单词 | 厄立特里亚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:厄立特里亚的adj—Eritreanadj See also:厄—distressed pass defile in distress 特里n—Terryn
厄立特里亚 tw.weatherq.org | Eritrea weatherq.org |
在这方面,会议指出厄立特里亚仅请求获得必要的时间以评估相关事实并以这些事实为基础制定有意义的前瞻性 [...] 计划的重要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, the Meeting noted [...] the importance of Eritrea requesting only [...]the period of time necessary to assess relevant [...]facts and develop a meaningful forward looking plan based on these facts. daccess-ods.un.org |
自关于《公约》执行情况的最 新定期报告(1995 年)公布以来,以下 28 个 [...] 国家已成为《公约》缔约国:巴巴多斯、玻利 [...] 维亚、博茨瓦纳、加拿大、中国、哥伦比亚、 哥斯达黎加、丹麦、萨尔瓦多、赤道几内亚、厄立特里亚、洪都拉斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉 斯斯坦、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、巴拉圭、葡萄 牙、摩尔多瓦共和国、卢旺达、塞尔维亚和黑 [...]山、塞舌尔、南非、斯里兰卡、前南斯拉夫的 [...]马其顿共和国、乌拉圭、乌兹别克斯坦和津巴 布韦;在这 28 个国家中,以下 16 个国家加入 了《议定书》:中国、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎 加、丹麦、多米尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、洪都 拉斯、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、巴拿 马、巴拉圭、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞尔维亚和黑 山、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国和乌拉圭。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Since the last periodic report (1995) on the implementation of the Convention, the following 28 States have become party to the Convention: Barbados, Bolivia, Botswana, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, [...] El Salvador, [...] Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Paraguay, [...]Portugal, Republic [...]of Moldova, Rwanda, Serbia and Montenegro, Seychelles, South Africa, Sri Lanka, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Uruguay, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe; of those 28 States the following 16 States have joined the Protocol: China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Panama, Paraguay, Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Uruguay. unesdoc.unesco.org |
它敦促厄立特里亚同国际社会合作,以便结束次区域的不安定局面;制定 旨在帮助长期冲突的受害者康复的国家行动计划;以及修订目前适用于新闻机构 [...] 和人权组织的规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | It urgedEritrea to cooperate with [...] the international community to end the instability in the subregion, to develop a national [...]plan of action for the rehabilitation of the victims of the successive conflicts and to revise the rules applicable to press bodies and human rights organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,执行委员会希望,在今后两年内,厄立特里亚将继 续成功地执行国家方案。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee is therefore hopeful that, in the [...] next two years, Eritrea willcontinue with [...]successful the implementation of its country programme. multilateralfund.org |
安全理事会关于索马里和厄立特里亚的第 751(1992)号和第 1907(2009)号 [...] 决议委员会将维持和酌情更新这份个人和实体名单,并将根据第 1844(2008)号决 议第 11(e)段分派给委员会的任务,审议要求给予第 1844(2008)号决议第 [...]2 和 4 段所定豁免的申请。 un.org | The Security Council Committee pursuant to [...] resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) [...] concerning Somalia and Eritreawillmaintain [...]and update the list of individuals and [...]entities, as appropriate, and will consider requests for exemptions provided for in paragraphs 2 and 4, in accordance with the role assigned to the Committee in paragraph 11 (e) of resolution 1844 (2008). un.org |
在这方面,会议指 出,厄立特里亚还不妨接触国际排雷行动操作者或顾问,以便利用最新的调查方 [...] 法、设备和核证土地无雷的经验教训,并接触更多的国际资金来源。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, the [...] Meeting notedthat Eritrea mightbenefit from [...]outreach to international mine action operators or advisors [...]in order to take advantage of the latest survey methods, equipment and lessons learned on land release as well as to access additional sources of international funding. daccess-ods.un.org |
