

单词 垃圾房

See also:

垃圾 n

waste n
garbage n
spam n
rubbish n
junk n
litter n
debris n

External sources (not reviewed)

有些推銷員更故 意躲在後樓梯、雜房及垃圾房內, 待住戶回家時便撲出來,把該住戶也嚇 一跳,隨即還要求該住戶購買有線電視服務。
Some promoters would even deliberately hide in
[...] staircases, store rooms and refuse rooms and jump out [...]
when residents were going into their
flats, thus giving them a scare.
建築事務監督如認為任何樓面面積僅用以興建或擬用作停車 場垃圾房或獲 建築事務監督許可的其他支援設施等用途,則可 [...]
The BA may disregard any floor space that he is satisfied is constructed or intended to be used solely for
a number of features such as parking of
[...] motor vehicles, refuse storage chambers, [...]
etc. or other supporting facilities as may be approved by the BA.
地鐵公司現正發 展一個夢幻之城,我們亦要求地鐵公司 垃圾房 加 設 一些地方,以實施分類 回收。
We have also requested the MTR Corporation to add some extra
[...] space in their garbage rooms for the separation [...]
of recyclables.
舉例來說,在一般大廈樓層內 垃圾房 的 空 間狹小, 以致很難加裝廢物分類設施,令部分大廈未能實行廢物源頭分類計劃。
For example, the refuse chambers located [...]
on the different floors of buildings are generally very small, so it is very difficult
to install any waste separation facilities there.
工程計劃的擬議 範圍包括(a)興建 1 所社區健康中心,以提供跨專業基層醫療服務; (b)重置原位於油麻地專科診所新翼的母嬰健康院;(c)重置原位於油麻 地賽馬會分科診所的長者健康中心;(d)公用設施,包括伺服器房、清 潔工人室垃圾房、保安控制室、屋宇裝備和機電房及其他機房;以及 (e)為垃圾車、貨車、輕型貨車、救護車和私家車而設的泊車或上落客 貨車位。
The proposed scope of the project comprises (a) a CHC for providing multidisciplinary primary healthcare services; (b) a Maternal and Child Health Centre to be reprovisioned from the Yaumatei Specialist Clinic Extension; (c) an Elderly Health Centre to be reprovisioned from the Yaumatei Jockey Club Polyclinic; (d) communal facilities
including server rooms,
[...] cleaner’s room, refuse collection room, security control room, building services and electrical and mechanical plant rooms and other services rooms; and (e) parking and loading/unloading facilities for refuse collection vehicle, [...]
goods vehicle, light
van, ambulance and private car.
(c) 輔助設施包括更衣及洗手間設施、急救室、訂場處、接待
[...] 櫃台、辦公室、控制室、職員室、泳池濾水裝置、機房、 貯物室垃圾房等。
(c) ancillary facilities including changing and toilet facilities, first aid rooms, booking
office, reception counter, office, control room, staff room, filtration plant, plant
[...] room, store rooms, refuse room, etc.
(f) 在垃圾房安裝 附設滌氣裝置的排氣系統。
(f) installation of exhaust system with
[...] scrubbers for the refuse collection [...]
淨 作 業 樓面面積並 不包括以下設施所佔 的地方:廁 所、浴 室和淋浴間、升
降 機 大 堂 、 樓 梯 間、公眾 / 共 用 走廊、樓梯井、 電 動 扶梯和升降 機 槽 、 喉
[...] 管 / 公用設施井 道、垃圾槽垃圾房、露 台 、外廊 、 露天廣 場和 [...]
平 台 、停車場、行車道和上落客貨區、機械機房和庇 護 層。
NOFA does not include areas for toilets, bathrooms and showers, lift lobbies, stair halls, public/shared corridors, stairwells,
escalators and lift shafts, pipe/service ducts, refuse
[...] chutes and refuse rooms, balconies, verandas, [...]
open decks and flat roofs, car
parks, driveways and loading/unloading areas, mechanical plant rooms and refuge floors.
(h) 改善現時設於入口廣 場 附近的 行 人天橋 (
包括加 設升 降機) ; (i) 輔助設施,包括更衣室、 廁 所、藥檢室、 急救室、 舉
[...] 重室、 按摩室、 行 政辦事處、控制室、保安室、 新聞及會客 設施、貯物室、 維修場垃圾房、 電機 房 以及在副場附近的大樓 ,大樓 內設有供籌 辦 活 動、進行會議和培訓用的設備。
