

单词 商朝

See also:


towards prep
underneath prep


morning adj


make a pilgrimage to v
court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor v

External sources (not reviewed)

復 辟 ”原意是 失
[...] 去 帝 位而復 得 , 典 故 出商 朝 時候的 皇 帝 太 甲 。
But I think the use of the word "restoring" is not very accurate for it
originally meant the return of emperor to his throne, an allusion coming from a story about
[...] Emperor Taijia in the Shang Dynasty.
商汤商朝的创 建者(前1617年—前1588年在位),在位30年,其中17年为 朝商 国 诸 侯,13年 商朝 国 王
King Tang (汤) (1675 BC-1646 BC) was the first ruling king of the Shang dynasty in Chinese history.
商朝開始,中國帝王便習慣以懲罰罪 犯親人的方式懲罰異己。
Since the Shang Dynasty, it had been [...]
the practice of Chinese emperors to punish dissidents by punishing their families.
此外,我們亦必須確保政策貫徹始終、明確穩定,商 策朝令夕改。
We must also provide business with policy
consistency and predictability so that
[...] informed, long-term business decisions can [...]
be made without fear of arbitrary change
next week, next month, or next year.
该银 行还协助航空工业组织与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国主要的弹道导弹出 商 即朝 鲜矿 业发展贸易公司之间的业务,后者也已根据第 13382 号行政法令被指认。
The bank has also
[...] facilitated business between AIO and the chief ballistic missile-related exporter of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, KOMID, [...]
which has also been designated pursuant to E.O. 13382.
他的質詢集中於政府當局會否考慮 要求小販排檔檔主及商實行"朝行晚 拆",以及 會否向是次慘劇中的受害人(包括檔主及販商)提 供資助。
The focus of his question is on whether the Administration would
consider requiring hawker
[...] stall owners and operators to dismantle the hawker stalls every night after business hours, and whether [...]
financial assistance
would be provided to the victims of the tragedy, including stall owners and operators.
事實上,香港致 力推動發展六大優勢產業,其中一項便是創新科技,而隨着內地升級轉 型的政策,很多內地的商均是朝着 發 展高端科技的方向推進。
In fact, Hong Kong is striving to promote the development of the six industries with clear advantages and one of them is the innovation and technology industry.
Chor集市是孟买有名的小偷市场,这里是喜欢砍价的游客在琳琅满目 商 品 中 翻出 朝 和 楼兰花瓶,并以一口价成交的地方。
Chor Bazaar is Mumbai's famous thieves market where bargain-hungry tourists rummage for Ming vases and Muranos at throwaway prices.
美国已指认三个组织为与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国核计划有关的主要扩散 实体:朝鲜矿业发展贸易公司(KOMID)、泰 商 业 银行 和 朝 鲜 永 邦总公司。
The United States has designated three organizations as primary proliferation entities in relation to the nuclear programme of the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea: Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation
[...] (KOMID), Tanchon Commercial Bank and Korea Ryonbong [...]
General Corporation.
當更多政府和資助機 構,以及更商場和廣場朝推動本土藝術的方向邁進時,西九也就無 處不在,無須曲高和寡了。
When more and more government and subsidized
[...] organizations and more shopping malls and plazas move towards [...]
the promotion of local arts, the
WKCD will be present and felt everywhere and the arts will not be too high sounding to be well received.
政府多年來合共投放了超過 26 億元進行我剛才所說的各項改善工程, 而未來亦會繼續與殘疾人士及公共交通營 商 合 作 , 朝 着 無 障礙運輸的目標 繼續邁進,讓殘疾人士可以更方便地前往不同地方,參與社區內不同類型的 活動,融入我們的社會。
The Government has, over the years, injected over $2.6 billion for carrying out the various improvement works which I have just mentioned. In the
future, we will
[...] continue to work towards the objective of Transport for All in collaboration with people with disabilities and public transport operators, so as to enhance [...]
the accessibility of
various parts of the territory to people with disabilities, thus enabling them to take part in different kinds of activities in the community and integrate into society.
第三,我們亦希望就性別主流化觀點的政策,一方面 令政府所有部門也跟循這方向工作;第二方面,令其 商 界 及 僱主 朝 着這 個方向進發。
We have therefore three major areas of work: first, to educate the community on the special needs of women; second, to elevate the status and enhance the abilities of women; and third, with respect to gender mainstreaming, we will promote the adoption of policies with such
a point of view by all the departments and
[...] to encourage the business sector and the employers to move in this direction.
He used to be a merchant of the state of Zhao; [...]
later he helped Yi Ren, a prince of Qin, succeed to the throne, and thus
was assigned as the prime minister of Qin.
此外,安理会还确立了一种做法,在它就特派 团的任务或延期问题作出决定之前,与部队及警察派 遣国进行商,这是朝着正 确方向迈出的又一步。
The consultation process which the Council has established with the troop- and police-contributing countries before deciding on the mandate of a mission or its renewal is another step in the right direction.
自由黨希望這項只是檢討的安排,不會因 為政府換屆而要徹底改變,因為要將科 商 業 化 ,並不 朝 夕 能 夠成 功,實在要有長遠政策來支持的。
The Liberal Party hopes that this is just an arrangement for the purpose of review and that these policies will not be changed completely when the next term of government takes over.
国家保障问题圆桌会议朝着实 现商定的 国家人权行动计划和国际人道主义法迈出的重要一步。
The National Round Table on Guarantees is an important step towards a concerted national action plan on human rights and international humanitarian law.
