

单词 口商



export business


export product
export goods

出口商品 n

export good n

External sources (not reviewed)

新增的第2A條規定如某 產品的生商或進口商作出 任何申述指出該產品可用作2 種或多 於 2 種受規管產品上,則適用於每種該等受規管產品的條文皆適 [...]
The new section 2A provides that if any representation is
[...] made by the manufacturer or importer of a product [...]
that the product may be used as two
or more regulated products, the provisions applicable to each of those regulated products apply to the product.
秘书长在预算文件第 13.9 段表示,由于启动 改革管理进程,国贸中心调整重点,围绕下列五个核心业务领域开展活 动:㈠
[...] 出口战略;㈡ 工商和贸易政策;㈢ 强化贸易支助机构;㈣ 贸 易信息;㈤口商竞争力。
In paragraph 13.9 of the budget document, the Secretary-General indicates that, as a result of the change management process, ITC has refocused its activities around the following five core business lines: (i) export strategy; (ii) business and
trade policy; (iii) strengthening of trade support institutions; (iv) trade
[...] intelligence; and (v) exporter competitiveness.
此外,该国应随时准备向出口产品的 口商 和 加 工商提供咨询和指导,以帮助 他们了解并遵循已按照第 5.A 条的规定之一承认一项通用标准的进口国的要求。
In addition, the country should be prepared to offer advice and guidance to exporters and processors of products for export to promote understanding of and compliance with the requirements of importing countries which have accepted a general standard according to one of the provisions of paragraph 5.
安全理事会在第 1952(2010)号决议第 7
[...] 段表示支持推进专家组关于刚果矿 产品口商、加 工业和消费者尽职调查准则的建议,以降低通过为下列团体提供 [...]
直接或间接支持而进一步加剧刚果民主共和国东部冲突的风险:非法武装团体、 被认定违反了对受制裁个人和实体所实施资产冻结和旅行禁令者、犯罪网络和严
In paragraph 7 of its resolution 1952 (2010), the Security Council supported taking forward the Group of
Experts’ recommendations on guidelines for due
[...] diligence for importers, processing [...]
industries and consumers of Congolese mineral
products to mitigate the risk of further exacerbating the conflict in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo by providing direct or indirect support to illegal armed groups, those found to violate the asset freeze and travel ban on sanctioned individuals and entities, and criminal networks and perpetrators of serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights abuses, including those within the national armed forces.
例如,巴西成为挪威鳕鱼的一个增长中 的市场,在一定程度上帮助减缓挪威 口商 在 受 到经济危机影响的南欧销售产品 的担忧,特别是挪威鳕鱼的最大进口国葡萄牙。
For example, Brazil has become a growing destination for Norwegian
cod, helping to ease somewhat the
[...] concerns of Norwegian exporters that their sales [...]
in southern Europe were being affected
by the economic crisis, particularly in Portugal, which is the largest single importer of Norwegian cod.
(m) 於全球任何地方經營進口商、一般貿易商、佣金代理、訂貨代理、運 輸代理、寶石商人、珠寶商、金器匠、銀器匠、鐘錶製造商、電鍍商、 [...]
禮物袋製造商、運輸商、旅行社及承辦商、倉庫管理人、煙草商及雪茄 商、劇院票房代理、廣告承辦商及代理及展覽主辦單位的全部或任何業
務,並買賣、進出口、製造、運用、利用及為市場籌備,以及處置各類 貨品、物品、材料供應、農產品、商品、日用品、物質、物件及動產(批 發及零售),以及進行各類代理業務及從事製造商代表業務。
(m) To carry on in any part of the world all or any of the
[...] businesses of importers, exporters, general [...]
traders, commission agents, indent agents,
forwarding agents, gem merchants, jewellers, goldsmiths, silversmiths, watch and clock makers, electro-platers, dressing-bag makers, carriers, tourist agents and contractors, warehousemen, tobacco and cigar merchants, agents for theatrical and opera box office, advertising contractors and agents, and holders of exhibition, and to buy, sell, import, export, manufacture, manipulate, turn to account and prepare for market, and deal in goods, wares, materials provisions, produce, merchandise, commodities, substances, articles and chattels of all kinds, both wholesale and retail, and to transact every kind of agency business and to undertake the business of manufacturers’ representatives.
g) 《條例草案》與食物回收法例是否有關 –
[...] 謝勵志先生說,《條例草案》訂明 新的食物安全管制措施,包括設立食物 口商 和 分 銷商登記制度;規定食物 商須妥為備存交易紀錄,藉以提高食物溯源能力;賦權訂立規例,加強對特 [...]
the FSB provided new food safety control
measures, including a registration
[...] scheme for food importers and distributors, a requirement [...]
for food traders to maintain proper