(i) ancillary facilities including changing rooms, toilets, doping control, first-aid, weight-lifting and massage rooms, administration offices, control and security rooms, press and interview facilities, store
rooms, maintenance and
[...] service yards, refuse collection chambers, electrical and mechanical plant rooms, a building [...]
near the secondary sports
ground to accommodate the necessary facilities for organisation of events and conferences as well as for performance of training exercises.
舉例說,發展項目 A 的“單位所分攤的公用地方面積”包括:升降 機大堂、電房、垃圾房、會所、樓梯及電力變壓房。
For example, the following items are included in the “apportioned share of common area” of the
properties of Development A: lift lobbies;
[...] electrical meter rooms; refuse rooms; clubhouse; staircase; and transformer room.
(iv) 設置辦公室、1
[...] 個一般等候室、貯物室、廁所、 更衣室、1 個茶房、殮房及 1 個垃圾房
(iv) provision of office accommodation, a general waiting room, store rooms, toilets, changing rooms, a pantry,
[...] mortuary and a refuse storage room
淨 作 業 樓 面 面積與建築樓面面積不同,後者計及建築物外殼以內全部範圍的面積,而淨 作業樓面面積則並不包括以下設施所佔的地方:廁所、浴室和淋浴間、升降機大堂、 樓梯間、公眾/共用走廊、樓梯井、電動扶梯和升降機槽、喉管/公用設施井道、垃 圾 槽垃圾房、 露台、外廊、露天廣場和平台 、上落客貨區和機械 機 房等。
Unlike CFA which takes into account all areas within the building structure envelop, NOFA does not include areas for toilets, bathrooms and showers, lift lobbies, stair halls, public/shared corridors, stairwells, escalators and lift shafts, pipe/services ducts, refuse chutes and refuse rooms, balconies, verandahs, open decks and flat roofs, loading/unloading areas, mechanical plant rooms, etc.
例如,私人屋苑普遍 採用公垃圾房/桶或垃圾槽 ,而某些公共屋邨及舊式樓宇沒有以樓 層為本位的垃圾收集設施,居民要把都市固體廢物棄置在公共地方( 每 樓層的走廊或樓梯) ,待垃圾工人收取。
Yet, some public housing estates and old tenement buildings do not have any floor-based refuse collection [...]
facilities and
residents have to discard their MSW in public area (along the corridor on each floor or at the staircase) for subsequent collection by garbage men.
因此,政府在條 例草案中建議 訂 立 有 關規例 ,規定提 供 空間以設立物料 貯 存 及 回 收 房,並修訂《 建 築 物垃圾房 及 垃圾槽 )規 例 》, 強制規定所有新 建 的 住 宅 、 商 業 及 工 業 建 築 物 以 及 旅 館 必須提 供 樓 面空間和 設施, 作 廢 物 分 隔 及物料回收 之 用 。
Under the Bill, the Government proposes to make provision for regulations to cover material storage and recovery chambers and to amend the Building (Refuse Storage Chambers and Chutes) Regulations to make it mandatory for the provision of floor space and facilities for separation of waste and material recovery in all new residential, commercial and industrial buildings and hotels.
(b) 總樓面面積(GFA)包括淨作業樓面面積及樓宇內其他公用地
[...] 方的實際可用面積,包括電梯大 堂 及 電梯槽、樓梯 、天井 、 走廊、 牆身厚度、水電管道垃圾房及洗手間。
(b) Gross floor area (GFA) includes other common usable area of the building in addition to the NOFA, e.g. lift
lobbies and lift shafts, staircases, light wells, corridors, wall
[...] thickness, pipe ducts, refuse collection rooms and toilets.
垃圾房﹕適 宜設通風系統,牆壁可清洗,混凝土地面微傾,地面設去水口,並設置水 喉,以便經常清洗。
outside, preferably on a cement slab that is suitably screened to keep scavengers out; or - in a separate room, preferably one with ventilation, washable walls, a sloping concrete floor, a floor drain and a hose for frequent washing.
