

单词 技师

技师 ()

technical expert

External sources (not reviewed)

50 名持有高技师文凭和业士学位或 GCE-A 级的高级护技师或高级 公共医技师。
50 high-level technicians in nursing or public health, holding a high-level technician's diploma and a baccalaureate [...]
or GCE-A Level.
由于制动衬块对于您刹车的安全性能极为关键,我们建议您使用正宗的 Brompton 替换 制动衬块,并请合格的单技师进行 安装。
As brake pads are critical to the safe function of your
brakes, we recommend you have them fitted by a
[...] qualified bicycle technician, using genuine [...]
Brompton replacement brake pads.
首先是我们全球各地兢兢业业的卓越团队:我们 技师 在 日本、英国和美国的实验室以令人惊叹的速度构建复杂的设备制造商车桥和变速箱测试环境并以出色的精度完成测试;我们的工程师在您能想象到的最严酷的环境中进行现场试验,以检验新款Anglamol添加剂的性能;我们的科学家迅速研发出新产品,以满足客户和设备制造商的需求;我们的全球制造、销售和营销人员时刻以满足客户的产品需求为第一要务。
First is our remarkable team in action all over
[...] the world: our technicians in our laboratories [...]
in Japan, England and the United States
who set up complicated OEM axle and gearbox testing with amazing speed and run them with remarkable precision; our engineers running field trials in some of the harshest environments you can think of to test new Anglamol additives; our scientists who create new products rapidly to meet the needs of our customers and OEMs; and our global manufacturing, sales and marketing personnel who are keenly focused on meeting our customer’s product needs.
50 名持有化验室助技师文凭、BEPC 或 GCE 普通程度的化验室助技师。
50 holders of an assistant laboratory technician's diploma and a BEPC or BECOrdinary Level.
此外,瓦克还为本地居民提供和保障了其它工作岗位:在新多晶硅生产基地的施工现场,有1500名建 技师 和 装配工辛勤工作。
What’s more, WACKER creates and safeguards other jobs in
the region: approximately 1,500
[...] construction engineers and fitters from companies [...]
based in Saxony and Bavaria are working on
the site of the new polysilicon facility.
氟氯烃分配配额和进口配额、 R-141B 消费淘汰、将科隆自由贸易区纳入许可证制
[...] [...] 度、编制针对海关检查人员的实用培训方案和定期检查氟氯烃装运情况、制定和执行氟氯 烃管制法律、针对海关官员、制冷空调行 技师 和 教 师编制培训方案和让进口商了解氟氯 烃进口配额分配新进程、与科隆自由贸易区再出口商协作、与学校、大学和非政府组织合 [...]
Assigned quotas and import quotas for HCFC, R-141B consumption phase-out, include the Colon Free Zone in the licensing system, prepare and bind practical training programme addressed to customs inspectors and carry out periodical inspections to HCFC shipments, develop and implement laws to control HCFCs,
develop training programmess to customs
[...] officials, RAC technicians and teachers and keep imports [...]
informed on the new process for
the assignment of HCFC import quotas, coordinate with Colon Free Zone re-exporters, carry out promotion activities with schools, universities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), train customs brokers, develop a database for timely control of HCFCs, develop the first activities of the HPMP to maintain baseline consumption.
如果您是 GroupWise 管理员、咨询技师或培 训师,您可以确定您的技术知识仍将大有用武之地。
If you're a GroupWise administrator, help desk technician, or trainer, you can be sure that your expertise will continue to be in high demand.
除培训海关官员和制技师外, 它还为下列活动提供援助:建立项目管理机构、监测、政策培训和执法以及关于淘汰、回 [...]
Besides training for customs officers
[...] and refrigeration technicians it has provided assistance [...]
for the establishment of the
PMU, monitoring, policy training and legal enforcement as well as technical assistance for CFC phase-out, recovery and recycling, phase-out of Methyl Bromide and CTC.
确保您的利拉伐全自动机器人挤奶系统(VMS)顺利工作,与我们传统的挤奶系统相比,需要更专业的服 技师 , 但 能为您带来同样显著的成效。
Keeping your DeLaval voluntary milking system VMS
working smoothly demands even more
[...] specialized service technicians than for our traditional [...]
