

单词 便利店

External sources (not reviewed)

便利店,冷 藏櫃內會擺放溫度計 讓顧客和員工得知溫度,從而恪守安全溫度。
At convenience stores, safe temperature [...]
was upheld by informing customers and staff of the temperature with thermometers placed inside freezers.
零售市 場 參 與 者眾多,包括 連鎖式 超 市 、 設 在 百貨公司內 的超級市場便利 店 、食品 店 和 家庭用品店
There are a large number of players in the market, including supermarket chains, supermarkets in department stores, convenience shops, food stores and household product stores.
代表零售業界的香港零售管理協會反對開徵環保 費,認為該計劃針對連鎖式及大型的超級市場 便利店 和個 人健康及美容產品零售店,實有欠公允。
They considered that chain and large supermarkets, convenience stores and personal health and beauty stores were being unfairly targeted under the proposal.
支持徵收環保費的受訪者中,近85%支 持分階段實施環保徵費,當中逾95%贊成首先在超級市場便利店和個 人健康及美容產品零售店實施。
Among those who supported a phased approach, more than 95% of them agreed that supermarkets, convenience stores and personal health and beauty stores should be covered in the first phase.
95.3% (佔所有受訪者的 53.2%)支持分階段實施的受 訪者同時贊成首先在超級市場 便利店 和 個 人健康及 再用和循環再造
95.3% of those supporting a phased approach (53.2 % of all
respondents) agreed that supermarkets,
[...] convenience stores and personal health and beauty shops should be covered first.
持牌食物業 處所/超級市場便利店和食 物業協會各有不同的承諾人義務。
The obligations of signatories of licensed food premises /
[...] supermarkets / convenience stores would be different [...]
from those of food trade associations.
事實上,現時有銀行已經在一 便利店 及 連 鎖快餐店設置 自動櫃員機,總數超過50部。
In fact, currently over 50 ATMs are installed by some banks in some of
[...] the convenience stores and chain fast [...]
food restaurants.
此外,香港海關亦會在市面售賣即棄餐具的店鋪,例如超級市場便利店,抽 查即棄餐具的樣本,以確保餐具能達到《消費品安 [...]
Moreover, the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) collects samples of disposable tableware
available in the market, such as in
[...] supermarkets and convenience stores, to ensure that [...]
the tableware meets the general safety
requirements stipulated in the Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance.
因此,我們建議以分階段的方式, 首先在連鎖式或大型的超級市場 便利店 和 個 人健康及美容 產品零售店實施環保費。
We have, therefore, proposed a phased approach by first
introducing the environmental levy at chain or large supermarkets,
[...] convenience stores and personal health and beauty stores.
在零售業的細分行業中,超級巿場 便利店 和 其 他零售店受連鎖反應影響的配 對目標僱員的平均加薪幅度分別為 10.7%及 13.3%,當中連鎖反應的影響估計分別佔 3.4 個百分點和 2.9 個百分點。
Of the sub-sectors in the retail sector, the average wage increase of matched target employees affected by the knock-on effect in supermarkets and convenience stores, and other 16
現時,彩盈邨內的彩盈坊商場設 便利店 、 超 級市場、茶 餐廳及西醫診所等商鋪。
At present, the Choi Ying Place
shopping centre in Choi Ying Estate
[...] comprises convenience stores, supermarkets, [...]
Hong Kong style cafes and medical clinic, and so on.
[...] 階段的方式,在零售層面開徵每個購物膠袋5角的環保費, 並在第一階段先涵蓋連鎖式或大型的超級市場 便利店 和個 人健康及美容產品零售店。
The proposal involves a phased introduction of an environmental levy of 50 cents on each plastic shopping bag distributed at
retailers, with the first phase covering chain or large supermarkets,
[...] convenience stores and personal health and beauty stores.
馮宇琪醫生說,一共有20個食物業協會及逾1600家持牌食物業處所/超級巿場便 利店簽署 了“食物安全「誠」諾"2008,而食物業協會及持牌食物業處所的代表亦獲邀 出席在二零零八年七月三日舉行的“食物安全「誠」諾"簽署儀式。
Representatives of food trade associations and licensed food premises were invited to the Food Safety Charter signing ceremony held on 3 July 2008.
GHK確 認及評估了四個減用購物膠袋的方案,即(1)自願參與計劃;
[...] (2)供應商徵費及顧客收費;(3)在所有零售商店向顧客收費; 以及(4)在指定零售商店(主要是超級市場 便利店 ) 向 顧 客收 32.
GHK identified and assessed four options for plastic shopping bags reduction, namely (1) voluntary approach; (2) combination of supplier levy and consumer charge; (3) consumer charge at
all retail outlets; and (4) consumer charge at selected
[...] retail outlets (primarily supermarkets and convenience stores).
