单词 | 满眼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 满眼 adjective —eyeful adj满眼 —get an eyeful • filling the eyes See also:眼 n—eye n 眼—small hole • crux (of a matter) 眼—classifier for natural springs and hollow objects e.g. wells, stoves etc.
当询问利益相关 者选择过度开发的原因时(砍伐木材的速率比木材 的生长速率高),他们会回答说这样做是为 了 满足 眼前的需要。 teebweb.org | People tend to value future costs and benefits less than immediate ones; when stakeholders are asked why they choose overexploitation (harvesting timber at a rate higher teebweb.org |
在必要时,已结束特派团曾 贷款给西撒特派团、科索沃特派团和其他在役特派团, 以 满 足 眼 前 的 现金业务需 求。 daccess-ods.un.org | When necessary, loans have been made from closed missions to MINURSO, UNMIK and other active missions to cover immediate cash operating requirements. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论是确定潜在伙伴的人才怎样才能 满 足 眼 下 的 需求,还是要建立关系以便 能投资满足长远的需求,都没有简便的联系方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is no easy point of contact — either [...] to establish how the capacities of potential partners correspond to immediate [...]needs, or to build a relationship so that they can invest in meeting longer-term needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
当 然,我们不仅必须满足眼前的 需要,而且还必须应对 长期的需求,这是我们在建设和平方面所面临的主要 困难之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, we must meet not only immediate needs but also more long-term ones, and that is one of the main difficulties that faces us in terms of peacebuilding. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们还期待加强实地的协 调,以确保切实满足眼前的 人道主义需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | We also look forward to enhanced coordination on the ground to ensure that immediate humanitarian needs are met effectively. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别委员会强调,联合国系统和国际社会,特别是捐助国,应与国家当局合 [...] 作,建立并参与适当的协调机制,其重点应 是 满 足 眼 前 的 需要并从事长期的重建 和扶贫工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Committee stresses that the United Nations system and the international community, in particular donor countries, in cooperation with national authorities, should [...] develop and engage in appropriate coordination [...] mechanisms that focus on immediate needs [...]as well as long-term reconstruction and poverty reduction. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果要使阿富汗满足眼下的 社会经济需求,并加强向民众提供基本服务的机构,就 [...] 必须提供协调一致的支持,尤其是安全、司法、社会服务以及自然资源和灾害管理 方面的支持,从而为在 2020 年(这是阿富汗人商定的目标日期)实现千年发展目标取 得进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Coordinated support is [...] necessary if Afghanistan is to meet immediate [...]socio-economic needs and strengthen the institutions [...]that provide basic services to the population, notably in the areas of security, justice, social services and natural resource and disaster management, and thus to make progress towards the Millennium Development Goals by 2020, the target date agreed by Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
或许现在就该联系我们了!在和睦家医院眼科中心,高水准的医生和员工随时可 以 满 足 您 眼 部 护 理的需求。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | At United Family Hospitals Eye Clinic, we have highly qualified staff of doctors ready [...] to help you with all your eye care needs. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
专利立体轮廓紧致因子能刺激生长因子增生,强化真皮层及表皮层之间的连接,有效提升肌肤弹性及 饱 满 度 , 令 眼 部 轮 廓回复青春。 bonjourhk.com | Use eye serum in both Morning & night, around [...] eye area, followed by eye cream, can reorganizes [...]the collagen network creating a firmer [...]skin support structure for a visible volumetric action. bonjourhk.com |
当然,尽管Agnesi始终在总服从她父亲的愿望,她并不 很 满 意 , 他 眼 镜 上。 learn-math.info | Certainly, although Agnesi always acted in total obedience to her father's wishes, she was not very [...] happy with the spectacle that he put on. learn-math.info |
我们的尊贵生活方式酒店体验,旨在 满 足 最具 慧 眼 的 商 务和休闲旅客的所有需求。 fairmont.cn | Our exclusive lifestyle hotel experience, designed to fulfill the needs of the discerning business executive and leisure traveler. fairmont.com |
无论是光耀四射的肌肤,抑或是娇嫩圆润的双唇,还是 充 满 活 力 的 眼 部 肌 肤——娇韵诗产品快捷简易的使用方法,能够呈现即时效果。 clarinsusa.com | From radiant skin, to lusciously-plump lips and well-rested eyes— Clarins’ [...] quick and easy-to-use products are on the spot! clarinsusa.com |
精致典雅的气质和一流的品质可满足 每 位 眼 光 挑 剔的顾客 hk.ashford.com | Sophistication and unsurpassed quality for the discriminating consumer ashford.com |
她吃惊的抬起头。泪水充满了她的眼 眶。 specialolympics.org | She looked up in clear astonishment. specialolympics.org |
开办为期4年的眼科视光(荣誉)学士学位的目标是成为国内学 生 满 意 度 最高 的 眼 科 视 光课程。 systematic.edu.my | The SEGi [...] 4-Year Bachelor of Optometry (Hons) is set to be the optometry programme in the country for maximum student satisfaction. systematic.edu.my |
