

单词 技术人员

See also:

技术 adj

technical adj

技术 n

skill n
art n

人员 n

officer n
staffing n
rank n

External sources (not reviewed)

科特迪瓦空军显然有能够维修直升机技 术人员,但 表示禁运使其无法进口备件(见 S/2009/188,第 [...]
30 段)。
The Ivorian Air Force clearly
[...] has competent technicians capable of servicing [...]
the helicopter, but has stated that the embargo
prevents the import of spare parts (see S/2009/188, para. 30).
这项工作历来都需要可靠的国外供应来源及聘请外 技术人员。
This has historically necessitated a reliable foreign source of supply and the
[...] engagement of foreign technical personnel.
如果是在一个较小的场所举办与会者众多的会议,则应特别安 排专技术人员对网络的无线进入环节进行良好管理。
In the case of meetings involving a large number of participants in a small space,
particular attention should be given to the management of the wireless network
[...] access points by the technicians involved.
此外,咨询委员会认为,还应与信息和通信技术厅协作,在每个工 作地点信技术人员配置资源总体能力的范围内,审查支助出入控制信 息技术系统的人员配置所需资源,以便实现效率和在现有能力范围内吸 收这些职能。
Furthermore, the Advisory Committee considers that the staffing requirements for supporting access control information technology systems should also be reviewed in the context of the overall capacity of information technology staffing resources at each duty station, in coordination with the Office of Information and Communications Technology, with the intention of achieving efficiencies and absorbing those functions within existing capacity.
挪威表示,用挪威赠款购置的设备正在得到安装,在接下来的一周 里,挪威大使和日内瓦排雷中心的一 技术人员 将 作 第二次访问、以便查看设备 和检查为确保以切实有效和高效率的方式使用设备而应当具备的程序。
Norway noted that the equipment that has been purchased under the Norwegian grant is in the process of being installed, and
that the following week the Norwegian
[...] Ambassador and a technical expert from the [...]
GICHD would make a second visit to look
at the equipment and procedures that should be in place to ensure its effective and efficient use.
5 在申请获准后,AMCA的技术人员将选择供测试用的合适产品,并安排一 个双方都合适的时间进行见证测试。
5 After the application has been
[...] approved the AMCA technical staff will select [...]
a suitable product or products for testing
and will arrange a mutually convenient date for the witness test.
由于这些差别的存在以及固态设备应用的多样性,因 此所技术人员有责 任确保这些固态设备的每项应用是可行的。
Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid-state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.
[...] 的同意;(b) 需要在大型翻新和建筑项目方面有经验的专 技术人员 来 管 理和监 督建筑和工程公司以及建筑承包商;(c) [...]
需要在该项目启动时确定和算出所有费 用的估计数,包括间接费用,以避免连带费用所产生的问题,如基本建设总计划
项目中出现的情况(见 A/62/799)。
Some of the key lessons learned, which have been incorporated into the planning of the strategic heritage plan project, are: (a) the need to obtain agreement from Member States, senior officials and other constituents on the goals and scope of the project
early in the process; (b) the need
[...] for specialized technical staff with experience [...]
in large-scale renovation and construction
projects to manage and oversee the architecture and engineering firm, as well as the building contractor; and (c) the need to identify and establish estimates of all costs, including indirect costs, at the start of the project, so as to avoid issues arising from associated costs, as was the case with the capital master plan project (see A/62/799).
(i) 一般性文化遗产:审查国家保护文化财产法,并帮助文化部建立一项文化基金 (2004 年);
[...] 在寻找和追回那些被贩卖的文化艺术品,特别是在如何运用物品标识清 单方面 ,对政府官员、文化遗产专 技术人员 、 管 理人员、警察和海关人员及博 物馆官员进行培训 [...]
(2004 年)。
(i) Cultural heritage at large: a review of the National Law on the Protection of Cultural Property and assistance to the Ministry of Culture in establishing a cultural foundation (2004); training of government officials, cultural heritage
professionals, administrators, police
[...] and customs officials, and museum officials, in the identification [...]
and tracking of cultural
objects being trafficked, with particular regard to the use of Object-ID inventories (2004).
技术人员只需 借助远程控制系统 (Remote Control),就能简单快捷地检查由系统采集 [...]
The technicians check the compiled [...]
data, evaluate the device parameters and test all the system components via remote control.
[...] 内为全人类的利益进行海洋学研究,特别是支持发展中国家合格的科学家 技术 人员参加 海洋科学研究方案,包括通过培训、技术援助和科学合作方案等方式。
The Endowment Fund aims to promote and encourage the conduct of marine scientific research in the Area for the benefit of mankind as a whole, in particular by
supporting the participation of qualified
[...] scientists and technical personnel from developing [...]
countries in marine scientific research
programmes, including through training, technical assistance and scientific cooperation programmes.
