单词 | 不同 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不同 adjective —different adj
因此,這些除害劑在不同食物 的最高殘餘 限量,是根據從個別國家受監督的田間試驗所得或業界提供的殘餘物數 [...] 據而制定。 cfs.gov.hk | MRLs of these pesticides in different food commodities are [...] then established based on the residue data obtained from individual [...]countries’ own supervised field trials or provided by the industry. cfs.gov.hk |
一位成員提議進行一個研究,比較 不同 車 輛引擎排出的廢氣量 和對環境及健康造成的影響。 forum.gov.hk | A member suggested conducting a study to compare the emissions of various engines and their effect on the environment and health. forum.gov.hk |
一位成員認為,車輛造成空氣污染的模式 在 不同 的 地區並不一 樣,管制車輛在行駛時排出的廢氣比只是管制靜止的車輛更為 [...] 重要,所以不支持全港實施停車熄匙的規定。 forum.gov.hk | A member did not support a territory-wide ban as the [...] pattern of air pollution caused by [...] vehicles were different in different areas, and [...]it was more important to control the [...]emission from moving vehicles than only focus on stationary vehicles. forum.gov.hk |
就資歷組別 9 而言, [...] 薪常會注意到公務員與私營機構學位職位的薪俸結 構 不同 ( 即私 營機構的學位職位一般在數年後會有較大幅度的加薪),基於這 [...] 個資歷組別的職位會成為公務員隊伍的骨幹,政府必須維持這個 資歷組別職位的競爭力。 legco.gov.hk | For QG 9, the Standing Commission has noted, in [...] particular, the differences in the salary [...]structure of degree jobs in the civil service [...]and the private sector (viz. degree jobs in the private sector generally enjoy a larger jump after a few years) and the importance to maintain the competitiveness of jobs in the QG which form the backbone of the civil service, etc. legco.gov.hk |
他們提出各項與候選人免費郵寄安排有 [...] 關的建議,包括容許一份候選人名單/一名候選人 將 不同 地方 選區或功能界別的候選人名單/候選人的競選資料刊印於同一 [...]單張內而利用免付郵資的安排寄出;要求選民選擇透過何種途 徑接收選舉相關材料,以便一份候選人名單/一名候選人可向 [...] 同一登記地址的選民寄出一封信件;以及向候選人提供津貼(例 如以競選宣傳資助券的形式)以取代免付郵資的安排,透過向候 選人提供財政誘因和更大彈性,鼓勵候選人以較環保的方式派 發選舉相關材料。 legco.gov.hk | They made various suggestions relating to free mailing arrangements for candidates [...] including allowing a list of [...] candidates/candidate to print in the same leaflet materials [...]relating to the candidature of the lists [...]of candidates or candidates from different GCs or FCs and send the letter free of postage, requiring electors to choose the means through which to receive election-related materials so as to facilitate a list of candidates/candidate to send out one letter to electors with the same registered address, and providing an allowance to candidates (e.g. in the form of an election publicity voucher) in lieu of free postage so as to provide financial incentive and more flexibility to candidates in distributing their election-related materials by environmental-friendly means. legco.gov.hk |
透過研習與實驗標準,小孩可學習依 據因果關係來系統說明並驗證預測的結果,區分觀察結果與推論 的 不同 , 執 行多個試驗 來測試其預測的結果,並且依據一系列書面指令來進行科學研究。 sfusd.edu | Through the investigation and experimentation standards, children learn to formulate and justify predictions on the basis of cause-and-effect relationships, differentiate observation from inference, conduct multiple trials to test their predictions, and follow a set of written instructions for a scientific investigation. sfusd.edu |
本研究的目的是:(一)回顧及總結有關法定最低工資對薪酬階梯連鎖反應的影 響的文獻、研究及其他經濟體系的經驗;(二)進行追溯性問卷調查,以了解香港零售 [...] 業及飲食業的職級及薪酬架構、報酬及福利條件、工資及其分布和工作時數等(統稱為 [...] 「組織架構」)及其實際變化;(三)了解變化是否因實施法定最低工資所引致;及(四) 評估實施法定最低工資對零售業及飲食業中的細分行業 及 不同 規 模企業的薪酬階梯連 鎖反應的影響。 labour.gov.hk | The objectives of this Study are as follows: (i) to review and summarise the relevant literature, researches and experience in other economies on the knock-on effect of SMW on pay hierarchies; (ii) to conduct a retrospective survey to examine the rank and pay structures, remuneration packages and fringe benefits, wage and its distribution, working hours, etc (collectively known as “organisational structures”) of the retail and restaurant sectors in Hong Kong and their empirical changes; (iii) to examine whether the changes were caused by the implementation of SMW; and (iv) to assess the impact of knock-on effect of [...] SMW on pay hierarchies of [...] enterprises in different sub-sectors and of different sizes in the [...]retail and restaurant sectors. labour.gov.hk |
