单词 | 不规律心跳 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不规律心跳 noun —irregular heartbeat nSee also:心跳—heartbeat • pulse 心跳 n—irregular heartbeat n
假若您的心臟跳動微弱或不規律時, 血壓計很難測到您的血壓。 aandd.jp | If you have [...] a very weak or irregular heart beat, the device may have [...]difficulty determining your blood pressure. aandd.jp |
不整脈指示器(I.H.B.) 在測量過程中,當測到心臟跳動不規 律 或 身 體過度移動時 即顯示本圖像。 aandd.jp | (I.H.B.) The indicator that [...] appears when an irregular heartbeat or any excessive body [...]movement is detected during the measurement. aandd.jp |
如果一个人的心跳减弱或不规律,就会在心脏内形成血栓,并经过血管 流到脑部,血栓堵塞在狭窄的动脉处,使血液不能流到相应的脑组织。 world-heart-federation.org | If a person has [...] a weak or irregular heartbeat, blood clots may form in the heart and travel [...]through the blood vessels to the brain. world-heart-federation.org |
如果你的心跳不规则, 服用药物(如华法令,某些病人可用阿司匹 林)可以明显降低脑卒中的危险。 world-heart-federation.org | If your heartbeat is irregular, medicines (like [...] warfarin or in some cases aspirin) can significantly reduce the risk of strokes. world-heart-federation.org |
本產品是依據您的心跳而測量血壓, 若 心跳 較 為 微弱 或 不 規 律 , 血 壓計不易 測量您的血壓。 aandd.jp | If you have a very weak or irregular heartbeat, the device may have difficulty determining your blood pressure. aandd.jp |
由于心跳不规则或 者心房纤颤,心脏不能正常收缩,它使血液淤积在心脏 并会形成血栓。 world-heart-federation.org | This can [...] cause blood to pool in the heart and form clots. world-heart-federation.org |
然而,其中一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该 股的目的是在全联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和 其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第 A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起迁移的情 况下建立 1 个新的二级数据中心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other [...] non-information and communications [...] technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present supplement), as well as the requirement for a new secondary data centre in the context of the relocations due to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1). daccess-ods.un.org |
該區域辦事處於去 年 12 月成立,不但標誌着海牙會議的工作揭開新一頁,也表 示海牙會議對香港作為區域法律服務 中 心 , 以及作為海牙會議 在區內推行工作和發揮影響力的跳板 , 投下重要的信心一票。 legco.gov.hk | This marks not only a new chapter for the [...] Hague Conference, but also constitutes a significant vote of confidence in Hong Kong’s position both as a regional legal services centre and as a springboard for the Hague Conference to further develop its work and extend [...]its influence in the region. legco.gov.hk |
由于导电性差或心脏肌肉量减少而引起的心脏问题,可能造成心率低、血压低 或 心跳 不 规律 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Heart problems due to poor electrical conduction or loss of heart muscle mass, resulting in [...] low heart rate and blood pressure or an irregular heart beat beijing.ufh.com.cn |
為了使公眾更容易查閱香港法例,我們正採取多項措施, [...] 令香港法例的中英文版本都更易讀易明;其中包括行文去繁就 簡,用語貫徹統一,採取不以男 性為用語 中 心 的 法 律 草 擬 政策, 以及改善香港法例的版面設計。 legco.gov.hk | These include measures to simplify the language and to promote greater [...] uniformity and consistency in its [...] use, the adoption of a gender-neutral drafting policy and improvements [...]to the appearance of our legislation. legco.gov.hk |
所有車輛一律不准進 入香港濕地公園之訪客 中 心 及 濕地保護區 內,跟拍攝有關之車輛應停泊於香港濕地公園停車場及需要繳 付有關收費。 wetlandpark.com | All vehicles involved in the film-shooting application should be parked at HKWP car park and the parking fees should be paid. wetlandpark.com |
如業界在 指定時間內更正標籤,中心不會採取 法 律 行 動。 cfs.gov.hk | If the label was rectified within the specified period, no legal action would be taken out. cfs.gov.hk |
根據上述不具法律約束力的條款清單,買賣南地財務的 4.76%股權的代價將為現金形 式,約相等於完成南地財務的股份從百領國際有限公司轉讓予南聯香港之日當日或左右 南地財務綜合淨資產 4.76%(並且就此目的而言,南地財務及 Chericourt 所擁有的該物 業的部分的價值將與南聯集團截至二零一一年十二月三十一日止年度之經審計綜合賬目 中所採用的價值(以對於二零一一年十二月三十一日南聯集團在麗晶 中 心 之 權益(包括 構成該物業的單位及車位以及將構成經分派業務一部分的麗晶 中 心 的 其他單位(即麗晶 中心 B 座 505 至 510 號單位)的獨立估值為基準)相同)。 wingtaiproperties.com | Pursuant to the above non-binding term sheet, the consideration for the sale and purchase of the 4.76% shareholding interest in WPFSL will be in cash and equal [...] to approximately 4.76% of the consolidated net asset value of WPFSL on or around the date of completing the transfer of the shares in WPFSL from Parex International Limited to Winsor HK (and for which purposes the parts of the Property owned by WPFSL and Chericourt will be valued at the same value as in the audited consolidated accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 which was based on an independent valuation of Winsor Group's interest in Regent Centre as at 31 December 2011, which includes units and carparks comprising the Property and other parts of Regent Centre, being Units 505-510, Tower B of Regent Centre, that will form part of the Distributed Businesses). wingtaiproperties.com |