旅發局夥拍電訊盈科,提供專 為旅客而設的免費 Wi-Fi 上網服務。旅客可以在全港超過 9,000 個 Wi-Fi 熱點,包括大部分港鐵站便利店及 1 ,000 多個電話亭,利用智能手機及 流動裝置,免費登入旅發局網站瀏覽,或下載手機或平板電腦應用程式。
The HKTB has established a partnership with PCCW to provide visitors with free Wi-Fi services, so that they can browse the HKTB’s website and download the HKTB’s mobile applications at over 9,000 Wi-Fi hotspots in the city, including most MTR stations, convenience stores and 1,000 phone booths.
持牌食物業處所/超級 市場便利店承諾人須承諾在二零零九年八月至二零一零年七月期間進行下列活動: [...]
a) 在食物業處所實踐‘食物安全五要點’; b) 在食物業處所展示“食物安全「誠」諾”2009證書及標貼; c) 在食物業處所展示中心有關‘食物安全五要點’的宣傳品;以及
d) 向員工提供有關食物安全/衞生的培訓。
Signatories of licensed food premises /
[...] supermarkets / convenience stores were expected [...]
to undertake the following activities between August 2009 and July 2010
故 此,警方的方針是致力取得平衡,一方 便利 所 有合法、和平的公眾 活動,另一方面,警方有責任盡力減低活動對其他公眾人士的影響, 並保障公共安全和公共秩序。
In this connection, the police's policy is to strike a balance by facilitating all lawful and peaceful public order events while taking responsibility to reduce the impact of such events on other members of the public to ensure public safety and order.
這些委員認為,警方便利示威 者表達意見之餘,亦 有責任維持公共秩序及確保其他人士的安全。
These members considered that while facilitating the expression of views by demonstrators, it was also the Police's responsibility to maintain public order and ensure the safety of other people.
不管本協議在那日開始生效,如果在本協議簽訂之日之後條例被廢除或 有任何修改 (除按照政府於 2007 年 12 月 17 日發出的立法會環境事務小 組編號 CB(1) 418/07-08(07)文件(“立法建議”)中建議修改條例以設置污 染物的排放上限便利使用 排放交易),或任何指明工序牌照有任何更新 或更改(對初始上限所作的更改或按照立法建議而作的更改除外),從而 對此機制或港燈的排放表現或遵守所有污染物的總許可排放量的情况造 成重大影響,則此機制不適用於 該適用年度及之後各適用年度,直至港 燈與政府達成協議,對本附表作必要的修改以令機制繼續生效爲止。
Notwithstanding the date on which the Agreement comes into effect, if from the date of this Agreement there is any repeal or amendment to the APCO (other than pursuant to the Government’s proposal to amend the APCO to cap the emissions of the Pollutants and to facilitate the use of emissions trading as described in a Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs Paper reference CB(1) 418/07-08(07) dated 17 December 2007 (“Legislative Proposal”)) or any renewal of or change to any Specified Process Licence (other than to the amount of the Initial Cap or pursuant to the Legislative Proposal), which has a material effect on the Mechanism or HEC’s emissions performance or compliance with the Total Permissible Emissions, the Mechanism shall not apply to that Applicable Year and any subsequent Applicable Years until HEC and the Government have reached agreement as to the amendments to this Schedule that are required to give continued effect to the Mechanism.
(k) 一般性購買、承租或交換、租用或以其他方式獲取本公司認爲對其業務乃屬 必需或可為其業務帶來便的任 何土地及非土地財產、 利 或 特 權,尤其是 土地、建築物、地役權、機械、工業裝置及商品存貨。
(k) Generally to purchase take on lease or in exchange hire or otherwise acquire any real and personal property and any rights or privileges which the Company may think necessary or convenient for the purposes of its business and in particular any land buildings easements machinery plant and stock-in-trade.
14. 建造、改良、維護、施工、管理、敷設或控制任何公路、道路、軌道、支路 或旁軌、橋樑、水庫、水道、碼頭、工廠、倉庫、電力工程、商舖 店 舖及 - 7 可推進本公司利益之其他工程便利 設 施,並出資、資助或以其他方式協助 或參與其建造、改良、維護、施工、管理、敷設或控制
14. to construct, improve, maintain, work, manage, carry out or control any roads, ways, tramways, branches or sidings, bridges, reservoirs,
watercourses, wharves,
[...] factories, warehouses, electric works, shops, stores and other works and conveniences that may [...]
advance the interests
of the company and contribute to, subsidise or otherwise assist or take part in the construction, improvement, maintenance, working, management, carrying out or control thereof
警方有最終責任確保訪港政府領袖的人身安全,同時亦有責 便利他 們 訪港期間或會舉行的和平示威,並採取措施以平衡各方的權利,確保公共 [...]