一位業界代表不同意黃 先生的回覆,認為對於來自相同致敏來源 的 不同 配料 ,在一種配料中標示致敏來源(例如牛奶朱古力、乳糖、乳清蛋白質)已能 達到目的。 cfs.gov.hk | They said that, for multiple ingredients of the same allergenic source, labelling of the allergenic source [...] in one ingredient would [...]serve the purpose e.g. Milk chocolate, lactose, whey protein. cfs.gov.hk |
(A) 董事會可不時向成員派付董事會認為符合本公司 [...] 狀況之中期股息,尤其是(但在不損及上述之一般性原則下)倘 本公司股本於任何時候分為不同之類 別,則董事會可就本公司資 本中該等授予持有人之遞延權利或非優先權利以及授予持有人優 [...] 先權利收取股息之股份派付中期股息,並只要董事會真誠地行 [...] 事,有關任何有優先權股份之持有人因董事會向任何有遞延權利 或非優先權利之股份派付中期股息而遭到任何損失,董事會無須 對所產生之損失負責。 ckh.com.hk | (A) The Board may from time to time pay to the members such interim dividends as appear to the Board to be justified by the position of the Company and, in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing), if at [...] any time the share capital of the [...] Company is divided into different classes, the Board [...]may pay such interim dividends in respect [...]of those shares in the capital of the Company which confer on the holders thereof deferred or non-preferential rights as well as in respect of those shares which confer on the holders thereof preferential rights with regard to dividend and provided that the Board acts bona fide the Board shall not incur any responsibility to the holders of shares conferring any preference for any damage that they may suffer by reason of the payment of an interim dividend on any shares having deferred or non-preferential rights. ckh.com.hk |
研習與實驗可幫助小孩學會依據觀察 的結果、先前得到的知識和邏輯來進行預測;重複觀察來提高正確性;區分證據與主觀 意見的不同;並 依據他們已經收集到的資料來驗證預測結果。 sfusd.edu | Investigation and experimentation help children learn to make predictions on the basis of observations, prior knowledge, and logic; make repeated observations to improve accuracy; differentiate evidence from opinion; and verify their predictions according to the data they have collected. sfusd.edu |
i. 為了提供更方便的使用環境,特區政府在規劃政府服務系統時,宜納入容 許使用者建立個人化「電子戶口」的構思,使市民持有單一戶口便可使用多 [...] 種政府服務,有關系統更應配備卓越的保安系統,適 應 不同 服 務 的安全需 要。 procommons.org.hk | i. To create a more user-friendly environment, the Government should adopt a single and personalized “e-account” system on government [...] services, under which individual citizens will [...] be offered a single user account [...]with sound security mechanism to access multiple government services. procommons.org.hk |
本研究亦評估實施法定 最低工資對零售業及飲食業中的細分行業 及 不同 規 模 企業的連鎖反應的影響。 labour.gov.hk | It also assessed the impact of knock-on effect of [...] SMW on pay hierarchies of [...] enterprises in different sub-sectors and of different sizes in the [...]retail and restaurant sectors. labour.gov.hk |
目前,大學課程發展委員會屬下 已經設立了一個學術輔導委員會,指引新設的學術輔導處為學術輔導體系 [...] 提供支援,並與教務處、學生發展及資源中心和各學院辦事處合作統籌學 術輔導工作,以及為不同類別 的教學人員和學生學術輔導人員提供適當培 訓。 ugc.edu.hk | An Academic Advising Committee has been established as a subcommittee of the central CDC to guide the new central Academic Advising Office in supporting the implementation of the new academic advising system, coordinating academic advising work with the Registry, Centre of Development and Resources for Students [...] (CEDARS) and Faculty Offices, and [...] organizing training for the different categories of staff [...]and student academic advisors. ugc.edu.hk |
