

单词 满贯



guilty of monstrous crimes
replete with vice
lit. strung through and filled with evil (idiom); filled with extreme evil

See also:

pierce through
pass through
string of 1000 cash
be stringed together

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] Park)闯进半决赛,成为中国网球第一人,只可惜在 满贯 决 赛 中惜败。
She is a trailblazer for China reaching the semi-finals at Melbourne Park in 2010 but then
[...] losing in last year's Grand Slam final.
威廉姆斯女士共拿下 13 次满贯单打冠军和两块奥运会金牌,她承诺,将在赛场上的努力运用到担任联合国儿童基金会亲善大使的角色中。
Ms. Williams, who has won 13
[...] singles grand slam titles and two [...]
Olympic gold medals promised to bring the focus she displays
on the court to her new role with UNICEF.
当天在4位满贯选手和15000名观众 的见证下,棚顶在7分4秒内完成关闭动作,所 有见证这一历史时刻的人们报以经久不息的掌 声。
The official inauguration on May 17th 2009 saw the roof closed in 7 minutes and 4 seconds under the watchful eyes of 4 grand slam players and 15,000 spectators.
德约科维奇已于墨尔本公园赢得他六个 满贯 冠 军 中的四个,同时保持21场连胜纪录。
Djokovic has won four of his six major titles at Melbourne Park, where he is now unbeaten in 21 matches.
勇夺15次以上令人激赏不已的LPGA锦标赛冠军,其中更包括2007年美国公开赛的 满贯 头 衔 ,这位美国女将自1996年投入职业巡回赛以来,已成功地成为魅力四射、洋溢现代气息的冠军杯梦想肖像的缩影。
With more than 15 LPGA victories to her credit, including a major championship at the US Open in 2007, this American has epitomised the dream portrait of the glamorous modern-day champion since her beginnings on the professional circuit in 1996.
满贯得主 、北爱尔兰选手Graeme McDowell作为2008年首届百龄坛冠军杯的冠军享受了同样的特权。
Fraser is only the second [...]
person outside Ballantine's expert blending team to influence a Ballantine's blend, with Northern
Irish golfer and Major winner Graeme McDowell granted the same privilege as winner of the inaugural Ballantine's Championship in 2008.
[...] Prestige,确保为备战今年首个满贯 赛 事 的运动员提供同样可靠的竞技条件。
The Australian Open lead up events in Auckland, Qatar, Sydney, Hobart, and Brisbane compete on Plexicushion
Prestige to provide the same reliable playing conditions for the athletes as they
[...] prepare for the year's first Grand Slam.
在墨尔本展会开展前的第一个满贯 赛 本 赛季WTA的图标,并在世界上,莎拉波娃,最其次女运动员说:“我很高兴能在这里发射,因为我认为这是伟大的球员,体育和观众的一致好评。
Launching the show in Melbourne ahead of
[...] the first Grand Slam of the season, [...]
WTA icon and most followed female athlete in
the world, Maria Sharapova, said, “I’m excited to be here at the launch because I think it’s great for the players, the sport and viewers alike.
在个人第一季度的美巡赛中,布拉德利一举勇夺双料冠军,其中2011年的PGA锦标赛更让他成为史上第三位首次参加 满贯 赛 就 抱回冠军的新秀球员。
In his first season on the PGA Tour he won twice, including the 2011 PGA Championship, marking just the third time in the history of the game that a player won a major championship in his first attempt.
至今为止,费德勒共获得了15个 满贯 , 超越了彼得•桑普拉斯(Peter Sampras)的记录,成为网球史上最优秀的网球运动员。
Together, these brought his tally of Grand Slam victories to 15, beating the record previously set by Pete Sampras and cementing Federer’s reputation as the greatest player in the history of men’s tennis.
2012年澳大利亚网球公开赛标志着这个世界著名 满贯 赛 事连续第五年选用柏士壁(Plexipave)的Plexicushion(R)Prestige网球场地。
The 2012 Australian Open marks the 5th consecutive year that the
[...] world-renowned Grand Slam has selected Plexipave's [...]
Plexicushion Prestige tennis surface.
IGFA - 国际钓鱼运动协会 -
