

单词 坐以待毙

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External sources (not reviewed)

报告还认为执法中的“毙”政策,因为其预谋、企图和对具体目标的 认定,以被看作是定点清除的例子。
The report also considers law enforcement “shoot-to-kill” policies that, in their premeditation, intent and [...]
identification of specific targets,
may be considered examples of targeted killings.
值班员报告说,根据人员多少,被拘留者白天 以坐 在 办公室的板凳上 待 被叫 去劳动,并可以到牢房外上厕所。
The duty officer reported that, depending on staffing, the detainees could sit on the bench in the office during the day until called to work and could be let out of the cell to go to the toilet.
我認為,政府不應該 再以往進行的諮詢那樣坐在那裏 等 待 那 些 整理得很好的意見書,而是應該主動㆞ 去聽取市民的感受和發掘他們的想法。
I think that the
[...] Government should not just sit there and wait to receive wellwritten position [...]
papers as it did in past
rounds of public consultation; it should act with initiative to find out how the citizens feel and what they think.
在本次报告所述期间,以色列安全部队 313 次侵
[...] 入西岸,造成一名巴勒斯坦人 7 月 22 日在试图闯入 Barkan 定居点时以色列士兵毙。
During the reporting period, Israeli security forces conducted 313 incursions in the West Bank, resulting in one
Palestinian being shot dead by Israeli soldiers on 22 July while he attempted to
[...] intrude into the settlement of Barkan.
我在 2006 年提交给委员会的报告中审查了“格杀勿论”政策, 以 回 应 各 国政府官员发布的多项高调声明,声明中授权警察“当场 毙 ” 嫌 疑恐怖分子和 嫌疑犯(E/CN.4/2006/53, 第 44-54 段)。
My 2006 report to the Commission examined “shoot-to-kill” policies in response to a number of high-profile pronouncements from officials of various Governments, authorizing police to “shoot on sight” alleged terrorists and criminals (E/CN.4/2006/53, paras. 44-54).
若在現今傳播環境出現重大轉變的當 前,港台仍然在狹窄的空間㆘掙扎,我們只會見到㆒個「沒有增長」、停滯不前的公 營電台坐以待斃。
If RTHK continues to struggle within a limited sphere against the present drastic changes in the broadcasting environment, all we shall have is a “non-growing”, stagnant and doomed public television station.
医生 说,除非他毙了他 ,否则不能阻止他进行工作。
The doctor said that they would have to shoot him to prevent him doing his job.
政府是坐以待斃, 難道要到貨櫃碼頭㆒帶通路寸步難行,要出動電子道路收費計劃 限制貨櫃車駛入碼頭的時候,才認識到西北鐵路的重要性?
Will it not recognize this until everything becomes paralyzed in the area around the container port, until an electronic road toll system must be activated to control the number of container trucks entering the container port area?
我們不坐以待斃, 只有當我們敢於作出有創意的大膽行動,敢於 得罪權勢,為了真理甚至敢於得罪中央,才能真正立於不敗之地,得以 [...]
發出先知般有力的聲音,打破歷史的規律、破除歷史的宿命,在中華民 族全體邁向真正民主政治上走前一步,向歷史及人民作出應有的交代。
It is only when we dare to take creative [...]
and bold actions, when we dare to offend the powerful and influential, and even
to offend the Central Authorities for upholding the truth can we truly put ourselves in an unbeatable position and make voices as powerful as those of prophets, and also break the pattern of history and reverse the destined adversities of history, moving one step forward towards the genuine democratization of the political system for the entire Chinese nation and doing history and the people justice.
关于伊朗,新西兰特 别关注的有:处决未成年人问题,石块 毙 酷 刑 , 限制宗教自由和对少数民族和宗教少数群体的歧视 问题。
With regard to Iran, New Zealand was particularly concerned at the execution of minors, punishment by stoning, restrictions on the right to freedom of religion and discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities.
欧盟驻科法治团法官举行几个确认指控的听证会,其中包括指控 7 名被告犯 下有组织犯罪和偷渡移民的罪行,这项罪行涉及 2009 年 12 月在划分塞尔维亚与 匈牙利边境的蒂萨/蒂萨河上一艘船只倾覆,造成 20 多名来自科索沃移民毙的 案件。
EULEX judges held several confirmation of indictment hearings, including a case against seven defendants charged with organized crime and smuggling of migrants related to the capsizing of a boat and drowning of two dozen migrants from Kosovo on the Tisa/Tisza River, which marks the Serbia/Hungary border in December 2009.
