

单词 多倍体



autopolyploid (polyploid with chromosomes of single species)


allopolyploid (polyploid with chromosomes of different species)

See also:

times (multiplier)
increase or multiply
(two, three etc) -fold

External sources (not reviewed)

一种新多倍人源化鼠系中体孕烷 X受体及细胞色素P450 3A4介导的药物间相互作用的定量预测。
Quantitative prediction of human pregnane X receptor and cytochrome P450 3A4 mediated drug-drug interaction in a novel multiple humanized mouse line.
在 1990
[...] 年代初,欧洲新兴经济体的能源强度 为欧洲发达经体的两倍多,但这一差距其后已略有减少,目前只高出 50%。
In the early 1990s, the energy intensity of the European emerging economies was over twice that of the
European advanced economies, but that difference has
[...] diminished slightly over time and is currently only [...]
50 per cent higher.
中兴没有披露中国市场手机业务收入的 体 数 据 ,只说是美国市场收入的 倍多 一 点
ZTE didn't disclose specific figures for handset revenues in China, saying only they were "a little bit higher than double" U.S. [...]
handset revenue.
多年来 ,医学上相信,在血管生成中,作为细胞膜蛋白的血管内皮增殖因子 体 被 发 现有 10 - 2 0 倍 过 剩 量,对于新血管的构筑是很重要的。
It was believed that 10- to 20-fold overexpression of VFGF-R, one of the cell membrane proteins, is important for the formation of vasculature.
[...] 存在显著的长期增长趋势,因为 2010 年的缉获水平是 2006 年(125 吨)的倍 多。
Nevertheless, the aggregate quantity denotes a notable long-term increase, as the level in 2010
[...] was more than eight times that in 2006 (125 tons).
正如 2010
[...] 年全球监测报告所示,教科文组织及其合作伙伴应为最难以普及到的 体加 倍努力
As the 2010 GMR demonstrates, UNESCO and its partners
[...] are expected to redouble efforts in favour [...]
of the hardest-to-reach.
一份题为《一种新多倍人源 化小鼠系模型中 体 孕 烷X 受 体 及 细 胞色素P450 3A4介导的药物交互作用的定量预测》的文件表明该小鼠模型可用于根据PXR配体诱导CYP3A4在人体肝脏表达的效力对其进行排序。
The paper, entitled "Quantitative prediction of human pregnane X receptor and cytochrome P450 3A4 mediated drug-drug interaction in a novel multiple humanized mouse line," demonstrates that the mice can be used to rank PXR ligands according to their potency to induce CYP3A4 expression in the human liver.
再加上加 勒比互联网广播门户的建立,均促使了 体多 元 化、文化多样性和信息及知识的获 取。
This, coupled with the development of the Caribbean
Internet Radio Portal (CIRP), is
[...] contributing to media pluralism, cultural diversity [...]
and access to information and knowledge.
这种情况倍体现在亚的斯亚贝巴政权 身上。该政权 10 多年来 在美国庇护和怂恿下胆大妄为,侵入并占领了厄立特里 亚的主权领土。
This is better amplified by the audacity of the regime in Addis Ababa that has been emboldened, through the tutelage and encouragement of the United States, to invade and occupy sovereign Eritrean territories for over 10 years.
15-64 岁这一年龄组别男性的粗死亡率仍然是女性的倍多。
Men’s crude death rates in the age groups 15-64 continue to be more than twice as high as for women.
世界银行似乎从已核准并提交第六十八次会议审批的机构费用中获得了充足的收 入,来满足其 2013 年的体行政 费用,并且如果中国的氟氯烃生产淘汰管理计划所要求 的水平在 2012 年得到核准,世界银行将会得到其要求数额的 倍多。
The World Bank seems to have sufficient income from agency fees approved and submitted for approval to the 68th meeting to meet its overall administrative costs in 2013 and would have over twice its requirements if the HPPMP in China was approved at the level requested in 2012.
您可以选用体、斜体、双倍高度 、双倍宽度等样式的字符。
Characters can be bold, italic, double high, double [...]
wide, etc.
多数医 疗保险制度, 包括联合国教科文组织的医疗保险基金,出现赤字的主要因素是受保人口老龄化,寿命延 长,保健费用迅速上升以及依靠现代医学技术进行探诊 体 检 倍 增。
In most health care schemes, including the MBF of UNESCO, the main factors contributing to a deficit are the ageing population, increased life expectancy, the rapidly rising cost of health care and the growth in medical tests and investigations as a result of the technical progress of modern medicine.
如果这一趋势持续下去,而所有迹象表明会持续下去,那么 该司在新系统下的直接代理服务量较原有系统将增加 倍多。
If this trend continues, and all indications are that it will, the amount of direct
representational services provided by the Division in the new system will
[...] be more than three times greater than in the [...]
former system.
这次金融和经济危机特别是对发展中国家妇女的经济赋权产生了不利影响, 其主要传导机制是:全球出口下降,直接影响到出口部门的生产,然后通过消倍 增效 应对国内市场产生不利影响(特别是出口依赖型经济国);发展中国家的资本流 入骤减;援助具有助长周期性波动的性质;危机对移徙工人产生影响,从而影响到 汇款;随之而出现的是汇率贬值,影响到国内生产和价格;全球粮价的异常波动产 生影响;多发展 中国家财政紧缩已经导致重大公共开支的削减和社会发展收益的 减少,进而影响基本服务的提供,使社会发展成果付之东流,并影响生活品质。
The main transmission mechanisms of the financial and economic crisis that have had negative impacts on women’s economic empowerment, especially in developing countries, have been the global decline in exports, which has directly affected production in the export sector and
subsequently domestic markets
[...] through negative multiplier effects (especially in export-dependent economies); significant declines in capital flows to the developing world; the pro-cyclical nature of aid; the impact of the crisis on migrant workers and therefore on remittances; the consequent exchange rate devaluation, which has affected domestic production and prices; the impact of extreme volatility in global food prices; and the fiscal constraints in many developing countries [...]