[...] 是一个全球性的非盈利性组织的创建者代码的钓鱼运动,一个领先的专家和研究人员的钓鱼运动领域中,一个积极的支持者的保护和智能使用的水的资源,在门将和编年史书的世界记录(«世界记录游戏鱼»)以及创始人的体育渔民负盛名的奖项的“ 满贯 ”。
IGFA - International Association of sport fishing - is a global non-profit organization, the creator code of sport fishing, a leading expert and researcher in the field of sport fishing, an active supporter of conservation and smart use of water resources, the keeper and chronicler of the book of world
records («World Record Game Fishes»), as well as the founder of the prestigious prize of sport
[...] fishermen as the "Grand Slam".
他在最后一盘打破发球局,五度胜出 满贯 赛 事,这亦是他连续摘下的第三项 满贯 锦 标
He overcame
[...] a break in the last set to win his fifth Grand Slam tournament and third in a row.
现在,全球已将目光投放于法国网球公开赛,关注温布尔登、美国公开赛和澳大利亚公开赛 满贯 得 主诺瓦克·德约科维奇能否成为首位网球选手,在四种不同场地上一举问鼎四项 满贯 殊 荣
All eyes will now turn to
[...] Roland Garros where, as the title-holder of Wimbledon, the US Open and the Australian Open, Nole could become the first tennis player to win four Grand Slams on four different [...]
surfaces in a row.
我们请回了曾经在《觉》诗歌满贯 活 动 上大放异彩的Omar Musa (2011)和Luka Lesson (2012), 并迎来来自英格兰、曾进打入“诗歌 满贯 世 界 杯”决赛的强势新人Bohdan Piasecki, 他们将进行精彩激烈的即兴英文诗歌大比拼。
We welcome back
[...] JUE alumni Omar Musa (2011) and Luka Lesson (2012) along with newcomer Bohdan Piasecki, a former Poetry Slam World Cup finalist currently living in England.
这个星期二,它展开了一次面向全国的品牌宣传活动,把店里最热卖的价值5.99美元的“ 满贯 早 餐组合”免费派送给每一位顾客。
On Tuesday, it launched a national
promotional campaign in which it gave away its
[...] popular $5.99 Grand Slam Breakfast Combo [...]
to all visitors of their shops.
这位目前排名世界第一的网球健将也曾在2008年的北京奥运中拿下铜牌,在职业生涯中累计已摘下30多个锦标赛冠军头衔,其中甚至包括五座网球 满贯 冠 军
Also a bronze medal winner at the Beijing
Olympic Games (2008), the current world No 1 has more than 30 tournament victories under his
[...] belt, including five Grand Slams.
Carlsen在最负盛名的赛事获得了几十个胜利,其中包括在 满贯 赛 的 胜利(中国2009,荷兰2010,罗马尼亚2010),以及有今年的两个胜利(在罗马尼亚和瑞士)。
Magnus Carlsen gained dozens of victories
[...] in top chess tournaments such as tournaments of the Grand Slam Chess Association [...]
(China 2009, the Netherlands
2010 and Romania 2010) and two tournaments of this year (Romania and Switzerland), which pushed him to the top of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) rating.
他于2002年转战职业球坛,自此,各地锦标赛频频传来捷报,然而让他一夕成名,真正名垂青史的首次战役却是2010年在加州圆石滩举行的美国公开赛,此一冠军头衔使他成为第一位赢得这项 满贯 的 北 爱尔兰人。
He became a professional in 2002 and won several tournaments, but his name first went down in the history books in 2010 when he won the US Open at
最显著的不同之处在于我们的纪录,泰格已摘下14座 满贯 赛 冠军,而我目前只有一座…但我打算刷新这些统计数字!我们有很多共通点,其中最重要的我们都希望尽一己之所能赢得胜利,对成功的渴望鞭策我们不断向前。
We have much more in common, and the main thing is that we both want to win just as much as we possibly can.
赛事属于邀请赛性质,首先获邀的是当年的四 满贯 赛 冠 军;其次是美巡赛、欧巡赛、日巡赛、亚巡赛、澳巡赛、南非阳光巡回赛、同一亚洲以及中巡赛的奖金王或积分排名第一位的球手;再下来是八名中国球手、以及往年卫冕冠军(今年空缺);最后剩余的名额将依照世界排名先后,邀请排名前30位的选手参加。
Participating players invited include winners of
[...] the four Grand Slams of the year, champions [...]
or highest-premium winners of the
US PGA, European Tour, Japan Tour, Asian Tour, Australian Tour; the Sunshine Tour of South Africa, the champion or highest-premium winner of both Asian and China Tour, eight Chinese players, and the defending champion of last year's LMSM (not awarded this year as this is the inaugural tournament) with the remaining quotas being invited from the world's top 30 players in the order of rankings.