例如,2011 年 1 月 10 日,驻扎在绿线北段以色列国防军 毙 了 来 自贾巴 利亚的一名 64 岁的农民,三发子弹击中其胸部。
For instance, on 10 January 2011, IDF soldiers stationed at the northern Green Line killed a 64-year-old farmer from Jabalia, with three bullets to his chest.
实际上,在我们留在也门的最后一天,也就是 12 月 2 日,难民署报告 说,有一艘载有 115 人的船只 的船员在临近也门海岸的深 海强迫乘船的人跳 入大 海,致使至少 20 名索马里人毙,2 人失踪。
In fact, on the last day of our stay in Yemen, i.e. on 2 December, UNHCR reported the drowning of at least 20 Somalis, with 2 missing, when the passengers on a boat carrying 115 persons were forced by the boat crew to jump overboard in deep water near the shore of Yemen.
[...] Ayman al-Yatim 住所内的人员(其中几人被毙)是恐怖分子。
The individuals who were surrounded by
law enforcement forces in the home of the terrorist Ayman al-Yatim, and
[...] several of whom were killed, were all terrorists.
证词:2012 年 6 月 6 日天黑时,他前往村农民协会主席 Hassan Allush Alwan 家,因为后者打电话告诉他说 Alwan 家族的
[...] 4 名武装人员在 Qubayr 农场与执法 部队发生冲突时被毙。
Stated that at sunset on 6 June 2012, he went to the home of Hassan Allush Alwan, the President of the Farmers’ Association in the village, because the latter had telephoned him
to say that four armed men from the Alwan
[...] family had been killed in a clash with [...]
law enforcement forces in Qubayr farm.
这些行动帮助乌干达部队于5月12 日抓获了自封的少将凯撒·阿斯兰·奥托,他曾经 是上帝军高层指挥的第四号人物;帮助于中非共和 国部队于5月22日抓获两名上帝军战斗人员;帮助乌 干达部队于6月16日毙其他 两名上帝军战斗人员, 另外,还解救了被劫持的7名平民。
Those operations contributed to the capture by Ugandan troops on 12 May of the self-styled Major General Caesar Acellam Otto, a one-time number four in the LRA command hierarchy; the capture by Central African Republic troops on 22 May of two LRA combatants; and the killing on 16 June of two other LRA combatants by Ugandan troops, who also rescued seven civilians who had been abducted.
主席,在此形勢下,難怪今年的施政報告整體是以財金議題為主 軸,以大篇幅講述金融海嘯的來襲及外圍經濟面對嚴峻的挑戰等,但行 政長官只是點出問題的所在,很少提出具體的應對措施;又或是正如特 首所說,金融海嘯對於全球以至香港經濟的實際影響,沒有人能在這個 時間作出準確的評估,但這並不代表我們 以坐以待 斃。
Under such circumstances, President, no wonder financial and monetary issues have generally formed the main axis of this year's policy address as many paragraphs are devoted to discussing the onslaught of the financial tsunami and the critical challenges of the external economic environment.
大家也知道,以往的 多次辯論中,對於曾特首最近被報章傳媒 報道的一些事實,包括接受他人待 、 廉價 乘 坐 私 人飛機、旅行等, 我也發言表示不同意。
As Members are aware, in a number of debates held earlier, I had expressed my disapproval of some deeds of the Chief Executive Donald TSANG, as reported in the press, such as acceptance of hospitality, private jet [...]
rides and trips at exceptionally low prices.
我覺得陳偉 業議員這次提出的修正案以牽連性而論是不公平的,因為會令那些 沒份接受待、吃大餐、坐私人飛機、度假的人士,在名義上、在 罪行上變為有份。
In my view, the current amendment puts forth by Mr Albert CHAN is unfair, as it implies that people, who have not accepted any hospitality, expensive meal, private jet [...]
ride or vacation arrangement,
are nominally guilty and have taken part in the offence.
可 是,社 會的現況不容許政府 官 員 繼坐 以 待 斃 , 等待問題過去。
However, the situation is such that society can no longer allow government officials to sit on the problem and hope for the eventual disappearance.