建議的第 7AK 條訂明某合夥以合夥形式的存在( 在受合夥人 之間任何相反的協議所規限下),不會因該合夥成為或終止為有限 責任合夥一事而受影響,而該合夥及其合夥人之間的已有的權利 及法律責任,同樣不會因 該事而受影響。 legco.gov.hk | The proposed section 7AK provides that a partnership’s existence as a partnership (subject to any contrary agreement between the partners), and the pre-existing rights and liabilities of the partnership and of its partners, will not be affected by the fact that it becomes, or ceases to be, an LLP. legco.gov.hk |
但在上述Waddington Limited案件中,终审法院认为这些忧虑并无根据,因为如果该等公司可否提出衍生诉讼属于实体法的问题,此问题则应受到该公司成立所在地的 法 律规 管 , 而 不 是 受 到香港的普通法规管。 onc.hk | However, in the above-mentioned case of Waddington Limited, the Court of Final Appeal was of the view that such concerns were unfounded because if the question of whether a derivative action would be available to such a company was a question of substantive law, then such a question would be governed by the law of the place of incorporation of the company and not by the common law of Hong Kong. onc.hk |
病情严重时,患者可能会在数分钟内陷入昏迷,甚 至 心 脏 停 止 跳 动。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | In severe cases the patient may go into shock within a [...] few minutes and the heart can stop. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
W-DMX™ ProBox F-2500采用无干扰自适应跳频技术,自 动 规 避 由WI-FI、无线内部通讯等其它无线网络造成的干扰,确保设备与其它无线网络的无干扰共存。 acehk.com | The W-DMX™ ProBox F-2500 uses interference free [...] Adaptive Frequency Hopping technology that automatic avoids interference [...]created by other wireless [...]network, for example WI-FI, wireless intercoms and more, ensuring co-existence with other networks is hassle free. acehk.com |
本註冊中心就憑證之使用範 圍已設有明確限制,對逾越該使用範圍所生之損害 , 不 負 任何 法 律責 本管理中心由中 華電信股份有限公司營運,其財務責任由中華電 信股份有限公司負責。 epki.com.tw | The RA has clearly specified restrictions on the scope for use of certification and shall not be accountable for legal responsibility for damages caused in use beyond the specified scope. epki.com.tw |
W-DMX™ BlackBox G4 采用已获得专利的自适应跳频技 术,自 动 规 避 W- LAN、无线内部通讯、舞台自动化系统等其它无线网络造成的干扰。 acehk.com | The W-DMX™ BlackBox G4 uses our [...] patented Adaptive Frequency Hopping technology to automatically [...]avoid interference created by [...]other wireless networks, for example W-LAN, wireless intercoms, stage automation systems and more. acehk.com |
有人表示支持第 [...] 2 款所规定的同意要求,一些委员认为这是条款草案的核 心规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Support was expressed for the requirement of consent established in paragraph 2, which was considered by some to be [...] the central provision of the draft [...]articles. daccess-ods.un.org |
24.11 倘在任何股東的登記地址所屬地區如無登記聲明或未完成其他特別手續,而 傳閱任何有關股息選擇權或股份配發的要約文件屬或可能 屬 不 合 法 ,或董事 認爲成本、開支或確定適用于該等要約或接納該等要約的 法 律 及 其 他規定是 否存在或其涵蓋範圍時可能造成的延誤與本公司所得利 益 不 成 比 例,則董事 會可于任何情况下决定不向該 等股東提供或作出本細則第 24.7 條下的股息選 擇權及股份配發,且在任何該等情況下,上述條文須與有關決定一併閱讀並 據此詮釋。 cifi.com.hk | 24.11 The Board may on any occasion determine that rights of election and the allotment of shares under Article 24.7 shall not be made available or made to any members with registered addresses in any territory where in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities the circulation of an offer of such rights of election or the allotment of shares would or might be unlawful, or where the Board considers the costs, expenses or possible delays in ascertaining the existence or extent of the legal and other requirements applicable to such offer or the acceptance of such offer out of proportion to the benefit of the Company, and in any such case the provisions aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such determination. cifi.com.hk |
最常见的一种心律失常,是心跳心慌 , 被称为"窦性心律不齐"。 cn.iherb.com | The most common form of arrhythmia is a "heart palpitation," known as sinus arrhythmia. iherb.com |
在香港過往舉行的多項大型公眾遊行或 [...] 集會,可見大部分參加公眾活動的人士亦接受,在他們使用自由表達 訴求的權利時,應在遵守香港法律和 不 影 響 社會秩序的大前提下,和 平有序地進行。 legco.gov.hk | In many of the large-scale public processions or meetings held in Hong Kong in the past, most of the participants of public order events accept that in exercising their rights of expression, they [...] should, on the premise of observing the [...] law of Hong Kong without affecting social [...]order, proceed in a peaceful and orderly manner. legco.gov.hk |
