单词 | 满目 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 满目 —fills the eyes (of a beautiful view, scene of desolation |
布城阿拉曼达(Alamanda)是城中最主要的购物区,商城自然采光,出入便利,各种商店林立,货品琳 琅 满目。 shangri-la.com | Alamanda Putrajaya is the premier shopping destination for the city, with a wide range of shops set in an easily navigable, naturally-lit mall. shangri-la.com |
Chor集市是孟买有名的小偷市场,这里是喜欢砍价的游客在琳 琅 满目 的 商 品中翻出明朝和楼兰花瓶,并以一口价成交的地方。 shangri-la.com | Chor Bazaar is Mumbai's famous thieves market where bargain-hungry tourists rummage for Ming vases and Muranos at throwaway prices. shangri-la.com |
蕴藏 着巨大能量的辽阔大洋从深处奋起反抗,造成的破坏 使大地呈现出一派满目疮痍的景象。 daccess-ods.un.org | The vast depths of the sea, with their enormous reserve of energy, rise up in revolt, producing scenes of destruction and desolation. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而这种情绪,即使再满目疮痍 ,依然私人得可怕不是吗? shanghaibiennale.org | However, despite its terribly devastation, this emotion of pain would still be personal. shanghaibiennale.org |
你可以在你这里观赏皮影戏表演以外,还可以参观巴迪博物馆和琳 琅 满目 的 历 史收藏品。 4tern.com | You can catch a live muppet show and visit the King’s collection in his personal museum. 4tern.com |
雨季的顶端地带(包括达尔文)也有迷人之处 —— 满目绿色 ,还有壮观的雷暴,游客相对较少。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The Top End (including Darwin) has its good points during the Wet – everything is green, and there are spectacular electrical storms and relatively few tourists. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
这些职位已满,目前正 在招聘全职技术专家。 multilateralfund.org | Those positions were filled and a full time [...] technical expert is currently under recruitment. multilateralfund.org |
数以百万计 [...] 的新时代消费者如今可以在网上选购琳 琅 满目 , 而 在数年前尚属梦寐难求的商 品。 mckinseychina.com | Millions of newly minted consumers can now log on and purchase a vast range of [...] products they could only dream of acquiring [...]just a few years ago. mckinseychina.com |
一年多一点之前,面对一个警察所采取可说是微 不足道的举动,一个突尼斯年轻人决定引火自焚,以 表达他对继续生活在不平等现象日益司空见惯、无耻 炫富与满目贫困比邻共存的社会中的愤慨之意,或毋 宁说是感到绝望。 daccess-ods.un.org | A little more than a year ago, reacting to a police officer’s action that could be described as unremarkable, a young Tunisian chose to set himself on fire in order to express his anger, or rather his despair, at continuing to live in a society where inequality was increasingly prevalent and where shameless displays of wealth existed side by side with rampant poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
大城市琳琅满目的商品可满足绝大多数顾客 的购物欲,既有最时髦的精品店,也有二手市场,而许多小地方则倾向于零售特产,如自产农产品、古董或艺术品和工艺品等。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Big cities can satisfy most consumer [...] appetites with everything from high-fashion boutiques to second-hand emporiums, while [...]many smaller places tend towards speciality retail, be it home-grown produce, antiques or arts and crafts. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
以色列最近这次侵略行动进一步加重了一个本 已 满目 疮 痍 社区的苦难,自 2007 年以来,由于占领国以色列对加沙巴勒斯坦平民一直进行惩罚性的、不人道 [...] 的围困,这个社区一直处于人道主义灾难之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | This latest incident of Israeli aggression only causes further [...] suffering in an already devastated society, living a humanitarian [...]disaster because of the punitive, inhumane siege Israel, the occupying Power, has been imposing on the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza since 2007. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为一座能源自给自足的城市,普里皮亚季曾是苏联进步之梦的真实象征,如今这里一片荒凉 , 满目 疮 痍。 shanghaibiennale.org | Now the site appears deserted and abandoned, but it used to be the symbol of a very specific dream of soviet progress, the one of energetic self-sufficiency. shanghaibiennale.org |
除了对住家进行直接攻击之外,以色列还打 击民防设施,摧毁了不可或缺的消防车以及在以色列不停轰炸的这一地区、治理 满目疮夷所需要的其他设备。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to direct attacks on homes, this has included strikes against civil defence installations, destroying vitally needed firefighting vehicles and other equipment needed to cope with the massive destruction Israel’s non-stop bombardment of the area is causing. daccess-ods.un.org |
太多家庭四分五裂、社区满目疮痍 、学校和医院遭严重破坏、供水系统不复存在 unicef.org | After so many families torn apart and communities razed, schools and hospitals wrecked and water systems ruined unicef.org |
在品牌琳琅满目的中 国,讲好品牌故事是提升品牌尊重度和增进品牌知识必不可少的工具。 labbrand.com | In China, the home of a multitude of brands, having storytelling in the branding “tool kit” is a necessity to anchor the brand’s esteem and knowledge. labbrand.com |