谨随函附上 2010 年 6 月 6 日卡塔尔国首相兼外交大臣谢赫哈马德·本·贾 西姆·本·贾贝尔·阿勒萨尼给你的信(见附件)及其附文,即关于和平解决厄立 特里亚国和吉布提共和国边界争端的协定,该协定由厄立特里亚国总统和吉布提 共和国总统以及卡塔尔国埃米尔谢赫哈马德·本·哈利法·阿勒萨尼殿下作为调 解人和见证人代表卡塔尔国于 2010 年 6 月 6 日签署。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have the honour to enclose herewith a letter dated 6 June 2010 addressed to you by Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar (see annex), [...] with its enclosure, the [...] Agreement concerning peaceful settlement of the border dispute between the State of Eritreaand the Republic of Djibouti, signed on 6 June 2010 by the President of the Stateof Eritrea andthe President [...]of the Republic [...]of Djibouti, and signed on behalf of the State of Qatar as mediator and witness by His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,在华盛顿州西雅图,税款可通过厄立特里亚拥有的一家旅 行社缴纳。28 他们采用的方法是否具有敲诈或非法性质往往要视所在国或所在州 [...] 法律而定,并取决于收税人是外交官还是外国其他注册代理商、收税人的国籍以 及收税人利用了哪类法律和行政漏洞。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Seattle, Washington, for example, [...] taxes can bepaid through an Eritrean-owned travel [...]agency.28 Whether or not the techniques [...]they employ are extortive or illicit is often a matter of national or state law, and depends upon such questions as whether or not the collector is a diplomat or other registered agent of a foreign power, the nationality of the collector and the kinds of legal and administrative loopholes employed by collectors. daccess-ods.un.org |
该决议草案由苏丹提交,并得到葡萄牙、叙利亚阿拉伯共和国、 [...] 中国、尼日利亚、科威特(2)、伊拉克(3)、吉布提(4)、马达加斯加、也门、巴西、阿尔及利 [...] 亚、加纳、日本、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、尼日尔(5)、埃塞俄比亚、安哥拉、刚果民主共和国、布 基纳法索、毛里塔尼亚、厄立特里亚、南非、摩洛哥的支持,在委员会之外征求了意见后对该草案 [...]进行了修改,并根据丹麦和俄罗斯联邦在委员会的辩论中提出的口头修改意见作了修改(第 33C/66 号决议)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (submitted by Sudan and supported by Portugal, Syrian Arab Republic, China, Nigeria, Kuwait,1 Iraq,2 Djibouti,3 Madagascar, Yemen, Brazil, Algeria, Ghana, Japan, United Republic of Tanzania, Niger,4 Ethiopia, Angola, [...] Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burkina [...] Faso, Mauritania, Eritrea, South Africa, [...]Morocco), as amended following a consultation [...]process outside the Commission and as amended orally in the Commission during the debate by Denmark and the Russian Federation (33 C/Resolution 66). unesdoc.unesco.org |
监察组上次报告(S/2011/433)记录了厄立特里亚对非洲之角区域一些武装 反对派团体的支持,特别是在索马里和厄立特里亚。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its previous report (S/2011/433), the Monitoring [...] Group documentedEritrean support for a number of armed opposition groups in the Horn of Africa region, notablyin Somalia and Eritrea. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿富汗、安道尔、阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、巴西、保加利亚、布 基纳法索、柬埔寨、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、塞浦路 斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、厄立特里亚、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、 匈牙利、印度尼西亚、爱尔兰、意大利、牙买加、日本、哈萨克斯坦、肯尼亚、 拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马来西亚、马耳他、墨西哥、密克罗尼西亚联邦、 [...] 黑山、荷兰、新西兰、挪威、秘鲁、波兰、葡萄牙、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和 [...]国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、塞尔维亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、南 非、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和 美利坚合众国:决议草案 daccess-ods.un.org | Afghanistan, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, [...] Croatia, Cyprus, Czech [...] Republic, Denmark,Eritrea,Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, [...]Malaysia, Malta, [...]Mexico, Micronesia (Federated States of), Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Samoa, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America: draft resolution daccess-ods.un.org |
安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、奥地利、巴哈马、巴巴多斯、比利时、伯利兹、多 民族玻利维亚国、巴西、保加利亚、智利、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、古巴、塞 浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、多米尼克、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、萨尔瓦 多、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、格林纳达、危地马拉、圭亚那、海 地、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、牙买加、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森 堡、马耳他、墨西哥、荷兰、尼加拉瓜、巴拿马、巴拉圭、秘鲁、波兰、葡萄 牙、罗马尼亚、圣基茨和尼维斯、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、斯洛伐 克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、苏里南、瑞典、特立尼达和多巴哥、大不列颠及北 爱尔兰联合王国、乌拉圭和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国:决议草案 daccess-ods.un.org | Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, [...] Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, [...] Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic,Ecuador,El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincentand the Grenadines, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, [...]Uruguay and Venezuela [...](Bolivarian Republic of): draft resolution daccess-ods.un.org |