鉴于已宣布索马里南部 8 个地区中的 6 个为饥荒 区,过渡联邦当局必须表明,它有能力处理这种局面, 以及其首要目标是满足人民眼下的 需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | With famine having been declared in six of the eight regions of southern Somalia, the transitional federal authorities must show that they are able to deal with the situation and that their primary goal is meeting the immediate needs of the population. daccess-ods.un.org |
公司致力于长期合作,以创新眼光满 足 客户的业务需求。 tipschina.gov.cn | It is committed to long term collaboration, applying insight to create innovative answers to clients'' business needs. tipschina.gov.cn |
拥有一个全明星的配音阵容和开创性的视觉风格,推动边界的动画电影制作,机器人是一个令 人 眼 花 缭 乱, 充 满 乐 趣 的盛宴 的 眼 睛 和一个不分年龄人人共享的铆好时机! 标题大城市去追寻自己的梦想,帮助机器人处处与他天才的发明,一个小城镇机器人,:罗德尼Copperbottom(伊万·麦格雷戈)开始冒险的一生。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Featuring an all-star voice cast and a groundbreaking visual style that pushes the [...] boundaries of animated filmmaking, Robots is a [...] dazzling, fun-filled feast for the eyes and a riveting good time for all ages! en.seekcartoon.com |
看似毫不起眼,满天星 却蕴藏着珍贵的财富。 clarinsusa.com | Gypsophila hides a precious treasure [...] beneath its rustic appearance. clarinsusa.com |
此外,反恐中心还将着眼于帮助满足 会员国的能力建设需要,建立 关于世界各地反恐最佳做法的综合数据库。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, it will aim to help to address the capacity-building needs of Member States and to develop a comprehensive database of counter-terrorism best practices from around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
拥有一个全明星的配音阵容和开创性的视觉风格,推动边界的动画电影制作,机器人是一个令 人 眼 花 缭 乱, 充 满 乐 趣 的盛宴 的 眼 睛 和 一个不分年龄人人共享的铆好时机! 标题... zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Featuring an all-star voice cast and a groundbreaking visual style that pushes the [...] boundaries of animated filmmaking, Robots is a [...] dazzling, fun-filled feast for the eyes and a riveting good time for all ages! seekcartoon.com |
这些富含矿物质色素的眼影能够使眼 部 充 满 神 采。 clarinsusa.com | Highly concentrated in mineral [...] pigments, these eye shadows light up all eyes. clarinsusa.com |
大多数治疗服务着眼于满足类 阿 片和大麻使用者的需要,而苯丙胺类兴奋剂戒除治疗服务相对稀少,而且资源 不足。 daccess-ods.un.org | With most of the treatment services aimed at meeting the needs of opioid and cannabis users, ATS treatment services were relatively scarce and under-resourced. daccess-ods.un.org |
闪闪发亮的双环戒指上缀有一颗象征禁果的大仿水晶,而眼镜蛇的深红色仿水 晶 眼 睛 与 镶 满 黑 色 仿水晶的身驱形成强烈对比,相得益彰。 brand.swarovski.com | Shimmering in the double ring is a large crystal symbolizing the apple, the [...] forbidden fruit and the intense red color of the [...] snake’s crystal eyes flash dramatically against the black crystals of its body. brand.swarovski.com |
世界可 持续发展首脑会议(WSSD)(南非约翰内斯堡,2002 年 8 月 25 日至 9 月 4 日)提供了一 次特殊机会,强调了教科文组织教席计划对可持续发展的义务,尤其是这次会议 着 眼 于 提倡 满足终 身学习需要,促进学术界和其他有关各方的新的联姻。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) (Johannesburg, South Africa, 25 August-4 September 2002), offered a special opportunity to highlight the commitment of the UNESCO Chairs programme to sustainable development, especially with a view to its catering to advocacy, lifelong learning needs and fostering new alliances between academia and other stakeholders. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我禁不住紧紧抱住她,眼里噙满泪水。 daccess-ods.un.org | I couldn’t help it: I gave [...] her a tight hug, tears in my eyes. daccess-ods.un.org |
重建和复原将耗费巨大,但我们眼下的 挑战是满足数 百万流离失所者对粮食、卫生和清洁饮 用水的需求,以及重建被洪水毁坏的基础设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The reconstruction and rehabilitation costs are going to be huge, but our immediate challenge is to meet the food, health and clean drinking water needs of the millions displaced, and to rebuild the infrastructure destroyed by the floods. daccess-ods.un.org |
该缔约国许多囚犯的羁押条件令代表团 成员震惊,他们亲眼看到了人满为患 的严重后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The conditions in which many inmates [...] in the State party are held struck members of the delegation, who saw [...] first-hand the dire consequences of overcrowding. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们应当务实并注重成效,而且理所当然地 着 眼 于必 须满足实 地需要,协助各国和受到重创的民众结束暴 力和冲突,在实现和平的地方巩固和平,并最终帮助 非洲充分发挥其潜力,以造福其人民和全人类。 daccess-ods.un.org | We ought to be pragmatic and resultsoriented, driven, as we should be, by the imperative to respond to the needs on the ground, to assist countries and shattered communities to turn the page of violence and conflict, to consolidate peace where it has been achieved and, ultimately, to help Africa to fully exploit its potential for the good of its people and humankind overall. daccess-ods.un.org |