(B) 附於股份或任何類別股份(如股本分 為 不同 類 別 的股份)的所有或任 何特別權利(除非發行條款另有規定外),在公司條例第 64 條的規限下,經已發 行股份或該類別已發行股份(如股本分 為 不同 類 別的股份)面值不少於四分之三 的持有人書面同意,或股份持有人在股東大會上或該類別股份(如股本分 為 不同 類別 的股份)持有人於另外舉行的股東大會上通過特別決議案批准,可予以修改 或廢除。 comnet-telecom.hk | (B) All or any of the special rights (unless otherwise provided for by the terms of issue) attached to the shares or any [...] class of the shares (if the capital is divided into different classes of shares) may, subject to the provisions of Section 64 of the Companies Ordinance, be varied or abrogated either with the consent in writing of the holders of not less than three-fourths in nominal value of the issued shares or issued shares of that class (if the capital is divided into different classes of shares) or [...]with the sanction of a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the holders of the shares or at a separate general meeting of the holders of the shares of that class (if the capital is divided into different classes of shares). comnet-telecom.hk |
由於對合約僱員的需 求及人數是隨着屋宇署的不同服務 需求而變動的,我們未能提供 2011-12 年度的 資料。 bd.gov.hk | As the need for and number of NCSC staff fluctuate with changing service needs of the Buildings Department (BD), we are unable to provide information for 2011-12. bd.gov.hk |
R4.4 爲了提升不同工商管理碩士課程之間各個標準的可比性和一致性,同時配合港大 經修訂的校外主考政策,以及正視因學生人數衆多而引致委任校外主考的困難, 將會(當現時在任的校外主考任期屆滿之後)委任單一名校外主考,負責審視工 商管理碩士課程的整體結構和設計,另外委任四名校外主考,分別檢視兩個工商 管理碩士課程的四個學習專題(即財務管理;中國和亞洲業務管理;創業、創新 和營運管理;以及市場及服務管理)。 ugc.edu.hk | R4.4 With a view to enhancing comparability and consistency of standards across MBA programmes, aligning with the University’s revised EE policy and addressing the difficulty posed by large cohort size, one single EE will be appointed (when the current EE appointments expire) to review the overall MBA programme structure and design, and four other EEs will be appointed for each of the specialist themes of study to scrutinise both MBA programmes at the course level, viz. in Finance Management; Managing in China and Asia; Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Operations Management; and Marketing and Services Management. ugc.edu.hk |
儘管本行曾 提供不同之兌 換率、利率、報價及資料,閣下及授權使用者(如適用)一經接納本行就有 關交易而提供之任何利率、兌換率、報價及資料,即對閣下即具有約束力。 hncb.com.hk | Any interest rate, exchange rate, price and information offered by us for the purpose of the relevant transaction shall be binding on you and, where applicable, the Authorized User upon your acceptance irrespective of any different interest rate, exchange rate, price or information quoted by us. hncb.com.hk |
1.0.24 一些回應者建議,檢查和評估現有的建築物設計及結構,通過針 對 不同 類 型 建築物更 好地設計和實施節能系統,可以幫助推動對節能的管理系統的使用。 susdev.org.hk | 1.0.24 Some suggested that a review and assessment of existing building design and structure could help promote the adoption of EMS by having a better design and implementation of the energy saving system for various types of the buildings. susdev.org.hk |
根據教師持份者問卷顯示,超過 80%教師表示於課堂上經常向學生提問 不同 層次的問題,約 90%學生表示老師的問題具啟發性,能幫助他們思考。 hktawts.edu.hk | The teacher and stakeholder questionnaire has indicated that [...] over 80% of the teachers have often [...] raised questions of different levels to students [...]in class, and about 90% of the students [...]believed the teachers’ questions were enlightening and could help them understanding the concepts mentioned in the lectures. hktawts.edu.hk |
香港數理教育 學會和香港化學會是其中的代表。他們可為教師提供業內發展機會 及 不同 方法以支援學生學習。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | They can provide opportunities for teacher development in the field, as well as other means of supporting students’ learning. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
(C) 本細則的條文適用於僅附於任何類別股份一部分的特別權利的修改或 廢除,猶如該類別内待遇不同而所 附權利將予修改的各組股份,各自形成一個類 別。 comnet-telecom.hk | (C) The provisions of this Article shall apply to the variation or abrogation of the special rights attached to some only of the [...] shares of any class as if each group of [...] shares of the class differently treated formed [...]a separate class the rights whereof are to be varied. comnet-telecom.hk |
