

单词 不安

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,委員會感不安的是 ,因缺乏連貫一致的教育政策,接受高等教育的 [...]
In addition, the
[...] Committee is troubled by the low number [...]
of students with disability in tertiary education, due to lack
of a coherent education policy.
為確認技能、推動持續進修、更有效控制作業水平,以及制裁不適當 不安 全的 工作方式,建議引入一套升降機及自 [...]
動 梯 工人的註冊制度。
A registration system for lift and escalator workers is proposed with a view to recognise competence and promote continuous self-development, to achieve better control
of workmanship and to institute sanctions
[...] against improper and unsafe practices in performing [...]
lift and escalator works.
对此抱不安的人、 在★的地方介绍有询问处。
If you are unsure of any matters relating to tax, enquire on one of the places listed below★.
源於生產商:包括軟件錯誤、操作系統欠缺修補程式、服務出現 安 漏 洞 、不 安全的 預設配置以及網上應用系統保安漏洞。
Vendor-originated: this includes software bugs, missing operating system patches, vulnerable services, insecure default configurations, and web application vulnerabilities.
本管理中心之硬體和軟體是專用的,僅能使用獲得安全授權的元 件不安裝與 運作無關的硬體裝置、網路連接或元件軟體。
The PublicCA hardware and software
are for dedicated use and
[...] can only use security authorized components and must not install and [...]
operate irrelevant hardware
devices, internet linking or component software.
在 2010
[...] 年,屋宇署推行了多項公眾教育及宣傳活動,以促進市民認識適時維修 及檢驗樓宇的重要性不安全的 建築工程所構成的風險,以及違例建築物可能導 [...]
In 2010, the Buildings Department (BD) mounted various public education and publicity campaigns to increase public awareness of the importance of
timely maintenance and inspection of buildings,
[...] the risks of unsafe building works [...]
and the potential liability arising from unauthorised building works.
於發行股份時,董事會可就承配人及持有人與其他承配人及持有人之間需付的催繳 股款及付款時間作不同安排。
The Directors may make arrangements on the issue of shares for differences in the amount of calls to be paid and in the times of payment between one allottee or holder and another.
18 在世界上最貧窮的幾個國家,有關食因性疾病爆發的資料很少,而有 關食不安全肉 類引起的病例資料則更少。據 WHO 估計,每年有逾 15 億名五歲以下兒 童由於攝入被污染的食物及水而出現腹瀉,其中逾 300 萬死亡。
WHO estimates that more than 1.5 billion episodes of diarrhoea occur each year in children under the age of five, from ingesting tainted food and water, leading to more than 3 million deaths.
[...] 聽衆,但此刻,我卻很難將自己激蕩的心情平靜;儘管,我對自己的研究報告總是那麽的充 滿自信,但此刻,我卻惶不安;我 能在這片生我養我的土地上向祖國親人和來自世界各國 [...]
At this very moment I feel somewhat perturbed and wonder if I could give
a qualified answer to my kith and kin on
[...] the soil of my homeland, the very soil [...]
where I was born and brought up and to my
compatriot Chinese brothers and sisters from all over the world, although I was once so confident of my study reports.
儘管 FAO 全體會員對「規約」之承諾,人們日益關注混獲和丟棄所造
[...] 成之漁獲死亡率水平威脅許多漁業之永續性和許多區域生物多樣性維護,進而加 重糧不安全問 題,及對賴魚類資源維生之數百萬漁民和漁工產生不利的影響。
However, despite the Code’s endorsement by all FAO Members, there is growing concern that levels of fishing mortality as a result of bycatch and discards threaten the long-term sustainability of many fisheries and the maintenance of
biodiversity in many areas, resulting in
[...] increased food insecurity and adversely [...]
affecting the livelihoods of millions of
fishers and fishworkers dependent on fish resources.
有關當局應提供「一站式」的技術和財政支援服務,以舒緩受強制驗 樓計劃影響業主的焦慮不安。
To  pacify  the  anxiety  and  concerns  of  the  affected  owners  under  the  proposed  MBIS,  there  should  be  a  “one‐stop”  service  in  the  provision  of  technical  advices  as  well  as  financial  assistance.
28.4 董事會須自首届股東周年大會不時 安 排 編 制收益表賬與資産負債表 (倘為 [...]
首份賬目則自本公司註冊成立日期起計之期間,否則自上一份賬目起計之期 間 )連同截至收益表結算日期之資産負債表及董事會就本公司收益表涵蓋期 間之收益及本公司截至該時期止之業務狀况所作報告,核數師按細則第
29.1 條編制之報告及法例可能規定之其他賬目及報告。
28.4 The Board
[...] shall, commencing with the first annual [...]
general meeting cause to be prepared and to be laid before the members
of the Company at every annual general meeting a profit and loss account for the period, in the case of the first account, since the incorporation of the Company and, in any other case, since the preceding account, together with a balance sheet as at the date to which the profit and loss account is made up and a Directors' report with respect to the profit or loss of the Company for the period covered by the profit and loss account and the state of the Company's affairs as at the end of such period, an Auditors' report on such accounts prepared pursuant to Article 29.1 and such other reports and accounts as may be required by law.