顾客的反响出人意料地好:最新的统计显示,在免费派送活动开展的短短几天内,总共有200万人造访了Denny’s 以索取免费的满贯早餐
And the consumer response has been dramatic: the latest tally has shown that in the few days since beginning of the campaign, a total of two million people have visited their local Denny’s to claim the free Breakfast Combo.
1月30日(星期一)凌晨,诺瓦克·德约科维奇(Novak Djokovic)力压拉菲尔·纳达尔(Rafael
[...] Nadal),赢得澳大利亚网球公开赛,这场决战更成为史上时间最长的 满贯 单 打 决赛。
In the early hours of Monday January 30th, Novak Djokovic won the Australian Open against Rafael Nadal in the
[...] longest Grand Slam singles final ever.
尽管它们似乎并没有明确或贯的 意 识形态或政治动机,但是它们有时使用准军事集团的语言和一套装备,并承袭 了准军事集团的运作方式。
Although they do not seem to have a clear or coherent ideology or political motivation, they sometimes use the language and paraphernalia of paramilitary groups and their modus operandi.
地基的结构非常不一样也非常不稳固,在两千多年漫长岁月中不断堆积而成,厚度 达几米,地面上塞满了残垣、旧管道和尚在使用 贯满 水 的 贮水池等房屋的地基就座落在这 些砂砾和垃圾上,而且很多地基挖得都不深。
debris that have built up over more than two millennia, several
metres thick and encumbered with
[...] walls, old pipes, cisterns still in use or filled in, etc. [...]
The foundations of houses rest
on this debris and are shallow in many cases.
咨询委员会注意到预 算文件第 34.28 段提及到,自 2006 年以来,保护协调股的工作量增加了 46%,并且该股目前无法通过一致和 贯 的 方式 , 满 足 不 断检查在指定地 点的常设贴身保护人员的要求、维持和平行动部和外勤支助部支持的特 派团的具体要求或者为贴身保护人员提供增援能力的要求。
The Advisory Committee notes from paragraph 34.28 of the budget document that the Unit has seen a 46 per cent increase in its caseload since 2006 and that, at present, it is currently unable to address in a consistent and coherent manner the requirements for ongoing reviews of established close protection details in assigned locations, the specific requirements of missions supported by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support, or the requirements for a surge capacity for close protection officers.
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价 目前三贯穿各 领域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程, 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 的讲习班。
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates.
他请委员会特别就下列方面提出前瞻性意见:不同计划的主要优先事项和次优先事项;它们与 《中期战略》的战略目标的相互关系;如何加强跨学科和跨部门的工作方法;把非洲、最不发达国 家、妇女和青年的需贯穿于 各项工作之中。
He invited the Commission to provide future-oriented indications in particular regarding the principal and other priorities of the different programmes, their interrelationship with the strategic objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy, the ways and means of ensuring enhanced transdisciplinarity and intersectorality, the mainstreaming of needs of Africa, the least developed countries, women and youth.
对于调整条款草案结构的建议,特别报告员认为,目前继续以 A/CN.4/618
[...] 号文件所载的修订的工作计划为基础开展工作为更好;一旦所有条款草案拟订完 毕,那时候以贯和有逻辑的方式调整整个条款草案的结构比较合适。
Concerning the proposal aimed at restructuring the draft articles, the Special Rapporteur was of the view that it would be better, at this stage, to continue working on the basis of the revised workplan contained in document A/CN.4/618; once all the draft articles had
been elaborated, it would be appropriate to
[...] restructure, in a coherent and logical [...]
way, the whole set of draft articles.




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