如同以下各小節中所描述,散布與內部安裝條款與條件會因被授權人開發的應用程式類型而 不同。 acwftp.com | The Distribution and Internal Installation terms and conditions differ based on [...] the type of applications Licensee develops, [...]as described in the following sections. acwftp.com |
土木工程拓展署正在不同地區 進行土地平整工程,例如大埔的工程項目第 7730CL 號 (大埔發展計劃-大埔第 [...] 39 區南部前期工地平整和基礎設施工程),涉及平整 7.1 公頃土地,以及觀塘的工程項目第 B566CL 號 (安達臣道發展-地盤平整及相關基礎 [...]設施工程),涉及平整 20 公頃土地,供房屋發展。 devb.gov.hk | The Civil Engineering and Development [...] Department is carrying out various land [...] formation projects in different districts such as [...]Project 7730CL (Tai Po Development – [...]advance site formation and engineering infrastructure works at southern portion of Tai Po Area 39) in Tai Po, which involves formation of 7.1 hectares of land, and Project B566CL (Development at Anderson Road – site formation and associated infrastructure works) in Kwun Tong which involves formation of 20 hectares of land for housing development. devb.gov.hk |
一 些本地組織、不同的政 府部門和公共圖書館也提供能促進本課程學與教的 額外資源。另外,大學院校中與化學相關部門的專家亦可以為本課程的學 與教提供有效的支援;而各學校所製作的學與教資源可以適切學校環境, 在本課程學與教中具有很高的價值。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | In addition, some local organisations, various government departments and the public libraries offer additional resources, and experts in chemistry-related departments of tertiary institutions can provide useful support for learning and teaching this curriculum. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
30.7 任何通告通過刊發廣告方式送達應將視為已於刊載廣告的官方刊物及╱或 [...] 報章刊發當日(或如刊物及╱或報章上的刊發日期 為 不同 日 子 ,則最後刊發 的日子)送達。 sinolifegroup.com | 30.7 Any notice served by advertisement shall be deemed to have been served on the day of issue of the official publication and/or newspaper(s) in which the [...] advertisement is published (or on the last day of issue if the publication and/or newspaper(s) [...] are published on different dates). sinolifegroup.com |
(l) 截面圖顯示符合《建築物(建造)規例》第 90 條及《2011 [...] 年建築物消防安全守則》中有關阻隔火勢及煙霧於樓層 之間,同一樓層內的不同防火隔室之間,以及一層樓中 的實用部分與其走火樓梯或其防護門廊之間蔓延的規 定。 bd.gov.hk | (l) sections showing compliance with Regulation 90 of the B(C)R and the Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings 2011 on such relevant aspects as the protection against spread [...] of fire and smoke between [...] floors, between different fire compartments on the same floor, and [...]between the accommodation of [...]a storey and the required staircase or its protected lobby. bd.gov.hk |
另外,教師也可以給予學生相 同的作業,但卻提供不同程度 和形式的支援,例如給予表現稍遜的學生多 [...] 些提示,或將複雜的題目轉化成數個較簡單但相連的部分。 3890.com.hk | Alternatively, teachers can provide [...] students with the same exercises, but [...]with variations in the amount and style of support [...]given – for example, by providing more clues, or by breaking a complicated problem into several simpler but connected parts for students with weaker performance. 3890.com.hk |
檢定的標準每個計劃各 有不同,但典型的檢定規定例子包括有州發出 的執照和可使用計劃醫院的特權,以及可能包 括其他檢定或証明規定。 familyvoicesofca.org | Criteria for credentialing vary from plan to plan, but examples of typical credentialing requirements for physicians include state licensure and admitting privileges at plan hospitals, and may include other accreditation or certification requirements. familyvoicesofca.org |
(b) 由於我們使用外判服務的需要因時而異,也因應當時的工作量而有 所 不同, 因 此我們無法預測未來 3 年可由公務員職位取代的外判服務合約中職位的數 目。 devb.gov.hk | (b) While the need for outsourced service varies from time to time and depends on the prevailing workload, we are unable to predict the number of posts under the outsourced service contracts which can be replaced by civil service posts in the next 3 years. devb.gov.hk |