that have already
led to cutbacks in important public expenditures and social development gains, thereby affecting access to basic services, reversing social development gains and adversely affecting their quality of life.
各位部长重申南南合作在体多边主 义环境下的作用,并将其视作对正视 南方所面临的挑战至为重要的一个持续过程和对发展做出的宝贵贡献。
The Ministers reaffirmed the role
of South-South cooperation in the
[...] overall context of multilateralism, as a continuing [...]
process vital to confront the challenges
faced by the South and as valuable contribution to development, and the need to further strengthen it, including through enhancing the capacities of the institutions and the arrangements that promote such cooperation.
体多元化 以及集会和结社自由对于文化 多样性的表达至关重要。
Media pluralism and freedom [...]
of assembly and of association were essential for the expression of cultural diversity.
[...] 为在下述几个方面的有关计划中应当予以特别关注:发展传播和传统媒体的计划;促进新闻 自由和体多元化 的计划;社区广播方面的计划;以及提倡地方内容的计划。
The use of ICT applications for community empowerment was also mentioned by several Member States to receive special attention in programmes dealing with the development of communication and
traditional media; the promotion of press
[...] freedom and media pluralism; community [...]
broadcasting; and the promotion of local content.
咨询委员会注意到,改叙提议共计 55 项,比近年来提出的数字显著增加, 是以往三个两年期拟议方案预算总共所载 27 项提议的倍多。
The Advisory Committee notes that the total of 55 proposals for reclassification represents a significant increase in comparison with the number put forward in recent years and is more than double the 27 proposals contained in the proposed programme budgets for the past three bienniums combined.
倍体湘云 鲫在减数分裂过程中出现二价体、单价体共存,同源染色体在配对和分离中出现紊乱,导致非 倍体 生 殖 细胞的产生,为湘云鲫的不育性提供了染色体水平上的证据 [动物学报 51(1): 89 – 94,2005]。
The coexistence of bivalents and univalent in MⅠin triploid crucian carp resulted in the failure to form the normal mature gametes, providing the evidence on the chromosome level for the sterility of the triploids [Acta Zoologica Sinica 51(1): 89-94, 2005].
同我们以往所讨论的内容非常体、多少能够引起明确反应的其他议题不同,联合王 [...]
国这次提出的一个较笼统的议题,有淡化我们可能希 望传递的任何信息的风险。
Unlike other very specific topics that we [...]
have discussed in the past and that give rise to more or less definite reactions, on
this occasion the United Kingdom has proposed to us a more general topic that runs the risk of diluting any message that we would wish to convey.
新媒体法的主要目的是,一方面进一步加强匈牙利媒体自由和体 多元化 ,与欧洲伙伴的模式和价值观完全保持一致,另一方面遵守欧盟法律的统 [...]
The main objectives of the new media legislations are on the
one hand to further strengthen media
[...] freedom and media pluralism in Hungary, fully [...]
in line with European patterns and values,
and on the other hand to comply with EU legal harmonization requirements.
执行委员会对提出延长萨尔多体制 建设项目申请的报告进行了审查,并赞赏地注 意到萨尔瓦多向臭氧秘书处报告的数据低于其 1995-1997 年氟氯化碳履约平均基准数 量。
The Executive Committee has reviewed the report
[...] presented with the institutional strengthening project renewal request for El Salvador and notes [...]
with appreciation that
El Salvador reported data to the Ozone Secretariat that was lower than its 1995-1997 average CFC compliance baseline.
2010年8月16日-21日我中心张鹏研究员与中科院华南植物园王昌虎博士应邀参加了在国际热带农业研究中心(CIAT)组织的“木薯 倍 单 倍体 强 化 木薯育种”的项目启动会。
Prof. Peng Zhang from SCCB and Dr. Changhu Wang from South China
Botanical Garden attended the Meeting for the
[...] Initiation of the Doubled Haploids Project [...]
at CIAT, Colombia, from Aug. 16-21, 2010.
来 自冲突国家的人与来自任何其它发展中国家的人相 比,营养不良的可能性高出倍多; 不 能送子女接受 教育的可能性高出倍多;子 女在五岁前死亡的可能 性高出一倍;以及无法获得清洁饮用水的可能性高出 [...]
A person from a country in conflict, compared to one from any other developing country, is
more than twice as
[...] likely to be undernourished; more than three times as likely to be unable to send her children [...]
to school; twice as
likely to see her children die before they reach the age of five and twice as likely to lack access to clean water.
据总部设在加拿大、经营Bisha矿的矿业公司Nevsun公布的数字,2011 年
[...] 生产的厄立特里亚金矿为 10.7 吨,每盎司平均市值为 1 620 美元(为现金生产成 本的 5 倍多)。
According to figures published by the Canada-based mining company, Nevsun, which operates the Bisha mine, 10.7 tons of Eritrean gold ore
were produced in 2011, with an average market value of $1,620 per
[...] ounce (more than five times the cash cost of production).
除此而外,由於香港工資比越南高出 多倍 ,港 府批准在港 越南難民工作,又收取與本㆞工㆟相同工資,越南㆟從香港船民信㆗得知高收入的消息, [...]
Furthermore, the wages in Hong Kong is higher than that
[...] in Vietnam by tenfold. When the people [...]
in Vietnam learn from the letters of the
VBP that they are allowed to work in Hong Kong drawing the same wages as the Hong Kong workers, nothing will prevent them from braving the sea to make a fortune in Hong Kong.




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