

单词 住房供给

See also:

住房 pl

houses pl

住房 n

shelter n

供给 (...) v

supply (sth.) v
outfit v

External sources (not reviewed)

可以在许 多关键领域采取行动:城市绿化 住房供给 ; 土地利用;减少城市扩张;固体废物及污水处理;供 [...]
They can take initiative in many key areas –
[...] urban greening, housing, land-use, urban [...]
sprawl, solid waste and waste-water treatment,
water supply, energy supply and transport.
[...] 区,包括很多 1990 年东西德合并后纳入联邦德国的州 住房供给 甚 至 超过了需 求。
In the new Länder that emerged from reunification in 1990, as well as in other
[...] regions, the supply of housing actually outstrips demand.
当局没有按照与他们达成的协议供 替 代 性 住房 , 也 未 给予 补偿或适当的人道主义援助。
They were not offered alternative housing in line with the agreement [...]
they had reached with the authorities, and have received
neither compensation nor adequate humanitarian assistance.
此外,缔约国强调指出,通过批准第二提交人 申住房贷款,已给了他们重新拥 住房 的 机 会。
In addition to that, the State party highlights that
they were given the
[...] opportunity of residential rehabilitation by granting the second author the possibility to apply for a housing loan.
下列人员可在迁出后得到其他居住空间的情况下迁居:(一) 无正当理由自 行与企业、事业单位、国民经济最重要的行业组织(原单 给 他 们 提 供 有 住 所 )终 止雇用关系,或因违反工作记录或因犯罪而被上述雇用单位开除的工人和公务人 员(以及与他们同居的家属);(二) 在集体农场有房但自 己主动从集体农场退出 的公民;(三) 剥夺父母亲权但仍与其被剥夺的父母亲权相关的子女住在一起的 公民;(四) 被剥夺子女教育权的父母-养父母;(五) 其他情况的人员。
May be evacuated with a subsequent offer of another living space: (i) workers and servants (along with the persons that live with them) that have discontinued their employment relations with the enterprises, institutions, organisations of the most important branches of
the national economy,
[...] which offered them the living space, as a result of own initiative discontinuation of the employment relations without justified reasons, or which have been dismissed for breaching the employment discipline or as a result of an offence; (ii) citizens that have received living spaces in the houses of collective farms, [...]
if they have been
excluded from the collective farm as a result of their own initiative; (iii) citizens that have been deprived of their parental rights, if they live together with their children in relation to whom they were deprived of their parental rights; (iv) parents-adopters, if they have been deprived of the education of the children; (v) other cases.
如果不得不关闭家庭式孤儿院,父 母-养父母必须腾出供给他们的住房 , 如 果遭到拒绝,可将他们迁出并向他们 提供其他公用设施配套齐全的居住空间。
In cases when the family type orphanage is closed, the parents-adopters
[...] must free the given housing, in case of refusal [...]
they are evacuated and are subsequently
offered another living space with utilities.
在过去 20 年 里,新自由思想占主导地位,要求国家不 供 住 房资 金,我们不得不承认,一些国家质疑了这一思想,提 供资金建设适住房给那些 承受不了市场价格的人 群。
After at least two decades dominated by new liberal thinking according to which the State should not provide
funds for housing, it was worth
[...] acknowledging that some countries had challenged that thinking and provided funds to build adequate housing for those who could not afford market prices.
由于 家庭工作传统上是由女性家庭成员无偿操持的,因而许多雇主对这项他们着实认 为最多不给一个房间、住所或 一点感激的工作一本正经地支付工资持有保留看 法。
Because domestic work was traditionally performed by female family members for free, many employers feel
reticent to pay a serious salary for work they think should
[...] really cost no more than room, board and a measure of [...]
为农村人口供住房,这是最不发达国家所面临的一大 挑战。
Providing shelter to people living in rural areas is one of the challenges in least developed countries.
项目预算主要包括由非核心预算捐 供 资 的 非经常性、基础设施费用,包括 扩建、更换和维修近东救济工程处设施的费用,目的是应付对工程处服务不断增 加的需求(特别是在教育领域),以及改善难民营 住房 和 环 境卫生状况。
The projects budget comprises mainly
non-recurrent, infrastructure costs
[...] that are to be funded by non-core budget contributions, including expansion, replacement and maintenance of UNRWA facilities in order to meet the increasing demand for Agency services (particularly in the field of education), and the improvement to housing and environmental [...]
health conditions in refugee camps.
伊斯兰宗教 理事会和苏丹·哈吉·哈桑纳而·伯而基亚基金会等其他机构也为无家可归者供住房。
Other agencies such as the Islamic Religious Council and the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Foundation also provide homes for the homeless.
住房提供帮助的救灾机构需要投入资源,以解决这 个领域的复杂问题。
[...] that engage in shelter provision need [...]
to invest in the resources to deal with the complexity of the sector.