不過,他請與會人士放心,此不會 影 響食 安 全 及 公眾健康。
Nevertheless, he assured the meeting that the
[...] issue did not affect food safety and public health.
有鑑於此,我們正積極重整兩個項目的股 安排 (不論是 透過出售或合併),讓兩家電廠以最高效的方式運行,並為各自 [...]
A restructuring of
[...] the ownership arrangements for the two projects, [...]
either through sale or merger, is actively being explored
in order to allow both stations to operate in the most efficient manner and to realise the maximum value for their respective shareholders.
系統營運者應考慮採用其他系統營運者普遍採用的標 準,以確保在系統安並沒有不適當 地受到影響的情況下,可與其 他系統互相通用。
System operators should consider using standards which are commonly
adopted by other system operators to ensure interoperability
[...] provided that the system security is not unduly compromised.
雖然為食物定 下除害劑的最高殘餘限量的主要目的,是保障消費者的健康,而有關上 限是毒性方面可接受的水平(即不會引致急性或慢性中毒), 不 應 與安 全參考值混為一談。
The FAO Panel of Experts is responsible for reviewing residue and analytical aspects of the pesticides considered, estimating the maximum residue levels according to supervised trials and GAP.
i. 為了提供更方便的使用環境,特區政府在規劃政府服務系統時,宜納入容
[...] 許使用者建立個人化「電子戶口」的構思,使市民持有單一戶口便可使用多 種政府服務,有關系統更應配備卓越的 安 系 統 ,適 不 同 服務 的 安 全需 要。
i. To create a more user-friendly environment, the Government should adopt a single and personalized “e-account” system on government services, under which
individual citizens will be offered a
[...] single user account with sound security mechanism to access multiple [...]
government services.
(a) 所有結構構架圖則、主要結構細節及 安 裝 程 序,其不必要的工廠製造細節除外
(a) structural framing and key
[...] structural details and the installation procedures excluding [...]
any unnecessary shop fabrication details
在 合 約 期 間 , 承 辦 商不 時 因 為 不 同 原 因 安 排 替 換 外 判 員 工 , 或 在 接 到 服 [...]
務 要 求 後 , 指 派 不 同 員 工 執 行 某 類 工 作 , 例 如 設 備 的 保 養 維 修 工 作 。
From time
[...] to time, the contractors may arrange replacement of outsourced workers [...]
during the contract period for different
reasons or assign different workers to perform a certain type of task such as maintenance of equipment upon receipt of service call.
有關 債務不受託於信安排,本公不 會 就此 支付任何利息,亦毋須就其業務動用該款項 淨額或將該款項淨額投資於董事會可能不時 認為適宜的投資(本公司或其控股公司的股 [...]
份或其他證券(如有)除外)所賺取的任何 金額作出呈報。
No trust shall be created in respect of the debt, no interest shall [...]
be payable in respect of the same and the Company shall
not be required to account for any money earned on the net proceeds, which may be employed in the business of the Company or invested in such investments (other than shares or other securities in or of the Company or its holding company if any) or as the Board may from time to time think fit.
[...] 與港華燃氣任何證券相關的未行使衍生工具,亦不存在與港華燃氣股份或中華煤氣(中國)股份相關且 對清洗豁免而言重大安排(不論是期權、彌償保證或其他方式),中華煤氣(中國)亦無訂立任何可 [...]
Save as set out in the table below, as at the date of this announcement, none of HK&CG(China) or any persons acting or presumed to be acting in concert with it owns or has control or direction over any voting rights in any Shares or any convertible securities, warrants or options in respect of the Shares, or any outstanding derivative in respect of any securities in TCC; nor is there any arrangement (whether by way of option, indemnity or otherwise) in relation to the Shares or shares of HK&CG(China) and which might be
material to the Whitewash Waiver, or any
[...] agreements or arrangements to which HK&CG(China) [...]
is a party which relate to the circumstances
in which it may or may not invoke or seek to invoke a pre-condition or a condition to the Whitewash Waiver.
不過, 為配合這科目的跨學科本質,學校可考 安 排 具 不 同 專 科背景的教師教授 本科的不同年級(中四、五和六)課程, 安 排 兩位 具 不 同 專 科背景的教 師教授同一班學生,讓教師得以專注教授其擅長的單元,有助減輕教師在 準備這新課程的工作量。
However, due to the multi-disciplinary nature of this subject, schools may consider assigning teachers with different expertise to teach this subject at different levels (S4, 5 and 6), or two teachers with different subject expertise to teach one class, so that teachers can focus more on modules with which they are familiar.
