

单词 切面


tangent plane (math.)



tangent plane (a surface)

External sources (not reviewed)

AspectJis an aspect-orientedframework [...]
, which extends the Java language.
对于解除安装,我们建议内环和外 环切面15度,对应长度为3 mm。
For ease of assembly we recommend that the inner and outer races be chamfered at an angle of 15 degrees for a leghts of 3 mm.
( c ) 法 庭 可 要 求 准 陪 审 员 填 写 法 庭 认 为 有 关 和 必 要 的 其 他 问 卷 , 以 协 助 进 行 预 先 审 查 程 序 , 或 确 保 陪 审 团 能 按 法 律 的 规 定 充 份 地 代 表 人 口 中 的 均 匀切 面有 关 的 程 序 顸 经 当 地 的 法 庭 规 则 而 确 立 。
(c) The court may require a prospective juror to complete such additional questionnaires as may be deemed relevant and necessary for assisting in the voir dire process or to ascertain whether a fair cross section of the population is represented as required by law, if such procedures are established bylocal court rule.
Adrenocortical carcinomas usually have bigger sizes, which are often above 100 g. Some can reach more than 1000 g. They aggressively grow, have blur boundary, with brown yellow or multi-color section, soft nature, and often cause bleeding, necrosis, as well as cystis degeneration.
本文件目的在于:(1)描述小儿 TTE 的各类适 应症;(2)确定小儿超声心动图室的最佳仪器 设备和检查室的设置;(3)提供超声技师和医 师所必备的知识和培训的框架;(4)建立检查 操作步骤并确定必要的声窗切面5)建立 完整的小儿超声心动图检查所需基本测量项目清 单;(6)讨论小儿超声报告的要求和格式。
The purposes of this document are to: (1) describe indications for pediatric TTE; (2) define optimal instrumentation and laboratory setup for pediatric echocardiographic examinations; (3) provide a framework of necessary knowledge and training for sonographers and physicians; (4) establish an examination protocol that defines necessary echocardiographic windows and views; (5) establish a baseline listof recommended measurements to be performed in a complete pediatric echocardiogram; and (6) discuss reporting requirements and formatting of pediatric reports.
博纳 D710 是一种不含溶剂的镶木地板用分散型地板胶,符合 EN 14293(硬度)标准,尤其适于在拼花镶木地板、厚度不超过 40 毫米的切面或其他在使用中不必经常移动的地板上使用。
Bona D710 is a solvent free dispersion based parquet adhesive according to EN 14293 (hard), especially suitable for mosaic parquet, end grain when thickness does not exceed 40 mm and other wood flooring material with low movement in service.
Evidence for spermatozoal autapomorphies has not yet found in the family Sincidae, but sperms do differ, in various degrees, among different taxa of skinks in such ultrastructure traits as acrosome vesicle, subacrosomal space, transparency in epinuclear zone, nuclear shoulder, arrangement of mitochondria and dense bodies in the longitudinal section, ring structure formed by the dense body and mitochondria in the transverse section.
受到Paco Rabanne金属服装的灵感启迪,圆形包装瓶通过一个镶金正面体现了优雅、现代的主张,瓶子上切面则借助一系列的小平面露出了那令人迷醉的香味。
Inspired by Paco Rabanne’s famous metal dresses, the curvaceous bottle asserts its elegance and modernity with a burnished and embossed front whose facets reveal a stunning fragrance.
In friction stir welding, a cylindrical shouldered tool with a profiled pin is rotated and slowly plunged into the joining area between two pieces of sheet or plate material, which are butted together.
The centenary of the brand in 2006, is celebrated among others by the filing of a patent on a specific diamond cut called "size Montblanc" to 43 facets (compared with 57facets ofa brilliant classic).
(c) 在包括海洋科学和技术转让在内的海洋事务和海洋法面切设能力 所面临的挑战
(c) Challenges for achieving effective capacity-building in ocean affairs and the law of the sea, including marine science and transfer of technology
按照附加说明的议程,小组讨论分四部分进行:(a) 评估包括海洋科学在内 的海洋事务和海洋法方面的能力建设需求;(b) 包括海洋科学和技术转让在内的 海洋事务和海洋法方面能力建设活动/倡议概述;(c) 在包括海洋科学和技术转 让在内的海洋事务和海洋法面切设能力所面临的挑战;(d) 加强海洋事务 和海洋法方面能力建设的新办法、最佳做法和机遇。
In accordance with the annotated agenda, discussions in the panel were structured around four segments: (a) assessing the need for capacity-building in ocean affairs and the law of the sea, including marine science; (b) overview of capacity-building activities/initiatives in ocean affairs and the law of the sea, including marine science and transfer of technology; (c) challenges for achieving effective capacity-building in ocean affairs and the law of the sea, including marine science and transfer of technology; and (d) new approaches, best practices and opportunities for improved capacity-building in ocean affairs and the law of the sea.
建议全会以及大会各讲习班讨论 的专题包括如下:在预防犯罪和司法救济面切现性别平等;关于预防受 害的立法和政策;防范非法贩运文化财产;新型犯罪;预防青年犯罪;加强私 营和公营部门在预防和打击犯罪方面的协调增效;网络犯罪;以及包括社区服 务在内的各种非监禁替代做法。
Among the topics suggested for the plenary proceedings and the workshops of the Congress were the following: effective gender equality in crime prevention and access to justice; legislation and policies to prevent victimization; protection against illicit traffic of cultural property; new forms of crime; prevention of youth crime; strengthening of synergies between the private and public sectors to prevent and combat crime; cybercrime; and alternative forms of imprisonment, including community service.
