

单词 不合理

See also:

合理 adv

reasonably adv


close adj

External sources (not reviewed)

在當前的 經濟環境下,這些在經營貸款業務手法方面的調整,並不 合理。
These adjustments in lending practices do not appear unreasonable under the current economic situation.
澳洲的《1988 年私隱法令》的國家私隱第 6.1 原則容許查閱個人資料, 除非這樣做會對其他個人的私隱 不合理 的 影 響。
In Australia, the National Privacy Principle 6.1 of the Privacy Act 1988 enables access to personal information except where it would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of other individuals.
(a) 此舉很可能在法律上受到質疑,因為有關限制不合理,而 且此做法相對所要達到的目的 (即保障公眾利益)亦過份嚴苛。
(a) It will likely be subject to legal challenge on grounds that the ban is not reasonable and is not proportionate to the objective (namely protecting the public interest) it aims to achieve.
[...] 須以書面提出,及改正資料要求亦必須以書面提出,以及第 19 條規定 給要求者的通知必須是書面的情況下,如資料使用者只以口頭通知要求 者沒有持有他的個人資料,是沒有抵觸第 19 條的規定,即使不算是荒 謬,也不合理的。
In the Board’s opinion, bearing in mind that a data access request is required to be made in writing and a data correction request is also required to be in writing and further section 19 requires notices to the requestor have to be in writing, it would be unreasonable, if not absurd, to suggest that a requestor needs only be
verbally informed by a data
[...] user that no personal data of his are held without being inconsistent with the requirements [...]
of section 19.
作出這項 決定的理據,是鑑於有關的終止僱傭金及補償金雖屬民事性質, 卻是基不合理及不合法解僱的刑事罪行而予以判給。
The rationale behind this decision was that notwithstanding their civil nature, the said terminal payments and compensation are awarded on the ground of unreasonable and unlawful dismissal which in itself is a criminal offence.
不過,如證明投訴人作出虛假、無根據 不合理 的指 稱,表示受到某組織或樓宇不公平對待,則選管會可發表 公開聲明嚴厲譴責或譴責該投訴人。
On the other hand, however, if it is proved that a person has made a false, unfounded or unreasonable allegation of unfair treatment by an organisation or a building, the EAC may issue a reprimand or censure in a public statement against that person.
這樣的公屋租金制度不合理,也不 能 長 遠持 續實行。
Such a domestic rent regime is neither rational nor sustainable in the long run.
該《概 括意見》又指出“因肢體殘障而限制個人投票權 利,或引入有關文化、教育或財產的規定"(第 10段 ),均視不合理的限制。
The General Comments also point out that it is unreasonable to restrict “the right to vote on the ground of physical disability or to impose literacy, educational of property requirements” (paragraph 10).
12.6 公署的建議包含一項保留條款:「於特定情況下,預期申訴人會向
[...] 法院或審裁處尋求或已經尋求該權利或補救方法,或向規管機構…或執法 機關提出投訴不合理的」
12.6 The PCPD’s proposal contains a saving clause “where in the particular circumstances it is not reasonable to expect the
complainant to resort or to have resorted to the
[...] right or remedy in court or tribunal [...]
or to lodge a complaint with a regulatory
body… or law enforcement agencies”.
與此同時,我們會確保有關責任不會對上 市法團造不合理的負擔。
At the same time, we would ensure that no undue burden would be imposed on the listed corporations.
如果主辦者認為處長的決不合理, 可向法定的公眾集會 及遊行上訴委員會提出上訴。
Organizers may appeal to the statutory Appeal Board on Public Meetings and Processions if they consider the CP's decision unreasonable.
如私隱 專員認為合適,可批准法律協助的申請,尤其是在個案帶出原則 性問題,或在顧及有關個案的複雜性或申請人相對於答辯人或受
[...] 牽涉的另一人的位置或任何其他事宜下,期望申請人在沒有協助 下處理該個案不合理的情況下。
Applications for legal assistance may be granted if the Privacy Commissioner thinks fit to do so, in particular, where the case raises a question of principle, or where it is unreasonable to expect the applicant to deal with the case unaided having regard to the
complexity of the case or the applicant’s position in relation to the respondent or another
[...] person involved or any other matter.
不合理延遲 向政府退還剩餘款項及利息收入的情 況出現,秘書處或會採取必要的行 動。
The Secretariat may take such action as may be deemed necessary in the event of any unreasonable delay in the return of residual funds and interest income to the Government.
為確保屋邨居民不會因使用中央供氣系統 而付不合理價格 ,我們知道房委會與石油氣供應商簽訂供 氣合約時,亦在合約中訂明供應商不可向屋邨用戶收取高於 當前私營市場價格的費用。
To ensure that the users in public housing estates will not be required to pay unreasonable prices for the use of central gas supply, we know that HA has, when entering into LPG supply contracts with the suppliers, stipulated in the contracts that the LPG suppliers shall not levy on the users in public housing estates any charge higher than that in the prevailing private market.
惟事先獲聯席包銷商書面同意則屬例外(有關同意並 不合理 地 撤 回或延遲)。
unless with the prior written consent of the Joint Underwriters (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed).