任何董事或即將出任的董事不應因與公司訂立合約,不論是有關其任何獲 利職務或職位的任期,或作為賣方,買方或任何其他形式,而被取消資格。而任
[...] 何該等合約或該等董事在任何方面擁有利益的任何其他合約 安 排 , 均 不 得 作 為 無效,或該董事亦無須就該等合約或持有該等職位或受託關係而獲得的利潤向公 [...]
(F) Subject to the provisions of the Statutes a Director may hold any other office or place of profit under the Company (other than the office of Auditor) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and on such terms (as to remuneration and otherwise) as the Board may determine and no Director or intended Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company either with regard to his tenure of any such other office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or
otherwise, nor shall any such contract or
[...] any contract or arrangement entered into by [...]
or on behalf of the Company in which any
Director is in any way interested, be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company for any profit realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason of such Director holding that office or of the fiduciary relationship thereby established.
倘若在要約之要約期內或在要約結束後六個月內訂立任何新租賃協議,由於任何新租賃協 議項下安排將不能適 用於其他南聯股東,根據收購守則第 [...]
25 條,該等新租賃協議將構 成與要約有關的特殊交易。
If any New Tenancy Agreements are entered into during the offer periods for, or within
six months after the close of, the
[...] Offers, then as the arrangements under any New [...]
Tenancy Agreements will not be capable
of being extended to other Winsor shareholders, they will constitute special deals in relation to the Offers under Rule 25 of the Takeover Code.
就資歷組別 9 而言, 薪常會注意到公務員與私營機構學位職位的薪俸結 不 同 (即 私 營機構的學位職位一般在數年後會有較大幅度的加薪),基於這 個資歷組別的職位會成為公務員隊伍的骨幹,政府必須維持這個 資歷組別職位的競爭力。
For QG 9, the Standing Commission has noted, in particular, the differences in the salary structure of degree jobs in the civil service and the private sector (viz. degree jobs in the private sector generally enjoy a larger jump after a few years) and the importance to maintain the competitiveness of jobs in the QG which form the backbone of the civil service, etc.
a) 就“除害劑”和其他相關詞彚採用與食品法典委員會一致的定義; b) 制定最高殘餘限量和再殘餘限量名單,以食品法典委員會建議的最高殘餘限量
/再殘餘限量為骨幹,並採納食品法典委員會的食物分類方法; c)
[...] 對於沒有訂明最高殘餘限量/再殘餘限量的除害劑,除非食環署署長信納檢測 到的除害劑殘餘水不會危害或損害公眾健康,否 不 容 許輸入和售賣含有這 類除害劑的食物; d) 制定獲豁免物質名單; [...]
e) 接受增加/修訂最高殘餘限量和獲豁免物質的申請;
f) 讓擬議規例與《除害劑條例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害劑註冊作出配 合;以及 g) 擬議規例會在兩年寬限期屆滿後生效。
a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by Codex as the backbone as well as the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To
prohibit the import and
[...] sale of the concerned food for which no MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless [...]
DFEH was satisfied that
the detected level would not be dangerous or prejudicial to health; d) To provide a list of exempted substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the proposed Regulation with the registration of pesticides for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the proposed Regulation after a two-year grace period.
由於其中某些新的禁制涉及考慮某營業行為是 否導致或相當可能導致一般消費者作出某項交易決定,而倘若該消費 者沒有接觸該營業行為,該消費不 會 作 出該項交易決定,因此擬議第 13D條訂明,在斷定某營業行為對一般消費者的影響時,須考慮到有 關的一般消費者的重要特徵,包括該消費者所掌握的資料、該消費 者的觀察力和謹慎程度均達到合理水平。
As some of the new prohibitions involve a consideration of whether a commercial practice causes or is likely to cause an average consumer to make a transactional decision that the consumer would not have made otherwise, the proposed section 13D provides that in determining the effect of a commercial practice on the average consumer, account must be taken of the material characteristics of such an average consumer, including that the consumer is reasonably well informed, reasonably observant and circumspect.
(b) 本公司可以董事會認為合適的條款向本公司、其任何附屬公司及本公 司任何控股公司及/或任何有關控股公司的任何附屬公司的董事及真 誠的僱員提供財務資助,以讓彼等購買本公司或本公司任何控股公司 的股份(繳足或已付部分股款),有關條款可載入一項提述,訂明當 董事再為本公司或有關其他公司的董事或僱 不 再 受僱於本公司或有 關其他公司時,以有關財務資助購入的股份將須或可予以董事會認為 合適的條款出售予本公司或有關其他公司。
(b) the Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Directors think fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company and/or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may buy shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares bought with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms as the Directors think fit.




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