details of the Director-General’s review of policies regarding the
hiring of consultants and individual
[...] contractors and number of days worked, which would [...]
address the issue of the selection of
consultants, as well as their remuneration and evaluation.
答: 我們提供免費的香港郵政標準貨運服務,大約需要 6-19 個工作天到達
A: We offer a FREE DELIVERY via Hongkong Post, which
[...] takes around 6-19 business days.
載有(其中包括)長江製衣非豁免持續關連交易之詳情連同獨立董事委員會、獨 立 財務 顧 問 之意 見 及 股 東特 別 大 會(乃 就 批 准長 江 製 衣非 豁 免 持 續關
[...] 連 交易 而 召開)之通告之通函,將儘快於本公佈刊發後十五 工作天 內 寄發予長江製衣之 股東。
A circular containing, among other things, details of the Yangtzekiang Garment Non-exempt Continuing Connected Transactions together with the advice of the independent board committee, the independent financial adviser and a notice of the EGM to be convened for the purpose of approving the Yangtzekiang Garment Non-exempt Continuing Connected Transactions will be despatched to the
shareholders of Yangtzekiang Garment, as soon as
[...] practicable within 15 business days after the publication [...]
of this announcement.
同时,对于每工作 5 天不合理的企业,作为例外,允工作 6 天,1 天 为休息日。
At the same time, the undertakings where the
[...] working week of 5 days is not rational, it is admitted, as an exception, that the working week has 6 working days with one day [...]
of rest.
請注意:你可以透過 ATM,銀行櫃檯,存款機或網上銀行把錢存入,而 Totswop 有可能需要1至2個工作天確認轉帳金額 。
Kindly note that you can deposit money through ATM, Bank Counter,
Deposit machine or online banking and it will take 1 – 2
[...] business working days for Totswop to confirm your transaction.
[...] 憑證的憑證機構申請,除保證等級第四級以外,各憑證機構應該在接 受憑證廢止申請後於一工作天內完 成憑證的廢止作業。
If subscriber or CA has the need to carry out certificate revocation application with CA which issued certificate shall be speedily filed, and except for assurance
level 4, the various CA shall complete certificate revocation operation
[...] within one working day after receipt of [...]
根據以往經驗,約一半的查詢可在 10 個工作天內完成回覆,但另一半的 查詢則需時約一個月來處理。
Based on past experience, about half of the enquiries could be handled
[...] within 10 working days but the other half [...]
would need about one month.
(ii) 倘以郵遞方式寄發,於載有該通告或文件之信封或封套投入設於香港 境內之郵政局之下一工作天,須 被視為已送達、交付或寄發,而載 有該通告或文件並已妥為付訖郵資、填寫正確地址及投入上述郵政局 [...]
之信封或封套(倘由香港寄往香港境外,則為航空郵件)足以證明該 信封或封套已送達;經由秘書或董事會委任之其他人士簽署證明書,
表明該通告或文件之信封或封套已妥為付訖郵資、填寫正確地址及投 入上述郵政局,即具為決定性憑證; (iii) 倘以報章廣告方式公佈,於通告或文件在香港流通之一份英文報章及 一份中文報章刊登當日,須被視為已送達、交付或寄發
(ii) if sent by post, shall be deemed to have been served,
delivered or sent on
[...] the working day following that on which the envelope or wrapper containing the same is put into [...]
a post office situated
within Hong Kong and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or document was properly prepaid, addressed and put into such post office (airmail if posted from Hong Kong to an address outside Hong Kong) and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Board that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or document was so properly prepaid, addressed and put into such post office shall be conclusive evidence thereof
本署 通常可在兩個完工作天內就 有關貨品是否受管制一事作出 回覆。
In general, a reply on whether the goods are controlled will be
[...] available in two clear working days.
無論書面或口 頭投訴,通常可於五工作天內得到書面確認,並一般會於兩星期內獲通知調查結果。
All complaints, whether written or verbal, will normally The complainant or his / her authorised representative will be requested to sign to acknowledge receipt of the written notification of the result of complaint investigation.
申請人必須於其先人撿掘遺骸日期前 7 個工作天 繳付 清拆墓碑及重鋪三合土地台之費用及通知辦 [...]
事處撿掘日期,以便辦事處安排清拆墓碑 (通知日期及撿掘日期不計算在內)。
The applicant shall pay the grave demolition and
[...] cement paving fees 7 days prior to exhumation [...]
of the human remains of the first interred
and notify the Cemetery Office the date of exhumation (the date of notification and exhumation are not included)
如 投 訴 人 不 接 納 調 查 結
果 或 校 方 的 處 理 方 式,並 能 提 供 新 證 據 或 足 夠 理 據 , 可 在 本 校 的 覆 函
[...] 發 出 日 期 起 計 12工 作 天 (包 括 星 期 六 )內 , 向 [...]
校 方 書 面 提 出 上 訴 要 求 。
If the complainant does not accept the investigation result or the way of handling by the school, and is able to
provide new evidences or sound reasons, he will,
[...] within 12 working days(including Saturday) [...]
from the date of the school’s
reply, lodge an appeal against the school’s decision in writing.
André在中国主要负责直接与间接采购 工作 包 括 航空 天工 业 的 供货资源,市场营销,发展供应商,优化供应链以及工业部件提供。
The direct
[...] and indirect purchasing activities led by André in China [...]
include; sourcing, marketing, supplier development,
supply chain optimisation and support components industrialisation for the aeronautics industry.
委员会特别关注的是,大部分童工在 5岁至11 岁之间开始作 ,并且是天工作,而 且,有三分之一以上的儿童不 上学,由于需要工作、上学的费用高昂、父母决定不让上学,因而成了文盲。
The Committee notes with particular concern that a large proportion of child workers
start working between the ages of 5
[...] and 11 years, and work all day; also, more than one third [...]
of child workers do not attend
school and are illiterate due to the need to work, the high cost of school-related expenses, and their parents’ decision not to enrol them in school.




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