我們 指出,若政府對工資議題的態度依然是不聞不問,只會進一步迫使僱員接受勞動市場中不公 平不合理的工資制度,使其及家人生活長期處於家庭經濟危機之中。
We would like to point out that if the Government still remains indifferent to the wage issue, employees will be further forced to accept an unfair and unreasonable wage system in the labour market, throwing the employees and their families into a long-term financial crisis.
實際上,它又可令特區政府有更長的時間,去處理結構性財赤, 而母不合理地把 這一代和上幾代人所辛苦儲蓄下來的財政儲備花 掉。
There was no need, and it would not be justifiable, to put the sole burden on this generation by running down the cumulative fiscal reserves hard earned by it and indeed past generations.
補償金(上限為 15 萬元)和建議在強制復職/再次聘用 命令下的額外款項,在性質上有若干共同點:例如兩者均是勞審 處根據《僱傭條例》有關僱傭保障的第 VIA 部判給的補償;兩者 均是在僱員不合理及不合法解 僱時引用, 不合理 及 不合 法解 僱本身是刑事罪行;兩者均涉及僱主不遵從勞審處頒發的復職/ 再次聘用命令而須承擔的款項;以及兩者均由僱主支付,以補償 受影響僱員的財政損失。
For instance, both are remedies under Part VIA of EO on employment protection awarded by LT; both are triggered in the event of unreasonable and unlawful dismissal which in itself is an offence; both are to be borne by the employer in relation to his non-compliance with the reinstatement or re-engagement order made by LT; and both are payable by the employer to compensate for the financial loss sustained by the aggrieved employee.
這些候選人或其 選舉代理人可要求選舉主任重新點票,選舉主任除非認為有關 要不合理,否 則須依從這些請求重新點票。
Such a candidate or his election agent may request the RO to re-count the votes and the relevant RO shall comply with any such request unless in his opinion it is unreasonably made.
即使被告人的 目的是為了把對教學的干擾減至最少,但為了達到此目的 而使用的手段不合理的, 因為此舉會導致那些因為一些 不在他們控制範圍以內的原因而需要請假的教師失去工 作。
Even if the Defendant’s objective to minimize disruption to the teaching was legitimate, the means used to achieve it was unreasonable as it would result in teachers who had to take leave for reasons beyond their control losing their employment.
(ii) 如果董事在不知情下,或不合理地 期 望他知悉此種利益關係的情況 下,則不應認為他或其聯繫人10 與交易存有利益關係。
(ii) an interest of which a Director has no knowledge and of which it is unreasonable to expect him to have knowledge shall not be treated as an interest of his or any of his associates10 .
爲了保 持和提高我們的競爭力,首先要改善我們制度 不合理 的 部 分。
To preserve and enhance our compeititiveness, we must first of all improve the irrational portion of our system.
我們同意, 由 於 經 理 一 般 只 負責認可機構內 其中一 個 業務範疇, 若 他 可 能因其 職責範 圍 以 外 的 違反事 項而受到檢 控 ,不 合 理 。
We agree that since a manager is normally responsible for only one business area of an authorized institution, it is unreasonable that he or she may be prosecuted for a contravention committed outside his or her area of responsibility.
一位成員表示豁免紀律部隊的巡邏車輛 不合理。
A member found it unreasonable to exempt patrolling vehicles of the disciplinary forces.
這失效的市場競爭構成的不平衡的勞資權力關係,造就 不合理 的 工 資分配, 使得勞工付出的與賺取嚴重的不相稱,難以維持個人及家庭的生計。
Hence, as what the employees do is incommensurate with what they earn, they cannot maintain the livelihood of themselves and their families.
提議 107 應賦予法庭權力在至少其中一方 提出申請下,命令訴訟各方聯合 聘請同一專家,唯法庭須在考慮 過某些指明的事宜後,信納另一 方反對聯合聘請同一專家的理據 在涉案的情況下不合理才可作 出上述命令。
The court should be given power to order the parties to appoint a single joint expert upon application by at least one of the parties, subject to the court being satisfied, having taken into account certain specified matters, that the other party’s refusal to agree to a SJE is unreasonable in the circumstances.
於發出股東大會通知後但於大會舉行前,或於股東大會休會後但於續會舉 行前(不論是否必須發出續會通知),倘董事會認為按所宣佈地點(或任 何所宣佈地點,倘屬細則第 59 條適用的大會)及/或時間舉行大會因不 可控制因素而屬不合實際不合理時 ,董事會可更改舉行大會的地點(或 任何該等地點,倘屬細則第 59 條適用的大會)及/或將大會押後。
If, after the sending of notice of a general meeting but before the meeting is held, or after the adjournment of a general meeting but before the adjourned meeting is held (whether or not notice of the adjourned meeting is required), the board decides that it is impracticable or unreasonable, for a reason beyond its control, to hold the meeting at the declared place (or any of the declared places, in the case of a meeting to which Article 59 applies) and/or time, it may change the place (or any of the places, in the case of a meeting to which Article 59 applies) and/or postpone the time at which the meeting is to be held.
獲資助者應盡量根 據已批准的預算作為使用資助金的原則,並須留意以下各點: a. 申請評議紀錄中列明的資助條件,包括不獲資助的項目 b. 藝術界別的資助準則內所列明的不資助項目 c.
[...] 內銷票及贈券均不得列為開支項目 本局保留權利不接受本局認不合理 或 與 計劃無直接關係的開支。
The Grantee should use the approved budget [...]
as the basis for allocating the grants.




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