

单词 好公司

See also:


(business) company

External sources (not reviewed)

这包括扩大私营部门投资、增加外国和本国企业的联系、提倡做 好公 司公民等其他问题。
This includes scaling up of private sector
investment, increasing linkages between foreign and
[...] domestic firms, and good corporate citizenship, [...]
among other issues.
把 公 司主席和行政 總 裁 的 職責及
[...] 職 能分開 的 做 法,符 合好 公 司 管 治 的 國 際大潮 流。
The separation of the functions and duties of the Chairman and the CEO is in keeping with
[...] the global trend in good corporate governance.
將 該公司主席及行 政 總 裁 的 職責與
[...] 職 能分開 的 建 議,亦符合建 立好 公 司 管 治 的 全球趨勢。
The proposed separation is also in line with the
[...] universal trend in good corporate governance.
OECD 准则中的议题包括可持续发展、尊重人权、当地能 力建设、员工雇佣和培训、好公司 治 理、消除歧视、供应链责任和贿赂。
Topics in the OECD guidelines are sustainable development, respect the human rights, local
capacity building, employment and training for
[...] employees, good corporate governance, [...]
no discrimination, supply chain responsibility and bribery.
深圳證監局下發了深證局公司字['007 ]70號文《關於對中興通訊股份有限公司治理情況的意見 》, 該 意 見 認 為 公 司 重 視 公 司 治 理 專 項 活 動,能 按 照 要 求好 公 司 治 理 自 查 及 公 衆 評 議 工 作,認 真 落 實 中 國 證 監 會 及 深 圳 證 監 局 的 相 關 監 管 要 求。
A document titled Opinion on Corporate Governance of ZTE Corporation (Shen Zheng Ju Gong Si Zi [2007] No. 70) was issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, stating that the Company
had placed a strong
[...] emphasis on corporate governance projects and had completed the self-inspection and public scrutiny processes on corporate governance in diligent fulfillment of the regulatory [...]
of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau.
在一好公司中获 得进步,您认为通常取决于哪些方面?
What do you think determines a
[...] person's progress in a good company?
新加坡是个高效率、管理完善和开放的市场,这一点,对于寻求树立 好公司 治 理 形象的中国企业具有很大的吸引力。
As Singapore is a productive, well-managed and liberal market, it
is particularly attractive
[...] to China companies seeking an offshore destination reputed for its good corporate governance.
我接觸到的業界人士,例如旅行社老闆也是這樣對我說,如果營商環 好, 公司的經營情況獲改善,他們願意給職員發放花紅。
People from the industry I met, such as bosses of travel agencies, have told me that if the business environment improves and so their business improves, they would be willing to give their employees bonus.
第 二點, 上市公司也好, 沒 有上市公司也好, 我 自己的經驗 是這樣 的:如 果 一間公司對社會 表 示 高度的 負 責 任、高 度 的 參 與、願 意為社會 做 事, 這間公司便 會受其 顧 客 和 僱 員 認 同是一好公司。
The second point is, according to my own experience, any company showing forth a high degree of accountability, actively participation and devotedness to community affairs, be it a listed company or not, will win the acknowledgement of its customers and staff as a good company.
92 中海油服在 2010 年和 2011 年信息披露情况好。公司不仅公开了其在中国国内 的支付情况,还披露了其在资源出口国所付的税项(见表 5)。
In addition to its domestic payments in China, the company reports on income tax to host countries (Table 5).
然而,如果每 間食肆均在戶口存放相等於一個半月員工工資的款額,例如每間食肆在破欠
[...] 基金開設一個戶口來這樣做,便可以有助釋除田北俊議員的憂慮, 好公司 資助壞公司了。
However, if each eating establishment maintains a balance, which is equivalent to the sum of one and a half months' wages of all its employees, in their account, and if, for example, each eating establishment opens an account with the PWIF for
this purpose, then it may help to dispel Mr James
[...] TIEN's worry that good companies are required [...]
to subsidize the bad ones.
[...] 公司设立了的安全环境卫生管理委员会(EHS),负责全厂的安全环保工作,定期组织公司内部审核,检查各 部门的环境管理工作落实,对所有相关环境管理工作监督、检查;基建动力部,负责相关设施的维护保养,严 格管控各项污染物的排放,控制“三废”和噪声的监控和治理;行政部负责公司废弃物的收集、存放管理以及 分类处理;各职能部门配合好公司 的 环 境管理工作。
