单词 | 字母顺序 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 字母顺序 —order of letters in an alphabetExamples:字母顺序概率—probability of letter sequences See also:字母 n—letter n • alphanumeric n • alphabet n 顺序 n—order n 顺序 pl—sequences pl 顺序 adj—sequential adj 字母—letter (of the alphabet)
可以选 择一种颜色, 并从右边的表格中增 [...] 加或插入一种手柄颜色的代号, 以 便于面板安装和颜色代号都是按 照字母顺序排列的。 swagelok.com.cn | For an optional color, add or insert a [...] handle color designator from the table at right so that the panel-mounting and color [...] designators are in alphabetical order. swagelok.com.cn |
例如,单击 SMC 或 Jergens,其位于下方以字母顺序排列 的供应商列表中,可为您显示该供应商可用的所有认可组件模型的列表。 3dcontentcentral.cn | For example, clicking on SMC or [...] Jergens from the alphabetical list of suppliers [...]below will show you a list of all the certified [...]components models available from that supplier. 3dcontentcentral.com |
在所有情况下,无论发言时间长短,报名发言的代表团均将按英文国名 的字母顺序排列。 daccess-ods.un.org | In all cases, regardless of speaking time, the delegations inscribed on the list of speakers will be arranged in alphabetical order of the country names in English. daccess-ods.un.org |
19.2 如果报告人不再代表委员会一委员国,或者由于某种原因不能任满其任期,则按主席团 成员国从报告人所属国开始的英文 字母顺序 指 定一位副主席代替其任满所剩任期。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 19.2 If the Rapporteur ceases to represent a State member of the Committee or if he/she is for any reason unable to complete his/her term of office, [...] he/she is replaced by a Vice- Chairperson, [...] in the English alphabetical order of States [...]members of the Bureau, for the remainder of the term of office. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其他国家将按照英 文字母顺序安排座位,各主要委员会亦将按照相同的顺序安排座位。 daccess-ods.un.org | The other countries will follow in the English alphabetical order and the same order will be observed in the Main Committees. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,现在大会面前摆着作为文件 A/66/514 分发的秘书长的说明,其中按 字母顺序 合 并 列出联合 国会员国政府所提名参加国际法委员会选举的候选 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this connection, the Assembly now has before it the note by the Secretary-General circulated as document A/66/514, which consolidates, in alphabetical order, the candidates nominated by Governments of States Members of the United Nations for election to the International Law Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于除了黑色以外的其它颜色, 请添加或插入一个破折号和一个衬 套颜色代号, 这样代号就是按字母顺序排列。 swagelok.com.cn | For a sleeve color other than black, add or insert a dash and a sleeve color designator so that the designators are in alphabetical order. swagelok.com.cn |
其他三位获得 5 000 欧元奖金的获奖者分别为(按照 字母顺序 排 名 ):Shelby B. Hutchens 博士(美国),来自美国加州理工学院,现于美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校从事博士后研究工作;李相宇博士(韩国),来自美国明尼苏达大学,现为明尼苏达大学博士后;Neil [...] [...] D. Treat 博士(美国),来自美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校,现为英国伦敦帝国学院博士后。 quadrantplastics.com | The other three Quadrant Award [...] winners, who have won prizes of EUR 5 000 each are (in alphabetical order): Dr. [...]Shelby B. Hutchens (USA), [...]California Institute of Technology, USA, post-doctoral position at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA; Dr. Sangwoo Lee (South Korea), University of Minnesota, USA, post-doctoral position at the University of Minnesota; and Dr. Neil D. Treat (USA), University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, post-doctoral position at Imperial College London, UK. quadrantplastics.com |
因此,本报告按英文字母顺序列出 各国的数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, the data in this report are provided by country, listed in alphabetical order. daccess-ods.un.org |