transaction records to enhance food traceability, power to make regulations for tightening import control on specific food types and power for the authorities to make orders to prohibit the import and supply of problematic food and order the recall of such food.
(3) 擔任所有類別產品、貨物、商品及其他資產之 口商 、 出 口商 、 製 造商、分 銷商及供應商、經銷商及代理及服務代理,尤其包括所有電子出版及數據處 理系統及設備、電腦硬件、軟件、應用程式及多媒體產品、家居、辦公室、 個人、商業及工業用機器及設備,以及各類涉及或可用於營運上述任何業務 之週邊器材、機器及文具。
(3) To carry on the business of importers, exporters, manufacturers, distributors and suppliers of, dealers in and agents and service agents for all kinds of products, goods, merchandise and other assets including, in particular, all electronic publishing and data processing system and equipment, computer hardware, software, application programmes and multimedia products, household, office, personal, commercial, and industrial appliances and equipment and all kinds of peripheral equipment, appliances and stationery related to or which can be used in connection with, or which may be necessary for or complementary or incidental to the operation of, any of the foregoing.
肖穎博士說,在新法例下,香港 口商 可 能 須在採購產品時,通知內地生產商產品 會出口到歐盟市場,並需獲得中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局(國家質檢總 局)的有關證書;從香港再出口的貨物亦要附上有關證書。
Dr. Y. XIAO advised that under the new
[...] legislation, Hong Kong traders might be required that when sourcing the products from the Mainland manufacturers, should inform [...]
the latter that the
products were intended for the EU market and obtain relevant certificates from General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People’s Republic of China (AQSIQ), and covered their subsequent re-export consignments from Hong Kong with the relevant certificates.
按贸易值,非洲自1985年起是净出口者,但在进口量方面是净进口者,反映 了口商品的更低单价(主要是小型中上层物种)。
By value, Africa has been a net exporter since 1985, but it is a net importer in quantity terms, reflecting the lower unit value of imports (mainly for small pelagics).
(13) 經營所有類別之電器及電子產品、零部件、設備、儀器及產品(包括電腦 ),及用於或與製造此類產品有關之全部或任何材料和物品的製 商 和出 口商及經 銷商的業務,及與上述製造商及經銷商之業務有關或輔助而一 般不時製造或銷售之所有或任何物件及物品之製 商 、 出 口商 及 經 銷商 之業務﹔以及擔任上述業務有關之顧問、技術顧問、服務代理、銷售代 理及置換代理或與上述業務有關的類似工作,以及以任何形式擔任上述 所有或任何業務有關之營銷商及電器及電子技術銷售商及個人指導員。
(13) To carry on the business of manufacturers and exporters of and dealers in electrical and electronic appliance, components, equipment, instruments and products of all kinds including computers, and all or any materials and things used for or in connection with the manufacture of such products and all or any articles and things from time to time usually made or sold as associated with or auxiliary to the business of such manufacturers and dealers as aforesaid; and to act as consultants, technical advisers, service agents, sales agents and replacement agents or any of the same in connection with the business aforesaid and as marketers, and sellers of electrical and electronic technology and as instructors of personnel in any manner in connection with all or any of the said businesses.
该规则还要求口商和进口商必须 向指定当局注册;只有获得执照之后才允许进口消 耗臭氧层物质和使用消耗臭氧层物质的设备;并且出口只限于针对《蒙特利尔议定书》及 其各项修正案的缔约方,并且要根据配额进行。
The rules also require mandatory registration with designated authorities for exporters and importers; the import of ODS and ODS-based equipment is permitted only with a license; and export is restricted to countries that are parties to the Montreal Protocol and its amendments, according to quota.
(b) 在近日發生因進食含雪卡毒素的魚類而中毒的事故 中,雖然我們已立即根據口商提供 的資料追查問題 魚貨的來源,但無法即時強制回收和禁售有問題的魚 [...]
貨,也無法檢取和處置同一批次或來自同一供應商的 魚貨。
(b) In the recent cases of ciguatera fish poisoning, while we have taken immediate actions to trace the
source of the problematic fish identified by the
[...] responsible importer, we do not have [...]
any immediate and mandatory means to recall
the problematic fish from sale or to seize the fish from the same batch or the same supplier for disposal.
合作不能仅限于财务援助;它必须包括 口商 与 出 口商 之 间 的信息交流与对 话,以期在进行风险分析时考虑到武器所进入的国家的情况。
Cooperation must not be limited to financial assistance; it must include information exchange and dialogue between importers and exporters with a view to taking the country where the arms are received into account in risk analyses.