The company has set Environment, Health and Safety Management Committee responsible for safety and environmental protection of the whole plant; regularly organizes internal review; inspects implementation of environmental management in each department; supervises and inspects all environmental management work; responsible for maintaining relevant equipment; strictly controls pollution emission; monitors and manages “industrial wastes” and noise;
the Administrative
[...] Department is in charge of collecting waste, storage management and classification treatment; each functional department assists in environmental [...]
兩 電 一 煤 ,好公司 他 自 為 之 " , 盈 利 在過去 幾 年 仍 舊 不 斷 增 長,年賺 數十億 元之巨 。
The two power companies and the Towngas are making the best of their unique [...]
position as their profits have been increasing
over the last few years, yielding profits to the tune of billions of dollars annually.
根據目 前 的政策 , 無 論 是 牟 利 或 非 牟 利 團 體 , 即大學好 、 公司也 好 , 均可以請 學 者 來港, 只 是一如 我 剛才在 主 體 答覆中所說 , 程序上有所分 別而已。
According to the existing policy, no matter profit-making or non-profit-making organizations, that is, universities or corporations can also invite scholars to come to Hong Kong.
怎樣扮好公司與投 資者之間的溝通橋樑?
How to perform
[...] your role well as the bridge between your company and investors?
What is the
[...] difference between a good corporation [...]
and a great one?
通过在前装市场业务拓展,发展形势一片 好 , 公司 决 策 层意识到应该全面规划未来的发展,于是2008年6月成立专门针对前装OEM技术研发、市场开拓、产品销售的前装产品事业部,全面负责前装市场的配套业务。
In the former outfit through market
business development, development
[...] situation is excellent, company executives realize [...]
comprehensive planning should be the
development of the future, so in June 2008 to set up a special with the first outfit technology research and development, OEM market, products sales with products division, before fully responsible for the auxiliary business with market before.
專 業 中 介人的專 業 操 守和責 任,並不等同 公司管 理 層 對 公司 資 產 和 投 資 者所負有的 基本法律責 任,如果將 他們視 為 公司管 理 層 ,則只 會 模糊了 法律的規範 和 監管重點 , 不 利 於 促 進好公司管 理文化 的 形 成 。
We should not draw an equal sign between the professional conduct and responsibilities of professional intermediaries and the basic legal responsibilities shouldered by corporate management in respect of corporate assets and investors.
凭借对产品品质的高度重视,非 好公司 在 建 立伊始就通过了国际ISO9000认证,并将品质管理放在第一位,为适应海外市场推广需要,我们通过了CE,EMC,UL, [...]
We put the quality management as the
first, Greathao passed ISO9000 at the
[...] very beginning of company establishment, [...]
in order to extend our oversea market we
get CE,EMC,UL,GS,ROTH certificate etc. for our products.
David认为,“给员工一个情感上的理由,驱动他们每天来上班,令他们除了自身工作所得外,还能感受到更有意义和深远的体验,就是一个伟 公司 与 好公司 的 区 别所在。
David believes that "giving employees an emotionally based reason to come to work every day, to make them
feel part of something meaningful and larger than themselves, is the
[...] difference between good companies and great companies.
至於王國興議員要求政府當局監察培育公 司的產值增幅,以作為成效衡量指標一事,香港數碼 港管理有限公司行政總裁建議,由於培育及培訓中心 會聯絡畢業培公司,好讓它們與現時的培育公司分 享實際經驗,中心會藉此機會收集畢業培育公司的業 務發展資料,包括該等公司所創造的職位。
As for Mr WONG Kwok-hing's request for the Administration to keep track of the incubatees' increase of output value as an outcome measurement, CEO, HKCMCL suggested that as the Incu-Train Centre would approach the graduated incubatees to share with existing incubatees their actual experiences, the Centre would take the opportunity to obtain information from the graduated incubatees on the development of their companies including the positions created by their companies.