有關職務十分廣泛,包括:就《施政報告》和 《財政預算案》有關房屋的措施供 政 策 意見;處理和檢討有關公共住房屋( 下稱「公屋」) 和資助出售單位的策略規劃事宜;監督公屋的 資源分配和輪候冊事宜;監察私營房屋市場的發展和監察有助確保市 [...]
措施;監督地產代理監管局的工作;以及就政府對香港房屋協會和其 他非政府房屋機構的房屋政策,提供政策意見。
The duties span from providing policy input on housing related initiatives for the Policy Address and the Budget, conducting
and reviewing
[...] strategic planning issues on public rental housing (PRH) and subsidised sale flats, overseeing [...]
allocations and
waiting list (WL) matters for PRH, monitoring developments in the private housing market and the existing measures to ensure the healthy and stable development of the market, formulating housing policies and new measures in relation to the private housing market, overseeing the work of the Estate Agents Authority, providing policy input in relation to Government’s housing policies towards the Hong Kong Housing Society and other non-Government housing organisations.
除了要在租房价格以及公平和平等待遇方面监测住房市场的行为,还建议 各国建立私人业主登记和管理机制,从而能够更加有效地监 住房 分 配 给 移 民的 情况。
Besides monitoring the behaviour of the housing market in terms of rent prices and guarantees of fair and equal treatment, it is recommended that States establish mechanisms for the registration
and regulation of private landlords, thus allowing for more effective
[...] monitoring of the allocation of housing to migrants.
2004年第T-025 号决定之后发布的一系列命令中,法院要求
[...] 国家当局制定结果指标监测国内流离失所者切实享有权利的情况,包括最低生活 收入权、给自足权、住房权、安全返乡权、卫生保健权和受教育权。
In a series of orders issued subsequent to its decision T-025 of 2004, the Court called upon national authorities to develop results indicators to monitor the effective enjoyment of rights by IDPs, including the rights
to minimum subsistence income,
[...] support for self-sufficiency, housing, safe return to their [...]
lands, health care and education.
我的家,我的生活”是一项联邦政府方案,包括土地收购以及建造或重新 划分房地产,以住宅小区或土地开发形式作 住房 项 目 签约,这些房地产既有公 寓也有独栋房屋,转给月收入低于 1 600 雷亚尔的家庭。
The “My Home, My Life” programme is a federal Government programme consisting of the acquisition of land and construction or reclassification of real
properties contracted
[...] as housing undertakings in the form of housing estates or plotdivision developments, comprising apartments or houses, which are transferred to families with monthly incomes [...]
of up to R$1,600.
2009 年 4 月生效的《侨民就业条例》规定了雇主如下职责:对雇员在马尔 代夫停留期间负责;在每个月 7
[...] 号之前支付过去一个月所作工作应得薪酬;在雇 员就业期间向他们供足够的食物 住房 ; 支 付合同中商定的所有费用;支付工 作许可证和所有相关费用;以及在工作许可期限结束之前,如果政府提出这种要 [...]
The Expatriate Employment Regulation that came into force in April 2009 imposes the following duties on the employer: be responsible for the employee during their stay in the Maldives; to pay the salary before the 7th of each month, due for
work done during the past month; to
[...] provide adequate food and accommodation to the employee for [...]
the duration of the employment;
to pay all expenses as agreed in the contract; to pay the work permit and all related fees; and to pay for all the costs of repatriating the expatriate employee, in case the Government requests such, prior to the end of the duration of the work permit.
一个城市的发展,即出入市场的便利和促进人在生计与健康方面福祉的能 力,是城市基础设施的一个功能,这通常指的是能源、水 住房 、 卫 生、废物管 理、运输系统以及粮供应。
A city’s development, that is, its access to markets and ability to foster human well-being in terms of livelihood and health, is a function of its
infrastructure, which generally refers
[...] to energy, water, housing, sanitation, waste management, transit systems and food supplies.
残疾人社会融 入法》(LISMI) 规定公共房屋项目、社会房屋项目及其他所建造的任何性质的房 屋项目中,应保留 3%的无障房屋提供给残疾 人,并由政府及其他相关公共部 门对此进行推动或提供房屋补贴。
LISMI establishes a quota of accessible dwellings for persons with disabilities of 3 per cent of officially protected and social housing projects and housing projects of any other nature constructed, promoted or subsidized by a public administration or any other body forming part of or linked to the public sector.
给住房、土 地和财产带 来的影响,以及基于族裔的歧视和外来占领局势中的 强迫人口变化,要求国际上做出更为一致、坚决的回 应。
The impact of conflict on housing, land and property, [...]
as well as discrimination on ethnic grounds and forced demographic
changes in situations of foreign occupation, require a more consistent and resolute international response.