根据这些规定, 进出朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的货运飞机 商 船 以 及 朝 鲜 民 主主义人民共和国 船只,都必须在到达或离开之前,将进出欧盟领土的全部货物资料递交主管海关 当局。
Under these provisions,
[...] cargo aircraft and merchant vessels travelling to or from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as well as vessels of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, are required [...]
to submit, prior to
their arrival or departure, information on all merchandise entering or leaving the territory of the European Union.
[...] 局顧及深圳其他主要港口所帶來的競爭,制訂各種策略,以保持香港的競爭 優勢、降低貨櫃碼頭處理費、改善各行業的 商 環 境 ,以朝 為用 者提供 “一條龍”服務的方向,發展物流管理業務。
We have called on the Administration to formulate strategies to maintain the competitive edge of Hong Kong, lower the
terminal handling charges,
[...] improve the business operating environment of the industries and gear towards the [...]
provision of a "total
logistics solution" to users, taking into account the competition from other major ports in Shenzhen.
本着尊重主席声明的精神,朝鲜人民军板门店特派团正与南朝鲜境内联合国 军司令部的真正实体即美国军商讨 派 遣 朝 鲜 民主主义人民共和国国防委员会 检查团、以便以公正方式调查“天安号”事件真相的问题。
Having respected the presidential statement, the Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People’s Army is having discussions with the United States forces side, the real entity of the
“United Nations
[...] Command” in south Korea, on the issue of dispatching the inspection group of the National [...]
Defence Commission
of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in order to probe the truth of the incident of theCheonan in a fair way.
在财产索赔问题上,根据《平壤 宣言》,朝双方商定,一旦两国双边关系实现正常 化,1945 年 8 月 14 日之前事件引发的所有财产索赔 [...]
On the issue of property claims,
[...] under the Pyongyang Declaration, it had been agreed that all property [...]
claims arising from events
prior to 14 August 1945 could be waived once the bilateral relationship between the two countries was normalized.
究 竟 市 民 和 政 府 的 關係, 是否朝 “顧客 與供商 ” 的 方 向 走 呢 ?
Must the relationship between the people and the
[...] Government move in the direction of "customers and supplier"?
朝鲜在国际商领域 已经取得了进步,但其国内 人权状况在很多方面仍然非常严重,尤其是在政治 [...]
Despite the progress made
[...] in international consultations, the human rights [...]
situation remained grave on many fronts, particularly
with regard to political and economic freedoms.
北京逸蘭 (新城國際) 服務式公寓位於繁華朝陽區商務中 心地段,擁有景色優美的自然風景園,於北京鬧市中提供寧靜舒適的環境。
The residences are located in
[...] the central Chaoyang business district and [...]
feature a charming landscaped garden, creating
a quiet and serene ambience right in the CBD of Beijing.
专家们回顾了大会第 35/142 B 号决议所规定的《标准汇报表》的两个最初
[...] 目标,即通过促进加大公开性增加国家间的信任和成 朝 向 商 定 的 均衡裁减军事 支出迈进的重要第一步。
The experts recalled the two original goals of the Standardized Instrument as set out in General Assembly resolution 35/142 B, which were to increase confidence between States by contributing to
greater openness and to be an important first step in
[...] a move towards agreed and balanced reduction [...]
in military expenditures.
全球行动计划是一项持续的工作朝 着 大 家 商 定 的方向前进;按照设想,各机构将继 续其磋商进程,并向全民教育高层小组第六次会议(开罗,2006 年 11 月 14-16 日)提交一 份更为完善的计划文本。
This Plan is a work-in-progress
[...] moving in an agreed direction; it is envisaged that agencies will continue their consultation process and [...]
will present to the
sixth meeting of the High-Level Group on EFA (Cairo, 14-16 November 2006) a more fully developed version of the Plan.
美帝国主义以对延坪岛事件“进行联合反击”为借口进行紧急安抚,与朝 鲜商定进 行反击,把傀儡战争贩子作为突击旅,对某方的“局部挑衅”予以还击, [...]
The United States imperialists staged an emergency huddle under the pretext of “taking a joint counteraction”
against the Yonphyong Island incident
[...] at which they agreed with south Korea to take a counteraction [...]
by hurling puppet warmongers
as a shock brigade to counter somebody’s “local provocation” while providing support to them from behind and mobilizing even the Japanese reactionaries.
facebook 似乎致朝「廣告商附加 產品」的方向發展,並試著讓贊助廣告成為廣告終結者,帶領我們進入一個沒有廣告的嶄新世代。
The direction that Facebook seems to be forging with its “additional products for advertisers” such as Sponsored Stories could be called The End Of Advertising, triggering an era where ads as we know them no longer exist.
就 高等教育改 革 而 言 ,政府 今朝 以 商 管 模式整 治 大學, 包括薪 酬 脫 、副 學 士 課程自負 盈虧、倡 導 教育市場化 等,後 果 將 禍 延 至香港的 競 爭 力。
With respect to reforms in higher education, what the Government is doing now is to govern universities from a business administration approach.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1
[...] 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果朝鲜民 主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 [...]
葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of
Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s
[...] Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, [...]
Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland,
Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.




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