所涉的这些机构的名单已按字母顺序 排 列 附于文件 170 EX/29 附件 I,但“教科文组织 --巴斯克地区中心”除外,因该文件已提供了有关该中心的评估结果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They are the institutions listed in alphabetical order in Annex I of document 170 EX/29, with the exception of the UNESCO-Basque Country Centre, the result of whose evaluation was reflected in that document. unesdoc.unesco.org |
以下是第29届会议一般性辩论的发言稿,按日期和英 文 字母顺序 排 列 ,如未另加说明,均为英文PDF文件。 un.org | The statements made at the General Debate of the 29h Session are presented by date and in alphabetical order. un.org |
按英文字母顺序排列,这些国家是: 阿尔巴尼亚、阿根廷、奥地利、阿塞拜疆、白俄罗斯、玻利维亚、巴西、保加利 亚、布隆迪、中国、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、约旦、荷 兰、挪威、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、沙特阿拉伯、塞尔维亚、西班牙、联合王国、 美国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国和越南。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those States are, in alphabetical order, Albania, Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Jordan, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Viet Nam. daccess-ods.un.org |
选手比赛的顺序按字母 顺序确定 ,以一个随机抽取的字母开始。 concorsobusoni.it | The order in which the candidates will play is alphabetical, starting with a letter drawn by lot. concorsobusoni.it |
秘 书长编制了下列名单,按字母顺序开列 2009 年 3 月 9 日前提名的所有候选人, 并列出提名的缔约国。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General has prepared the following list, in alphabetical order, of all persons nominated by 9 March 2009, indicating the States parties that had nominated them. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些模块提供了有声和无声两种形式,这些模块按供应商名称 的 字母顺序 列 出,非常容易找到。 digikey.cn | These modules are available in audio and non-audio formats and listed by supplier in easy-to-find alphabetical order. digikey.ca |
(c) 秘书长应按照字母顺序,将 按上文(a)段被提名的委员会候选人编制成 一份名单,列明提名的管理局成员,并将按上文(b)段提交的资格说明或简历列 在附件中;该名单应在管理局举行选举的届会开幕前至少两个月内分发给管理局 所有成员(ISBA/13/C/6)。 isa.org.jm | (c) The Secretary-General shall prepare a list in alphabetical order of the persons nominated for election to the Commission in accordance with paragraph (a) above, indicating the nominating member of the Authority, and containing an annex with the statements of qualification or curricula vitae submitted in accordance with paragraph (b) above; the list shall be circulated to all members of the Authority not less than two months prior to the opening of the session at which the election is to be held (ISBA/13/C/6). isa.org.jm |
如果国际注册被转让的各部分(均以原始注册号加字母登 记)全部或部分相互合并,但是各被转让部分商品和/或服务不同,所产生的 [...] 国际注册的注册号为原始国际注册的注册号加上未曾与有关国际注册的注册 号一同使用过的下一个大写字母(按 字母顺序 )。 wipo.int | (each recorded under the original number plus a letter) are merged amongst themselves, but the assigned parts do not cover the same goods and/or services, the resulting international registration will bear the number of the original international [...] registration together with the next [...] capital letter (in the alphabetical order) not previously [...]used in conjunction with the number [...]of the international registration concerned. wipo.int |
缔约国将按字母 顺序排列 ,并将按照字母排列进行抽签。 daccess-ods.un.org | States parties will be listed alphabetically and the lots will be drawn on the basis of that list. daccess-ods.un.org |
表 2 按字母顺序列出 了 Create Form(创建表格)模式命令,详细说明在被引 页上。 printronix.cn | Listed in alphabetical order, Create Form mode commands are summarized in Table 2 and fully described on the referenced pages. printronix.cn |