委員會感到關切的是,殘疾人無法 [...] 和其他人平等使用《刑事訴訟法》和《民事訴訟法》,政府轉而採取了施惠於殘 疾人的措施,例如指定公共辯護人,把相關人員當 作 不 具 備 法 律 權 利 能力的人對 待。 legco.gov.hk | The Committee is concerned that neither the criminal nor the civil procedure laws in China are accessible for the use of persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others and, instead, patronizing measures are put [...] into place, such as the designation of public defenders that treat the person [...] concerned as if they lacked legal capacity. legco.gov.hk |
一些具体意见如下:营销母乳代用品方面的法典参考很重要;法典应该通用,着重 [...] 保护一些尚无适当食品质量控制措施国家的消费者;法典应集中在第 3 条的核心规则方 面,不应当用来解决与遵守有关的问题,遵守问题应由食品进出口检验和认证系统委员会 [...] 来处理;一些发展中国家的文盲问题对向消费者提供信息和提高他们对食品安全问题的认 [...]识来说可能是个挑战;该法典不应重申法典文本或世界贸易组织协议里现有的规定。 codexalimentarius.org | A number of specific comments were made as follows: the reference of the Code on the Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes is important; the Code should be generic and focus on the protection of consumers in countries which do not have adequate control measures [...] for food quality; the Code should [...] concentrate on the core provisions in Article 3 and [...]should not be used to resolve issues [...]dealing with compliance, which should be addressed by the CCFICS; the problem of illiteracy in some developing countries may be a challenge in order to provide consumer information and raise their awareness on food safety issues; and the Code should not reiterate existing provisions in Codex texts or the WTO agreements. codexalimentarius.org |
它们准许利用规模效益作为跳板,以便加入全球一体化、促 进非传统商品贸易,它也有促进多样化的潜力。 daccess-ods.un.org | They allow the exploitation of economies of scale, serve as development launch pads to global integration, promote trade in non-traditional goods and have the potential to facilitate diversification.11Less stringent rules of origin and the mutual recognition of standards — more easily achievable among countries with similar level of development — can promote the development of regional value chains. daccess-ods.un.org |
(f) 倘董事認為擴展相關權利將會或可能違反任何地區的 法 律 , 或 因董事 按其全權酌情決定認為合適的任何其他原因,則董事可於任何情況下 決定不將選擇權利擴展至任何股東,而在此情況下,本條細則上述規 定須按此決定理解及詮釋。 prudential.co.uk | (f) The directors may on any occasion determine that rights of election shall not extend to any members either where the directors believe [...] that the extension of [...] that right may or would involve the contravention of the laws of any territory or for any other reason that the directors consider in their absolute discretion appropriate and in such event [...]the foregoing provisions [...]of this Article shall be read and construed subject to such determination. prudential.co.uk |
5.2 於法律容許 的範圍內,對於任何業務代理、交易對手、託管人、附屬託管人、專業顧問、 經紀、交易商、代理人或任何締約方或根據協議聘用的任何人士的作為 或 不 作 為 而直接或 間接導致的損失或損害,本行毋須承擔任何責任。 hncb.com.hk | 5.2 To the extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable to or responsible for any loss or damage you sustain or suffer directly or indirectly arising out of any act or omission of any Correspondent Agent, counter-party, custodian, sub-custodian, [...] professional [...]advisors, brokers, dealers, agents or of any party contracted or retained for the purposes hereunder. hncb.com.hk |
(B) 在本章程細則第167(C)條規限下,於有關股東大會舉行當日 之前不少於21整天,將有關財務文件之副本(董事會如有議 決,財務摘要報告之副本)送交或以郵遞寄發至每名有權利 的人的登記地址(就財務摘要報告之副本而言,收取者須已 根據《公司條例》及其他適用法律、 規 則及規定及如其需要 的話,同意或視為已同意收取財務摘要報告以代替有關財務 文件))及核數師,以及將規定份數的有關財務文件及財務 摘要報告(如已刊發)之副本寄發至聯交所。 casil-group.com | (B) Subject to Article 167(C), a copy of the Relevant Financial Documents and/or a copy of the Summary Financial Report (if the Board has so resolved and the recipient has, in accordance with and if required by the Companies Ordinance and other applicable laws, rules and regulations, consented or is deemed to have consented to receiving the Summary Financial Report in place of the Relevant Financial Documents) shall, not less than twenty-one clear days before the date of the relevant general meeting, be delivered or sent by post to the registered address of every Entitled Person and to the Auditors and the required number of copies of each of the Relevant Financial Documents and the Summary Financial Report, if published, shall at the same time be forwarded to the Stock Exchange. casil-group.com |