如果该产品已经在别的欧盟国家获得这类 批准,口商可(在海关处)出示产品制造商 提供的声明,以证明产品在何国家得到通过。
If this type of approval has already been
granted in another EU
[...] country, the importer may present (at Customs) a statement from the producer confirming [...]
the country
in which the product has been approved.
[...] 证的发放要求和方式、许可证的有效性以及电离辐射源使用问题的法令》)第 17 条,口商只有 在最终用户向其提出国家辐射防护研究所发放的准许用辐射源开 [...]
展某些活动的许可证副本,以及准许采购辐射源的许可后,才可接受订单并进口 辐射源。
On the basis of article 17 of the same Ordinance (Ordinance on the Register of Activities, Requirements and the Manner of Issuing and the Validity of Licences for Work with Sources of Ionizing Radiation and
the Use of Sources of
[...] Ionizing Radiation), importers may receive orders [...]
and import radioactive sources only if endusers
submit to them a copy of a licence issued by the State Institute of Radiation Protection for carrying out certain activities with radioactive sources and a permit for the procurement of radioactive sources.
目前涉及食物权的多边贸易制度的主要特点包括:(a) 日益依赖国际 贸易,这种情况在口商品下 跌时会造成出口收入的损失;廉价进口品一旦进入国 [...]
内市场,对当地生产者造成威胁,这些生产者无法与其竞争,以及粮食价格一旦上 涨,粮食净进口国的国际收支就会出问题;(b)
在日益集中的全球粮食供应链中可能 会出现滥用市场支配力的情况,以及国内农业部门可能进一步双元化;(c) 对环境及 人的健康和营养的可能影响,虽然这种影响与适足食物权密切相关,但在国际贸易 讨论中一般无视这种影响。
The main impacts of the current multilateral trade regime on the right to food include: (a) increased dependency on international
trade which may lead to loss of export revenues when
[...] the prices of export commodities go down, threats to [...]
local producers when
low-priced imports arrive on the domestic markets, against which these producers are unable to compete, and balance of payments problems for the net food-importing countries when the prices of food commodities go up; (b) potential abuses of market power in increasingly concentrated global food supply chains and further dualization of the domestic farming sector; and (c) potential impacts on the environment and on human health and nutrition, impacts that are usually ignored in international trade discussions, despite their close relationship to the right to adequate food.
(11) 作為酒店、汽車旅館、旅館、宿舍、公寓、餐廳、茶點和茶室、咖啡、牛 奶及小吃店、夜總會及所有類別之俱樂部擁有人及/或管理人、酒館、 啤酒屋及宿舍管理人、持牌食品供應商、葡萄酒、啤酒及烈酒商人、啤酒 製造商、釀酒師、蒸餾酒商、充氣、礦泉和人造水及其他飲料的 口商及 製 造商,及在其各自分公司作為承辦人及承包商,以及作為劇院、電影院 、歌舞廳、音樂廳、體育館、桌球室、保齡球中心及所有娛樂場所、電台 及電視台及播音室的擁有人及/或管理人經營業務。
(11) To carry on business as proprietors and/or managers of hotels, motels, inns, lodging houses, apartment houses, restaurants, refreshment and tea rooms, cafes and milk and snack bars, night-clubs and clubs of all kinds, tavern, beer-house and lodging-house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, malsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral and artificial waters and other drinks, and as caterers and contractors in all their respective branches and as managers and/or proprietors of theatres, cinemas, dance-halls, concert halls, stadiums, billiard rooms, bowling centres and all places of entertainment and radio and television stations and studios.
中国对缅甸主要 的口商品包 括纺织品,化学原料,机械和医药,主要的口 商品包 括农产品,如大米和水果,海产品,木材,宝石,矿物 和畜产品。
China’s main exports to Myanmar include textiles, chemical raw materials, machinery and medicines, while the main imports from Myanmar include [...]
agricultural products
such as rice and fruits, seafood, timber, gems, minerals and livestock products.
全球领先的医疗器械设备制造商、近日荣膺小型企业管理局2011年度亚利桑那 口商 称 号 的Vante公司在11月2日和3日举行的美国国际医学设计及制造展示会(MD&M [...]
Vante, a leader in medical device equipment manufacturing
and recently honored as
[...] 2011 Small Business Administration (SBA) Arizona Exporter of the Year, [...]
is rolling out a dynamic,
choice-focused line up of cutting edge products and services at MD&M Minneapolis on November 2nd and 3rd.
目前这些国家可以向口商发放强 制许可证,该口商能够从产品不受专利保护的国家获取非专利品。
At present they could issue a compulsory
[...] license to an importer, who could source the supply from a generic manufacturer in a country [...]
where the product is not patented.
氟氯烃分配配额和进口配额、 R-141B
[...] 度、编制针对海关检查人员的实用培训方案和定期检查氟氯烃装运情况、制定和执行氟氯 烃管制法律、针对海关官员、制冷空调行业技师和教师编制培训方案和让 口商 了 解 氟氯 烃进口配额分配新进程、与科隆自由贸易区再 口商 协 作、与学校、大学和非政府组织合 作开展宣传活动、培训关税经纪人、建立一个数据库以及时管制氟氯烃、开展首批氟氯烃 淘汰管理计划活动以维持基准消费量。