安全及公共秩序,並減低對社會造成的任何不便,以及保護到訪領袖的人身 安全。
With the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the personal safety of
visiting leaders, it is also the Police’s
[...] responsibility to facilitate peaceful [...]
demonstrations that may occur during such
visits and take measures to balance the rights of all parties involved so as to ensure public safety and public order, to minimise any inconvenience caused to the community and at the same time protect the personal safety of the visiting leaders.
(i) 設立及支援或協助設立及支援旨在惠及本公司或其業務的前任人的僱員或前 僱員、或惠及該等人士的受養人或親屬的組織、機構、基金、信託 便利設 施 ;批給退休金及津貼;就保險作出付款;為慈善或仁愛宗旨,或為任何獎 助宗旨或任何公衆、大衆或有用的宗旨而認捐款項或擔保支付款項。
(i) To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of associations institutions funds trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Company or its predecessors in business or the dependants or connections of such persons and to grant pensions and allowances and to make payments towards insurance and to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects or for any exhibitions or for any public general or useful object.
(29) 透過任何其他方式收購其他物業以獲得任何產業或權益及對與任何物業及任 何樓宇、辦公室、工程、機器、廠房或東西相關之任何 利 、 特 權或地役權, 以及對本公司而言屬必要或本公司可 便 使 用 或可提升本公司任何其他物業 價值之任何非土地財產或利。
(29) To purchase by any other means acquire other property for any estate or interest whatsoever and any rights privileges or easements over or in respect of any property and any buildings, offices, works, machinery, plant or things and any personal property or rights whatsoever which may be necessary for or may be conveniently used with, or may enhance the value of any other property of the Company.
然而,小型銀行仍感到一定的壓力,並在受訪期間 提出多個它們認為金管局可以協助的方法,例如鼓勵更有效地 將首次公開招股活動的資金回籠;推廣共用違約數據(包括大型10 銀行的參與)以提高計算違約機率的能力, 便利 它 們使用內部 評級計算法;成立專家小組,為有意進入內地市場的銀行提供 指引;擔當領導角色,促進本地員工的培訓(如法規監察的專業 技術);以及避免在最佳執行手法中,制訂不適用於小型銀行規 模的規定。
Notwithstanding this, the smaller banks are feeling under pressure, and during the interviews they mentioned a number of ways in which they thought that the HKMA could assist them – for example, by promoting better recycling of funds during IPOs; by encouraging wider sharing of default data (including by the larger banks) to enable better calculation of default probabilities and facilitate a move by the smaller banks to IRB; by establishing a team of specialists who could provide guidance to those banks seeking to enter the Mainland market; by taking a leadership role in promoting the training of local staff (e.g. in compliance skills); and by not imposing requirements on best practice which are inappropriate to the size of the bank.
建議諮詢總結文件內載有正式的季度匯 報至少應載入的披露內容,目的 便利 上 市 發行人在資源和 系統提升上作出部署及採取所需行動,為他日正式的季度匯 報成為強制規定做好準備。
The minimum disclosures expected in formal quarterly reports were set out in the proposed Consultation Conclusion Paper so that listed issuers could plan and take the necessary steps to equip themselves with the resources and system enhancement necessary to produce the formal quarterly reports when they became mandatory.
這建利便上市 發行人進行敵意收購,有助解決現實 中遇上收購對象沒有公開資料或發行人沒有渠道取得其公開資料時難以編制 通函的問題。
This proposal will facilitate hostile acquisitions by listed issuers and help address the practical difficulties in preparing circulars where information on the target company is not publicly available or otherwise accessible.
為方便食物業了解和遵從新制度,中心亦採取了多 便利 業 界的措施, 包括派發營養標籤及營養聲稱技術指引;把常見問題上載至中心網頁;設立 專為業界而設的電話查詢服務;製作網上營養標籤計算器及為本港業界舉辦 工作坊。
To facilitate the food trade to understand and comply with the new scheme, the CFS has also conducted a number of trade facilitation measures, including the distribution of Technical Guidance Notes on Nutrition Labelling and Nutrition Claims, uploaded frequently asked questions (FAQs) onto the CFS website, set up telephone enquiry service for the trade, developed a web-based nutrition label calculator and organised workshops for the local trade.
4.1 本行將根據本第 4 條條款並透過任何由本行或其他人代表本行設立、運作或維持之互聯網 網站或電話系統,不時提供網路/電話銀行服務及設施,以供客戶向本行發出網路或電話指 示及與本行聯絡,便進行 銀行業務、投資、理財或其他任何性質的買賣交易,及獲取本 行及/或聯營公司提供之服務、產品、資料 利 益 及 優惠。
4.1 We shall, subject to the provisions of this Clause 4, provide the Internet/Phone Banking Services and facility from time to time through any internet site or telephone system installed, operated and/or maintained by or on behalf of us to enable you to give instructions to and communicate with us on-line or by phone for the purposes
of effecting banking,
[...] investment, financial and other transactions and dealings of various nature and obtaining services, products, information, goods, benefits and privileges from us and/or Associate.




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