milking systems, but you get
the same splendidly efficient result.
普惠加拿大公司的客户服务网络包括30个自营或指定维修和检修中心、七个零部件配送中心、大约100名现场技术支持代表、100 名随时听候召唤的移动维修团技师 以 及 800台租赁/更换引擎。
The P&WC network includes 30-owned or designated repair and overhaul facilities, seven parts distribution centres, approximately 100 Field
Support Representatives, 100 mobile
[...] repair team (MRT) technicians ready to be dispatched [...]
at a moment's notice, and 800 rental/exchange engines.
这在理论上听起来容易,但粗大的 M95
[...] 螺柱插在破旧不堪且已腐蚀的金属中,五位高 技师 和 两名工人花了 10 天时间才使四个螺栓变钝,却未能成功地更换 [...]
14 根损坏的螺柱。
It sounds easy on paper, but these were
big, M95 studs in old, corroded metal,
[...] and five senior technicians and two labourers [...]
had spent 10 days and blunted four taps,
but had succeeded in replacing none of the 14 damaged studs.
本文件目的在于:(1)描述小儿 TTE 的各类适 应症;(2)确定小儿超声心动图室的最佳仪器
[...] 设备和检查室的设置;(3)提供超 技师 和医 师所必备的知识和培训的框架;(4)建立检查 [...]
操作步骤并确定必要的声窗和切面;(5)建立 完整的小儿超声心动图检查所需基本测量项目清
The purposes of this document are to: (1) describe indications for pediatric TTE; (2) define optimal instrumentation and laboratory setup for pediatric echocardiographic examinations; (3)
provide a framework of necessary knowledge and
[...] training for sonographers and physicians; [...]
(4) establish an examination protocol
that defines necessary echocardiographic windows and views; (5) establish a baseline list of recommended measurements to be performed in a complete pediatric echocardiogram; and (6) discuss reporting requirements and formatting of pediatric reports.
如果您不确定如 何操作,请让 Brompton 经销商或合格的单技师进行调整。
If you are unsure of how to do this, have it adjusted by a Brompton
[...] dealer or qualified bicycle technician.
埃塞俄比亚还报告说,劳动和社会事务部正 在与红十字国际委员会合作开展一项矫 技师 培 训 方案,将为来自不同地区的 24
Ethiopia also reported that the MOLSA and the ICRC are
collaborating on a training programme
[...] for orthopaedic technicians which would train [...]
24 young students from various regions.
22 73. 此外,据这名叛逃者说,几名负责维修厄立特里亚空军飞机的高 技师 已逃 离该国,从而进一步削弱了空军履行法定维修时间表和遵守维修标准的能力。
Moreover, according to the same
[...] defector, several senior technicians in charge of the [...]
maintenance of air force aircraft have
fled the country, further eroding the capability of the air force to respect mandatory maintenance schedules and standards.
2004 年,许多相关缔约国都面临着一项重大挑战,即有必要增加受过训练 的康复专家人数,包括医生、护士、理疗师和矫 技师。
In 2004, a profound challenge that many relevant States Parties faced was the need to
increase numbers of trained rehabilitation specialists including doctors, nurses,
[...] physiotherapists and orthopaedic technicians.
管孔设有一个低吸收率的铍窗,以便放射 线 技师 利 用 全频谱的X 射线能量。
The tube port is built with a low-absorption beryllium window that allows the radiographer to utilize the full spectrum of x-ray energy.
他凝视着淙淙流水,思考着如何能够说服当 技师 加 入 他的公司。
He’s watching the water flow past and thinking about how he can persuade the local craftsmen to join his company.
2005 水环境第八次会议目的是成为工程师、水文学者、计划 者、设计者、建师、造园技师和其 他对 21 世纪水土 问题感兴趣的专家的一次讨论会。
This 8th InterRegional Conference Envirowater-2005 aims to be a meeting foru m for engineers, hydrologists, planners, designers, architects, landscape architects and other professionals interested in land and water issues in the 21st century.
通过采纳 氯化氢工技师Ludwig Miedl的建议,该厂的冷却水供应 能够继续满足产量提高所带来的挑战。
An idea which occurred to Ludwig Miedl, a foreman in the [...]
hydrogen chloride factory, ensured that cooling water provision
was able to keep pace with that expansion.