如需獲取更多有關「廢物源頭分類推廣計劃」的詳情, 請瀏覽以下網頁:http://www.ecc.org.hk 樓宇垃圾房及物 料回收室 社區回收網絡 為達到在二○一五年或之前提高都市固體廢物回收率至 55%的目標,環保署建立社區回收網絡,推廣減廢回收,並 收集商業價值低的可循環再造廢物﹐包括塑膠廢料、玻璃 樽及小型的廢電器電子產品。
With the goal to achieve the waste recovery target of 55% by 2015, EPD has established the Community Recycling Network (CRN) to promote waste reduction and recovery and collect recyclables of low commercial value, including plastics, glass bottles and small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
(一 ) 過 去 3 年,哪些地 區 的公共 屋 及 居 屋 苑 的 垃圾槽垃圾房 、 垃 圾 箱 及 升 降 機 旁擺放 垃圾的地方 曾 被 投訴有 滲漏和 傳 出 異味,以 及 當 局 如 何 處 理 ; (二 ) 有 否 規定每 月 清 洗 公 共 屋 及 居 屋 苑 垃圾箱 的 次數; 若 有 ,詳 情 為 何
(a) of the districts where complaints were lodged about spills and emission of foul odours from refuse chutes, refuse storage chambers and containers and the areas adjoining elevators for disposing of refuse in public housing estates and HOS courts over the past three years, and how these complaints have been handled
能 欣赏海景的房子很可能比同样大小、但只能观垃 圾填埋场的房子更昂贵。
The price of a house with a view of the ocean is likely to cost
[...] more than the same house with a view to a landfill site.
議決修訂於 2008 年 5 月 21 日提交立法會會議省覽的《2008 年建築物 (圾及物料回房及垃圾槽)(修訂)規例》(即刊登於憲報 的 2008 年第 125 號法律公告),在第 3 條中,在新的第 3A(5) 條中,廢除“、公寓、宿舍或集體寢室”而代以“或公寓”。
RESOLVED that the Building (Refuse Storage and Material Recovery Chambers and Refuse Chutes) (Amendment) Regulation 2008, published in the Gazette as Legal Notice No. 125 of 2008 and laid on the table of the Legislative Council on 21 May 2008, be amended, in section 3, in the new regulation 3A(5), by repealing ", boarding house, hostel or dormitory" and substituting "or boarding house".
關於《2008年建築物(垃圾及物料回 房及 垃圾槽)(修訂)規例》,內務委員會主席表示,該規 例的主要目的是訂立一項強制性規定,凡有關於住 用建築物或綜合用途建築物住用部分的圖則根據 《建築物條例》第14條呈交建築事務監督審批,有關 圖則必須顯示在該住用建築物或綜合用途建築物住 用部分的每層樓面均設有垃圾及物料回收室。
As regards the Building (Refuse Storage and Material Recovery Chambers and Refuse Chutes) (Amendment) Regulation 2008, the Chairman said that its main purpose was to impose a mandatory requirement that, where a plan relating to a domestic building or the domestic part of a composite building was submitted to the Building Authority for approval under section 14 of the Buildings Ordinance, the plan must show provision for a refuse storage and material recovery room on every floor of the domestic building or of the domestic part of the composite building.
議決就 2008 年 5 月 21 日提交立法會會議省覽的《2008 年建築物 (圾及物料回房及垃圾槽) (修訂)規例》(即刊登於憲報的 2008 年第 125 號法律公告),將《釋義及通則條例》(第 1 章) 第 34(2)條所提述的附屬法例修訂期限根據該條例第 34(4)條延 展至 2008 年 7 月 9 日的會議。
RESOLVED that in relation to the Building (Refuse Storage and Material Recovery Chambers and Refuse Chutes) (Amendment) Regulation 2008, published in the Gazette as Legal Notice No. 125 of 2008 and laid on the table of the Legislative Council on 21 May 2008, the period for amending subsidiary legislation referred to in section 34(2) of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) be extended under section 34(4) of that Ordinance to the meeting of 9 July 2008.