本种通常存在于对,但会大量聚集在一起,琳 琅 满目 的 最 喜欢的水果,无花果。 zh.northrup.org | This species is usually found in pairs, but will gather in large numbers to feast on its favorite fruit, the fig. northrup.org |
近年来,随着人们对半导体发光材料的研究应用,市场上已经有琳 琅 满目 的 所 谓LED照明产品,据不完全统计数据,仅LED日光灯品牌就高达4600家企业制造商。 jxlcd.com | In recent years, along with the research and application of semiconductor luminescence material, has been on the market is a wide variety of LED lighting products, according to incomplete statistics, only the LED fluorescent lamp brand manufacturers for up to 4600 companies. jxlcd.com |
佩特罗斯(Pétrusse)河谷广阔的绿地 [...] 以及阿尔泽特(Alzette)河畔如画的公 园和堤岸,是休闲放松的理想之地,而 步行街则是购物圣地,精品时装店和高 端商店琳琅满目。 setupineurope.com | The vast green spaces in the Pétrusse Valley, the public parks and the picturesque banks of the Alzette are the ideal setting for relaxation [...] whereas the pedestrian area is a true shopping [...] thoroughfare which includes a wide choice of boutiques and high end shops. setupineurope.com |
政府对援助计划下了不少功夫,可以说是琳 琅 满目 , 用 心良苦。 sccci.org.sg | The government has tried very hard and invested much effort into designing many assistance schemes for enterprises. english.sccci.org.sg |
141 同样, 很多国际组织也向受灾国提供援助。例如,根据新闻报道,2010 年 1 月 12 日海 地发生地震后,欧洲联盟向这个满目 苍 夷 的国家提供 3.37 亿欧元的援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, according to press information, after the Haiti earthquake of 12 January 2010, the European Union offered €337 million in aid to the ravaged country.142 In addition to about 113 States which offered assistance to Japan following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, 28 international organizations offered humanitarian assistance.143 106. daccess-ods.un.org |
从抢眼夺目到精致优美的设计,此系列琳 琅 满目 的 闪 烁精品,定能为任何装扮增添完美点缀。 brand.swarovski.com | From eye-catching to more delicate, the selection provides an array of sparkling creations, which add the finishing touch to every outfit. brand.swarovski.com |
在1999年的暴风雨袭卷过境的翌日,凡尔赛大特里亚农宫(Grand Trianon)的庭园满目荒凉 ,只剩一片碎瓦颓垣。 audemarspiguet.com | Following the storm of December 1999, the Park of the Grand Trianon was rendered a wasteland from which a few stone buildings emerged. audemarspiguet.com |
1994 年,卢旺达没 有付现经济,国库都被洗劫一空,人力和物质基础设施被摧毁,不安全感弥漫各 地,满目所见仅有死亡和毁灭。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation stated that in 1994, Rwanda had no cash economy as all national coffers had been looted, human and physical infrastructure had been destroyed, insecurity was rampant, and there was just death and destruction everywhere. daccess-ods.un.org |
收缴各种变数是同一类型.个别认定整数数组元素索引.琳 琅 满目 的 主 要功能是在宣告,通常包括详细尺寸.它可以用另一种称为指针数组代替了. datadoctor.biz | Individual array elements are identified by an integer index. An array is declared in the main function, usually has details of dimensions included. datadoctor.biz |
店面以Crystal [...] Forest为主题,完美展现了设计师吉冈德仁的设计意念,揭示了仿水晶的无尽潜能,配合施华洛世奇2013春夏系列琳 琅 满目 的 鲜 艳色彩,使顾客仿佛走入了一个独特醉人的拉丁美洲乐园。 sanlitunvillage.com | According to the store design theme of "Crystal Forest", the designer Tokujin Yoshioka perfectly [...] reveals the endless potential on lmitation [...] cystal, with the dazzling bright colors [...]of Swarovski SS2013 Collection, as if customers [...]walk into a tropical paradise. sanlitunvillage.com |
十年前,邦特兰在成立之初曾被看作是一次自下而上创建政体的宏伟实验,如果成功,将为索马里其它地区——特别是历经战火 、 满目 疮 痍 的南部——树立样本。 crisisgroup.org | Puntland’s founding a decade ago was an ambitious experiment to create from the bottom up a polity that might ultimately offer a template for replication in the rest of the country, especially the war-scarred south. crisisgroup.org |
因此我们创办中国网上购物商城网站,让产品在网站上直接面对消费者,一方面网站可以提供比在商店购物中更为详尽的资料、历史渊源以及顾客评论等信息,顾客可以方便的从琳 琅 满目 的 各类商品中快速查询出需要的产品;另一方面也大大的减少商店运营成本,将价格实惠转让给顾客。 qyqsw.com | So we started Chinese online shopping mall website, let the product on the website directly to consumers, on the one hand, web site may provide than in store shopping is more detailed information, historical origin and customer comments and the information, the customer can convenient from the full of beautiful things in eyes of various commodities in the rapid inquires need products; On the other hand is greatly reduce store operation cost, price will be transferred to the customer. qyqsw.com |
资料应包括提出请求的数目、满足请 求的 数目、以及每个案件中命令赔偿的数额和实际支付的数额。 daccess-ods.un.org | This information should include the number of requests made, the number granted, and the amounts ordered and actually provided in each case. daccess-ods.un.org |