出席了展示仪式的有巴良卡市市长Nuria Millán女士;市议员Juanjo
[...] Medina和 Amparo Mora ;区代表,能源委员会成员,Vicente Betoret,和远程管理负技师Joaquín Minguez。
The presentation ceremony was also attended by the Mayor of Vallanca, Nuria Millán, Provincial Councillors Juanjo Medina and  Amparo Mora, Regional Minister and member
of the Energy Commission, Vicente
[...] Betoret, and the technician responsible for the telemanagement system, Joaquín Minguez.
扫描/记录技师负责对胶片扫描仪和记录仪进行操控和优化维护,以确保扫描和记录的 品质能够满足客户对影像品质的要求。
[...] and/or recording technicians optimize and operate [...]
the film scanners and recorders and ensure that the quality of
the scans and/or recordings meet image quality expectations.
(a) 在《特遣队所属装备手册》第 3 章附件 B 第 31 和 32 段以及关于部署军
事单位的部队派遣国准则(第 93 段)中加入下面一句:为确保机组人员适当休息 和安全飞行,联合国或部队派遣国(按约定)应尽一切努力为航空特遣队空勤人员
[...] 提供以下住宿:飞行员(按协助通知书规定)配标准单间住宿;空勤人员(枪炮手/ 工师/技师等)配双人间住宿
(a) That the following sentence be added in paragraphs 31 and 32 of chapter 3, annex B, of the COE Manual and in troop-contributing country guidelines for deploying military units (para. 93): To ensure proper crew rest and safe conduct of flights, either the United Nations or the troop-contributing country (as agreed) should make every effort to provide aircrews of aviation contingents with the following accommodation: pilots (as stipulated in the letter of assist) —
standard single room accommodation; aircrew
[...] (air gunner/engineer/masters, etc.) — to [...]
be accommodated in two-person rooms
注∶所有场所设计图则需由已在土地工务运输局注册的建筑师或土木工 师 或 技师 、 电 子/机械工 师 或 技师 、 消 防工程公司、承建商/建筑公司负责编制,并由申请人和有关技术人员签署。
NB: Design plans of all establishments must be made by
[...] architects, civil engineers or technicians, in the field of electronic engineering [...]
or mechanical
engineering, fire-fighting engineering companies, building contractors or construction companies, all registered in the Lands, Public Works and Transport Department (DSSOPT).
虽然产品远销全球120多个市场,可Glenmorangie仍是苏格兰高地最小的工厂之一 技师 不 过 16人而已,而这“泰恩十六酒匠”的声名也随着Glenmorangie传遍世界各地。
Despite distributing to over 120 markets world-wide, the distillery still remains one of the smallest in the Highlands and employs just sixteen craftsmen - "The Sixteen Men of Tain" - who have become synonymous with the Glenmorangie brand all over the world.
政府将持续通过各种辅助计划,创造一个优越的培训环境,如最近宣布的专业提升计划(STEP),这项计划旨在扩大深化专业人员、经理、执行人员 技师 ( PM ETs),提升行业的知识水平,并为各行业培育人才领袖。
The Government will continue to provide support by creating a conducive training environment. For example, the recently announced Skills Training for Excellence Programme (STEP)
aims to deepen and
[...] broaden PMETs’ skills, update their industry knowledge, and develop a talent pool [...]
and leadership core for industries.
因此,2011年,Chopard(萧邦)决定向品牌幕后三十多个行业的工 技师 致 敬 ,他们日复一日奉献自己的才华、激情和创意,成就Chopard(萧邦)赫赫声名,不管在日内瓦、弗勒里耶(Fleurier)或普弗尔茨海姆(Pforzheim)。
So in 2011 Chopard decided
[...] to honor some thirty crafts which make up its [...]
know-how, and showcase all the men and women behind
the scenes whose talents, creativity and passion, contribute day after day to building the brand’s reputation – in Geneva, Fleurier or Pforzheim.
我们拥有工艺精湛的珠宝工匠、宝石学家、镶 技师 、 镌 刻 技师 、 抛 光 技师 , 他 们以专业的技术和丰富经验, 为您的珠宝提供个性化的服务,如更改耳环搭扣装置,修改指环的尺码或者为您的珠宝抛光及镀铑。
They contribute their expertise and experience to personalise your jewellery by adding engravings, to change the fastening mechanism of an ear clip, to resize a ring or to rhodium-plate and polish your jewellery.




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