理事会核可了信通技术培训中心 2012 年度工作计划,其中包括 扩展信通技术培训中心名为《政府领导人信通技术基本知识教程方 案》的信通技术促发展能力建设的旗舰方案;加强学院方案的专业人 员队伍;因材施教、将学院的培训大纲和其他信通培训中心能力发展 资源进行翻译和因地制宜地调整,以覆盖更多的受众;进一步扩展信
通技术培训中心面向青年、学术机构和民间社会组织等新受益人群所 开展的活动;贯彻执行量身定制的监测和评价机制,以满足不同群体 或“各级”学院伙伴的特殊需求;加强研究工作和知识共享;强化咨询 3
[...] 服务以促进成员国的信息和通信技术(信 技术)人员 能 力发展;将信 通培训中心信通技术促发展培训方案制度化。
The Governing Council endorsed the APCICT work plan for 2012, which included expanding the APCICT flagship information and communications technology for development (ICTD) capacity-building programme called the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders; strengthening the pool of Academy programme resource persons; customizing, translating and localizing the Academy training content and other APCICT capacity development resources to reach a wider audience; further expanding APCICT activities for new beneficiary groups such as youth, academic institutions and civil society organizations; implementing customized monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to meet the unique needs of different groups or ”tiers” of Academy partners; enhancing research efforts as well as knowledge sharing; and strengthening advisory services for information and
communications technology (ICT) human
[...] capacity development in member States and to institutionalize [...]
APCICT ICTD training programmes.
具备相应权限技术人员或系统管理 人员可以从网络的任意位置运行CSM应用来设置或更改 [...]
A technician or system administrator with [...]
appropriate permissions can launch the CSM application from anywhere on the network
to configure or change parameters or check the status of alarm conditions.
截止 2011
[...] 年底,联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)正在执行 47 项南南合作 项目,有 1 500 名农业专家技术人员参与
By the end of 2011, the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) had 47 South-South cooperation projects using 1,500
[...] agricultural experts and technicians.
与此同时,宏源公司于2009年4月还组织了专家团队编撰了有史以来第一本系统介绍无极灯专业技术的著作《LVD无极灯》并由复旦大学出版社出版,向全世界发行;此外,公司专家团队 技术人员 还 先 后在国内外主要杂志和大型学术交流会上发表了数十篇有关无极灯方面的技术论文,尤其是在法国、俄罗斯、英国、韩国以及第五届环太平洋照明会议、海峡两岸第十一届照明科技研讨会、2004世界工程师大会、第十届国际电光源技术研讨会、2005中国绿色照明国际会议、电光源应用手册等等所发表的论文都引起很大反响,为新一代节能照明产品无极灯在世界范围的推广和应用在技术层面得到了广泛共识。
Furthermore, a team of experts and technicians from Hongyuan successively published dozens of technical papers related to the
induction lamp, in
[...] magazines and large academic exchange home and abroad, especially in France, Russia, Britain and South Korea as well as at meetings like LUXPACIFICA5th, [...]
the Eleventh
Mainland and Taiwan Lighting Technology Seminar, the World Engineers’ Convention 2004, the 10th International Symposium on Science and Technology of Light-sources, the 2005 International Conference of China Green lights, and Practical Manual on Electricity and Light Resource etc., causing great sensation and bringing broad technical consensus on the promotion and usage of new generation energy-efficient lighting products, i.e. induction lamp, at a world level.
该方案的具体成果包括:(a)提高对清洁技术选项及其可用性的认识; (b)通过排放监测方面的信息和经验分享提高区域监测能力;(c)排放标准、 政策和立法;以及(d)提技术人员 和 政 策制定者在污染控制方面的技术和管 理能力。
Concrete outcomes of the programme include (a) awareness-building regarding clean technology options and their availability; (b) increasing regional monitoring capacities through information and sharing experiences in emission monitoring; (c) emission standards,
policies and
[...] legislation; and (d) technical and management capacity enhancement of technical personnel and policymakers [...]
on pollution control.
最终的培训单元将在网上和只读光盘上找 到,这有助于加强各个机构之间在支持发展中国 技术人员 所 从 事的信息传播技术辅助远距 离学习方面的合作这一预期效果之一。
The final product will be available online and on CD-ROM thus helping to enhance collaboration with institutions in support of ICT-based distance learning by professionals in developing countries, one of the expected results.
这是亚洲的共同挑 战,可能也是最为迫切的挑战:预算可以随着经济增长而获得, 技术人员 不能 买现成。
That was a common challenge in Asia, and it was
perhaps the most urgent: a budget could be sourced as
[...] economies grew, but skilled personnel could not be bought off the shelf.
秘鲁取得的主要成就如下:审查并更新当前的消耗臭氧层物质管理 条例;执行关于消耗臭氧层物质及使用消耗臭氧层物质的设备的进出口许可证制度,以便
[...] [...] 对此类物质的贸易和用途实行管制;确保在全国范围内消除氟氯化碳的进口,并确保各公 司承诺支持这一目的;建设制冷和空 技术人员 在 良 好做法方面的能力,让国内各大技术 院校(SENATI TECSUP 和 GAMOR)参与进来;为技术院校提供工具和设备,以便开展 [...]
意义的;编制氟氯烃淘汰管理计划,并与各公司和公共机构等重要的有关利益方讨论和商 定该计划;向臭氧秘书处和多边基金秘书处呈交必要的数据。
Main achievements are as follow: review and update the current regulations on the management of ODS; implementation of a licensing system for the import and export of ODS and of ODS based equipment, as a control measure to the trade and use of these substances; ensuring the elimination of the import of CFCs nationwide and the commitment of companies to support