多种连接介面符合市场需求: 不管市场上客户所使用的键盘或滑鼠是PS/2 或USB介面或是萤幕使用D-SUB或DVI介面连接头,ATEN KVM 连接线提供多款的PS/2介面、USB 介面及DVI面切连接线,能满足不同介面的需求。
A wide variety of connector interfaces to meet a wide variety of market requirements: No matter if your clients require PS/2 or USB connectors for the keyboard and mouse; or a D-SUB or DVI interface for the video, there is an ATEN KVM cable to satisfy their needs.
另外,委员会注意到指定了专门的少年司法检察官,但关切的是,这些 检察官不能充分履行其职责,因为没有为他们提供在少年司法面切现专门 化的条件。
Furthermore, while noting as positive the appointment of juvenile-specific prosecutors, the Committee is concerned at their being unable to adequately serve this function as they are not provided withasituation which allows for their effective specialization in juvenile justice.
集团重点强调在安全面切沾自喜,强调监管机构独立的重要性以及在获得训练有素的工作人员 [...]
方面的各种挑战,并赞扬原子能机构秘书处在突出强调关键问题和趋势方面发挥 积极作用。
The Group highlights the need to
[...] avoid complacency regarding safety,the importance [...]
of the independence of the regulatory
body, and the challenges concerning the availability of well-trained staff, and acknowledges the active role of the IAEA secretariat in highlighting key issues and trends.
会议重申,没有财政资源就不 可能确保朝着非洲人后裔面切有所有人权的方向进步。
It was reiterated that without financial resources, it would not be possible to ensure progress towards the full and effective enjoyment of all human rights by people of African descent.
即 使实施需求面切行的交通管理措施,仍有迫切的 需要兴建中环湾仔绕道和 P2 道路网。
The Government has adopted and will adopt both demand side traffic management and supply sidetraffic management measures in resolving traffic congestion problems.
安全理事会谴责对妇女的性暴力和其他形式暴力,包括贩运人口,呼 吁武装冲突各方确保保护妇女,并强调必须惩处应对基于性别 的暴力行为负责者,杜绝有罪不罚现象。
The Security Council condemns sexual and other forms of violence against women, including trafficking in persons, and calls upon all parties to armed conflict to ensure full and effective protection of women and emphasizes the necessity to end impunity of those responsible for genderbased violence.
4 月 28 日,根据安全理事会第 1956(2010)号决议第 4 段,伊拉克政府向安 全理事会提出了一份报告(S/2011/290),说明伊拉克政府已完成有关安排,确保面切渡到新的机制以取代伊拉克发展基金。
On 28 April, pursuant to paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 1956 (2010), the Government of Iraq submitted a report (S/2011/290) to the Security Council confirming that it had completed the arrangements that will ensure the full and effective transition to a new mechanism to replace the Development Fund for Iraq.
尽管阿塞拜疆约有 20%的国土仍受到我们邻国亚 美尼亚共和国的军事占领,尽管由此导致我国约有 100 万难民和境内流离失所者,但阿塞拜疆政府重申, 它坚定地致力于到 2015 年实千年发展 目标。
Despite the ongoing military occupation of about 20 per cent of the territory of Azerbaijan by our neighbour, the Republic of Armenia, and the resulting presence of almost 1 million refugees and forcibly displaced persons in our country, the Government of Azerbaijan reiterates its strong commitment to fully andeffectively implementing the MDGs by 2015.
欣见《联合国打击贩运人口活动全球行动计划》15 的通过,强调指出该计划 对打击暴力侵害妇女行为的促进作用,并强调指出需要以执行
Welcoming the adoption of the United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons,15 and stressing its contribution to combating violence against women and the need for its full and effective implementation
审理公民诉求,协助恢复被侵犯的权利和自由是人权事务专员进一步发展 其与国家机关、法院,以及执法机构的协作关系的优先任务之一,以便在乌兹别 克斯坦面切尊重和保护人权和自由。
The consideration of complaints from citizens and the provision of assistance in correcting infringements of their rights and freedoms are two of the Ombudsman’s priority tasks as part of efforts to build up interactive relations with State authorities, the courts and the law enforcement agencies with a view to achieving the full and effective observance and protection of human rights and freedoms in Uzbekistan.
乌克兰满意地注意到,塞尔 维亚通过了在审议期间所作的大多数建议,并欢迎塞尔维亚打算面切行这些 建议并已采取措施执行这些建议,表示相信塞尔维亚将取得更大的进步。
Ukraine noted with satisfaction that Serbia has adopted the majority of recommendations made during the review and welcomed its intention to ensure their full and effective implementation as well as measures already taken and expressed its conviction that Serbia will make further progress.
安全理事会再次承诺行其关于武装冲突中保护平民的各 项决议,并回顾其以往关于此问题的各项主席声明。
The Security Council reaffirms its commitment to the full and effective implementation of its resolutions on the protection of civilians in armed conflict and recalls previous statements on the issue made by its President.
多民族玻利维亚国为起草土着自治章程提供技术支持,促进执行第二个世界 土着人国际十年目标的下列目标:促进土着人民面切与对其有影响的决 策;按照符合文化习惯的方式,从公平角度重新定义发展,即“兼顾特性的发展”; 通过明确针对土着人的政策、方案、项目和预算。
In the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the technical support provided in the preparation of the indigenous autonomous statutes promotes compliance with the following objectives of the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People: to promote full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in decisions affecting them; redefine development from a vision of equity in a culturally appropriate way, “development with identity”; and adopt targeted policies, programmes, projects and budgets for indigenous peoples.




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