有鑑於此,本㆟認為李鵬飛議員的動議只單方面呼籲英國促請美國無條件延續㆗國 最惠國待遇,不單無法針對現時的形勢,而且只會誤導市民,以為除了向美國呼籲之 外,只坐以待斃,因而錯失良機,令問題不能解決。
In view of the above, I think that Mr Allen LEE's motion, which is simply urging the British Government to ask the United States Government to renew MFN status for China unconditionally, does not deal with the present problem head-on and will mislead the public into thinking that, other than appealing to the United States Government, nothing can be done.
正是 這種被動的做法,使我們在打擊毒品的流播時,只能是軟弱無力,甚至 坐以待 斃。
This passive approach has made our efforts in combating the spread of narcotics feeble and ineffectual.
因為這羣人不止對 香港有貢獻,對澳門事實上也是有貢獻的,居然受到這種侮辱,作為香
[...] 港政府,如果它真的是維護香港人的尊嚴的話,是沒有可能這 坐以待 斃、 沒有可能說句“不自在”,便不了了之的。
If the Hong Kong Government were really determined to uphold the dignity of Hong Kong people, it
[...] could not have awaited its doom helplessly.
强调各目的地国应本着团结和责任共担的精神,遵守其国际义务以 人道的方式待乘坐不适航的船只抵达的数千名移徙者和寻求庇护者
Emphasizes that, in a spirit of solidarity and burden-sharing, countries of destination should deal with the arrival of thousands of
migrants and asylum-seekers
[...] in non-seaworthy boats in a humane way and in compliance with [...]
their international obligations
国家反腐败委员会采取初步行动的同一天,泰国报刊头 条刊登了洪森的威胁言论,他扬言任何泰国军民,只要 穿过边境,就会被毙。
On the same day as the initial NACC action, Thai headlines carried Hun Sen’s alleged comments threatening to shoot any Thai, civilian or military, who crossed the border, and to tear up any Thai map used in border negotiation talks.
社区民众不 愿意将伊斯兰教与暴力挂钩,也不喜欢自我封闭、拒 绝传统的人,他们不希望被毙的恐 怖分子在当地的 墓地入葬,他们也不赞同煽动极端行径的人在当地的 清真寺传讲圣战思想。
They do not like Islam associated with violence, they do not like people who keep to themselves and reject traditional practices, they do not want dead terrorists buried in local cemeteries, and they do not approve of firebrands preaching jihad in their local mosques.
至于伊朗伊斯兰共和国,其形势也令人感到不 安,这主要表现在死刑执行数目的上升,特别是对 未成年人,继续使用用石块毙的刑罚,对少数群 体的迫害,对媒体和言论自由的严重管制,妇女遭 受的歧视和暴力,还有对人权维护者的迫害。
The situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran was alarming, owing to the increase in the number of executions, in particular of minors, the continuation of stonings, repression of minorities, severe restrictions on freedom of expression and of the press, discrimination and violence against women, and the persecution of human rights defenders.
2009 年和 2010 年期间,印度尼西亚抓获了最危险
[...] 的恐怖主义嫌疑人,即努尔丁·穆罕默德·托普和约科·皮托诺(又名杜尔马丁), 这两人已被印度尼西亚警察毙。
In 2009 and 2010, Indonesia had captured the most
wanted terrorist suspects, namely Noordin
[...] Mohammed Top and Joko Pitono alias Dulmatin, [...]
who had been shot dead by the Indonesian Police.
10 月 23 日,维和人员在北基伍卢文迪基地遭 到约 50 个武装玛伊-玛伊民兵的袭击,在交火中,有 8 个袭击者被毙,3 人受 伤,4 人被刚果(金)武装力量抓获,联刚稳定团无人员伤亡。
In the ensuing firefight, eight assailants were killed, three were injured and four were captured by FARDC; MONUSCO suffered no casualties.
當然,我們不鼓勵採用任何嚴重的手法,以致影響到市民的生活,但政 府須明白,這是一個嚴重的警號,提醒當局,香港無法幸免於油價暴漲所帶 來的社會動盪,政府不可能再以“油價是由市場決定”作為擋箭牌 坐以待 斃。
Naturally, we do not encourage any such severe actions that affect the public life. But the Government must realize that all these protests are actually a warning, a warning reminding the authorities that Hong Kong is not immune to the social turbulence brought about by soaring oil prices.




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