this purpose; capacity
[...] building of technicians in good practices in RAC, involving major technological institutes [...]
of the country (SENATI
TECSUP and GAMOR); provide technical institutes with tools and equipment for training in recovery and recycling of refrigerants; permanent public awareness about the importance of protecting the ozone layer; preparation of HPMP, which was discussed and agreed with key stakeholders such as companies and public institutions; submission of required data to the Ozone and the Multilateral Fund Secretariats.
这往往要 求IT部门的几技术人员共同合作来完成这一工作。
Several folks in the IT department must usually coordinate their efforts to make this happen.
然 而,处理银行之函件或文件之检查,须由法官亲自进行;如有需要,得由具资格技术人员及刑事员警机关协助进行。
However, the examination of the seized bank correspondence or documents must be performed personally by the judge, who may be assisted, when necessary, by qualified persons or by the criminal police authorities.
c) 向制冷剂维技术人员分发 了基本维修工具,建立了一个制冷剂系统的再循 环试行中心和两个汽车空调机再循环中心。
(c) Distribution of basic service tools to the
[...] refrigeration service technicians, the establishment [...]
of one pilot recycling center for refrigeration
systems, and two recycling centers for MAC units.
[...] 行政人员、显微镜一类设备以及先进的实验室服务,同时在各州聘用和保留医疗 顾问技术人员,以 在州一级开展治疗,减少各州的转诊数目,改进诊断和治 [...]
Expansion of the social insurance umbrella has included the supply of trained health and administrative personnel, equipment such as microscopes, and advanced laboratory services, in addition to the
recruitment and retention of medical
[...] consultants and technicians in various states [...]
in order to establish treatment at the state
level, reduce the number of case referrals from the states and improve diagnosis and treatment, including surgical operations.
4 AMCA的技术人员将审核申请表和相关资料,并在安排见证测试之前通知 您是否需要进一步信息或是否需要修改。
4 The AMCA technical staff will review [...]
the application and supporting documentation and will notify you if any further information
is required or if any changes are needed before a witness test can be scheduled.
开发人员层面的所有设置是 操作人员和服技术人员无法 接触到的,这些设置由软件开发人员一次性地在特定的硬件上完成。
All settings in the developers' level aren't accessible for using
[...] staff and service technicians but are adjusted [...]
by the software developers to the certain hardware once.
要让这一趋势继续下去,并避技术人员移民 ,托克劳和新西兰都意识到,基本服务必须保持在一定水平上,以 增强对托克劳各环礁岛生活质量的信心。
For that trend to continue and to avoid the migration of skilled persons, both Tokelau [...]
and New Zealand are aware that basic
services must be maintained at levels which promote confidence in the quality of life on Tokelau’s atolls.
当海湾村市收到水管破裂或管道坍塌的报告时, 技术人员 可 以 使用 RIDGIDConnect 快速访问详细记录,甚至可以在维修诊断和维修作业完成后立即在作业现场提交报告。
When Bay Village receives a report of a water line break or
[...] pipe collapse, its technicians can use RIDGIDConnect [...]
to quickly access detailed records
and even file reports from the job site as repairs are diagnosed and made.
[...] 设备随附的 IGEL 通用管理套件软件的帮助下, PHC 技术人员现在足不出户便可轻松地远程管理所有瘦客户 [...]
Thanks to the IGEL Universal Management Suite software, bundled with each
[...] IGEL device, PHC technical staff can now easily [...]
manage all their thin clients remotely
for instant troubleshooting and or even for comprehensive software upgrades without ever needing to travel outside their office.
2011 年及以后,该委员会将与区域
[...] 航空航天测量培训中心(航测培训中心)及发展资源绘图区域中心合作,继续 制定针对资技术人员、管 理人员和科学家的地理信息技术及其在资源评估、 规划、管理和监测方面的应用的培训方案。
In 2011 and beyond, the Commission, in collaboration with the Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys (RECTAS) and the Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development
(RCMRD), will continue
[...] to develop training programmes in geo-information technologies and their [...]
applications in resource
assessment, planning, management and monitoring for resource technicians, managers and scientists.
所采取举措的实例包括:布隆迪与 泰国合作,进行了假技术人员培训 ;哥伦比亚在两个受影响地区进行了外科医 [...]
生和康复专家能力建设;在塞内加尔,进行了幸存者协会能力建设,以改进管 理。
Examples of initiatives undertaken include in Burundi, the
[...] training of prosthetic technicians in cooperation [...]
with Thailand; in Colombia, capacity building
of surgeons and rehabilitation specialists in two affected regions; and, in Senegal, the capacity building of an association of survivors to improve management.




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