按照惯例,秘书长已举行抽签,选出坐在大会会场第一个桌位的会员国,从 该桌位开始按字母顺序安排席次。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with established practice, the Secretary-General has drawn lots for the purpose of choosing the Member State to occupy the first desk on the General Assembly floor from which the alphabetical seating order will begin. daccess-ods.un.org |
按照既定惯例,巴布亚新几内亚经抽签选定为在 按 字母顺序 的 贸 发十三大座 次安排中排在首位的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with established practice, Papua New Guinea was drawn by lot to be first in the alphabetical order to be used for seating arrangements at UNCTAD XIII. daccess-ods.un.org |
书记官长应依字母顺序编制 所提出的全部候选人名单,载明提名的缔约国,并在每次选举之日前最后一个月 [...] 的第七天以前将其提交各缔约国。 daccess-ods.un.org | He shall [...] prepare a list in alphabetical order of all [...]the persons thus nominated, with an indication of the States Parties [...]which have nominated them, and shall submit it to the States Parties before the seventh day of the last month before the date of each election. daccess-ods.un.org |
在默认情况下, 清单中的原料以字母顺序排序。 evapig.com | By default, the list is sorted by alphabetical order. evapig.com |
在遵守本规则第58 条的前提下,委员会一般应实行举手表决,在有任何委 [...] 员要求的情况下也可实行唱名表决,唱名表决应从主席抽签决定的委员开始,按 委员姓名英文字母顺序进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | hands, except that any member may request a roll-call, which shall then be taken in the alphabetical [...] order of the names of the members of the Committee, beginning with [...] the member whose name is drawn by lot [...]by the Chairperson. daccess-ods.un.org |
z 如果原料之前已经按照化学值或是营养价值进行了排序,那么点击清单头,此清单将以 字母顺序进行排序。 evapig.com | If the list of ingredients has been sorted previously by a chemical or nutritional value, click on the list header to sort it alphabetically again. evapig.com |
注意:如果您不要按字母顺序放置 电子邮件地址,可取消选取 按 字母 顺序添加到列表。 graphics.kodak.com | NOTE: If you do not want the email address placed in alphabetical order, uncheck Add to list alphabetically. graphics.kodak.com |
具有讽刺意味的是,DomainConsultant.com昨日宣布,在其从现在起一直到5月5日的域名拍卖活动中,Reserve.com将被无“底价”拍卖,美国太平洋时间5月5日中午12点,将按 照 字母顺序 开 始对域名进行拍卖。 tipschina.gov.cn | In an ironic twist, DomainConsultant.com announced yesterday the availability of Reserve.com without a 'reserve' price in its domain name auction going on now through May 5th -- when lots begin to close in alphabetical order at 12pm PDT. tipschina.gov.cn |
本清单与麻管局业已印制的“黄单”和“绿单”相似,其中分别列出了受国际管制的麻醉药品 和精神药物清单,并按字母顺序列出了麻醉药品和精神药物的其他名称和商品名称。 incb.org | The list is comparable to the lists of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances [...] under international [...] control, and the alphabetical listings of other names and trade names of narcotic [...]drugs and psychotropic [...]substances, which are published by the Board as the "Yellow List" and the "Green List", respectively. incb.org |
当股市(Bovespa)加入了巴西的商品及期货2008创建的BM&FBOVESPA(尽管 的 字母顺序 , 内 容如下:证券交易所,商品期货交易所),它被称为,然后新的Exchange。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | When the Stock Exchange (Bovespa) joined the Brazilian Mercantile & Futures 2008 was created BM & FBovespa (despite the order of the letters, reads: Stock Exchange, Commodities and Futures Exchange) or, as it was called, then New Exchange. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
没有在系列优雅指数;一个由SCHOLAREOS内容(雅典,1879年,有用的) 按 字母顺序 排 列,其他出版物,不包括在米涅的PITRA,是法学ecclesiastici [...] Graecarum历史。 mb-soft.com | there is no index in the [...] Series grace; an alphabetical list of contents [...]by SCHOLAREOS (Athens, 1879, useful); other publications, [...]not included in Migne, by PITRA, are Juris ecclesiastici Graecarum hist. mb-soft.com |