在非洲,这包括布隆迪、中非共和国、乍得、科 特迪瓦、刚果民主共和国、厄立特里亚、埃塞俄比 亚、几内亚、肯尼亚、利比里亚、卢旺达、塞拉利 [...] 昂、索马里、苏丹、乌干达、津巴布韦;亚洲:阿富 汗、孟加拉国、印度尼西亚、克什米尔、哈萨克斯 坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、缅甸、尼泊尔、朝鲜、巴基斯 [...]坦、菲律宾、斯里兰卡、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、东帝 汶、土库曼斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦;欧洲:亚美尼 亚、阿塞拜疆、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、塞浦路 斯、格鲁吉亚、科索沃、塞尔维亚、土耳其;中 东:从北非到伊朗的整个区域;拉丁美洲:哥伦比 亚、安第斯地区其他部分和海地。 crisisgroup.org | In Africa, this includes Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte [...] d’Ivoire, Democratic [...] Republic of theCongo,Eritrea,Ethiopia, Guinea, [...]Kenya, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda and Zimbabwe; [...]in Asia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar/ Burma, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Phillipines, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan; in Europe, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Georgia, Kosovo, Serbia and Turkey; in the Middle East, the whole region from North Africa to Iran; and in Latin America, Colombia, the rest of the Andean region and Haiti. crisisgroup.org |
该网络鼓励厄立 特里亚建立一种有效的和包容性的伙伴关系,以便争取技术援助;并且呼吁区域 和国际伙伴在保护人权的领域中支持厄立特里亚。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Network encouraged Eritreato set up an efficient and inclusive partnership aimed at getting technical assistance, and called upon regional and international partners to support Eritreain areas relating [...] to human rights protection. daccess-ods.un.org |
后来又有阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、安道尔、贝 [...] 宁、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、保加利亚、布基纳法索、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、 塞浦路斯、丹麦、厄立特里亚、加蓬、海地、冰岛、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马达加斯加、 [...]黑山、尼泊尔、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、秘鲁、圣马力诺、塞内加 [...]尔、塞尔维亚、塞舌尔、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、斯威士兰、泰国、东 帝汶、多哥、乌干达和坦桑尼亚联合共和国加入为该决议草案提案国。 hcoc.at | Subsequently, Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, [...] Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Croatia, [...] Cyprus, Denmark,Eritrea,Gabon, Haiti, Iceland, [...]Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Montenegro, [...]Nepal, the Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Peru, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Swaziland, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania joined in sponsoring the draft resolution. hcoc.at |
我谨提请成员们注意文件 S/2008/766,其中载有 2008 年 12 月 4 日吉布提常驻代表的信;以及文件 [...] S/2009/28,其中载有 2009 年 1 月 12 日厄立特里亚常驻代表的信。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish to draw the attention of members to document S/2008/766, which contains the text of a letter dated 4 December 2008 from the Permanent Representative of Djibouti, and to [...] document S/2009/28, which contains the text of a letter dated 12 January 2009 from [...] the Permanent Representativeof Eritrea. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本项目下,还请执行局:(a) 注意到对厄立特里亚和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 的国家方案首次延长一年;(b) [...] 对关于佛得角、巴布亚新几内亚和越南的共同国 家方案文件草案发表意见;(c) 在定稿之前,对关于中非共和国、冈比亚、马拉 维、莫桑比克、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、老挝人民民主共和国、泰国、阿尔及利亚、 [...]也门、巴西、多米尼加共和国、圭亚那、巴拿马、秘鲁和苏里南的国家方案文件 草案发表意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under this item, the [...] Executive Board will alsobe asked to: (a) take note [...]of the first one-year extensions of the country [...]programmes for Eritrea and the Syrian Arab Republic; (b) comment on the draft common country programme documents for Cape Verde, Papua New Guinea and Viet Nam; and (c) comment on the draft country programme documents for the Central African Republic, Gambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Islamic Republic of Iran, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand, Algeria, Yemen, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, Panama, Peru and Suriname, prior to their finalization. daccess-ods.un.org |