Assigned quotas and import quotas for HCFC, R-141B consumption phase-out, include the Colon Free Zone in the licensing system, prepare and bind practical training programme addressed to customs inspectors and carry out periodical inspections to HCFC shipments, develop and implement laws to control HCFCs, develop training programmess to customs officials, RAC
technicians and teachers
[...] and keep imports informed on the new process for the assignment of HCFC import quotas, coordinate with Colon Free Zone re-exporters, carry out promotion [...]
activities with
schools, universities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), train customs brokers, develop a database for timely control of HCFCs, develop the first activities of the HPMP to maintain baseline consumption.
[...] 广泛,对自然资源出口的依赖性就会下降,进而使易受 口商 品 外 部价格波动影 响的脆弱性下降,带来长期经济稳定(见以下方框 [...]
3,举例说明如何利用生产能力 投资促进私营部门经济多样化)。
A broader productive base results in lower dependency on natural resources for exports, which in turn leads to
reduced vulnerability to external
[...] price shocks in export commodities, providing longer-term [...]
economic stability (see box 3
below for an example of using investments in productive capacity to promote private-sector economic diversification).
中國主要葡萄酒口商之一 ASC Fine Wines 的年度品酒盛事於今年首度由香港伸延至澳門,並將於11月28日假澳門威尼斯人®-度假村-酒店的高級意大利餐廳碧濤意國漁鄉舉行。
The annual fine wine tasting fair in
Hong Kong organised by one of China’s
[...] leading fine wine importers, ASC Fine Wines, will [...]
for the first time be extended to
Macao at The Venetian  Macao Resort Hotel’s Portofino Restaurant on November 28.
[...] 括禁止涉及从事非法、无管制和未报告捕捞活动的船只的商业交易、进口、上岸 和转运活动,并鼓励贸商、进口商 、 运 输商和其他有关方面避免参与被中西太 [...]
The procedures relating to the WCPFC negative vessel list provided for the adoption of non-discriminatory measures, including prohibiting commercial transactions, imports, landings and trans-shipments involving illegal, unreported
and unregulated fishing vessels and
[...] encouraging traders, importers, transporters [...]
and others involved to refrain from transactions
in species covered by the WCPFC Convention which were caught by vessels on the negative vessel list.
[...] 审议应客观满足如下目的,即增强对所推荐的做法的相互了解,以便确保在 口商 境内对此类产品的法律和实物保护。
Consideration of policies and methods contributing to the lawful and safe use of technological products within the framework of outer space cooperation should objectively serve the purpose of enhancing mutual understanding of
recommended practices for ensuring the legal and physical protection of such products
[...] in the territory of the importer.
委员会同时还指出,目前的金融危机着重表明,利用各种有效 的贸易金融机制来抵御危机对口商 所 产 生的冲击十分重要,并为此建 议,此种机制应予增强,特别是对于中小型企业而言。
Noting that the current financial crisis had highlighted the importance of effective trade
finance mechanisms to cushion the impact of
[...] the crisis on exporters, the Committee [...]
recommended that such mechanisms be strengthened,
in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
挪威海事技术研究所(MARINTEK)的科研主管培尔•马格纳•艾南(Per Magne
[...] Einang)先生介绍了液化天然气作为船用燃料的未来前景、技术现状和船舶技术新发展,而挪威海事 口商 协 会 的执行经理奥尔•赫内斯(Ole Henæs)先生则就合作共赢的议题做了发言。
From the Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute (MARINTEK), Research Director, Mr. Per Magne Einang talked about LNG fuelling the ships of the future, status of technology and new vessel
developments, while Managing Director Ole Henæs from
[...] Norwegian Maritime Exporters spoke about cooperation [...]
as the means for success.
(14) 經營酒店、餐廳、咖啡室、酒館、啤酒館、小食店、公寓、持牌食品供應商、
[...] 葡萄酒、啤酒及烈酒商、釀酒商、麥芽製造商、蒸餾酒商、汽水、礦泉水、 蒸餾水及人造水及其他飲品之口商 及 製造商、伙食承辦商、筵席承辦商等 [...]
(14) To carry on the business of hotel, restaurant, cafe, tavern, beer-house, refreshment-room, and lodginghouse keepers, licensed victuallers, wine,
beer, and spirit merchants, brewers, maltsters,
[...] distillers, importers and manufacturers [...]
of aerated, mineral, distilled and artificial
waters and other drinks, purveyors, caterers for public amusements generally.




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