在 此我必須多謝立法會於去年通過修訂建築物 ( 垃 圾 及 物 料回 房及 垃圾糟)規例;方便進行廢物源頭分類。
I must also take this opportunity to thank the Legislative Council for passing the amendments to the Building (Refuse Storage and Material Recovery Chambers and Refuse Chutes) Regulations last year which further facilitate source separation of waste.
繼續推行《都市固體廢物管理政策大綱(2005-2014)》所建議的各項 措施,包括推展全港廢物源頭分類計劃;落實修訂《建築物 ( 垃 圾及 物料回房及垃圾槽)規 例》的建議,強制規定在新建住宅樓宇每一 樓層設置垃圾及物料回收室,方便物料回收工作;批出環保園第二 批土地的租約;研究都市固體廢物收費的可行方案以進行公眾諮 詢;進行擴展現有堆填區的可行性研究與環境影響評估。
Continuing to implement the initiatives in “A Policy Framework for the Management of MSW in Hong Kong (2005-2014)” by extending the territory-wide source separation of waste programme, pursuing the proposed amendment of Building (Refuse Storage and Material Recovery Chambers and Refuse Chutes) Regulations to include a mandatory requirement on the provision of a refuse storage and recovery room on each floor of new residential buildings to facilitate material recovery activities, awarding tenancies for the second batch of EcoPark, planning for consultation on options for MSW charging and carrying out feasibility and EIA studies on landfill extensions.
政府當局表示,《建築物(垃圾及物 料回 房 及 垃圾 槽) 規例》(第 123章,附屬法例H)規定,若干新住宅發展項目必須 設置圾及物 料回收房或物料回收房,並須根據建築物的總實 用樓面空間訂明回收房的最低樓面面積。
According to the Administration, certain new building developments are required under the Building (Refuse Storage and Material Recovery Chambers and Refuse Chutes) Regulation (Cap. 123H) to provide refuse storage and material recovery chamber or material recovery chamber, and to specify the minimum floor space of such chamber based on the total usable floor space of the building.
蔡素玉議員:主席女士,本人謹代表《2008 年建築物(圾及物料回房及 垃圾槽) (修訂)規例》小組委員會,動議議程所載以本人名義提出的議案。
MISS CHOY SO-YUK (in Cantonese): Madam President, on behalf of the Subcommittee on the Building (Refuse Storage and Material Recovery Chambers and Refuse Chutes) (Amendment) Regulation 2008, I move the motion under my name as set out on the Agenda.
由於社會要求推出支援措施協助廢物回收及循環 再造,我們在 2008 年已修訂《建築物(圾及物料回房 及垃圾槽) 規例》(第 123H 章),規定新建住宅大廈及綜 合用途大廈住宅部分的每層樓面均須設有垃圾及物料回收 室。
With the growing community demand for support measures to assist waste recovery and recycling, we have already amended the Building (Refuse Storage and
Material Recovery Chambers
[...] and Refuse Chutes) Regulations (Cap.123H) in 2008 requiring a refuse storage and material recovery room to be provided [...]
on every floor of new
domestic buildings and the domestic part of composite buildings.
[...] green)的手册,在旗下酒店及业界其他酒店间广泛使用,书中提出了一系列环保措施,包括回收和转化酒店 房 的 有 机 垃圾 、 “生态会议”(Eco-Meet)计划、修建屋顶药草花园、成立养蜂基地、将可继续使用的物品和食物分发给有需要的人群等。
In addition to publishing "The Green Partnership Guide", a "going green" handbook used by its hotels and others in the hospitality
industry, initiatives include recycling
[...] and organic waste diversion in hotel kitchens, a green conferencing [...]
solution dubbed Eco-Meet,
creating rooftop herb gardens and bee apiaries at properties, and redistributing gently used goods and food to those in need.




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