与会者对新的计划管理周期现采用自上而下和自下而上的互动做法表示满意,预计这 种做法给地区 办事处和全国委员会在拟定下一个计划与预算时以更多的职责,同时一致强 调指出,为编写文件 C/5 或为被视为教科文组织中主要工作组成部分的任何事项能举行的多 国磋商和地区磋商都不应由参与计划,而应由正常计划项下的其它资源 供 资 金 (参见附件 III 中所附磋商会议通过的决议)。
While expressing their satisfaction that the new programme management cycle now allows not only a top-down but also a bottom-up interaction which is expected to give a more important role to field offices and National Commissions in the design of the next programmes and budgets, participants unanimously stressed that cluster and regional consultations for the purpose of the preparation of the C/5 document or for any issue considered to be part and parcel of UNESCO’s core business shall not be funded from the Participation Programme but from other sources under the regular programme (see resolution adopted by the Consultation which is attached as Annex III).
(c) 强调各成员国和阿拉伯卫生部长理事会继续努力改善保健标准的重要
[...] 性,办法是发展和提高医疗单位档次,实行家庭保健制度,特别是在农村、边缘 化和贫穷地区,改善供给妇女 、儿童和老龄人的保健服务,并集中力量建设卫 [...]
(c) To underline the importance of continued efforts by member States and the Council of Arab Ministers of Health to improve health care standards by developing and upgrading health care units and applying a family health regime, particularly in rural,
marginalized and deprived areas, improving the
[...] health services provided to women, children [...]
and ageing persons, and focusing on building
the technical capacities of health teams.
(f) 阿拉伯住房和建筑部长理事会与各成员国合作,努力通过 供 廉 价住房和建 设新城镇,落实特别是关于改善贫民窟居民生活和根除贫民区的千年发 [...]
展目标 7 具体目标 d。
(f) The efforts exerted by the Council
[...] of Arab Ministers of Housing and Construction, in [...]
cooperation with member States, to implement Millennium Development Goal 7, target d., particularly with respect to improving the lives of slum dwellers and eradicating
slum areas by providing low-cost social housing and building new towns.
[...] 罗姆和辛提族群融入社会(澳大利亚);继续促进罗姆人和辛提人融入当地社 区,并为他们供住房、工 作、教育和职业培训机会(俄罗斯联邦);继续努 [...]
其平等和非歧视待遇的进程(芬兰);确保罗姆和辛提少数群体成员拥有平等 权利,确保所有罗姆族和辛提族儿童有学上,努力鼓励这些儿童正常出勤 (瑞典);颁布全面的禁止歧视法,以确保罗姆人平等地享有就业、教育和医 疗机会(美国)
To strengthen efforts to integrate Roma and Sinti communities through positive action in the areas of education, employment, housing and social services (Australia); to continue contribute to the integration of the Roma and the
Sinti into local communities, and to
[...] give them access to housing, work, education and [...]
professional training (Russian Federation);
to continue efforts to tackle discrimination against Roma people in all sectors of society (Finland); to seek to ensure the effective participation of Roma people in the process of assuring their equal and non-discriminatory treatment (Finland); to ensure equal rights for members of the Roma and Sinti minorities, to ensure that all Roma and Sinti children are enrolled in school, and to make efforts to encourage regular school attendance by these children (Sweden); to adopt a comprehensive anti-discrimination law to ensure that the Roma enjoy equal access to employment, education and health care (United States)
[...] 源,确保逐步实现粮食安全,提供保健服务、优质教育、社会保障、适足住 房、供水和 卫生设施、农村发展、土地改革和归还土地、农村和城市周边地区电 [...]
The implication of that task entailed, among others, ensuring the progressive realization to food security, access to
health services, quality education, social
[...] security, adequate housing, water and sanitation, [...]
rural development, land reform and
land restitution, and electrification of rural and peri-urban areas—with very limited resources.
我们承认最不发达国家在人类和社会发展方面,包括提供教育、健康 供水 和环卫以住房等基 本服务,以及在促进参与社会、经济和政治生活方面取得进 展。
We recognize least developed countries’ efforts to make progress in human and social development, including providing access to essential
services such as education, health,
[...] water and sanitation, and shelter, as well as promoting participation [...]
in social, economic and political life.
[...] 就业途径、适当的工作条件、儿童入学和预防辍学、医疗途径和减少儿童死亡率 以及适住房、供水、 卫生设施和供电。
The Committee also recommends that the planned measures focus on access to employment, adequate conditions of work, enrolment of children in education and prevention of school drop-outs, access to
medical care, and reduction of child mortality, as well as
[...] access to adequate housing, water, sanitation [...]
and electricity.




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