2 董 事 會 應 制 訂 本 公 司 的 經 營 戰 略 和 管 理 政 策,並 建 立好 的 公 司 管 治 和 內 部 監 控 制 度 , 以 確 保 妥 善 管 理 本 公 司 的 業 務 。
2 The Board shall formulate the Company’s operational strategies and management policy and establish a good corporate governance and internal control system to ensure proper management of the Company’s business.
目前机构投资者和其他投资者都有机会投资于环 境记录好的公司所占 权重较大的股票市场指数。
Institutional and other investors now have
the opportunity to invest in stock market indices that are
[...] weighted towards companies with stronger environmental [...]
信用風險:公司進行的衍生品投資交易對手均為信用好 且與公司已建 立長期業務往來的銀行,基本不存在履約風 險。
Credit risks: The counterparties of the derivative investment trades of the Company are banks with sound credit
ratings and long-standing business
[...] relationships with the Company and therefore the [...]
transactions were basically free from performance risks.
我們屢獲業界頒發卓越獎項,好彰 顯出 本 公司 表 現 廣受 認同。
This performance is recognised by the market as we continue to win industry awards for excellence.
他 们也希望能够好地了解本公司的披 露情况与 报告中的其他公司相比所处的水平。
The company was interested in better understanding [...]
its level of disclosure in comparison to other companies studied in the report.
布魯士先 生亦為以下於香港或海外上市之公司之董事,包括保華建業集團有限公司、騰訊 控股有限公司、永安國際有限公司、Noble Group Limited、金沙中國有公司、 好孩子國際控股有限公司、中國醫療技術公司及英利新能源有限公司。
He is also a director of Paul Y Engineering Group Limited, Tencent Holdings Limited, Wing On Company International Limited, Noble Group Limited, Sands China Ltd., Goodbaby In ternational Holdings Limited, China Medical Technologies, Inc. and Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited, all being companies listed either in Hong Kong or overseas.
由 於 對 未 來 之 溢 利好 的 預 算,公 司 之 董 事 認 為 沒 有 大 額 回 撥 遞 延 [...]
稅 項 資 產 之 可 能,而 有 關 回 撥 將 於 進 行 回 撥 期 間 內 於 損 益 表 確 認 入 賬 之 可 能。
Since the Group is expecting a growth in profits to be generated in the
future based on management
[...] estimation, the directors of the Company consider that the deferred [...]
tax assets could be fully utilised
in the future, and would be recognised in the income statement for the period in which such a reversal takes place.
24.2 就本公司的投資應收的屬收入性質的股息、利息及紅利以及任何其他利益好處,以及公司的任 何佣金、託管、代理、轉讓及其他收費及經常性收入, [...]
從中支付管理開支、借入款項的利息及董事會認為屬收入性質的其他開支 後,將構成本公司的可供分派溢利。
24.2 The dividends, interest and bonuses and any other benefits and advantages in the nature of income receivable in respect of the Company's investments, and any commissions, trusteeship,
agency, transfer and other fees and
[...] current receipts of the Company shall, subject to the [...]
payment thereout of the expenses of
management, interest upon borrowed money and other expenses which in the opinion of the Board are of a revenue nature, constitute the profits of the Company available for distribution.
[...] 報告,我們希望管理層對於維修問題,不論是那次雷擊事件也好,是裂紋事 件好,公眾是要求一間鐵公司為 確 保鐵路沿線車卡的安全性,在維修上 必須準繩,以及盡量將故障減至最少。
Members have probably read that report about the transformer and we hope that insofar as repairs and maintenance are concerned, and be it the incident involving lightning on that
occasion or the incident
[...] involving fissures, the demand of the public is that a railway corporation [...]
must reach high standards
in repairs and maintenance to ensure the safety of its trains and reduce service disruptions to a minimum.




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